De : pretty sandra prettysandra619@outlook.com
Envoyé le : Ma, 15 Mar 2017
Sujet : i will need you to help me out with the money : prettysandra619@outlook.com
Okay baby, thanks for your reply honey, i wish to come to you by next week but am currently broke now honey, so i will need like 800dollar to pay for the flight ticket to come over to you my love and i can't wait to be in your arms and have sweet sex with you over there my love... so i will need you to help me out with the money before the ending of this week my love... so can you help me out with the money, my love...
i will be waiting for your good news, reply...
i love you so much.
Assunto: ...conhecir um homem pelo site de relacionamento,pelo nome de Edward PiliP teclamos um ano,mas ele nunca falou de dinheiro, apos tres dias enviaram me outro imail, dizendo que eu deveria fazer um seguro no valor de Rs9,790reais, eu disse que nao tenho dinheiro, realmente nao sei o que fazer, gostaria que vissem para mim,se realmente cair no golpe de um SCAMMER,
o numero do celular dele è+447514341367
o imail dele è edwardpilip099@gmail.com por favor me ajude
..... quando foi semana retrasada me ligaram da companhia chamada Air Express courier, que minha encomenda tinha chegado, mas eu teria que pagar rs5,770 reais,pra liberaçao,,ai passado dois dias eles me enviaram outro imail, dizendo que precisava enviar mas 9,790 que era pra fazer um seguro,,:do pacote,,eu realmente nao sei o que fazer, gostaria que me ajudassem muito a descobrir se eu cair num golpe de um scammer
, vou mandar o imail da pessoa - edwardpilip099@gmail.com
email scammer - edwardpilip099@gmail.com
email scammer - edwardpilip099@gmail.com
email scammer - edwardpilip099@gmail.com
morris vincent
Como vai você? Espero que tudo esteja indo bem e livre de estresse para você? Obrigado por me fornecer seu e-mail id, pelo menos você me criou a chance de contar e saber mais sobre você. Primeiro quero me apresentar.
Eu sou Vincent Morris, nascido em 23 de abril de 1966, em Barbados Ilha do Caribe. Eu sou originalmente de Barbados, Meu primeiro grau foi em Engenharia Mecânica na Universidade de Liverpool e eu sou um consultor em petróleo e gás de exploração e fornecimento e eu faço a maioria dos projetos de contratos de importação. A razão pela qual eu estava no bate-papo de namoro era conhecer pessoas, nada mais ... mas você saiu do nada (uma surpresa agradável, devo dizer). Fiquei realmente surpreso com a sua honestidade.
Eu tenho uma filha, ela tem 10 anos de idade, seu nome é Mary e eu também cuidar dela e da babá me ajudar também quando eu deixar de trabalhar, juntos todos nós vivemos agora em Manchester se eu trabalhar. Tenho 5'8 de altura, olhos castanhos, cabelos grisalhos e pesando 72kg. E minha esposa morreu em 2006 de câncer de sangue, sem tios, ou primos, uma família muito pequena.
Após a morte da minha esposa, é como se a vida parou por um longo tempo eu não poderia entrar em mim e minha distração foi trabalho e crianças! Pouca comunicação e ainda mais divertimento, eu apenas não estava pronto. Eu nunca pensei em namorar, especialmente on-line.
Nunca pensei em nada sério com nenhuma mulher até recentemente. Tive tempo para me sentar e pensar de novo, e descobri que quero viver o resto da minha vida em paz, dado o fato de que tenho muitos mais anos pela frente. Eu quero amar e ser amado! No futuro próximo e viver com o homem para entender a beleza ea santidade do casamento. Mas é muito assustador sequer pensar em casamento, quando você olha para a taxa em que as pessoas se casam hoje aqui e amanhã no divórcio, mas eu ainda espero encontrar a mulher certa para mim. Eu adoraria passar um tempo com o resto da minha vida com ela, uma MULHER que sabe o que é o amor real!
Eu quero dizer que eu sou calmo, inteligente e engraçado, cuidar, trabalhador e com um senso de humor. Eu amo a natureza, caminhadas na floresta, viajar, prefiro ouvir boa música, nadar, e andar na praia com os pés descalços. Eu tento ser pragmático sobre a vida; Eu acredito que as pessoas entram em nossas vidas por uma razão. Eu sou uma pessoa muito ocupada, mas acredito que há uma parte de mim que adora aventura e romance. Minhas flores favoritas são rosas e lírios. Minha cor favorita é vermelho e azul, e eu aprecio a atmosfera calma e reconfortante da parceria.
Eu estou realmente interessado em querer saber sobre você, quero saber mais sobre sua família, seu passado, sua experiência, relacionamentos passados, seus objetivos e sonhos, seus interesses, eu quero saber mais sobre você e o que faz seu coração e Alma, como a amizade que eu quero construir com você Eu quero ser como nenhum outro que você já viu ou sentiu.
Eu vou te contar mais sobre mim assim que você me contar um pouco sobre você. Finalmente, vou esperar pela sua resposta e por favor não se apresse, apenas tome o seu tempo e me escreva quando tiver a chance de fazê-lo, meu coração está livre e aberto, também vou ser feliz, se eu encontrar o mesmo coração e Será mútua.
Esperança para ler de você logo.
Essa foi meu primeiro contato com ele. .
Telefone dele 447704421531.
Telefone da empresa de transporte. 447544681643.
