De : Henry Cam ESQ -
Cc: williamsangelina1111>
Envoyé le : Ma, 28 Mar 2017
Sujet : Your information immediately for 's transfer.
Henry Cam
Law Chambers Barristers & Solicitor
The Senior Advocate of Senegal
No. 46 PARCELLE UNIT 12 (2nd floor)
Dakar - Senegal
Telephone :221 772 401 758
This message is from the law firm of Barrister Henry Cam of Cam Law Chambers & Associates, Henry Cam Law Chambers Barristers & Solicitors is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender by reply e-mail and delete all copies of this message.
Sequel to your mail request, i have written to the management of Royal Bank Of Scotland to kindly reconfirm the genuine and authenticity of your claim as soon as they resume work.
Meanwhile, i shall inquire from the high court of Dakar about compulsory court fees placed on the documents which must be paid by you to the treasury of Judiciary division Republic of Senegal before the documents can be procured and notarized as the law of the Republic of Senegal demands.
Remember, the power of attorney will cost you money if you are ready to pay the court fee then send your information i will take it to high court to know how much it will cost you but if you are not ready to pay the court fee please do not send your information because is compulsory that court will ask their fee which will be paid by you .
Please kindly forward me the following details as soon as you receive this message :
Your full name.....................
Full address..................
Id number or passport number.............
Telephone number .......................
Date of birth...........
Marital status...............
as it must appear on the power of attorney.
I look forward to hear from you to enable me present the total costs before the power of attorney can be issued to you in high court of Senegal . if you know that you are not ready to pay the court fee please do not send your information because the court must collect their fee before accepting to prepare the document on your behalf i hope i made my self clear to you .
The Henry Cam chambers is here to give all his Clients the best of services.
Yours in service.
Barr. Henry Cam, Principal Attorney.
Cam Law Chambers and Associates.
For Chamber's use only.
De: Diego Williams -
Enviado: segunda-feira, XX de março de 2017
Assunto: AMOR
Olá meu amor, estamos encontrando sério problema aqui no navio, houve uma tempestade pesada e afetou o navio a motor eo navio agora perdeu o equilíbrio e está ameaçando afundar, agora estamos trabalhando duro e incansavelmente para recuperá-lo Seu lugar normal, eu quero que você ore por mim porque é muito ruim aqui, eu preciso de suas orações tanto neste momento, eu só tive um curto intervalo para escrever esta mensagem porque eu sabia que você tinha que estar muito preocupado comigo , Porque você não ouviu falar de mim, é uma condição muito crítica, eu quero que você se acalme e não se preocupe demais, porque eu acredito que Deus nunca vai me decepcionar ... porque eu coloquei minha confiança e eu acredito que ele Nunca deixe-me para baixo, alertou a equipe de resgate, mas eles ainda estão por vir, porque o nosso dispositivo de rastreamento GPS depende do motor do navio para fazê-lo funcionar ... agora parece que estamos presos .... meu querido, este foi o Foto tirada pela câmera no exterior do navio, envio a foto para você porque eu quero que você entenda o que eu sou Falando, porque você é agora a única pessoa que eu posso falar sobre isso ... você é uma pessoa especial para mim e é por isso que eu estou dizendo a você .... realmente precisa de suas orações
De: Diego Williams -
Enviado: quinta-feira, XX de março de 2017
Assunto: OI AMOR
Olá minha rainha,
