Elvis Robert - el_robert1@yahoo.com escreveu:
Assunto: Re: Amizade
Data: Segunda-feira, xx de Março de 2017,
Olá querido
Estou feliz em conhecer alguém como você,
minha querida, você poderia acreditar que depois de ler sua
mensagem eu comecei a pensar em você Eu fico tão feliz,
olhe minha querida Eu encontro mais vida em mim por te
conhecer, em gordura Eu realmente não sei o que Para dizer
ou dizer novamente, do que deixar você saber que eu
encontrar a vida em você e isso me faz ser feliz como um
homem novamente,
Bebê eu
perdi minha esposa tarde 5 anos passado, Mais uma vez eu
tenho uma filha o nome de minha filha: é como segue:
(Esther pelo nome 18 anos pela idade) minha filha ainda que
educa em Londres, Eu não permito sair qualquer Como por
razões de segurança, em segundo lugar eu vou terminar o
meu dever em Cabul-Afeganistão a qualquer momento, mas eu
nunca sei a aguda data, vou descansar meu caso aqui até que
eu ouvi de você novamente, tenho 54 anos de idade agora,
querida, você pode enviar para Me algumas de suas fotos,
Esperando ouvir de você mais cedo,
Abraço e muitos beijos,
NB por favor, querida,
não permitem chamar ou receber quaisquer chamadas aqui por
razões de segurança, por favor, tenha paciência comigo,
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Brian Fleury - bfleury042@outlook.com escreveu:
Thank you very much for entrusting me with your email address, i joined okcupid dating site because i believe i will find the woman of my dream..
I'm Brian Fleury , a Petroleum, Geological and Mining Engineer by profession and I work as the head of Mining Department at British Petroleum (BP)...I am 46 years of age, widower, no kids, the little girl on my profile picture on okcupid is my niece, i have been single and lonely for quite a very long time. Now searching for an honest woman who is matured enough to handle a very serious relationship and who will love me for who I am and not for what I have. I was born in the city of Sunderland, but spent much of my early years with my uncel in America. It was until my family moved to the south of England that I came back from America and entered the University of Glasgow in pursuit of my education and later moved back to America after my university education in pursuit of my carrier, presently am in Australia now on a business trip, tell me more about yourself your kind of man and your dreams...
Brian Fleury
m Terça-feira, 28 de Fevereiro de 2017 4:11, Garen Silas garensilas1@gmail.com escreveu:
Nice to meet you too, I'm very happy to hear from you, I will like to talk with you in private, So that we can try to know more about each other. Do you have whatsapp or Skype?. I hope to hear from you soon.
Trans. : I have approved $10.700,000 for you : ofiicepresidency_ng2009@live.com
--E-mail d'origine-----
De : presidence office - ofiicepresidency_ng2009@live.com
Envoyé le : Ma, 28 Mar 2017 22:14
Sujet : I have approved $10.700,000 for you : ofiicepresidency_ng2009@live.com
Attn: Sir,
Greetings to you and your house hold.
I believe you have been expecting to receive an email from me regarding your payment which was not paid to you by the past administration. Yes I am talking to you about your unpaid fund and I was able to recover so many unpaid files which your name is among the listed names I saw herein, and I have found out that former President Dr. Goodluck Jonathan wasn't man enough to stamp his authority over those who are suppose to transfer your fund to you.
I have been elected by my people as the whole world saw how my victory was emerged, and it is expected because my people know what I am capable of doing and I have done immensely well before as a Military Head of State and my second coming as a Civilian President under Democracy will be much more intense as I am not a party to corruption. So you should count yourself lucky as you will receive your fund under my authorization and you will follow my instructions and you shall be paid. Suspend every transaction you are dealing with any one apart from the current governor of the central bank of Nigeria, Governor Godwin Emefiele whom i have handled your funds over to transfer into your account, so comply with him and keep me posted, i am now handling all the CBN unpaid beneficiary by myself and it is for your own good to end corruption and save your stress as well. I don’t have time to mess with you or anyone else, and I saw how much you owned herein but I am going to make your payment very easy for you to receive your fund. I have approved
to be transferred to you, I don’t want to know how much you are suppose to receive before, so if you want to receive your payment, then you will be ready to off-set the bill for PAYMENT ACCEPTANCE FUND BOND FEES of
and that is all. I am doing this to end your long awaited payment, and if you are not ready to heed to my instructions and receive your payment, please do not bother to reply me as I will not entertain any such mail from you.
Congratulations in advance.