Telefone de Michael de onde estava o pacote .
011 - 959721370.Em São Paulo.
Meu amor XXXXXX
Como você está hoje? espero que você esteja bem. Eu quero deixá-lo saber que estou prestes a viajar agora, se eu terminar de escrever-lhe este e-mail e quero enviar-lhe os detalhes das coisas que eu disse que i loja para você, espero que você vai gostar, por favor, tome como ele é Um símbolo do meu coração
1, Burberry Brit perfume para mulheres
2, Gucci Saco e sapato
3,24k Ouro Givenchy Anéis de orelha
4, Meus documentos pessoais para o investimento ea casa vou comprar quando eu venho para o seu país, selado em um envelope marrom e algum dinheiro para permitir que você use para reservar uma reserva onde podemos ficar quando eu venho e comprar algo que você precisa Em seguida, manter o resto, vamos usar quando estou com você Uma vez que não houve tempo para entrar em contato com você mais por seus detalhes da conta bancária para fazer uma transação bancária.
Eu o enviei com seu nome e endereço que você me deu abaixo;
Querida aqui está os detalhes do site da empresa e do número de rastreamento. Por favor, vá para o site da empresa e rastreá-lo através de acompanhamento on-line para saber quando o pacote vai chegar ao seu país e também escrever a eles através de seu endereço de e-mail. De meu inquérito o pacote levará de 3 a 4 dias.
Website: http://www.euroex.press/en
Email da Empresa: info@euroex.press
Número de Rastreamento: EUT9573116
Meu vôo de mel vai sair em 45 minutos e vou entrar em contato com você quando estou na Venezuela, porque vai demorar 10 horas de Londres para a Venezuela, Por favor, cuidar de si mesmo eo pacote quando ele chega até você. Eu vou com o meu telefone porque eu roam a linha para chamar e receber a sua chamada também.
Todo meu amor e cuidado.
09/02/2017 09:22, "Eurotrans Express Courier"
Eurotrans Express Courier e Serviços de Logística.
Data: 9 de fevereiro de 2017
À atenção de:XXXXXX
Além de nossa correspondência, reconhecemos o recebimento do valor que você enviou por meio de nosso funcionário da conta, a quantia de 5.526,40 BRL.
É imperativo que você saiba que seu pacote foi liberado de nosso escritório e está pronto para a entrega a you.The Inland Revenue do Brasil implementou que o pacote e seu conteúdo tem que ser segurado antes que possa ser entregue a você.
Pedimos sinceramente desculpas por quaisquer inconvenientes causados ??por qualquer entrega tardia do seu pacote para você. Tenha a certeza que o seu pacote será enviado e entregue a você assim que você atender as taxas exigidas abaixo pelo Inland Revenue.
Serviços de cobrança de seguro e IVA:
Seguros 13,081.11 BRL
Imposto 13,081.11 BRL
Total ............................... 27.062,22BRL
Apresente seu número de ordem ao chamar para que possamos honrar suas chamadas, estamos felizes em ser de serviço para você.
Para mais informações, ligue para:
Tel: +55 11 962877078
Tel: +55 11 962877078
Felipe Gustavo.
Coordenador regional
Euotrans correio expresso e logística serviço.
Por favor, faça o pagamento com as informações da conta que aparecem abaixo:
Nome: Dayanne Maria da Silva Xavier
Banco Itau, Agencia 6870.
Conta :31167-4,
quantidade: 5,526.40 BRL
Envie a evidência do banco de seu pagamento imediatamente após o pagamento para a confirmação, uma vez que seu pagamento é confirmado seu pacote será entregado dentro de 24 horas após o pagamento.
Esperança ouvir-se de você assim que você fizer o pagamento.
________________________ _____________________________________________
Boa noite receber birra um email alguns meses,de um homem chamado Kelvin nelson dizia que é especialista em bombas no exército americano era viúva e tinha um filho de 15 anos e se encontrava no Afeganistão, ficamos íntimos ele me mandou uma foto e pediu a minha mandei alguma ele também,no mês de janeiro ele me informou que tinha um valor expressivo em dolar .... que queria investir no meu país e casar comigo,...... que estava me mandando uma quantia em dinheiro um valor expressivo,até aí tudo bem, um outro homem que ele me informou sendo um diplomata me entregaria este pacote enviado por ele,o homem chegou aí me pediu o dinheiro da alfandega até em então não desconfiei,fui e dei depois ele o diplomata pediu mais outro valor dei,mas na terceira vez que foi ontem,já estava desconfiada mas não dei bola pra minha intuição,ele me pediu.

De: David Michael davidmichael12@yandex.com
Enviado: jueves, 16 de febrero de 2017
Para: xxxxxxx
Asunto: This is David Taylor Michael from dating website.
¿Cómo es la vida allí con usted y su familia? Quiero aprovechar esta oportunidad para agradecerle su dirección de correo electrónico, que nos dará la oportunidad de comunicarnos y conocernos mejor.
Permítanme usar esto como una oportunidad para presentarme a ustedes. Mis nombres son David Taylor Michael. Tengo 50 años, soy el único hijo de mis padres. Nací el 5 de mayo de 1966. Mi padre es británico y también mi madre. Tengo una hija, su nombre es Sylvia que tiene 19 años y vive con mi madre aquí en el Reino Unido pero no vivimos juntos debido a mi trabajo.
comenzar una relación seria que llevará al matrimonio y estoy feliz de que te he encontrado.
