Caso voce receba emails com mensagens de amor de viuvos/divorciados carentes de sites de relacionamentos, pedido de ajuda/ parcerias para transações,de refugiados, viuvas morrendo querendo fazer doações ,premios de loterias, alguém de outro País querendo comprar imoveis, carros, notebooks etc etc , notificações bancárias, oferta de emprego em outros Países TODAS SÃO MENSAGENS DE GOLPES VIRTUAIS , por favor reencaminhe a mensagem que receberam para: que teremos o maior prazer em adicionar o endereço de email do golpista em nossa listagem diária, só assim, expondo o endereço/mensagens de emails poderemos evitar novas vítimas.Depois disto delete a mensagem recebida e, se possível, bloqueie o endereço de email deste golpista. Obrigada por sua colaboração!!!
Subject: Da irmã Edith francise, contato com o banco e seguir a sua instrução.
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2014
Caríssimo em Cristo
Saudações no nome majestoso de nosso Senhor e Salvador Jesus Cristo , como você está eo membro da sua casa sem soltar , espero que esteja bem com todos e cada um de vocês , para a glória de Deus onipotente .
Enquanto isso, eu estou feliz de informar que eu obter o depoimento de hoje do Ministério Federal da Justiça Cote d' ivoire, e ter anexado o recibo andlodgement depoimento com o contato do banco. O comissário de juramento aqui no Ministério Federal da Justiça enviou uma cópia da carta depoimento a Atlantique Banque CI por fax e também em contato com eles por telefone e eles confirmam que eles receberam.
Sempre rezo por você e ter a acreditar que a obra de Deus será realizar por você, e eu rezo para que a graça de nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo estará com você com a promessa de cumprir o meu desejo , Porque os olhos do Senhor estão em os justos, e os seus ouvidos atentos às suas orações ; Mas o rosto do Senhor é contra os que fazem o mal. " 1 Pedro 3:12
O Atlantique Banque CI foram informados para transferir o fundo para você como o novo beneficiário do fundo, agora você tem que contactar o banco e instruir a transferência desse dinheiro sem nenhum atraso. Tenho a forte acreditar que tudo vai ser concluída sem qualquer demora , logo que você contatá-los para a transferência. Por favor, me informar sempre sobre o processo porque eu vou estar indo para o meu exame médico muito em breve.
Abaixo estão as informações da conta em caso de qualquer questão do banco.
Meu marido falecido Sr. Kudus Francise
nacionalidade Kuwait
Data de depósito é 15 de fevereiro, 2001
Número da conta: AB- CI59610348792
Tipo de conta : Conta General Trust
Valor : EUA US $ 3,5 milhões
Aqui é o contato do banco:
Sr. Charles Kie
Remessa Dept Banque Atlantique CI
Tel: +22541822283
Por favor , vá em frente e entre em contato com o banco imediatamente e instruí-los para a transferência desse dinheiro , para que eles vão transferi-lo sem qualquer demora para a expansão do Reino de nosso criador Jesus Cristo. Porque ele vive ,
Por favor, eu quero que você mantenha esta missão muito confidencial até que o banco transfere o fundo para você , porque a relação de meu falecido marido estão fazendo todo o possível para impedir a obra de Deus. Que a graça de Deus esteja com você e sua família ?
Em um santo amor em Cristo Jesus
Sra. Edith Francise
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mrs Cecilia Koenig
Date: 2014-06-04 7:27 GMT-03:00
I have a project for you, can we partner?
From: Royal bank of Scotland
Date: 2014-06-04
Subject: Attn Sir/Foreign Operation/Wire Transfer Dept.
Cc: ""
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc,
Registered In Scot Land No 45551.
Office In UK No ..3 6 St. Andrew Square Edinburgh H22YB
ATTN,MR, 04/05/2014
I have been directed by the director of Foreign Operation/ Wire Transfer to write you i respect to your mail which we have received.