I believe in Change and Excellency in Democracy will always stand.
Telefone: +44 75 0975-4727
Endereço: CF 105LB Bute Town - Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
10/02/17, 20:54 - Andrew: Olá meu amor, eu relei todos os nossos bate-papos e tudo o que você escreveu e eu estava sobrecarregado com ele. Deixe-me aproveitar esta oportunidade para também contar-lhe mais sobre mim. Bem, meu nome completo é Andrew Douglas Stein. Eu nasci e cresci em Cardiff, País de Gales, Reino Unido. Se você olhar de perto minhas fotos, você vai notar que eu realmente não pareço britânico. Bem, minha mãe era turca e meu pai era britânico. Sou filho único, mas tenho alguns primos aqui no País de Gales. Eu estudei em Cardiff High School e também na Universidade de Cardiff. Eu me formei como um engenheiro civil e eu também tenho o meu mestrado. Então eu comecei a trabalhar com o governo em 1983 até à data. Eu viajo para outros países para contratos de trabalho, especialmente na Europa e na Ásia. Eu me casei em janeiro de 1987 e Deus me abençoou com uma bela filha, Sophia, que me deu a notícia boa no mês passado que ela está grávida. Ela é casada com um belo escocês. Agora ela vive na Escócia e eu moro sozinha aqui em minha casa em Cardiff. Eu perdi minha esposa em abril de 2014 depois de lutar contra o câncer.
Desde então, eu não poderia me apaixonar de novo ou dar a qualquer mulher a chance de me amar porque eu estava tão triste. Mas desde que te conheci, comecei a me sentir feliz novamente e me apaixonei por você.
Honestamente, eu não estou realmente após a sua beleza física, mas estou após a beleza do seu coração. Quero ser amado de novo. Eu não sou velho ainda e eu ainda preciso de uma esposa em minha vida. Eu ainda preciso de amor, eu me sinto muito sozinha e eu quero fazer amor com você. Eu não sou o tipo de pessoa que vive uma vida imprudente e eu não faço facilmente amigos com ninguém, mas confio tanto em você. É por isso que eu te dei meu coração e acredito que você também me deu seu coração por essa mesma razão. Eu moro sozinho e ainda há muito sobre mim que você vai saber com o passar do tempo. Eu sou muito romântico, brincalhão, ama animais de estimação, honesto e verdadeiro, eu não fumo e eu não bebo ao estupor. Eu adoro bons alimentos e frutos do mar. Legumes, frutas, frango e eu sei pratos do seu país será muito doce também. Desculpe por escrever muito tempo, mas espero que você entenda tudo que eu escrevi. Enviei-lhe mais fotos minhas sobre a minha vida e trabalho.
drew: Olá meu amor. Por favor, leia atentamente.
Eu depositei a bagagem ao mensageiro "BRIDGEWAY FREIGHTING AND LOGISTICS COMPANY". Então ele será entregue diretamente a você com segurança por um agente especial, no endereço e número de telefone que você me deu.
Eu enviei o courier reciept para você e espero que, o pacote será entregue a você dentro de 3 dias como eles me disseram no escritório e acredito que eles vão entregá-lo para você no mesmo dia. Assim, você também pode imprimir o documento que enviei para você porque eles podem exigir para ele no ponto de recebimento. Chegará em seu país na segunda-feira através de serviços diplomáticos.
Meu amor, eu escondi algum dinheiro dentro de um dos ternos na bagagem para você ser capaz de obter tudo pronto antes de eu chegar em seu país. O dinheiro no pacote é 75.000 dólares. Eu não sei quanto é na sua moeda, mas acredito que será suficiente para alugar um apartamento, comprar um carro novo e comprar outras coisas que é necessário para as nossas férias. Por favor, eu quero que você use apenas 15.000 dólares com o dinheiro.
Guarde os restantes 60.000 dólares na sua conta bancária, porque é o dinheiro que usaremos quando estiver com você no seu país.
Querida, por favor note que o pacote contém todas as coisas que eu comprei para você e também as roupas e itens que vou usar quando eu chegar ao seu país. Cuidado com cuidado porque há 1 laptop dentro dele, um colar de diamante, um anel de noivado, 2 relógios de ouro, uma caixa de maquiagem pequena, 2 perfumes, sprays corpo, 2 sacos de mão LV, 2 óculos de sol LV, 3 sapatos, 1 vestido italiano, 2 vestidos ingleses e uma flor cor-de-rosa. Então minha câmera digital, poucas jóias e as roupas que eu comprei para mim também estão dentro do pacote. Eu coloquei algumas cópias dos meus documentos dentro do pacote também, porque eu não sei se eles serão necessários quando eu chegar ao seu país. Certifique-se de que tudo está completo quando ele é entregue a você. Também enviei uma foto do pacote no momento em que o depositei.