En realidad, es mi primera vez en el sitio web de citas, un amigo mío encontró a su alma gemela en el mismo sitio web y ahora está disfrutando de su vida matrimonial con su alma gemela que encontró en
Estaba casada con su madre pero su madre murió hace 10 años. Ella murió como resultado de lesiones sufridas por un accidente. Ella era una mujer agradable y yo era muy fiel a ella. Desde que mi esposa murió, he estado viviendo una vida solitaria. Me he concentrado más en mi trabajo y en mi familia, pero ahora estoy listo para amar de nuevo. He puesto el pasado detrás de mí y ahora estoy listo para el sitio web de citas. Él me aconsejó unirse a este sitio web y estoy feliz de que he conocido a alguien como tú y realmente espero que podamos unir nuestras cabezas y construir esta relación para ser exitosa y eterna relación.
Estoy trabajando como Gerente de Proyecto con Carty Construction, una de las principales empresas de construcción aquí en Reino Unido y usted?
Adjunto es mi pictures.please envíeme sus cuadros also.I esperan su respuesta pronto.
David Michael.
De: David Michael davidmichael12@yandex.com
Enviado: martes, 14 de marzo de 2017
Buen dia mi reina
Espero que lo estés haciendo muy bien. Estoy muy contento de que estoy cerca de verte pronto porque voy a viajar para verte tan pronto como complete esta transacción.
En lo que respecta a mi transacción, todo ha ido bien. Como te dije, la compañía aceptó pagarme el dinero de mi difunto padre. Acordaron pagar US $ 3.6 millones y todavía estoy contento y agradecido a Dios.
La empresa aprobó el pago ayer y también me dirigieron al ministerio de obras para obtener una carta de liberación. La carta de liberación debe ser emitida por el Ministerio de Obras y cuando reciba la carta de liquidación, la devolveré a la empresa y la empresa me pagará el dinero.
Fui al ministerio de obras ayer por la tarde y los funcionarios allí revisaron todos los registros de impuestos pagados y no pagados por mi difunto padre mientras estaba manejando el contrato en Malasia. Después de comprobar todos los registros de los impuestos de mi difunto padre, me mostraron que mi difunto padre debía al ministerio de obras un impuesto total de 360.000 dólares. El ministerio de obras dijo que debía pagar el impuesto total adeudado por mi padre. Después de pagar el impuesto total, emitirán la carta de liberación y me darán lo que llevaré a la empresa y luego la empresa me pagará los US $ 3,6 millones.
Ayer pagué el monto total de US $ 325.300 de todas mis tarjetas de crédito que son mis ahorros, también agregué todo el dinero en efectivo para que sea US $ 325.300. Después llamé a mi madre y mi amigo para que me ayudara con el dinero del balance. Mi madre fue capaz de enviarme el dinero y también prestado de amigos a fin de enviarme este dinero, pero todavía hay escasez. Hablé con ella por teléfono y ella no está contenta porque eso es todo lo que podía hacer. Ella es vieja y tiene problemas del corazón así que ella no trabaja más.
Ella tuvo que enviarme el dinero aquí en Malasia y coleccioné el dinero esta mañana. El dinero tiene escasez de US $ 2,450 y mi madre no puede conseguir más dinero para enviarme.
Mi querido, en realidad no sabía sobre el impuesto que mi padre debía que debo pagar antes de recibir la carta de liberación del ministerio de obras. Si yo hubiera sabido sobre el impuesto cuando estuve en Inglaterra, habría arreglado todo el dinero en Inglaterra antes de viajar aquí abajo a Malasia. El dinero total que se me pidió pagar es de US $ 360.000 y he pagado US $ 325.300 que era todo el dinero que tenía en todas mis tarjetas de crédito. Ahora me quedo con casi nada. Mi madre envió US $ 32.250 y ahora necesito US $ 2.450
Mi Reina, sabes que no tengo a nadie aquí en Asia, realmente no sé cómo pedirte este dinero porque nunca lo he hecho antes. Soy muy tímido cuando se trata de pedir dinero a una mujer. Nunca lo he hecho en mi vida porque creo que un hombre siempre debe pagar todas las facturas y también cuidar de una mujer, pero estoy en una situación muy apretada ahora y espero que pueda rescatarme.
Por favor cariño, ¿puedes pedirme esta cantidad y enviarla tan pronto como sea posible para que pueda recibir el dinero y pagar el ministerio de obras a tiempo. Cuando le pago al ministerio de obras este saldo, me darán una carta de liberación que llevaré a la empresa para que la empresa me pague los US $ 3,6 millones y puedo reservar mi boleto y volar a su encuentro de inmediato. Espero que entiendas.
Mi Reina, te prometo que te pagaré este dinero tan pronto como llegue a tu país. Podría pagar con interés también. Por favor ayúdame con este dinero tan pronto como sea posible y una cosa que debo preguntarte es que no debes decirle a tu familia o amigos sobre esta ayuda que estoy pidiendo porque voy a ser muy tímido para mirarlos cuando vaya. Espero que entiendas mi situación.
Por favor, puede enviarme los US $ 2,450 a través de Western Union, con la información completa.
NOMBRE: David Michael.
DIRECCIÓN: 2 Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malasia.
Por favor, me enviará el recibo en el que utiliza para transferir el pago para evitar errores.