Actually, we have earlier been told about you by the young lady Miss Helen Desmond that she wishes you to be her trustee/ representative for the claim her late father's deposit with our bank.Late Dr Philip Desmond is our late customer with account no.BLB74500890154 6/QB/91/ A substantial amount(US$7,600, 000.00) of deposit with us.
Hence you have been really appointed as a trustee to represent the next of Kin.However before our bank will transact any business concerning the transfer of the fund with you, we will like you to send the followings:
( 1)*.......A power of attorney and affidavit of oath permitting you to claim and transfer the funds to your bank account on her behalf.
Note:This Power of attorney must be endorsed by a Senegalese resident lawyer (since the money is originated from Africa and the Girl is Currently residing in Senegal).
( 2)*.........The death certificate of late Dr Philip Desmond (Her deceased father) confirming the death.
(3)*.........A copy of Deposit Certificate of the account issued to Dr Philip Desmond by our bank.
Note that the above are compulsory, and are needed to protect our interest,yours, the next of kin after the claims. These shall also ensure that a smooth, quick and successful transfer of the fund will be make within 48hours at re caption of these documents.
Also you have to send your account information which will facilitate this fund as soon as these documents are been provided.Therefore You have to hurry up to present these documents to our bank to enable us wire the fund ( US$7,600,000.00 ) into your account.
Sir, listen and listen good, before we can be able to make any transaction into your provided bank account all the above mentioned documents must be produced and approved to facilitate a successful transfer with you within 48hrs, Therefore all you should do right-away is to provide all the needed documents as soon as possible for a prudent transaction..
We promise to give our customers the best of our services. Should you have any question(s), please contact foreign transfer officer Mr. Nelson .M. Smith on telephone number +447 024 079 803 / fax +447 024 071 215 more directives /clarifications.
Yours Faithfully,
Mr.Nelson .M. Smith
(Foreign Operation/Wire Transfer Dept
Rbs online banking .........................................We Are Here To Give Our Customers The Best. On line Banking services © 2014 Royal Bank Of Scot Land Plc London. All Rights Reserved.@2014 previous research......
....................Rbs online banking .........................................We Are Here To Give Our Customers The Best. On line Banking services © 2014 Royal Bank Of Scot Land Plc London. All Rights Reserved.@2014 previous research
tasa de interés del préstamo de 2%
scot pedro
português Traduzir mensagem
Desativar para: espanhol
Hola solicitante
¿Está buscando un préstamo de negocios, préstamos personales, préstamos hipotecarios, etc. O fueron
usted se negó un préstamo por un banco o cualquier institución financiera para una o más
reasons.You están en el lugar adecuado para sus soluciones de préstamo! Soy un
prestamista privado, que la concesión de préstamos a empresas y particulares a un bajo y
tasa de interés asequible de 2%. ¿Interesado? Póngase en contacto con nosotros para el seguimiento
procesamiento por el préstamo y la transferencia dentro de las 12 horas.
tasa de interés del préstamo de 2%
Fecha de nacimiento:
Estado civil:
Monto del préstamo:
Duración del préstamo:
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2014
Subject: Caro no Senhor
Caro no Senhor ,
Saudações no nome poderoso de nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo , eu sei que Deus vai dar-lhe o desejo e interesse de digerir essa história humilde , mas pode ser tão estranho para você acreditar na minha história, mas eu sei a razão ea sabedoria do todo - poderoso Deus Todo-Poderoso criou os céus ea terra humildemente compreendido e aceite a minha proposta para continuar, apesar de não ter conhecido ou visto antes , mas sei que a distância não é um obstáculo para a missão divina .
Você pode não saber o remetente do e-mail. Recebi o seu e - arquivos de correio para encontrar pessoas de confiança online. Deixe-me começar por me apresentar . Lobarie'm Caroline . Sou casada com o Dr. Michel Lobarie ex-embaixador do Kuwait aqui na Costa do Marfim . Quando meu marido era vivo ele depositou a quantia de 3,5 milhões ( 3,5 milhões nos Estados Unidos ), que são propriedades de investimento e mercado de capitais foram removidos com um banco. Atualmente, esse dinheiro ainda está no banco. Meu médico me disse que eu tenho poucos meses de vida devido aos problemas cancerígenos eu estou sofrendo.