Meu amor, sempre te escreverei nos meus tempos livres e por favor, leia tudo com cuidado e cuide-se. Eu te amo. BEIJOS.
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Ele agora tem um outro perfil no Facebook como GEORGE LIAM.
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016-11-22 20:49 GMT-02:00 Daniel Lemire - daniels196448@gmail.com
Hi Rosimeire,
Apart from me and my son what else do you want to know? What kind of man did you really think I am? someone who can't take care of his family or always looking for peoples to help him or what? Listen, I never plan to ask you for an help, sometime thing just happen that we can't take control of, I was not happy or feel proud to be asking a woman for financial support, I am an able man, I work very hard and take very good care of my family, because i was down and needed your assistance doesn't mean am one of those lazy man sitting down behind the computer and trying to ride some women out of their pocket. I am not someone like that. I like giving and never except to get anything back in return. I feel bad and very sad when you stopped writing and thinking all I want from you is just financial help, it hurt and so disgusting. I have never asked any men or women for money before too, I have to put down my pride and asked you for assistance. You turn me away and now I want to know what you really want and why you decided to write me an email after leaving me for some months to past by? Well i don't except to hear back from you again but I just think i would let you know my mind and what you did was not good, I believe that partner always care and stand for each other. Take good care of yourself.
---E-mail d'origine-----
De : Rose Saadi - saadiirose@gmail.com
Envoyé le : Ma, 28 Mar 2017 17:50
Sujet : i really need your assistance... saadiirose@gmail.com
Oh my lovely friend, how are you doing over there ?
My dear, I just want to tell you that i have already developed an interest in you in spite we have not meet each other, but my heart has been telling me that you are a very good man to be with, in fact this is what motivated me to be sending my pictures to you,
Honestly, if i have not developed an interest in you, nothing will ever make me to be sending my pictures to you, To be frank, ever since we established contacts, my heart has been telling me that you are a nice man to be with and i have to follow my heart, in fact i have seriously developed an interest in you and i am really looking forward to meet you, so that we can live together, i know you will be very
happy when you will see me face to face.
Please my good friend, i use the name of god to beg of you, i really need your assistance, i want to move out of this country, I am all alone here and i am an orphan, i have nobody to confide with, i have
nobody whom i can runs for any financial assistance, this is the reason i concluded that i must leave this country because i am no more happy living here, i really want to move out of this country and your
country is my dream country to live all my lives with, so as i have known you now, i know you will help me to come over there so that we can meet to talk face to face.
I really need a man in my life now, it has been a very long time i had sex last, let me say up to 7 years now, my boy friend back then in Libya was a victim of the war, so he died alone with his mother and
father and ever since i found myself here in Togo, i do not have any male friend because i don't want to and beside, i do not like them, i just want to be alone to myself, anyway, i am now regretting why i
came here, anyway, i was just 19 yrs when i came here and by then i wasn't with myself as a result of what is going on in my country Libyan back then, so my body is fully intact now waiting for the right
man to have me and to enjoy me.
So my darling, i really need your assistance, i want to come over to meet you, and i want to live with you as your wife, you will surely like me and you will also enjoy me very well, i really want to meet you because there is something very important which i will like to discuss with you, it is very every urgent and it is concerning my late father's will, i want to meet you in person so that we can sit and talk about it, you will surely benefit a lot from it i swear, please can you help me to come to meet you ? please are you on Facebook ? Do let me know.
I am looking forward to meet you.
I will be waiting for your reply.
Do you like these pictures ?
Rose Saadi
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Em Quarta-feira, 29 de Março de 2017 6:32, William Parker - willpaker@accountant.com escreveu:
Bom dia XXXXXXX, Nós não estamos familiarizados uns com os outros, mas leva um dia para as pessoas saberem, muito obrigado pelo seu tempo dedicado e compreensão. A razão pela qual eu conectado com você no LinkedIn é porque eu tenho um negócio legítimo que eu gostaria de propor a você e por favor levar isso a sério. Estou propondo um acordo que nos fará mais ricos e você é muito importante para este negócio, como você vai descobrir. Eu sou um Gerente de Contas do Barclay's Bank, no Reino Unido. Eu trabalhei aqui há pouco mais de 19 anos e eu era contador pessoal de um engenheiro (Lex Vieira), um contratante estrangeiro com a Royal Dutch plc, que tem uma conta de investimento com o meu banco. Infelizmente, meu cliente morreu junto com sua família nuclear em France quando em sabbatical no verão de 2007, pode seu descanso da alma em paz. Ele morreu sem deixar um testamento. Vários esforços foram feitos para encontrar sua família extensa através de sua embaixada sem sucesso.