Muchas gracias por tu ayuda. Deseo oír de nuevo de usted pronto. Te amo y espero verte muy pronto.
Tuyo para siempre.
David Michael.
De : Cynthia Denniss cynthiadeniss@yahoo.com
Envoyé le : Me, 15 Mar 2017
Sujet : I am pleading that you help me : cynthiadeniss@yahoo.com????????????????????????????????
My dear
I am Miss Cynthia Helen Denis, l am 23 years old, I am single never married before, Nursing student from Monrovia (Liberia), but presently seeking asylum in Senegal as a result of war in my country, my father of a blessed memory by name Late Engr. Patrick Denis who was the Director general with Denis INDUSTRIAL Company PLC in Liberia was killed alongside with my beloved mother and our family house burnt down by the rebels during the last crisis in my country when Janjaweed militias came to our house,and this sent me away to other country as i made my escape only by God's special grace and with the help of catholic missionaries because i was in the boarding house when this incident took place.
Actually in search of an honest and reliable person who will help me to relocate to western world or a peaceful place for a better life,i have chosen to contact you after my prayers and i believe you will not try to cheat me but rather take me as your own people. Though you may wonder why I am so soon giving in to you without seeing you, well I will say that my instinct still tells that you could be true to me. Briefly, I will like to disclose much to you if you will help me to relocate to your country with the substance that i inherited from my parent.I have a substantial amount of
$4.7M (Four Million seven Hundred Thousand Dollars),
which i will like to invest in your country into any lucrative business venture which you are to advise and execute seeing that i have no business experience for now. However, I shall forward you with the necessary documents on confirmation of your acceptance to assist me for the transfer and investment of the fund. As you will help me in an investment, and i will like to complete my studies, as i was in my 2nd year in Nursing school, when the crisis started. It is my intention to compensate you with 25% of the total money for your services and the balance shall be my investment capital. This is the reason why I decided to contact you. Please all communications should be through this box address only for confidential purposes. Please do keep this only to yourself please i beg you not to disclose it till i come over, once the fund has been transferred.
As soon as I receive your positive response showing your interest I will put things into action immediately In the light of the above, I shall appreciate an urgent message indicating your ability and willingness to handle this transaction sincerely. With due respect, I am pleading that you help me, i am giving all this detailed information with every transparency believing that you will have a clear picture of the base of help i need from you.
I hope to hear from you soon.
I attach my photo here for you.
Awaiting your urgent and positive response.
May truth and love be the guiding word in my refuge in you dear helper
De : Flora Darpino - darpinoflora4@gmail.com
A: undisclosed-recipients:;
Envoyé le : Ma, 15 Mar 2017
Sujet : Contact UBA about your $320,000 ATM card : unitedbankofuba@yandex.com
Hello Dear Friend,
I am happy to inform you about my success in getting my fund transferred through the help of a new partner Fernando Alvaro Gomez from Mexico. Presently I am in Afghanistan but will travel to Mexico very soon for investment projects with my own share of the total sum. Everything was perfectly done because we strike a deal with one of the Lady Accountant who works with the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF), and she rendered a tremendous help to us. My new partner initiated this idea and everything worked out successfully.
Meanwhile, I did not forget your past efforts and attempts to assist me receive the consignment box contain 25 Millions Dollars despite that it failed us some how. So i told my partner to leave a Certified Draft Cheque for you worth $320,000 us dollars in UNITED BANK FOR AFRICA Dakar Senegal because my partner was in Africa for business but now he has gone back to Mexico. So the UBA will process an account with your cheque and process a CASH EXPRESS VISA credit card with your account. When the credit card is ready, they will ship the credit card to your country through any courier service, then you can use the credit card to withdraw the fund from any ATM machine in your country. Below information is their contact details.Kindly contact them immediately you receive this mail for them to process your Atm Visa Card for you.
UBA Credit Card Department
Mr. Ahmed Musa
Tel: +221.705061543
Gen. Flora Darpino
De : marylin freya - marylin509@hotmail.com
Envoyé le : Me, 15 Mar 2017
Sujet : Contact him about your $900,000 cheque : rvnathankapaya@yahoo.com
Hello, Good day to you, my old friend !
How is everything around you ? I hope my email finds you well, this is just to let you know that a good mind does not forget some special people who are very nice and thoughtful as you were to me then.
I'm happy to inform you about my success in getting my inheritance funds transferred under the co-operation of my new partner from Ireland, and i wish as well to let you know that I traveled to Senegal in West Africa, but last week I left Senegal to Canada where i am presently now for investment projects with my own shares of the total share.
Meanwhile, I didn't forget your past efforts and attempts to assisting me in the clam of the funds despite that it failed us some how.
Now i did not forget your efforts then how you tried to help despite that it failed some how, so i decided to reward you for your good heart with a Bank Draft Cheque i left T o one Reverend Father Nathan Kapaya in Senegal a sum of
$900,000.00 Thousand United States Dollars
for you as a reward for the fact that you did not take advantage of me over my inheritance as i revealed every thing about me to you when i needed someone to help me out.
I want you to know that i would have write to you to demand for your account to pay in this money for you but there was no chance for me to do that because i was in a hurry to catch up with my flight and i did not want my partner to know about my gift to you because i know that he would not have allowed me to give you such huge amount so i decided to drop the cheque to you for you to use it and start new life as my Reverend. Please, contact the Rev father his contact information are as follows...