Estou ótimo e como você está? Ok eu ainda estou fazendo os preparativos para a minha viagem, minha filha monalisa não pode vir comigo seus exames na escola está chegando, no entanto vou estar lá no Brasil para 7weeks, este será o meu último trabalho depois que eu quero me aposentar da minha Trabalho, obrigado por me deixar que eu posso sempre contar com você, quero que você saiba que você sempre pode contar comigo a qualquer momento que você precisa de mim, e eu sempre estarei lá para você, eu também salvei sua foto no meu Celular e quando eu acordo cada dia eu beijo sua foto no meu celular. Eu vou fazer compras hoje, eu quero comprar para você muitos presentes meu amor, você sabe o tamanho de seu dedo .. Meu amor que nós entramos em se pelo destino e você entrou em minha vida quando parece tudo estava para baixo , Você veio e você acende minha vida. Nós somos ambos pássaros de espírito livre, mas voamos juntos para sempre. É você que eu tenho tanta certeza de passar o resto da minha vida com, casar, ter filhos com, amar e amar para sempre e eternamente. E como o medo pode parar de amar, o amor pode parar o seu medo. Eu acredito que isto seja verdade. Quando olho para o nosso futuro, você está sempre imaginado lá. Eu me preocupo e eu me importo com você. Isso é para ser, não tenho nenhuma dúvida em minha mente. Eu já pensei que eu estive no amor, mas então você veio junto, tomou a minha mão e me educou ainda mais para aprender sobre o que o amor é realmente. Tenho muito o que agradecer. Obrigado por acreditar em mim quando eu não podia ver nenhuma luz. Obrigado por me dar a liberdade de lhe dizer como me sinto sem sentir medo de sua reação. Obrigado pelo seu respeito dos meus pensamentos e sentimentos. O fato de que ainda não consigo encontrar as palavras para descrever exatamente como meu coração se sente quando estou com você. No entanto, mesmo se eu tivesse todo o vocabulário descritivo embutido no meu cérebro, tenho certeza Que ainda não haveria uma palavra que cabia exatamente certo. Amar você até que o céu caia, fique abençoado.
Esperança para ler de você logo,
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-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : hsbcbank77813 -
Envoyé le : Lu, 27 Mar 2017 20:22
Sujet : $250 fees about your $4.5m. ATM card from :,
The Automated Teller Machine ATM.
United Nations, Foreign Payments
net work of World Bank agency.
Cotonou, Benin.
Payment bill no. : Ecobank/4071/drc/1806/ctfc-313/00. eb/gov.
File no. : fgn/87653
Allocation no. : 10x453aa/765
Payment Code: 400326AX
Sequence no. : ppp/3997/89
Payment Value : US$4.5Million
Attn: Beneficiary
This is an other from United Nations and sign by the World Bank figure head here in West Africa. The Government approved the money in worth of US$4,5 million US Dollar) in your favour from :,
was deposited here in this of UN/World Bank for Atm network. This funds was deposited by Dr. Okagba Pius(on contracts) under the out going manager operation who assigned to convert your contract payment into an Automated Teller Machine ATM in worth of US$4.5 million It will be directed to your home address at ATM details :
Proxy-Disk no:Z562UN8-45
Paper (exchanger ordering Checks): US$4.5Million
Electronic (ex. Direct Deposit/Automatic Payment)
ATM INSTALLED AMOUNT: US$4.5Million Your withdrawal details,
The limit of your daily withdrawal is $20.000 in US Dollars, per day and we will send you a renewal codes after your first Four Months of withdrawals if you have not exhausted funds then. All process of your ATM paying card are ready and you would withdraw from all locations of ATM machine in any part of the world, we shall supply you with the serial and pin code number via email prior to the reach of the card. Your ATM Visa will leave to your country and to your home address within some hours now and it will get to your country within 72 hours as the DHL Company director promised us. Your thereby required to send the delivery fees
$250.00 dollars
according to the DHL Company director then your Parcel will leave this week and within 72 hours after the fee is confirm you will receive your ATM Card. After the delivery fee is confirm by the receiver then we verify the movement. If you receive the Card before this time then try to let us know. I am given you below the receiver information:
Receiver name: Samuel Obi
Country: Benin
City: Cotonou
Text Question: Trust ?
Answer: In God we trust ?
Amount:................................. $250.00
Sender's name:............
You have to try send the fee urgent so that we can be able to meet up and make the delivery according to the instruction given to us. Remember that $250.00 dollars is only money involved on this delivery. I am looking forward to hear from you. Just hurry up and rush to western union to send the needed fee once we receiver your money I will be deliver to your door step .