O montante de dinheiro envolvido aqui é de cerca de 12.649.400 (doze milhões, seiscentos e quarenta e nove mil quatrocentos Libras.) Em conta com interesse indefinido. Desde a morte do meu cliente; O meu banco e eu fiz várias perguntas à sua embaixada para localizar qualquer um dos seus familiares ou parentes, mas isso tem provado ser infrutífero. Eu vim a saber sobre você na minha busca por uma pessoa que compartilha o mesmo sobrenome como meu cliente atrasado. Eu procurei em você para este propósito como eu sinto que não teriam sido os últimos desejos de meu falecido cliente para todo o trabalho de sua vida ser transferido para um governo (Es cheat) ele sempre se queixou de suas políticas monetárias públicas desfavoráveis, impostos e Assim por diante enquanto ele estava vivo. Meu banco emitiu-me vários avisos para fornecer o parente mais próximo ou o risco de conta foi es cheat dentro dos próximos 15 dias de trabalho oficiais. A última notificação para a reivindicação veio a minha mesa na semana passada.
Estou entrando em contato com você para me ajudar a repatriar os fundos deixados para trás antes de serem declarados inservíveis pelo meu banco. Estou procurando o seu consentimento para apresentá-lo como o parente mais próximo do meu falecido cliente, uma vez que você compartilha e tem o mesmo sobrenome. Como tal, o produto da conta pode ser pago a você assim que você entrar em contato com meu banco e solicitar os fundos a serem liberados para você como o parente mais próximo. Se podemos estar de acordo, não vejo nenhuma razão para que não tenhamos êxito. Nós dois temos que agir rapidamente sobre este assunto em outros para vencer a data limite de cheat data. Por favor, volte para mim imediatamente para que possamos prosseguir.
Proponho que, após a conclusão bem sucedida deste acordo, vamos dividir a proporção 50:50 receitas. Estou após o sucesso desta transação com a sua plena cooperação. Tudo o que eu preciso é sua honestidade e plena cooperação para nos permitir ver este negócio legal passar. Eu garanto-lhe que este será executado sob um arranjo legítimo que irá proteger você e eu de violar as leis do Reino Unido. Quero também informar que sou uma pessoa muito religiosa e que não posso mentir por causa da minha forte convicção; Eu esperaria o mesmo de você. Vou anexar meu ID de passaporte internacional no meu próximo e-mail para autenticidade por isso temos terreno igual para confiar uns nos outros.
Em Terça-feira, 28 de Março de 2017 4:33, William Parker - tmmcc@ruraltel.net escreveu:
Sometime ago i added you to my professional network in order to share a business proposal with you, email back to me for details of proposal.
Algum tempo atrás eu adicionei você à minha rede profissional, a fim de compartilhar uma proposta de negócio com você, e-mail de volta para mim para os detalhes da proposta.
--E-mail d'origine-----
De : Kwembe Lula - kwembelula@hotmail.com
Envoyé le : Me, 29 Mar 2017
Sujet : Earn money online : kwembelula@hotmail.com
Hello dear,
Earn money online !
Start your online job today and make 3,500$ + monthly.
Earn money online, click on link below and register now.
It actually works, they call is pocket never dry, i felt it was a scam or joke until i tried it and saw that it actually worked, not a joke or scam or trap whatsoever, just click on link below or copy and paste on your browser and register now.
Let not only me see good things in this life.
Let others accompany me also and enjoy with me.
Warmest regards and good luck !
