UBA about $240 fees to get your money/VisaCard from : helen1ukpa@yahoo.co.uk
E-mail d'origine-----
De : atm visa atmvisacardexpressevice@fastservice.com
Envoyé le : Je, xx Sep 2017
Sujet : UBA about $240 fees to get your money/VisaCard from : helen1ukpa@yahoo.co.uk
Résultat de recherche d'images pour "uba logo"
Dakar, Route des Almadies, Zone 12 lot D
(+221) 70 888 18 35
(+221) 33 835 40 82
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FOTO ROUBADA POR SCAMMERS EMAILS DO GOLPISTA - atmvisacardexpressevice@fastservice.com helen1ukpa@yahoo.co.uk |
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From: Andrew Allen - andrewallen2889@gmail.com
Date: 2017-09-xx
Londres, Reino Unido.
Caro xxxx,
Este é o meu segundo e último email pessoal dirigido a você e eu solicito que ele seja tratado como tal porque você nunca respondeu ao meu primeiro e-mail para você. Sou Andrew Allen, advogado e advogado em direito. Eu sou o advogado pessoal / único executor do falecido Sr. George Belmiro, doravante denominado "meu cliente" que trabalhou como comerciante de petróleo independente no meu país no Reino Unido antes de morrer em um acidente de carro com sua família imediata no dia 28 de julho , 2004.
Eu realizei essa pesquisa em você e entre em contato com você porque você tem um sobrenome semelhante com o do meu cliente atrasado e os outros motivos são os seguintes: desde a morte do meu cliente em julho de 2004, escrevi várias cartas para Sua embaixada com a intenção de localizar qualquer um dos seus parentes extensos, que devem ser requerentes / beneficiários de sua propriedade pessoal abandonada e todos esses esforços foram inúteis.
No entanto, passando pelas publicações recentes pelo banco do Trustee em que meu cliente depositou o montante de £ 8.7m (GBP), receio que os futuros processos de liquidação sejam prováveis. Eu procuro o seu consentimento, portanto, para apresentá-lo aos curadores como parentes mais próximos do meu cliente, pois você tem um sobrenome semelhante com ele para que você possa ajudar a repatriar o dinheiro para uma conta estrangeira e eu prometo uma parcela justa entre nós no final Da transferência.
Se você estiver muito interessado, contacte-me através do meu endereço de e-mail seguro; andrewallen_uk@lawyer.com para que eu possa avaliá-lo com mais detalhes. Garanto-vos que tenho todos os requisitos para executar esta reivindicação legitimamente.
Por favor, deixe-me ter sua opinião o mais rápido possível e envie-me seus números de telefone e fax para nos permitir discutir mais sobre esta transação.
Andrew Allen ( Esq ) .
Hi Teacher
mmssv mmssv = mmssve@outlook.com
Hi Teacher,
I got to know that you are an English teacher and i decided to contact you to know if you will be able to come to London, England to teach my family English Language, We are South Koreans Residing in England.I need a teacher who will come to England to teach my family English for a period of 1 and half year.
I will give you accommodation and also pay you monthly salary of five thousand British pounds sterling, Though i have read your brief profile but i will like you to send me your updated CV,picture and also your availability date. write me for more details.
Son Jin Young and the Family.
Donation Of Faith ,
Mrs. Theresa Bunkall kkk0011@vir-gor-4k.cf por virgor4kcf.onmicrosoft.com
Dearest One Please Be Honest,
My name is Mrs. Theresa Bunkall I am a dying woman who had decided to donate what I have to the Charities. I am 65 years old and was diagnosed for cancer about four years ago, immediately after the death of my husband.
I have been touched to donate from what I have inherited from my late husband for the good work rather than allow his relatives to lavish my husband's hard earned fund.
As I lay on my sick bed, I want you to help me in carrying out my last wish on earth which will also be very profitable to you. I want to WILL a total sum of $5.5 million USD to you which I want you to distribute part of it to any charity home for me and the rest for yourself and your family. I will inform you on how to share all, please for further information contact me ASAP.(teresakall2@yahoo.fr)
Mrs. Theresa Bunkall
Hello Dear, your inherited fund
Marie-Christine Legris - mchristine.legris@univ-artois.fr
Hello Dear
I am Barrister. Mike Edward a lawyer in Cotonou Benin Republic. Mr. Jorge., a gold merchant, who was my client died as a result of lung cancer. Now I want to present you as the next of kin, to Mr. Jorge Bank so that the money left behind by Mr. Jorge can be transfer to your account through my help. The money value of $ 10.5Million (Ten million five hundred thousand united states dollars) was deposited in a bank here by Mr. Jorge before his Death on 23 November 2010.
Further explanation, try get back to me soon.
Best regards,
Barr Mike Edward
RESPONDER PARA - Edward Mike - advocatedward.mike@yahoo.fr
Douglas Pound Solicitors kayobi24@vir-gor-4k.ga por virgor4kga.onmicrosoft.com
07:51 (Há 10 horas)
I am Douglas Pound, attorney to my late client Late Mr. Romans Blum who was a businessman, a Holocaust survivor and real estate developer, who died Jan 23 2012. He left behind no heirs and no surviving family members to claim the amounting $12.8 Million with the ABERDEEN ASSET AND FINANCE UNITED KINGDOM, his former spouse died in 1992 and the couple was childless. We contacted you as a matter of urgency to become the Next of Kin to late Mr. Romans Blum to enable us claim the above fund.