Mr. Mike George,
Director ATM Payment Dept,
EcoBank, West Africa
De: morgan Armani
Enviado: terça-feira, 28 de março de 2017
Assunto: MEU AMOR
Oi amor da minha vida, como foi o seu dia? Primeiro terei que agradecer a Deus por me dar outra oportunidade para eu estar aqui com você, obrigado por suas orações meu amor A crise econômica tem sido o problema aqui isso pode levar a uma guerra civil. ... .last noite aqui no sírio 11 de nós foram prêmio para o resgate de algumas crianças de seqüestro devido à missão que ocorreu madrugada ontem esta foi a razão pela qual eu disse que você deve orar por mim e meu companheiro de equipe antes de sairmos para As operações e também as autoridades querem que eu e outra transferência para a cidade de Aleppo região que é muito perigoso e fatal lá quando eu voltei de sua missão, em uma semana as autoridades vão me conceder a minha liberdade e vou vir para o Brasil Para começar uma nova vida com você. Eu vou dar três meses para deixar o meu amor.
Tenho algumas pequenas propriedades que eu comprei aqui Síria, que foi a ordem da Turquia e também alguns que eu levei antes de vir aqui, incluindo laptop automático com línguas tradutor falando. Eu não posso levá-los comigo para a cidade da região de Aleppo por causa da confiança e do amor que tenho para você, estou enviando-os para você manter seguro eu não posso dar ao luxo de perdê-los e isso também nos permitirá comunicar enquanto nós Conheço pessoalmente, posso falar inglês enquanto traduz automático com som de voz em português diferentes línguas por toda parte, você também pode falar Português e vai traduzir para Inglês, juntamente com som de voz para a minha compreensão isso nos permitirá comunicar fácil sem stress De chamar alguém para interpretar para nós o produto é mini maçãs laptop
Estou enviando-lhe dois Apple Laptop, e IPhone, e anel de noivado e também as minhas fotos recentes, cartões, juntamente com algum documento de trabalho de papel, eu não posso levar essas propriedades junto comigo para a cidade de Aleppo eu não quero perder as propriedades Então eu decidi enviá-los para você porque eu confio eo amor que ambos compartilham para o nosso futuro. Esses itens serão enviados através de uma empresa de courier, como um presente para você que vai entregá-lo a você em seu endereço passo passo com segurança e sem problemas, vou abordá-lo como minha esposa durante o processo.
Meu amor, quero que me envie seus nomes completos, endereço, número de telefone e o nome do aeroporto mais próximo para que eu possa registrar o pacote e processá-lo para sua entrega, assim que você receber o pacote no Brasil, Deixe-me saber meu amor
Seu marido para ser
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---E-mail d'origine-----
De : Barr Stephen
Envoyé le : Ma, XX Mar 2017
Sujet : Guarantee : we will share the fund 50/50 :
Dear Sir,
I so much appreciate your response and I want you to understand that my late client died in ghastly auto crash with his wife and only son, so I would like you to stand as the next of kin to my late client who has an unclaimed fund valued
$13,580,000 us dollars
with a bank here in Lome (Togo). My client died without any registered next of kin. The board of directors of his bank mandated me as his personal attorney to provide his next of kin for the payment of this money within 48 working days or forfeit the money to the bank as an abandoned property.
You see, next of kinship is not limited to relations of the deceased, nor is it confided to the circuit of parental relationship, rather it is by choice of the benefactor as regards to whom he wish to will it to beneficiary either formally by write up, or in formally by secret information disclosure to beneficiary be him/her business partner, relation, kinsmen, or friends or well wishers, therefore by virtue of the above stated, you can claim to be the next of kin of the deceased. In this matter, it will be a very big advantage for us to achieve our aim and you stand not to face any problem so long as we are able to forward all documents that they might request in order to authentication your claim. You don't need to entertain any atom of fear at all because i have access to all the necessary legal documents that will be used to back up in this transaction and no questions, or suspicions will be raised anywhere, since I was his real attorney, until his death. I have earlier put this mortgage institution where this money is, which is located and situated here in Lome (Togo), on notice, that soon I will be assisting my client's next-of-kin in claiming and withdrawing the money. In response, the mortgage institution agreed, but asked me to do so very quickly, or seriously risk having the account frozen and the fund forfeited.