From: Barrister James Good Luck - bb.@lion.ocn.ne.jp>
Date: 2017-03-29
Subject: Your Fund Is Ready To Deliver To You
I Barr. James goodluck is writing to let you know that your fund has been converted into Consignment Box and the Diplomat Agent Mr. Mark Cook will be
arrive here today with your Consignment Box to proceed ahead to your destination country mean while I had made every necessary arrangement to
make the delivery of your consignment box successful even all the delivery charges has been paid.
so what you are required to do very urgently now to reconfirm all your current home address to able the Diplomatic Agent to arrive this country today to
deliver your Consignment Box to you immediately we receive the needed information requested from you the delivery would be recommence immediately and you are advise to switch on your tele phone so that once the Diplomat Agent get into your city Airport him will get in touch with you to hand over your Consignment box to you without no more delay . also this is to let you
know that the children of Gods can not lie rather to seek the truth, so please try to remember me when you have started enjoying with your money because I have contributed a lot in order to finalize this transaction to the end and this year 2017 is the most greatest year to you and your family’s to laugh and Peace,
I want you to inform me immediately once the Diplomat Agent reaches your home city through emailing me or call me and don’t do any thing without notify me , have I made myself clear now ok. We required this information very urgent now.
YOUR CITY..........
thank you,
have a blessed day
Barr. James Goodluck
tel. : +229 6403-5760
Amadeus - amadeus@amadeus.com
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Amadeus a partagé le fichier suivant :
Google Drive : accédez à tous vos fichiers depuis n'importe quel appareil.
Prezados venho conversando com este militar a quase um mês, ele diz que está em missão no Iêmen.
Diz que é viúvo e tem um.gilho de oito anos.
Me pediu para preencher um formulário de liberação para vir me visitar no Brasil.
Ainda não recebi este formulário.
Já pedi pra falarmos em chamada e vídeo, mas ele disse que por motivo de segurança não pode falar.
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Recruiting Department - donald.trumps00012@outlook.com
Cunard Cruise Line
Carnival House 100
Harbour Parade
Southampton, Hamphire, UK S015 1ST
Cunard Cruise Line want to use this medium to announce to general
public that vacancies is now on for all applicants.We are seeking
qualified candidates with the knowledge, skills and attitude, passion
for excellence and quality service,who will fill the following vacant
position below:
*Executive Chef
*Public Relations Manager
*Mate Engineer
*Deckhand *IT Specialist
*First Mate
*F&B Supervisor
*Chief stewardess
*Chef *Deck Cadet
*Sr Planning Officer
*Yacht Skippers
*Managing Director
*Steward *Cook
*2nd Engineer
*2nd/3rd Officer
*Waiter *Catering
*Diver *Software Engineer
*Culinary Consultant
*Guest Room Attendants
*Chief Purser *Quartermaster
*General Manager
*Crane Operator
*Director of Operations
*Communications Advisor
*3rd Navigating Officer
*Marine Engineer
*Ship Security Officer *Welder
*Staff Nurse *Doctors
*Marketing Executive
*Piping Engineer
*Graphic Designer
*Financial Controller
*Hotel Relations Manager
*Oiler * Catering Boy
*Chief Electrical Engineer
*Ordinary Seaman
*Plumbing Engineer
*Welder *HSE Officer
*Secretary *Assistant Electrician
*Able Seaman *Piping Supervisor
*Front Office Manager
*Rig Chief Mechanic *Motorman
*ETO *Customer Service
*Engine Fitter *Marine Surveyors
Company Remuneration range from 7,000.00 Great British Pounds to
9,000.00 Great British Pounds Monthly. If you are qualified with
experience as crew on Sailing yachts, fluent in English, another
language is a plus. Please reply with your updated CV, passport
photograph and current remunerations to the contact details below
Successful applicants will be contacted directly.
E-mail Address:recruiting-department01s@engineer.com
Recruiting Department of Cunard Cruise Line Email :
Capt Russel Wes Jr.
Reply-To: mrszhu1113333@yahoo.com.tw
An Inheritance claim !!!!!!
ECITIC BANK CHINA - postmaster@clumix.com
Attention: Beneficiary,
I am Mrs.Hua Zhu.,I work with the Citic Bank of China, i wish to place your name as the beneficiary to fifteen million three hundred thousand dollars only due to the death of the depositor who died years ago along with her family.
However, i assure you that this transaction will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law both in your country and here in China once the fund is transferred to your bank account.The funds I am referring to is right here in this bank floating in suspense account, therefore i solicit for your to be in collaboration with me to have this done, it will be transferred into an account you will provide any where in the world.I will need you to provide the cooperation following information urgently to enable the attorney start the processing of the all the relevant legal documents for the fund remittance.
1) Name:
2) Address:
3) Tel:
4) Age:
5) Sex:
6) Occupation Status:
Waiting for your reply soon.
Yours Faithfully,
Mrs.Hua Zhu
Re: Greetings
Ramya Deepthi - aramya.deepthi@futuresupplychains.com
Mtel Global Finance Loan Firm is offering a floating loan scheme at 3% interest rate without any collateral. (Only identification)contact back if interested for personal loan...