Rev Father Nathan Kapaya
+221 776304312
You are to forward to him the following...
i left an instructions for the bank Draft Cheque to be sent to you, so I want you to feel free and contact him so that he can tell you how you can receive the bank draft cheque which i left with him on your behalf for your generous kindness to me then.
Here is the contact email and phone number of Rev. Father Nathan Kapaya,
+221 776304312
Finally, i want to plead with you not to write to me again with this email because my husband now has access to my mailbox and i do not want him to know that i left a Bank Draft Cheque to you but i will call or write to you when i settle down very well Here in Canada because i am still like a stranger here and I feel this is the only way i could say thank you for your kindness to me.
Do not hesitate to get in touch with him and he will send you the bank draft immediately without any delay.
Take care and bye for now.
Your old friend
EMAILS SCAMMER - Bencarter@gmail.com
Eu me chamo xxxxx estou sendo contactada por um que tem o perfil do facebook como JAMES CARTER, mas ele anteriormente, até o dia 01/02/17 usava o nome de JAMES BRIDGE, mas mantendo a mesma foto, de óculos escuros, perguntei
qual a razão da mudança de nome e ele me disse que foi porque os computadores foram "revigorados" por segurança, ele se passa por um sargento da U.S.Army, em missão
nas forças de paz no Iraque.
Vou enviar algumas fotos para você, incluindo a do perfil do facebook que ele usou para me readicionar.
Mrs. Nonia Tawu - sdrupioli@alice.it
This is to inform you that we have been working towards the eradication of
fraudsters and scam Artists in Africa with the help of the Organization of
African Unity (OAU) United Nations (UN), European Union (EU) and FBI.
We have been able to track down some scam artist in various parts of African
countries which includes (Nigeria, Republic of Benin, Burkina Faso Ghana and
Senegal with cote d'ivoire ) and they are all in Government custody now, they
will appear at International Criminal Court (ICC) soon for Justice.
During the course of investigation, they were able to recovered some funds from
these scam artists and IMF organization have ordered the funds recovered to be
shared among the 10 Lucky people listed around the World as a compensation.
This notice is been directed to you because your email address was found in one
of the scam Artists file and computer hard-disk while the investigation, maybe
you have been scammed. You are therefore being compensated with sum of
$300,000.00 US Dollars valid into an (ATM Card Number 506119102227445160).
Since your email address is among the lucky beneficiaries who will receive a
compensation funds, we have arranged your payment to be paid
to you through ATM VISA CARD and deliver to your postal address with the Pin
Numbers as to enable you withdrawal maximum of $5,000 on each
withdrawal from any Bank ATM Machine of your choice, until all the funds are
The ATM Card with Security Pin Numbers shall be delivered to you via courier
Service, depending your choice.
In order to proceed with this transaction, you will be required to contact the
agent in-charge ( Mr. Morgan Ress) Kindly look below to find appropriate
contact information:
Phone +229 62456860
You will be required to e-mail him with the following information:
We advice you to stop all the communications with everyone regarding your
payment as we have short listed to deliver to you and now urge
you to comply and receive your ATM Card funds.
Thanks for your understanding as you follow instructions while I wait to hear
from you today.
Yours in Services
will - broadcasting@exacttarget.com
Tenha cuidado com esta mensagem. Muitas pessoas marcaram mensagens semelhantes como golpes de phishing. Ela deve ter conteúdo perigoso. Saiba mais
Attn: Please.
I am W.K, a banker, I have emailed you earlier on without any response from you. In my first email I mentioned about our deceased customer whose relatives my Bank cannot locate to claim his estate.
I got your address from online directory service and decided to write you. I am asking for your consent so that I can present you to my Bank Management as the next of kin to the late customer account proceeds value (Six Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars) to be transferred into your account for our mutual benefit.
At the successful transfer of this fund, we shall share the fund on a pro rata based percentage am compelled to do this because I do not want my Bank to take over the ownership of this fund.
If you are interested and in agreement with me, get back to me quickly and I will send to you all the information you may need to proceed without coming to the Bank, and be rest assured that it is risk free project.
I look forward to your reply: wmwkomkk.kmom@yahoo.ca
MATHILDE DECHIN - nicola.dellaversana@alice.it
Tout en vous remerciant de l'attention que vous accordez à mon vœu le plus
cher, j'aimerais que vous sachiez que je ne m’étais pas trompée de personne.
Mon souhait a toujours été de rencontrer une personne de DIEU, afin que
cette dernière mène des actions sociales à travers une fondation. Toutefois, je
comprendrais votre étonnement quant à ma façon de procéder.
Je me nomme MATHILDE DECHIN de nationalité Française mais actuellement en sous
observation médicale dans un hôpital sise à LONDRES.
J'ai dû vous contacter parce que je souhaite prendre par vous pour faire don
d'une somme de 1.500.000 € dans les soucis d'aider des personnes en besoin. Ma
vie professionnelle a été un véritable tourisme d'autant plus que j'ai toujours
vécu loin de mon pays. D'abord au Koweït, où j'ai travaillé dans le secteur
pétrolier. Ensuite j'ai été en République du Bénin (année 2006) où je voulais
mettre en place plusieurs entreprises quand cette maladie m’a touché. C'est
dans ce pays que j'ai connu le vrai bonheur, celui du mariage avec un Canadien
qui travaillait aussi dans ce pays.
Malheureusement nous n'avons pas eu la chance d'avoir d'enfant. Après six (06)
années de vie commune, mon époux a perdu la vie suite a une longue maladie.