I will provide you with every necessary information about my late client and I will also provide you with legal documents that will be used to prove your kinship with my late client to enable them release the fund to you. I assure you that this transaction is legal and legitimate and will be completed successfully without any problems as long as you will be following my instructions accordingly. Now all you need to do is follow my advice and instructions strictly so that the fund is released to you as planned. You do not have to worry about anything, because this operation will be carried out under a legitimate arrangement that will protect both of us from any breach of law both here in Togo and in your country. Again, I assure you that with my help as the personal lawyer to my late client, this fund will be released to you without any hindrance. Just trust me and follow my instructions and directions, respectively. I have all the necessary information and documents that I will deliver to you at the appropriate time for the fund to be released to you as the next of kin to my late client. The only information that will be needed from you is your account information and your passport, which is the usual banking procedures. Meanwhile, I want you to provide an empty bank account with zero balance, so that you will have nothing to fear about. As you can see, the amount involved in this transaction is huge and we have to be careful to avoid any complications on the way. I want us to make it clear to prevent any misunderstanding in the future. We both know very well that you are not the real next of kin to my late client and we also know that you are not related to him, it is just that you have the same last name with my late client, which was the reason why I contacted you so that we work with unity to achieve success in this transaction. For your information, I do not need any disappointment from you as we proceed. I say this because I need the money to solve the problems that are giving me sleepless nights. I regret to inform you of my son's ill condition, my wife was seriously ill of heart failure for nine months and later died. Now my only son is suffering from Kidney disease and every doctor said I must fly him to India for a kidney transplant. This is the main reason why I want this transaction to be concluded as soon as possible, so that I can have enough money to fly my only son to India for a better and enhanced treatment. Please I need a guarantee that you will not let me down or betray this trust in the future. Though the trust I have in you is enough, I still demand your transparent honesty and diligence.
1. That you will not betray the trust, or double-cross me, when the fund is transferred into your account.
2. That this transaction is between you and me without the involvement of any third party, considering the nature of this transaction.
3. That you will participate in this transaction without prejudice, with respect and regards to the bank rules, which will guarantee the release and transfer of the fund into your bank account.
4. The fact that we will share the fund 50/50 in accordance with our agreement when I visit you in your country and that you will not ask for more share or try to sit on the fund, or engage in any form of blackmail after the fund is transferred into your account or with the fact that you will be dealing directly with the bank.
In addition, please send me a copy of your passport or identity card for proper identification to ensure that I am dealing with the right person. I have attached my passport to this message. As you can see, I was a responsible married man and I love my family very much, and that's why I'm doing everything possible to ensure a better future for my children and to save the life of my son. As soon as I receive your complete confidence with a copy of your identity, I will send you a draft application form that you will fill out with your information and send to the bank for the release of the fund. Letters of application will serve to introduce you officially to the bank as next of kin of my deceased client, asking for the release and transfer of the fund to your bank account. If you follow my instructions, this transaction will be completed within a few days and I can assure you that we will finalize the deal without any hindrance.
I look forward to your soonest response and may God always bless you as you remember my sick son in your prayers.
Barrister Williams.
----E-mail d'origine-----
De : uba bankofafica -
Envoyé le : Ma, 28 Mar 2017
Sujet : UBA about your $320,000 ATM card from :
Dakar Senegal
Mr. Ahmed Musa
Route des almadies zone 12, lot D
BP 11476 Dakar Peytavin, Senegal
Phone: +221 778803835
Postal zip code: BP 11045 Dakar
Date: 28 - 03 - 2017
I have been directed by the director of Operation/Wire Transfer to write you in respect to the mail we received in our bank by you. Actually we are earlier been told about you by the young lady Miss Flora that we should issued a ATM Visa Card worth of
$320,000 dollars
which you will be able to withdraw money in any country. so in order to send the ATM Visa Card to you we will need you to send to our office all your information such as:i will make inquiry on the cost of sending you the ATM through COURIER POSTAL SERVICE because that is the only way to safely post your gift from here...
Full Names :................
Country :.....................
Address :......................
Resident City :..............
Marital status :.............
Occupation :..................
Phone number :............