Disclaimer: This message may contain privileged and confidential information and is solely for the use of intended recipient. The views expressed in this email are those of the sender and not Future Group's. The recipient should check this email and attachments for the presence of viruses. Future Group accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email. Future Group may monitor and record all emails.
CANADIEN NATIONAL CN - carpino5@tin.it
português Traduzir mensagem
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Très chers (es) Adhérents (es)
Dans le souci de lutter contre le voyage clandestin, la pauvreté, et
de promouvoir l'emploi et l'intégration Africaine au processus de la
mondialisation, Le Canadien National (CN) en partenariat avec l’
Université Laval lance un RECRUTEMENT INTERNATIONAL au profit des
personnes capables sans distinction de sexe qui pourront s'adapter à
notre environnement de travail et offre 500 bourses d'études
Canadiennes au titre de l'année académique 2017-2018 à l'université
Laval. Le Canadien National (CN) est basé au Canada mais, porte des
ramifications près de 204 pays du monde dont: ASIE, OCÉANIE, EUROPE,
Nous recherchons des personnes prêtes et déterminés pouvant venir
travailler ou étudier ici au Canada. Nous recrutons dans
l'élargissement de nos activités des manœuvres. La main d'œuvre étant
rare ici au canada nous avions ouvert notre marché vers le reste du
monde afin de permettre aux jeunes diplômés sans emplois d'autres pays
qui sont sans emploi fixe de pouvoir toucher à la réalité. En ce qui
concerne l'université Laval, l'offre de ces bourses sont destinées aux
ressortissants des pays de la catégorie A (pays industrialisés
européens, et extra-européens) et ceux des pays de la catégorie B (pays
en développement, du tiers monde et extra -européens) elles doivent
leur permettre de poursuivre leurs études, de parfaire leurs
connaissances pour les travaux de recherches dans les domaines auxquels
l’Université Laval accorde une attention particulière.
1-Avoir entre 18 et 68 ans au plus.
2-Être de bonne moralité.
3-Être disponible à voyager immédiatement.
4-Savoir bien parler le français si possible l'Anglais
5-Être titulaire du BACCALAURÉAT ou autre diplôme professionnel
6-Avoir acquis d'expérience professionnelle serait un atout Pour
postuler à ce programme de recrutement
Salaire proposé : $ 5 045,00 CAD à $ 6 897,00 CAD,
Prime de Mission et autres $ 345,00 CAD à $ 678,00 CAD
- Un Curriculum Vitae (CV) Bien détaillé
- Une Lettre de motivation
- Deux (02) Photos d'identités
- Copies des diplômes
-Carte d'Identité ou Passeport Attestant votre Identité
- L’Université Laval entend faciliter l'immigration aux personnes
désireuses de poursuivre leurs études et d'obtenir des diplômes d'états
- Les candidats retenus au terme de la sélection de candidatures seront
insérés outre leur étude dans les secteurs sensibles de la vie
économique et sociale du Canada: (santé, droit, diplomatie,
communication, finance, énergie, industrie, transport, agriculture...).
Cette option de l’Université Laval vise à donner une aptitude
professionnelle aux boursiers pour pouvoir travailler s'ils le désirent
au Canada à la fin de leur formation.
Les bourses couvrent la période d'un cycle de formation ou au maximum
six (06) semestres voir plus.
Les billets d'avion aller-retour (Provenance – Canada/ Québec), sont
pris en charge par la direction régional des bourses étrangères
canadienne. Conditions préalables à la candidature en règle générale,
les candidats aux bourses étrangères Canadienne doivent:
- Avoir au maximum 18 ans à 55 ans;
- Comprendre et parler correctement l'une des langues d'enseignement an
Canada (Anglais, Français, Espagnol, Allemand, Italien);
- Avoir un diplôme équivalent au brevet d'étude de premier cycle
d'enseignement, au baccalauréat ou au brevet d'aptitude professionnelle
des pays de l'union européenne.
- Une Lettre de motivation
- Deux (02) Photos d'identités
Si vous êtes intéressé nous vous prions de vite envoyer vos dossiers
selon l'option de votre choix via notre mail (cn.immigration@yahoo.com
ou cn.immigration@activist.com) Et si vous n'avez pas de Passeport Le
Canadien National (CN) vous délivreras le passeport international.