Eu decidi sair deste fundo para você e pedir-lhe para usar esse dom que vem do fundo do meu marido no final de s " pode manter os viúvos , viúvas , órfãos, os pobres , os oprimidos , as crianças com deficiência, estéril - as mulheres aleatória e são economicamente ou fisicamente doente.
Assim que eu receber a sua resposta vou dar-lhe o contacto do banco na Costa do Marfim . Além disso , vou enviar meus desejos e fornecer o certificado de depósito e uma capacidade comprovada para ajudar a este fundo desde vantagem cedo.
Minha felicidade é que eu vivia uma vida digna de emulação. Volte todos os dias em oração durante toda a sua vida. Por favor, me assegurar que você vai agir como eu pedi aqui.
Por favor, responda -me para o meu endereço principal :
Que Deus nos abençoe ,
Caroline Lobarie .
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mrs Cecilia Koenig
Date: 2014-06-04 6:20 GMT-03:00
I have a project for you, can we partner?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lilian Sam
Date: 2014-06-04 13:35 GMT+02:00
Subject: Darling please i have missed you so much.
Hello darling,
How are you doing today i hope that you are fine, i miss you so much
and i want to read from you because i have not had from you for a long
time please i,m worried honey,
Please i want to read your mail because i love it and it gives me hope
anytime i hear from you because your caring is so courageous and i
believe with you in my life we will make a good partners ,
Darling i also want to know if you have been able to reach the bank of
my late father and have them responded to you about the possible
transfer to your account so that i can come soon to be with you for a
good life,
I miss you so much and i hope soon to read your lovely mail again,
Yours one
Miss Lilian.
Date: 2014-06-04 12:40 GMT+02:00
Welcome To Royal Bank of Scotland International [RBS]
Tel : 00-44-787-034-4999
Fax No.: 00-44-870-974-6876,
I have been directed by the director of Foreign Operation/Wire Transfer to write you in respect to the mail which we have received.
Actually, w e have earlier been told about you by the young lady Miss Mariam Dacoury that she wishes you to be her trustee/representative for the claim of her late father's deposit with our bank.Late Dr Louis Dacoury is our late customer with a substantial amount(US$6,700,000.00) of deposit with us Hence you have been really appointed as a trustee to represent the next of Kin.However before our bank will transact any business concerning the transfer of the fund with you,we will like you to send the followings:
1.A power of attorney and affidavit of oath permitting you to claim and transfer the funds to your bank account on her behalf. Note:This Power of attorney must be endorsed by a Senegalese resident lawyer (since the money is originated from Africa and the Girl is Currently residing in Senegal).
2.The death certificate of late DR LOUIS DACOURY (Her deceased father) confirming the death.
3.A copy of Deposit Certificate of the account issued to DR. LOUIS DACOURY
by our bank.
Note that the above are compulsory, and are needed to protect our interest, yours, the next of kin after the claims. These shall also ensure that a smooth, quick and successful transfer of the fund will be made within 48hours at reception of these documents.
Also you have to send your account information which will facilitate this fund as soon as these documents are been provided.Therefore You have to hurry up to present these documents to our bank to enable us wire the fund ( US$6,700,000.00 ) into your account.We promise to give our customers the best of our services. Should you have any question(s), please contact on telephone number 00-44-787-034-4999 for more directives /clarifications.
Yours Faithfully,
Mr. B Wallis,
Senior Manager
Royal Bank Of Scotland.
You are strictly warned,
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc, Registered in Scotland No. 90312.
Registered Office:St. Peter Port Guernsey GY1 4NW Current Royal Bank of
Scotland HQ in St Andrew's Square, Edinburgh HQ Gogarburn, Scotland UK
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.This e-mail message is confidential and for use by the addressee only. If the message is received by anyone other than the addressee, please return the message and do not replying to it and then delete the message from your computer.