Mr. Ahmed Musa
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-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : Godwin Governor -
Envoyé le : Ma, 28 Mar 2017
Sujet : CBN $380 fees approved payment letter :
Central Bank of Nigeria
Plot 33, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa Way
Central Business District,
Cadastral Zone, Abuja,
Federal Capital Territory,
Official direct line, +234.8036586777
My name is Godwin Eemefiele, the executive Governor of the Central of Nigeria, I received your email regarding your funds wire transfer on Wednesday afternoon by my time, and i want to tell you to put your past experience behind you and face this reality because you have never sent any money to me in the past, maybe the sector that scammed you out of your money in the past are those internet criminals that have been using my name to scam innocent citizens like you, and with due respect i want you to clear your past experience over this funds from your mind and face this reality as i will do all it takes me to keep to my word by making sure that you are paid along this time without any more delays, but i want you to understand that i am not happy with the way that your unpaid contract funds was handled by those corrupt bank officials which i am indeed going to correct there past failures and make the direct wire transfer of your funds into your account, please trust and stick to my instructions as the sum of $380usd is only what you will have to pay for the final remittance of your contract sum of
$10.7 million us dollars
into your account, on Wednesday this week. I know that it is not easy to trust but the truth remains that you will have to trust someone and keep your past experience behind and face this real fact, and I will advise you to work together with me in the transaction by following up my instruction and i assure you that you will have nothing to loose in this great transaction because your funds is ready to be wired into your account and the only thing that you will do is to send the
for the transfer documents to be acquired very fast to make it ready for a perfect wire transfer of your funds into your account, i am a good christian that have the interest of people in my heart, i cannot cheat or lie to you but i will do my best to make sure that your funds is released to you as soon as you lay your trust in me and comply with my instructions. Please i want you to reconfirm to me with the listed information below for final crosscheck, so that the transfer department will start working on your banking details today to make it ready for a perfect wire transfer into your account on Wednesday afternoon as soon as you send the fee for your legal representative attorney to sign all the approved transfer documents as instructed,
BANK NAME------------------------------------
ACCOUNT NAME----------------------------
BANK NAME----------------------------------
BANK ADDRESS----------------------------
BANK ACCOUNT----------------------------
BENEFICIARY ADDRESS-------------------------
I assure you that immediately i receive the above listed informations i will proceed and hand them over to the CBN wire transfer department for the massive transfer of your funds into your account without any
more delay, please try and get back to me so that i will email you the western union payment address to use and send the transfer fees, because your payment has been scheduled to be wired into your account on Wednesday this week, please act fast and get back to me so that i will make the transfer department ready for a perfect wire transfer of your funds into your account, i will advise you not to have any doubt in mind because i am a good christian, that have the interest of people in my heart, trust me so that i will trust you too and then use my 26 years of banking experience and finalize the transfer of your funds into your account.
Kind regards,
Mr.Godwin Emefiele
Executive Governor
Central Bank of Nigeria.
Official Direct Line :
Begin forwarded message:
From: Zahrah Mohd -
Date: 28 March 2017
Subject: Re:
Olá ,
Obrigado por sua resposta. Fico feliz em observar em seu e-mail que seu veículo ainda está disponível; Estou absolutamente interessado em comprar o veículo de você esta semana, eu não estou vivendo em seu país atualmente, como para me permitir vir imediatamente para uma inspeção pessoal do veículo antes de pagar por ele. Neste momento, estou estacionado na Síria, embora eu queira mudar para o seu país o mais rapidamente possível, e é por isso que eu desejo comprar o veículo de você para estabelecer um investimento em seu país.
Meu falecido marido é um industrial sírio e membro do conselho de negócios sírio em Damasco antes de sua morte. Minha família está sob a ameaça do Presidente Basher al-Assad pelo nosso firme apoio a um verdadeiro governo democrático na Síria, que veículo à morte de meu marido.