Ainsi je suis restée à nouveau seule jusqu'à ce que ce cancer vienne limiter
ma vie. Cela fera bientôt deux ans que je me bats contre cette maladie et la
médecine ne peut plus rien suite aux résultats des examens médicaux dont mes
jours sont comptés selon l’investigation de mon Docteur.
J'avais bloqué ce montant si important dans l'une des BANQUES du BENIN pour un
projet de construction. Je serai grée à vous confier cet argent pour que mon
projet de donation aboutisse. Je vous pris d'accepter cela, car c'est un don
venant d'une femme mourante et cela sans rien demander en retour. Vous pouvez
toute fois me contacter sur mon tél : 00447781470659
FROM ABDUL HAMZA (16/03/2017)
Abdul Hamza abdul.hamza03@gmail.com por yahoo.com
Dear Friend
This message might come to you as a surprise. However, it all just my urgent needs for a foreign partner that made me to contact you for this transaction. I saw your brief contact on web directory during a comprehensive online search. Please accept my sincere apology, if i am interfering on your privacy search, while I was searching for a foreign partner. I assured of your capability and reliability to champion this business opportunity when I was praying about you. I am a banker by profession in Burkina Faso West Africa and currently holding the post of BILL AND EXCHANGE MANAGER in our bank.
I have the opportunity of transferring the left over funds ($22.3 million dollars) of one of my bank clients who died along with his entire family on 17 January 2008 in a plane crash. I am inviting you for a business deal where this money can be shared between us in the ratio of 60 / 40% while 10% will be set aside to take care of expenses that may arise during the time of transfer and also telephone bills, if you agree to my business proposal. Further details of the transfer will be forwarded to you as soon as I receive your responses. Please indicate your willingness by sending your Personal Mobile Number for easy communication.
What You Will Be required to do:
1] Provide a bank account where the funds will be transfer via Bank to Bank Transfer.
2] Invest and Manage the Funds Profitably on my Behalf pending when i will be ready to take over.
3] 40% of the total fund will be for your assistance, while the balance of 60% will be for me and while 10% will be to take care of expenses.
I am willing to negotiate Management Sharing Percentage after the confirmation of the funds in your account. I shall expect to hear from you urgently as this is of high Priority. I shall make available to you all necessary information, directives and possibly arrange a meeting prior to the commencement of the transaction at the bank where the funds is deposited.
Best regards,
Reply-To: Osseline Amadou osseline.amadou38@yahoo.com
Osseline Amadou osseline1amadou11@gmail.com por yahoo.com
Attn: Beneficiary.
This is to officially inform you that we have verified your contract / inheritance file presently on my desk, and I found out that you have not received your payment due to your lack of co-operation and not fulfilling the obligations giving to you in respect to your contract / inheritance payment. Secondly, you are hereby advised to stop dealing with some non-officials in the banks as this is an illegal act and will have to stop if you so wish to receive your payment immediately.
After the board meeting held at our headquarters, we have resolved in finding a solution to your problem, and as you may know, we have arranged your payment through our SWIFTCARD PAYMENT CENTER in Europe, America and Asia Pacific, which is the instruction given by the President, (GCFR) Burkina Faso.
This card centre will send you an ATM CARD which you will use to withdraw your money in an ATM MACHINE in any part of the world, but the maximum is $2.5million dollars ($5,000.00) Five Thousand Dollars per day. So, if you like to receive your fund this way, please do contact Dr. Osseline Amadou through his official address to direct you on how you will receive your fund (osseline.amadou38@yahoo.com) and forward the below details to ATM VISA CARD department immediately and you can also call his direct number +226 63214839
1.) Full Name:.......................
2.) Residence Address where your ATM CARD will be send:...................
3.) Phone Number And Fax Number:.................
4.) Total Fund to be received:................
5.) Age and Occupation:.............
6.) A Scan of Your International Passport or Identity Card or Driver's License:.............
6.) Indicate to the card centre director the exact total amount you are expecting/suppose to receive:......................
Instead of losing your fund, please indicate to the card centre the total sum you are expecting and for your Information you have to stop any further communication with anybody or office. On this regards, do not hesitate to contact me for more details and direction, and also please do update me with any new development.
Contact person Dr. Osseline Amadou
Thanks for your co-operation.
From the Management
Reply-To: dlek83654@webmail.co.za
Funding a viable project
David Lekoto - baumann@redshift.com
04:18 (Há 8 horas)
My name is Mr. David Lekoto, an investment consultant to a prominent wealthy Libyan family who are cautious of not exposing their finances due to their political affiliation. We are seeking to diversifying our financial portfolio into viable and lucrative business Projects that worth it. We are most interested in Medical and Health care projects, Real estate projects, mining Projects, Agricultural projects, renewable energy projects, start-up projects and business expansions.
We are fully committed to financing business plans that has high level of certainty for success. I will expect you to forward a comprehensive business plan for our perusal. If your business plan at present worth it and within our scope of funding, we will discuss necessary investment terms with you for immediate funding.
Anticipating for your swift response.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. David Lekoto
Investment Consultant
Email: dleko8773@gmail.com
Reply-To: MR JHORGE JAMES jhorgejames0022@gmail.com
MR JHORGE JAMES - mrjhorgesouleyman84@yahoo.com
Dear friend,
I hope that you are well today? I am the Accounting Manager of WEST
AFRICA BANK. With due respect, I decided to contact you over this
business financial transaction worth the sum of $16.5 Million dollars in
other to entrust this fund into your bank account.