I have tried to locate his extended relatives whom we shall bequeath his abandoned personal estate to but all such attempts have been unsuccessful. The ABERDEEN ASSET AND FINANCE UNITED KINGDOM has ask me to present any of his relative who will received the fund since he is my client. I have all valid documents to formally bestow you all legitimate rights as the sole inheritor to receive the funds of the estate but I require your approval to proceed.
I contacted you as a matter of urgency to become the Next of Kin to late Mr. Romans Blum to enable us claim the above fund. I have all valid documents to formally bestow you all legitimate rights as the sole inheritor to receive the funds of the estate but I require your approval to proceed.
View the website below to read more about this deal,
I understand from your mind, you will say you are not relative with this person. That is not a problem, am the one who will handle this before the funds get to you, all i need from you is your trust and honestly that you will not betray me when this fund get into your hand.
I found out that some internet element has abused the legality of this humble letter so in case you may receive similar letter from those scammer please forward it to me for advise.
kindly get back to us with your full information such as:
A) Your Full Name,
B)Your Full Address,
C) Your Direct Cell Number,
D) Your Occupation
E) Age.
If you have any queries, e-mail me back and you can reach me on my number + 44 20 30 954 171 for further discussion.
Best regards,
Douglas Pound
Senior Partner
Douglas Pound Solicitors
38 Hillary Road Maidstone Keent Me142Ju United Kingdom.
RESPONDER PARA - mailto.douglaspound1@gmail.com
"Danso Philip.Q = www.@galaxy.ocn.ne.jp
For your Attention,
I am a Banker with one of the oldest Foreign Bank in the Republic of Ghana. West Africa. I have a fantastic and attractive financial proposal that might interest you. I will appreciate if you will respond to me through the following email address for full details of my business proposition: philip.q.danso888@gmail.com
Danso Philip.Q
MRS MELANIA TRUMP www.@mocha.ocn.ne.jp
moreover,in respect of fact the sum of $50 million united dollars was instructed to transfer on your favor through Check ,And i wish to let you know that every
necessary things has been accessed by IMF on the economic recovery program done by united state embassy in government house of Benin for victim who lost fund to con
African artist ,And you have nothing to be worried about.
Below is the required information i need from you so that the delivery of your check will commence immediately today
Home address:...........................................
Cell phone number:......................................
valid Email Address................................
We advice you to prohibit any other transaction you are having with an unknown source to avoid regret there after.And we urge you to comply fast with the managerial
demands so that you can have your legit check book with immediate effect as instructed from White house(Washington DC)
Email (mrsmelaniatrumph@gmail.com)
Thanks and always be bless
Mr Athony Weiner <"WWW."@rose.ocn.ne.jp>
7 de set (Há 1 dia)
This is to Inform you that an ATM Card Number: 4283 0830 worth $3.5Million US Dollars has been accredited by the Federal Government of Benin Republic as Fund Compensation currently approved in your favour according to the meeting held by The United Nations, FBI, IMF, UPS and Interpol to verify and confirm your past transactions with the officials and government of Benin Republic. The package has been released today for delivery by the above agencies. You are receiving this email message in order to fully compensate victims that have had problems in receiving their funds or lost funds in the process.Your name is among the list of beneficiaries for the above payment approved in your favour. We the UPS Delivery Agency registered under Benin Republic government is charged to deliver your ATM visa Card package to your door-step as soon as we receive your delivery information written below.
Full Names: /
Home Address: /
Mobile Telephone Number: /
Sex: /
Kindly Note that the delivery of your ATM visa Card is still on hold pending when you register the package for delivery. We dont do cash on delivery. You are also advice to go to our UPS Delivery Centre Close to you and register your name and this package before delivery to your door step. As soon as the package is registered with our office close to you, you are advice to send us your full information to notify us of your readiness to receive your package.
Mr Anthony Weiner
Email weiner_anthony@yahoo.com
ResponderExcluirLondres, Reino Unido.
Este é um email pessoal dirigido a você e peço que seja tratado como tal. Sou Andrew Allen, advogado e advogado. Eu sou a única pessoa / executor a sentir o Sr. George THOMASSEN, referido abaixo como "meu cliente" que trabalhou como comerciante de petróleo independente no meu país no Reino Unido antes de morrer em um acidente com carro com a família imediata em 28 de julho de 2004.
Realizado por essa missão em você e eu entrei em contato com você, porque você mantém um sobrenome semelhante ao do meu cliente no final e os seguintes motivos são os seguintes:
Desde a morte do meu cliente em julho de 2004, escrevi algumas cartas para sua embaixada para encontrar qualquer um dos seus parentes extensivos que serão os Requerentes / Beneficiários de seu bem pessoal abandonado e Todos esses esforços foram ineficazes.
No entanto, passando de uma questão de janeiro do banco confiável em que meu cliente apresentou £ 8,7 milhões (GBP), receio a conclusão do processo nos próximos meses. Por isso, peço sua aprovação para apresentá-lo aos fideicomissos, como meu parente, para dar um sobrenome semelhante para que você possa ajudar a repatriar o dinheiro para uma conta estrangeira e lhe prometer uma parcela justa entre nós no final da transferência.
Responde urgentemente se você estiver muito interessado, você também pode me contatar através do meu endereço de e-mail oficial, andrewallen700@gmail.com para que eu possa avaliar você com mais detalhes. Garanto-lhe que tenho todos os requisitos para executar este pedido legítimo.
Permita-me ter a sua opinião o mais rápido possível e enviar-me os seus números de telefone e fax para nos permitir continuar a discutir esta transacção.
Andrew Allen (Esq).