Devido ao atual presidente Basher al-Assad protesto no país, como você pode descobrir a partir deste site, Muitas famílias estão correndo para suas vidas queridas como soldados estão matando civis, mulheres e crianças. Quero trazer ao seu conhecimento que eu tenho na minha posse a soma de (vinte milhões quinhentos mil dólares) $ 20.500.000 em minha posse. Este é o dinheiro que o meu falecido marido salvou durante toda a sua vida como industrial e tenho-o guardado na minha casa porque colocar dinheiro num banco pode ser um risco muito grande num país como o nosso.
Tenho garantido este dinheiro em uma caixa e ter consultado um enviado aqui em Damasco, que vai me ajudar a mover a minha caixa da Síria para a guarda e possível investimento. É por isso que estou em grande necessidade de uma pessoa confiável e confiável digna que receberá a caixa, protegê-lo e protegê-lo até minha chegada, que deve ser como especificado. Eu tenho que aproveitar esta chance porque; Não tenho outra alternativa senão confiar em alguém. Eu sou um órfão sem irmão ou irmã, então não posso arriscar minha vida aqui para evitar o fim da linhagem de minha família.
Tudo o que tenho são meus dois filhos. Eles merecem uma vida decente desde que eu quero que eles cresçam em um ambiente pacífico. Vou mudar para o seu país com a minha família e investir o dinheiro de acordo com a lei, o seu conselho e assistência. Podemos trabalhar juntos e alcançar um futuro melhor para nossas famílias. Por favor, você terá que tomar nota que o enviado não está ciente de que minha caixa contém dinheiro e isso é por razões de segurança.
Tudo o que peço é permitir-me registar a remessa em seu nome como tesouro da família e você é esperado para recuperá-lo uma vez que está em seu país. Não haverá nenhum risco neste negócio; Eu fiz o arranjo necessário para a entrega segura da caixa de consignação para o seu local preferido. Vou assumir que você é capaz de lidar com um negócio desta magnitude e também confiar em você para manter absoluto sigilo e confidencialidade para proteger esta grande conquista. Em menos de 4 dias a caixa deve estar em sua posse se você é rápido em sua parte e eu vou me juntar a você imediatamente. Cuidado; Eu tomei medidas de precaução para garantir o dinheiro. A caixa é codificada com gadget de alta segurança e eu sou o único que tem a combinação certa para desbloquear o código de combinação. Você terá direito a 30% da soma total de US $ 20.500.000 enquanto 70% será meu. Vou dar-lhe 30% do dinheiro e 70% para mim para a sua assistência e cooperação. Eu acredito que este é um negócio justo. Escreva-me para trás em (email) para mais detalhes se você está no acordo partner com mim neste negócio.
Eu antecipo sua resposta positiva e no recibo de sua informação eu fornecer-lhe-ei mais detalhes. Nós não temos o luxo de perder tempo tão gentilmente responder o mais rápido possível.
Sra. Zahrah Mohd.
Incoming Payment Pending Your Approval
12:32 (Há 1 hora)
para Recipients
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Hoje me disse que tinha que enviar uma caixa com presentes dentro em meu nome, pediu meu endereço, e que tinha que mandar essa caixa antes de vir pro Brasil, achei tudo muito estranho, dei uma enrolada nele, não passei nenhum dado meu.
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solicitar un préstamo urgente ahora 2017
Mr william ben -
Hola freind
Ofrecemos préstamos para las empresas y para fines privados, dan
crédito a un mínimo de 3.000 € y 500.000,00 euros tasa de interés del
3% de este servicio es ayudar a las empresas apoyo financiero a los
individuos, hombres y mujeres. Si está interesado Emei, nos dan los detalles
necesarios a continuación:
* Nombre completo :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
* El monto del préstamo requerido ::::::::::::::::::::::
* Plazo del préstamo ::::::::::::::::::::::::
* País :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::
* :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Profesional
* Edad ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
* Género :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::
* El teléfono :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
* Ingreso mensual :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
* La razón para el crédito ::::::::::::::::
* Propósito del préstamo ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
* ¿Tiene antes de aplicar ???????????
Espero con interés escuchar de usted.
F.B.I -
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Anti-Terrorist And Monetary Crime Division.
Federal Bureau of Investigation.