You should note that this is an abandoned fund that belongs to one of
our customer from India who died along with his entire family by
terrorist attack in Libya 31 October 2011]. I was very fortune to meet
the deceased file when i was arranging the old and abandoned
customer’s files in other to submit to the management accordingly for
documentation purposes.
Following our banking financial policy, it was obviously indicated and
signed lawfully that if such money remains unclaimed without anybody
been a foreigner apply and claim the fund as the next of kin, the
money will be transferred into the Government Treasury account as
unclaimed fund.
So my request of you as a foreigner is necessarily for the claim
because a citizen of Burkina Faso cannot come forward to claim the
fund since the law does not have a way for an indigene to claim such
fund. Since the real depositor of the fund died, the bank is expecting
the next of kin to apply for the release of the fund for him or her.
Unfortunately i learnt through the investigations which I carried out
that there is nobody behind the deceased who can come and claim the
Therefore I want you to apply to the bank with your reliable account
data where the bank will transfer the fund into, and immediately the Dear friend
I hope that you are well today? I am the Accounting Manager of WEST
AFRICA BANK. With due respect, I decided to contact you over this
business financial transaction worth the sum of $16.5 Million dollars
other to entrust this fund into your bank account.You should note that
this is an abandoned fund that belongs to one of our customer from
India who died along with his entire family by terrorist attack in
Libya 31 October 2011].
I was very fortune to meet the deceased file when was arranging the
old and abandoned customer’s files in other to submit to the
management accordingly for documentation purposes.
Following our banking financial policy, it was obviously indicated and
signed lawfully that if such money remains unclaimed without anybody
been a foreigner apply and claim the fund as the next of kin,
the money will be transferred into the Government Treasury account as
unclaimed fund.
So my request of you as a foreigner is necessarily for the claim
because a citizen of Burkina Faso cannot come forward to claim the
fund since the law does not have a way for an indigence to claim such
fund. Since the real depositor of the fund died, the bank is expecting
the next of kin to apply for the release of the fund for him or her.
Unfortunately i learnt through the investigations which I carried out
that there is nobody behind the deceased who can come and claim the
Therefore I want you to apply to the bank with your reliable account
data where the bank will transfer the fund into, and immediately the
fund is transferred into you r account, we will share the fund
according to the percentage ratio below. Upon the receipt of your
reply or call me indication of your capability, there is no risk in
this business.
With my position here in the bank the money can be transferred to any
account you can provide with assurance that this $16.5 Millions will
be intact pending my physical arrival in your country for sharing.
Upon successful transfer without any disappointment from your side, I
am only contacting you as a foreigner because this $16.5 Millions
cannot be approved to a local person here, but can only be approved to
foreigner who has the correct information of the account, which I will
provide for you. So you should provide me with your correct account
details where you will like the fund to be transferred to, or you can
set up a new account for the transfer even an empty account is ok. At
the conclusion of the transfer you will take 40%, in the process of
this business and the remaining 60% will be for me. As soon as I hear
from you and upon your strong assurance that you will not let me down
once the fund goes into your account I will then send you the Text of
application form which you will fill with your banking information and
send to my bank here for immediate transfer of the funds to your
If you are interested, please forward the following information to me as below:
{1} Your full Names / and privet address;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
{2} Your telephone Mobile and fax Numbers;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
{3} Your Occupation;;;;;;;;;;;;
{4} your religion;;;;;;;;;;;;;
{5} your SEX;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
{6} Marital Status;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
{7} your country;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
{8} your age;;;;;;;;;;
You have to keep everything secret as to enable the
transfer to move very smoothly in to the account you will prove to the
bank.god bless you and bye for now. Yours faithfully).
ynkmwqw7 ynkmwqw7@vip.163.com
Dear CEO,
We are YUNNAN.China , located in the middle of KUNMING province. Our company has already acquired the State Administration for Industry and Commerce registration, and put on record at the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, General Administration of Customs and the National Entry-exit Inspection Bureau.
According to our knowledge,your company is engaged in travel agency,having a good reputation in the industry in your country. We think that your company can receive our tourism groups in your country.
Because we and our local school signed a perennial delivered to students studying abroad contract,
We need students to go abroad to learn IT training, please introduce your business,
The average age of students is 18 years old, just graduated from college, level 4 in English, is a 112student, your school may arrive in batches, the first batch of 28 students,
You need to provide students with accommodation, food, training,
Please provide details of the learning table, what finally can get a certificate?
We hope to receive your reply,
Kind Regards,
Dear Customer,
Money Gram
19:02 (Há 18 horas)
Dear Customer,
We the money gram agent remitting office have sent your full compensation
payment of $950.000.00usd through money gram, you will be
receiving $5,000 USD per day. now we have send the first payment to you.
Please find below, your information to pick up the first sent $5,000 USD and
upon pick up by you, another detail we be sent again.
Use the below info to pick up your money now.
Reference #: 94 57 53 79
Amount: $5,000 USD
Text question: Sent
Text answer: Yes
Sender name.... Mark Ambros
Senders address: same as above
YOUR NAME...................
PHONE NUMBER/.................
YOUR PICTURE..................
Call me on this number +229-99171079 once you are back from Money Gram.