Internet e-mails are not necessarily secure. The Royal Bank of Scotland plc does not accept responsibility for changes made to this message after it was sent.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ogwo Malvina
Date: 2014-06-04 9:36 GMT+02:00
My Dearest,
How are you today together with your work or will i say business?
all the same.I believe everything is moving smoothly with your family !
Mine here is not fine do to the poor condition of this refugee camp
but i thank God today for the life he give me. i believe he must
surely make to bring me out from this horrible situation i found
myself today do the death of my parents.i will waiting for your call
tomorrow by 3pm GMT time
Please try your best to contact the bank today, as you know i have
already tell them that you are my foreign partner and the bank is now
expecting your letter. please help me contact the bank.
Based on this information i will like you to send an email to the
transfer department of the bank today with this email address
Tel: + 447974741262
Fax :+ 447031944 631
FAX NUMBER +44 839-715-25-14
Attention Mr Stephen Hester the foreign transfer officer of the bank
telling him that you are my representative and that you want to assist
me transfer my 4.7 million dollars deposited by late father of which i
am the next of kin.
This what you will write to the bank which i have given you their full
contact information just now. You have to address to the bank manager,
DEAR, Stephen Hester,
My name is ..................From......................
I am foreign partner to MISS Malvina Odion
Please i want to know the possibility of transferring here late
fathers money deposited in their bank Dr. Richard Odion to my account
in my country of which she is the next of kin but due to her refugee
statue here in Dakar Senegal. I am awaiting for your response sir,
God bless you as you do this to today,
Please am resting all my hope on you now.
take very good care of your self and have a lovely day,
and let me know as soon as you writes the bank today.
Bye and have a nice day.
yours sincerely
Miss Malvina.
Prezado(a) Cliente Itau S/A
Banco Itau S/A
18:35 (Há 1 hora)
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Diariamente o Itaú trabalha para manter o mais alto nível de segurança nas
transações de seus clientes. Estamos entrando em contato para informar
que estamos convocando você para uma atualização no sistema de nível crítico.
A atualização é simples e rápida, basta seguir os passos logo abaixo.
*OBS. A não adesão do procedimento, acarretará bloqueio instantâneo de sua conta.
18:44 (Há 1 hora)
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Good Day, I am Mr. Joel Gregson a legitimate reputable money lender. We are a company with financial assistance. We loan funds out to individuals in need of financial assistance that have a bad credit or in need of money to pay bills, to invest on business or to buy a house. I want to use this medium to inform you that we render reliable beneficiary assistance as I'll be glad to offer you a loan. Services Rendered include: *Refinance *Home Improvement *Investment Loan *Auto Loans *Debt Consolidation *Business Loans *Personal Loans *International Loans. ======================================= BORROWERS INFORMATION Your names ............. Amount Needed....... Duration:.................. Mobile Number:........ Phone Number......... Home Address:........ Office Address:........ Monthly Income....... Your country............ State:....................... City........................... Loan Purpose.......... Occupation............... Gender:.................... Your Age.................. ========================== Regards. Mr. Joel Gregson E-MAIL:
Subject: Da irmã Edith francise, contato com o banco e seguir a sua instrução.
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2014
Caríssimo em Cristo
Saudações no nome majestoso de nosso Senhor e Salvador Jesus Cristo , como você está eo membro da sua casa sem soltar , espero que esteja bem com todos e cada um de vocês , para a glória de Deus onipotente .
Enquanto isso, eu estou feliz de informar que eu obter o depoimento de hoje do Ministério Federal da Justiça Cote d' ivoire, e ter anexado o recibo andlodgement depoimento com o contato do banco. O comissário de juramento aqui no Ministério Federal da Justiça enviou uma cópia da carta depoimento a Atlantique Banque CI por fax e também em contato com eles por telefone e eles confirmam que eles receberam.