J.Edgar.Hoover Building Washington Dc
Dear Beneficiary;
Series of meetings have been held over the past 7 months with the secretary general of the United Nations Organization. This ended 3 days ago. It is obvious that you have not received your fund, which is to the tune of $2,500,000.00 US Dollar due to past corrupt Governmental Officials who almost held the fund to themselves for their selfish reason and some individuals who have taken advantage of your fund all in an attempt to swindle your fund which has led to so many losses from your end and unnecessary delay in the receipt of your fund.
The National Central Bureau of Interpol enhanced by the United Nations and Federal Bureau of Investigation have successfully passed a mandate to the current acting president of Nigeria his Excellency Vice President, Professor Yemi Osinbajo to boost the exercise of clearing all foreign debts owed to you and other individuals and organizations who have been found not to have receive their Contract Sum, Lottery/Gambling, Inheritance and the likes. Now how would you like to receive your payment? Because we have two method of payment which is by Cheque or by ATM card?
ATM Card: We will be issuing you a custom pin based ATM card which you will use to withdraw up to $3,000 per day from any ATM machine that has the Master Card Logo on it and the card have to be renewed in 3 years’ time which is 2020. Also with the ATM card you will be able to transfer your funds to your local bank account. The ATM card comes with a handbook or manual to enlighten you about how to use it, even if you do not have a bank account.
Cheque: To be deposited in your bank for it to be cleared within three working days. Your payment will be sent to you via any of your preferred option and delivered to you via FedEx, because we have signed a contract with FedEx which should expire by month end. You will only need to pay $155 instead of $440 saving you $285. Take note that anyone asking you for some kind of money above the usual fee is definitely a fraudster and you will have to stop communication with every other person if you have been in contact with any. Also remember that all you will ever have to spend is $155 nothing more! Nothing less! And we guarantee the receipt of your fund to be successfully delivered to you within the next 24hrs after the receipt of payment has been confirmed.
Note: Everything has been taken care of by the Federal Government of Nigeria, the United Nation and also the FBI and including taxes, custom paper and clearance duty. So all you will ever need to pay is $155.
To effect the release of your fund valued at $2,500,000.00 USD, you are advised to contact our correspondent in West Africa [Nigeria], using the information below.
Mr. Udo Di
[Payment Officer]
Tel: +234 810 410 4257
You are advised to contact him with the information as stated below:
Your full Name:
Your Address:
Home/Cell Phone:
Preferred Payment Method (ATM / Cashier Check)?
Upon receipt of payment the delivery officer will ensure that your package is sent within 24 working hours.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Cassandra Chandler
Tel: +1 (209) 729 7604
dy -
Dear Sir,
Our company would like to order the edible oil from you. Please send us the newest catalog and price list to us asap.
Hoping a nice cooperation with your company in 2017.
Reply-To: "Inter. Monitry Fund" -
Good Day
Inter. Monitry Fund -
Good Day
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) Investigation Department Washington DC is here by to inform you that we recently received several reports through our Global surveillance network that your transaction has failed to be successful after diverse efforts because the offices and individuals involved has made it a swindle opportunity hence they continue to demand for money without substantial reasons.
Consequently this esteemed office has today recuperated your funds valued the sum of $10.5Million Ten Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars from the erratic custody, meanwhile if you noticed any change of amount or value it’s rather as a result of the false information you have been fed or imparted by those hoodlums.
Your fund was securely entrusted to OraBank, BENIN REPUBLIC today under a special supervision of David Fletchers an experienced Ora Bank official who is to be conducting your payment henceforth. Therefore you are advised to contact the Bank representative with the information outlined below;
OraBank Plc
Contact Person: Mr. David Fletchers
Furthermore identification code (EGZOXHXTFRD/WBG) was issued by OraBank which you are required to indicate by using it as the subject of your email for verification or easy identification and the following information are also required; such as your Banking account info and your personal profile (Profession, names, age, Home address, phone number# )
The Name of the Bank----
The Routing number---
Account name and Account number---
Henceforth you are advised to terminated all conversation or correspondent with any office, individual in Europe,Asia or elsewhere claiming to be in custody of your fund, you should consider it a hoax because your fund was official entrusted to OraBank by this office today. Finally you are advice to comply with instruction and directives of OraBank accordingly to enable them facilitate your payment promptly.