EMAIL ADDRESS: www.mgt1@gmail.com
PHONE NUMBER: +229-99171079
Dearest One,
Miss,Mary Bruma - brunograzia@alice.it
Dearest One,
I Hope This Mail Meets You In Good Health And Spirit, I Am,Miss,Mary Bruma, A
Nationality of (Cote d'Ivoire) .Presently, I Live As a Refugee In Republic of
Benin, With My baby . I Am A Victim Of War And The Son Of Late Chief Tony
Douglas The Assassinated Former Assistant Director Of Cote d'Ivoire Gold And
Diamond Mining Corporation.
My Father Was Killed With Other Government Officials During Official Hours When
The Rebel Troops Stormed And Raided The Mining Corporation Office At The Heat
Of The Crisis In My Country. Few Weeks Later, The Rebels Also Invaded Our
Residential Building In Which My Mother And Two Of Our Security Men Were Killed
In The Compound While I Was Out For A Special Research Program.
I had a singular shock and trauma, which compelled us to flee from the country
to Republic of Benin by the help of an army colonel, who is a close friend of
my late father. I am writing you in absolute confidence primarily to seek your
assistance to transfer our cash of Eight Million dollars, ( $8 Million United
State Dollars) now in the custody of a bank in Benin Republic to your private
account pending our arrival to your country.
We are Making This Request To You With Tears In our Eyes And I Feel That God
Almighty Will Touch You With His Spirit for you To Listen To My Cry For Help
And Answer Me Without Delay. For your assistance, We will be glad to offer you
15% of the total sum for your effort assistance,
In your reply, i will like you to send to us your contact information stated
bellow and i have in this attached in attachment my identity card for more
1) Your Full Name:-...............
2) Your Age:-.....................
3) Marital Status:-...............
4) Your private Cell Phone Number:..........
5) Your Country:-.................
6) Your Occupation:-..............
7) Sex:-.......................
we are anxiously waiting for your acceptance reply to help us out.
Your Urgent Reply is needed.
Best regard
Miss,Mary Bruma,
Email: brumaben2017@gmail.com
celular +1 412-410-3927
[15/3 11:53] Mrak Ray: Meu amor, muito obrigado por suas mensagens. Eu não sei o que dizer, mas uma coisa que estou muito certo é que eu tenho uma esposa perfeita, um Deus enviou esposa, profética e
Mulher visionária, uma mulher que cabe a meu status. Eu confiei em você e eu acredito em você, então, eu tenho que te contar tudo agora.
Então, no que diz respeito ao que eu quero te dizer, na verdade, eu tenho cerca de US $ 1.000.000 Milhões de dólares aqui em uma empresa de segurança. Este dinheiro foi-me dado como compensação pelo United
Nação aqui no Afeganistão como um capitão do exército porque eu conduzo alguma operação para erradicar os terroristas e as negociações de drogas ilegais que patrocinaram Al-Qaeda e Jama'at al-
Grupo Tawhid wa-al Jihad aqui no Afeganistão e durante esta operação conseguimos enviar o Grupo para fora da cidade e, também, muito dinheiro foi
Então, as Nações Unidas (ONU) chamaram o meu grupo e mostraram apreço pelo nosso trabalho bem feito por nos dar algum dinheiro para compartilhar dentro de nós mesmos, que minha própria porção é
$ 1.000.000 milhões de dólares. Então, agora que você está muito perto de mim e nós concordamos em casar uns com os outros, eu quero mover esse dinheiro pelo serviço de correio diplomático imunidade para
Você para que você possa manter o dinheiro para mim até que eu voltar para o meu país no próximo mês e vêm para conhecê-lo em seu país, porque agora tenho menos de um mês para ficar
Eu não quero enviar esse dinheiro para o meu país, a América, porque eu não quero que o governo americano saiba que eu tenho essa enorme quantia de dinheiro, porque se eles fazem, eles
Deve me questionar e pedir-me para pagar imposto de 40% do dinheiro e não quero que isso aconteça. Então eu só quero que você atue como meu parente mais próximo para recebê-lo lá porque se eu não conseguir
Mover esse dinheiro para fora antes de eu deixar este país, vou perdê-lo. Vamos usar o dinheiro para estabelecer qualquer tipo de investimento empresarial lucrativo lá que vai nos beneficiar muito, como
Hotel e negócios imobiliários e negócios de propriedade de casa. Eu virei encontrá-lo lá assim que você receber o dinheiro que eu aplicarei para minha aposentadoria e vir a
Conhecê-lo muito em breve
Garanto-lhe que esta transação é livre de riscos e seu sucesso é 100% garantido. Por causa da guerra aqui você não pode mover tal quantidade grande de dinheiro pelo banco assim que eu posso somente
Movê-lo para fora pela entrega da imunidade diplomática. Para mover o dinheiro tudo que você precisa fazer agora é me enviar
1. Seu nome completo
2. Seu endereço atual
3. O seu número de telemóvel
4. Endereço de e-mail; e
5. Sua fotocópia de cartão de identificação
Para que eu possa terminar o arranjo aqui e mover o dinheiro para você. Querida, por favor, este assunto é confidencial, por isso, VOCÊ DEVE MANTÊ-LO SECRETO E NINGUÉM DEVE OUVIR
É só você e eu, tudo bem.
Aguardo sua resposta e seus dados. Eu te amo para sempre minha querida esposa e Deus te abençoe sempre minha querida.
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