Sempre rezo por você e ter a acreditar que a obra de Deus será realizar por você, e eu rezo para que a graça de nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo estará com você com a promessa de cumprir o meu desejo , Porque os olhos do Senhor estão em os justos, e os seus ouvidos atentos às suas orações ; Mas o rosto do Senhor é contra os que fazem o mal. " 1 Pedro 3:12
O Atlantique Banque CI foram informados para transferir o fundo para você como o novo beneficiário do fundo, agora você tem que contactar o banco e instruir a transferência desse dinheiro sem nenhum atraso. Tenho a forte acreditar que tudo vai ser concluída sem qualquer demora , logo que você contatá-los para a transferência. Por favor, me informar sempre sobre o processo porque eu vou estar indo para o meu exame médico muito em breve.
Abaixo estão as informações da conta em caso de qualquer questão do banco.
Meu marido falecido Sr. Kudus Francise
nacionalidade Kuwait
Data de depósito é 15 de fevereiro, 2001
Número da conta: AB- CI59610348792
Tipo de conta : Conta General Trust
Valor : EUA US $ 3,5 milhões
Aqui é o contato do banco:
Sr. Charles Kie
Remessa Dept Banque Atlantique CI
Tel: +22541822283
Por favor , vá em frente e entre em contato com o banco imediatamente e instruí-los para a transferência desse dinheiro , para que eles vão transferi-lo sem qualquer demora para a expansão do Reino de nosso criador Jesus Cristo. Porque ele vive ,
Por favor, eu quero que você mantenha esta missão muito confidencial até que o banco transfere o fundo para você , porque a relação de meu falecido marido estão fazendo todo o possível para impedir a obra de Deus. Que a graça de Deus esteja com você e sua família ?
Em um santo amor em Cristo Jesus
Sra. Edith Francise
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mrs Cecilia Koenig
Date: 2014-06-04 7:27 GMT-03:00
I have a project for you, can we partner?
From: Royal bank of Scotland
Date: 2014-06-04
Subject: Attn Sir/Foreign Operation/Wire Transfer Dept.
Cc: ""
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc,
Registered In Scot Land No 45551.
Office In UK No ..3 6 St. Andrew Square Edinburgh H22YB
ATTN,MR, 04/05/2014
I have been directed by the director of Foreign Operation/ Wire Transfer to write you i respect to your mail which we have received.
Actually, we have earlier been told about you by the young lady Miss Helen Desmond that she wishes you to be her trustee/ representative for the claim her late father's deposit with our bank.Late Dr Philip Desmond is our late customer with account no.BLB74500890154 6/QB/91/ A substantial amount(US$7,600, 000.00) of deposit with us.
Hence you have been really appointed as a trustee to represent the next of Kin.However before our bank will transact any business concerning the transfer of the fund with you, we will like you to send the followings:
( 1)*.......A power of attorney and affidavit of oath permitting you to claim and transfer the funds to your bank account on her behalf.
Note:This Power of attorney must be endorsed by a Senegalese resident lawyer (since the money is originated from Africa and the Girl is Currently residing in Senegal).
( 2)*.........The death certificate of late Dr Philip Desmond (Her deceased father) confirming the death.
(3)*.........A copy of Deposit Certificate of the account issued to Dr Philip Desmond by our bank.
Note that the above are compulsory, and are needed to protect our interest,yours, the next of kin after the claims. These shall also ensure that a smooth, quick and successful transfer of the fund will be make within 48hours at re caption of these documents.
Also you have to send your account information which will facilitate this fund as soon as these documents are been provided.Therefore You have to hurry up to present these documents to our bank to enable us wire the fund ( US$7,600,000.00 ) into your account.
Sir, listen and listen good, before we can be able to make any transaction into your provided bank account all the above mentioned documents must be produced and approved to facilitate a successful transfer with you within 48hrs, Therefore all you should do right-away is to provide all the needed documents as soon as possible for a prudent transaction..
We promise to give our customers the best of our services. Should you have any question(s), please contact foreign transfer officer Mr. Nelson .M. Smith on telephone number +447 024 079 803 / fax +447 024 071 215 more directives /clarifications.