Yours sincerely
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Investigation Department Washington DC
Reply-To: "Ms. Carla Grasso" -
Ms. Carla Grasso -
MoneyGram locations in Cleveland, OH
Address: 840 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 44114, United States.
Office Tel: (216) 810-4603 Text or Call SMS!
Attention ! Attention !! Attention !!!
The International Monetary Fund Annual Compensation From USA.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is compensating some scam victims and your email address was found in the scam victims list. This Money Gram®office has been mandated by the IMF to transfer your
compensation to you via MoneyGram®Money Transfer.
However, we have concluded to affect your own payment through MoneyGram®Money Transfer, $4,399.00 pay day until the total sum of $3.5 Million United States is completely transferred to you the receiver. We cannot be able to send the payment with your email address alone, we are hereby needed your information to where we will be sending the funds. You Can Text or Call us and fill below Information or email us via email.
(Receivers name)............
(Phone Number).....................
(Your Age)..................................
(ID copy)............. ..................
Contact the MoneyGram director with this information:
Name: Mr. Michael Poteet
Manager Director for MoneyGram Ohio USA.
Private Email:
Office Tel: (216) 810-4603 Text or Call SMS!
NOTE: That your payment files will be returned to the IMF within 72hours if we did not hear from you because this was the instruction given to us by the IMF office here in Ohio, USA. We will start the transfer as soon as we received your information. You are hereby warned not to communicate or duplicate this message for any reason
what so ever because the US FBI is already on trace of the criminals from Africa.
NOTICE: To text or call this office for any question.
Ms. Carla Grasso
Assumed office as Deputy Managing Director
and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)
International Monetary Fund!
Message From Dr. Favor Ahmed,
Dr. Favor Ahmed
Messsage From Mrs. Favor mashela Ahmed
Attention; Beneficiary,
This is to official inform you that we have been having meetings for the past three (3) weeks which ended two days ago with MR. JIM YONG KIM the world bank president and other seven continent presidents on the congress we treated on solution to scam victim problems.
Note: we have decided to contact you following the reports we received from anti-fraud international monitoring group your name/email has been submitted to us therefore the united nations have agreed to compensate you with the sum of (USD$1.5 Million) this compensation is also including international business that failed you in past due to government problems etc.
We have arranged your payment through our ATM MasterCard and deposited it in DHL Office to deliver it to you which is the latest instruction from the World Bank president MR. JIM YONG KIM, For your information’s, the delivery charges already paid by U.N treasury, the only money you will send to DHL office Cotonou Bein Republic office is $165 dollars for security keeping fee, U.N coordinator already paid for others charges fees for delivery except the security keeping fee, the director of DHL refused to collect the security keeping fee from U.N treasury, the Director of DHL office said that they don’t know exactly time you will contact them to reconfirm your details to avoid counting demurrage that is why they refused collecting the $165 dollars from U.N treasury for security keeping fee.
Therefore be advice to contact DHL Office agent Coonou Benin Republic. Rev:Jin Modestus who is in position to deliver your ATM MasterCard to your location address, contact DHL Office immediately with the bellow email & phone number as listed below.
Contact name: Rev: Jin Modestus
Tell: +229-98652007
Make sure you reconfirmed DHL Office your details ASAP as stated below to avoid wrong delivery.
Your full name..........
Home address:.........
Your country...........
Your city..............
Let us know as soon as possible you receive your ATM MasterCard for proper verifications.
Mrs. Favor mashela Ahmed
Cotonou Benin Republic.
Demande de correspondance !
Mon nom est FLORIDA Keys Canadienne, je suis Assistante Social dans une
Organisation Normé CIPD, j'ai 29 ans célibataire sans enfant , C'est en faisant
une petite recherche sur le moteur de recherche Google que je suis tombé sur
votre adresse émail et je voudrais profiter pour correspondre avec vous,afin
d'établir si possible une relation plus affinée à divers niveaux et sans
complaisance car une personne de plus comme ami est une bonne chose dans la vie
d'un humain
Mon E-mail :
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