(Passeport service) Faire carrière au Canadien National (CN) ou étudier
à l'université Laval du canada, c'est choisir maintenant de contribuer
à un monde propre et durable.
N.B// Chers (es) Adhérents (es), nous vous prions de bien précisez dans
votre message l'option à la quelle vous désirez postuler. Soit Option N°
1 (Pour le Recrutement) ou Option N°2 (Pour la Bourse d'étude). Faites
nous parvenir vos dossiers et précisez l'option à laquelle vous
E-mail: cn.immigration@yahoo.com ou cn.immigration@activist.com
Reply-To: agentgeraldroberts@gmail.com
AGENT GERALD ROBERT - geraldrobert@fbi.gov
Attention :,
My name is Gerald Roberts and I am here in the United States Of America as an FBI delegate that has been delegated to investigate this fraudsters who are in the business of swindling the citizens of our great nation America an citizens of other part of the world.During my investigation it was found that the office of the Central Bank Of Nigeria has been used to perpetrate most of this scam and as a result the Nigeria Government has decided to compensate victims of fraud.
At this point I am contacting you to let you know that the total sum of $2.5 million has been assigned as compensated amount in your favor as a victim of such fraud carried out in Nigeria.In other to proceed on this note you are expected to provide this office with the details specified below and also state the transfer option of choice you prefer among the transfer options specified below.
Full Name:
Phone Number:
Bank Name:
The transfer options are specified below.
1)Through Bank to Bank wire transfer.
2)Through ATM card to be shipped to you through the courier service.
3)As a Bank Draft/Check to be delivered to you also through the courier
I shall expect your response as soon as you receive this email.
FBI Agent,
Gerald Roberts
Reply-To: Mr Neil Trotter - mrneiltrotter2013@outlook.com
Mr Neil Trotter - mrneiltrotter888@gmail.com
A Donation Of 1 Million British Pounds To You In Good Faith
oman bozize - oman_bozize2017@hotmail.com
Greeting to you, I am Mr. Joseph Mark & a staff with Financial Institution. My late deceased foreign customer who died accidently with
his family without no one to claim his (Eight Million U.S Dollar) deposit in our bank, so I wish to present you to the bank as his next.
Please View this website: http://newswww.bbc.net.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/oxfordshire/4537663.stm
Kindly reply asap if you are interesting to work with me for more detail.
Mr. Joseph Mark
Reply-To: Samira Paul - samira_paul14@yahoo.co.jp
From Mrs. Samira Paul.
Samira Paul - ey270@yahoo.com
God Bless You.
I am Mrs. Samira Paul, an aging widow suffering from long time cancer illness. I have some funds I inherited from my late husband, the sum of (2.300.000.00) Two Million Three Hundred Thousand United State Dollars and I need a very honest and God fearing person that will use this fund for God's work. I have contacted you with faith and trust, hoping that you will not disappoint me. Please if you would be able to use this funds for the good work of God and humanity, kindly reply me as soon as possible. Your delay in respond will make me search for another person.
Yours dearest sister,
Mrs. Samira Paul.
Reply-To: JeremyHorton4@outlook.com
Mr. Jeremy Horton - rearma@alice.it
We exceptionally sorry for all the inconveniences you have been
passing through before in getting your Fund after our briefed
conversation with His executive of Excellency president Hon: Patrice
Talon concerning your inheritance funds.
We have concluded to transfer your total funds through our reliable
Bank Guaranty trust Bank which we do use to making all transfer
without delays once you we re-confirm your following information for
verification of the information we receiver His Excellency president
Hon: Patrice Talon and confirmation of your account which you need to
sent it to us, we well give you our Bank details. Here is the bank
e-mails you will forded the information: (JeremyHorton4@outlook.com)
Here is the information you have to forward to us for verification:
1. Your Full Names: ______
2. Postal Address: _______
3. Direct Cell Numbers: _______
4. E-mail Address: ________
5. Sex: _____
6. Age: _____
7. Occupation: ________
8. Nationality: ________
Though your file has been sign and the management has just concluded
to make the transfer of your total inheritance funds
USD$5.3 Million But unfortunately our local bank branch in has no
direct signal to your bank (BANK ) and following to this point, we
well transfer your Fund into your account through our Bank Guaranty
Trust Bank
Mr. Jeremy Horton
Custom care line Benin: +22962524689
Customs Care line USA +12138024555
Custom care line Ghana +233247137127
The information contained in this message is confidential. This
message is intended to be read only by the recipient or the named
person above. The unauthorized use, disclosure, copying or alteration
of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this mail
and did not request for it please discard with urgency. This mail was
sent on behalf of this above mentioned Bank.
ttention Beneficiary with this Consignment CODE No: 00900CD020014XX/00
Mr.James Mack - w.offec10@gmail.com
Attention Beneficiary with this Consignment CODE No: 00900CD020014XX/00
We have finally succeeded in getting your package worthy of $4.8Million out
of delivery your consignment with the help of Dr David Don Attorney
General of Federal High Court of Justice Benin which act as your foreign
Attorney representative here in Benin.