Yours Faithfully,
Mr.Nelson .M. Smith
(Foreign Operation/Wire Transfer Dept
Rbs online banking .........................................We Are Here To Give Our Customers The Best. On line Banking services © 2014 Royal Bank Of Scot Land Plc London. All Rights Reserved.@2014 previous research......
....................Rbs online banking .........................................We Are Here To Give Our Customers The Best. On line Banking services © 2014 Royal Bank Of Scot Land Plc London. All Rights Reserved.@2014 previous research
tasa de interés del préstamo de 2%
scot pedro
português Traduzir mensagem
Desativar para: espanhol
Hola solicitante
¿Está buscando un préstamo de negocios, préstamos personales, préstamos hipotecarios, etc. O fueron
usted se negó un préstamo por un banco o cualquier institución financiera para una o más
reasons.You están en el lugar adecuado para sus soluciones de préstamo! Soy un
prestamista privado, que la concesión de préstamos a empresas y particulares a un bajo y
tasa de interés asequible de 2%. ¿Interesado? Póngase en contacto con nosotros para el seguimiento
procesamiento por el préstamo y la transferencia dentro de las 12 horas.
tasa de interés del préstamo de 2%
Fecha de nacimiento:
Estado civil:
Monto del préstamo:
Duración del préstamo:
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2014
Subject: Caro no Senhor
Caro no Senhor ,
Saudações no nome poderoso de nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo , eu sei que Deus vai dar-lhe o desejo e interesse de digerir essa história humilde , mas pode ser tão estranho para você acreditar na minha história, mas eu sei a razão ea sabedoria do todo - poderoso Deus Todo-Poderoso criou os céus ea terra humildemente compreendido e aceite a minha proposta para continuar, apesar de não ter conhecido ou visto antes , mas sei que a distância não é um obstáculo para a missão divina .
Você pode não saber o remetente do e-mail. Recebi o seu e - arquivos de correio para encontrar pessoas de confiança online. Deixe-me começar por me apresentar . Lobarie'm Caroline . Sou casada com o Dr. Michel Lobarie ex-embaixador do Kuwait aqui na Costa do Marfim . Quando meu marido era vivo ele depositou a quantia de 3,5 milhões ( 3,5 milhões nos Estados Unidos ), que são propriedades de investimento e mercado de capitais foram removidos com um banco. Atualmente, esse dinheiro ainda está no banco. Meu médico me disse que eu tenho poucos meses de vida devido aos problemas cancerígenos eu estou sofrendo.
Eu decidi sair deste fundo para você e pedir-lhe para usar esse dom que vem do fundo do meu marido no final de s " pode manter os viúvos , viúvas , órfãos, os pobres , os oprimidos , as crianças com deficiência, estéril - as mulheres aleatória e são economicamente ou fisicamente doente.
Assim que eu receber a sua resposta vou dar-lhe o contacto do banco na Costa do Marfim . Além disso , vou enviar meus desejos e fornecer o certificado de depósito e uma capacidade comprovada para ajudar a este fundo desde vantagem cedo.
Minha felicidade é que eu vivia uma vida digna de emulação. Volte todos os dias em oração durante toda a sua vida. Por favor, me assegurar que você vai agir como eu pedi aqui.
Por favor, responda -me para o meu endereço principal :
Que Deus nos abençoe ,
Caroline Lobarie .
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mrs Cecilia Koenig
Date: 2014-06-04 6:20 GMT-03:00
I have a project for you, can we partner?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lilian Sam
Date: 2014-06-04 13:35 GMT+02:00
Subject: Darling please i have missed you so much.
Hello darling,
How are you doing today i hope that you are fine, i miss you so much
and i want to read from you because i have not had from you for a long
time please i,m worried honey,
Please i want to read your mail because i love it and it gives me hope
anytime i hear from you because your caring is so courageous and i
believe with you in my life we will make a good partners ,
Darling i also want to know if you have been able to reach the bank of
my late father and have them responded to you about the possible
transfer to your account so that i can come soon to be with you for a
good life,
I miss you so much and i hope soon to read your lovely mail again,
Yours one
Miss Lilian.