So every necessary arrangement has been made successfully with the Agent
Mr.Mr.James Mack of your package and every Documents guiding your delivery
is well updated so you are advice to re-confirm your full delivery
information to the Agent right now as he is currently at Los Angeles
International Airport in USA with your consignment box, As he called me
this morning to inform me that he misplaced your delivery address which he
So you are advice to reconfirm your full delivery information to the
diplomat and call him with this Number +1(4432926806 so as to have easy
conversation with him and to enable you give him full direction to get your
package delivered to you and hand you over your package safe and sound,
Furthermore you are advice to be very fast as the Agent Mr.James Mack
has no time to waste due to his flight ticket, So the Information you are
Required to Reconfirm to the Agent is as Follow.
(1)Your Full Name
(2)Mobile Phone Number
(3)Current Home Address
(4)Fax Number
(7)Nearest Airport
As he is at Los Angeles International Airport in USA right now because of
the Searching and Scanning of the consignment box which made him to
misplace your address (8) A Copy of Your I D For attached Identification.
So contact him to deliver your package first thing tomorrow morning
possibly today, So get back to us immediately you contact the Agent to make
sure that your fund has getting to you without any hitch,
Please try to make sure that you contact him with this
Email: mackjames295@gmail.com
Name- Agent... Mr.James Mack
Call or Email :....+1(4432926806
So contact him to deliver your Consignment box first thing tomorrow morning
possibly today, So get back to us immediately you contact the Agent to make
sure that your fund has getting to you without any hitch, Furthermore
remember the Agent delivering the Consignment Box does not know the content
of that consignment box is money, Because the Attorney which represented
you registered it as a family value to avoid hitch during the delivery so
unknown circumstances should you let him know the content of that
consignment box is to avoid lost of your fund as your Consignment was Sign
and Stamp by Federal Ministry of Justice to make sure that it is protected
until it gets to you..
Rev. Jerry Mark
Mobile: (+229)99331247
Chegou para meu telefone o numero 2348106792002
ResponderExcluirFui víctima de una gran estafa. El culpable detrás del perfil utilizado fue un hombre negro africano que se había escondido detrás de la foto de un hombre blanco, me dijo que fuera un hombre de negocios en el negocio del petróleo que iría a África con urgencia.
ResponderExcluirCuando llegó a África, me dio un signo de vida y hablamos por Skype durante algunas semanas. Después de esto, él me dijo que él había sido víctima de la agresión y me pidió ayuda, es a partir de este momento que comenzó mi terrible experiencia, perdí hasta 23.600 euros .
Dada la situación, me quejé ante la gendarmería de mi localidad, pero no se hizo nada porque el culpable es África, así que estoy más cerca del servicio Interpol que lucha contra las estafas en Internet en África que tiene Tomé mi archivo en la mano y esta persona que pretendía ser francesa fue arrestada, luego recuperé mi dinero y mi compensación.
Vigilemos en Internet y especialmente en las redes sociales, así que si cree que es víctima de una estafa,
puede ponerse en contacto con el servicio Interpol y lo ayudarán a detener a su estafador, aquí están sus direcciones:
Abramos los ojos y estemos atentos a los perfiles falsos
234 902 452 5312 Este numero manteve contato comigo e com a mesma historia, viuvo, mulher morreu a 3 anos com câncer, mora em Dublin na Irlanda, bem sucedido, engenheiro e trabalhava com o governo, se apaixonou por mim e logo ia me mandar uma caixa com roupas pra qdo ele viesse, haa e junto um envelope com 30.000 libras e presentes pra mim rs, bem a mesma historia, ficou me elogiando, respeitoso e envolvente, Chegou até mim pelo Facebook, o dele e este https://www.facebook.com/myprivate06 Michael Vincent, foi só pesquisar a foto dele é pimba, scammers. As fotos sao deste grisalho gatao ai.
ResponderExcluirNossa a mesma história e o mesmo Michael vincent ,fez com minha mãe ,nossa assustada !