Date: 2014-06-04 12:40 GMT+02:00
Welcome To Royal Bank of Scotland International [RBS]
Tel : 00-44-787-034-4999
Fax No.: 00-44-870-974-6876,
I have been directed by the director of Foreign Operation/Wire Transfer to write you in respect to the mail which we have received.
Actually, w e have earlier been told about you by the young lady Miss Mariam Dacoury that she wishes you to be her trustee/representative for the claim of her late father's deposit with our bank.Late Dr Louis Dacoury is our late customer with a substantial amount(US$6,700,000.00) of deposit with us Hence you have been really appointed as a trustee to represent the next of Kin.However before our bank will transact any business concerning the transfer of the fund with you,we will like you to send the followings:
1.A power of attorney and affidavit of oath permitting you to claim and transfer the funds to your bank account on her behalf. Note:This Power of attorney must be endorsed by a Senegalese resident lawyer (since the money is originated from Africa and the Girl is Currently residing in Senegal).
2.The death certificate of late DR LOUIS DACOURY (Her deceased father) confirming the death.
3.A copy of Deposit Certificate of the account issued to DR. LOUIS DACOURY
by our bank.
Note that the above are compulsory, and are needed to protect our interest, yours, the next of kin after the claims. These shall also ensure that a smooth, quick and successful transfer of the fund will be made within 48hours at reception of these documents.
Also you have to send your account information which will facilitate this fund as soon as these documents are been provided.Therefore You have to hurry up to present these documents to our bank to enable us wire the fund ( US$6,700,000.00 ) into your account.We promise to give our customers the best of our services. Should you have any question(s), please contact on telephone number 00-44-787-034-4999 for more directives /clarifications.
Yours Faithfully,
Mr. B Wallis,
Senior Manager
Royal Bank Of Scotland.
You are strictly warned,
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc, Registered in Scotland No. 90312.
Registered Office:St. Peter Port Guernsey GY1 4NW Current Royal Bank of
Scotland HQ in St Andrew's Square, Edinburgh HQ Gogarburn, Scotland UK
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.This e-mail message is confidential and for use by the addressee only. If the message is received by anyone other than the addressee, please return the message and do not replying to it and then delete the message from your computer.
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ogwo Malvina
Date: 2014-06-04 9:36 GMT+02:00
My Dearest,
How are you today together with your work or will i say business?
all the same.I believe everything is moving smoothly with your family !
Mine here is not fine do to the poor condition of this refugee camp
but i thank God today for the life he give me. i believe he must
surely make to bring me out from this horrible situation i found
myself today do the death of my parents.i will waiting for your call
tomorrow by 3pm GMT time
Please try your best to contact the bank today, as you know i have
already tell them that you are my foreign partner and the bank is now
expecting your letter. please help me contact the bank.
Based on this information i will like you to send an email to the
transfer department of the bank today with this email address
Tel: + 447974741262
Fax :+ 447031944 631
FAX NUMBER +44 839-715-25-14
Attention Mr Stephen Hester the foreign transfer officer of the bank
telling him that you are my representative and that you want to assist
me transfer my 4.7 million dollars deposited by late father of which i
am the next of kin.
This what you will write to the bank which i have given you their full
contact information just now. You have to address to the bank manager,
DEAR, Stephen Hester,
My name is ..................From......................
I am foreign partner to MISS Malvina Odion
Please i want to know the possibility of transferring here late
fathers money deposited in their bank Dr. Richard Odion to my account
in my country of which she is the next of kin but due to her refugee
statue here in Dakar Senegal. I am awaiting for your response sir,
God bless you as you do this to today,
Please am resting all my hope on you now.
take very good care of your self and have a lovely day,
and let me know as soon as you writes the bank today.
Bye and have a nice day.
yours sincerely
Miss Malvina.
Prezado(a) Cliente Itau S/A
Banco Itau S/A
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