quarta-feira, 15 de maio de 2013


Loon Amirul - lauranne@07168.cn
I want to discuss a lucrative,beneficial financial deal with you.respond soon


Querido querido
Saludos del Calvario a usted en nombre de nuestro señor, le agradezco su respuesta positiva hacia esta llamada humanitaria del rescate a aquellos que están en la necesidad de realizar la vida buena como otros ya que no son oportunos para hacer así.
Es extraño recibir esta clase del proponente de magnitud de alguien que no conoce de Adán, pero antes de que siga me gustará su opinión entender que el trabajo de Dios de unos modos enormes y el que hace no deben ser se comparan con ese de un hombre, me pongo en contacto con usted para usar este fondo alcanzan el necesitado en su país ya que no estoy en la posición para hacer así debido a mi condición actual del cáncer.
Según el informe del doctor, toda la medicación se ha desafiado debida mi vejez y el nivel de cáncer en mi sangre.
No tengo niño que herede este fondo de mí y mi intención es usar este medio para alcanzarle, todo que me preocupo por usted es su corazón transparente y abierto dispuesto de modo que no vea esto como una oportunidad de empresas de fabricación del dinero pero mejor dicho un impuesto del desafío de la humanidad le permite usan el fondo cuando instruí.
Le enviaré por correo electrónico el documento relevante entero implica en el depósito del fondo con uno del Banco principal aquí en Cabaña D Ivoire una vez que leí su entendimiento y aceptación de usar el fondo cuando instruí ya que tengo consienten para usted en usar %30 como su propia compensación de este trabajo bueno.
Su información de contacto llena es el más necesaria que será el uso para obtener una carta de la autorización del Ministerio Federal de Tribunal y justicia aquí, este documento le demostrará como el nuevo beneficiario al fondo depositado antes de enviar una aplicación al Banco Principal donde mi herencia se deposita.
Envíeme sus datos de contacto
Por favor no tarde porque me he reservado para otra cirugía del cáncer y no deseo que esto sea fácil porque tengo miedo que pasa por esta cirugía debido a mi vejez. Tan pronto como recibo su información de contacto enviaré a usted mis cuadros recientes y ese del certificado del depósito en su opinión de la seriedad de esta transacción.

Mayo el señor le bendice
Suyo madre
La Sra Rita
---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Matt Alan <carebaker_alan@hotmail.com>
Date: 2013/5/11
Subject: Matt Alan (imhappyforever) parperfeito

Hello Dear,
   Thanks for keeping in touch with me,It's always hard to describe yourself without sounding too good but anyways here goes with honesty,my name is Alan Matt, an easy going,honest, caring and understanding man who likes to dance, cook,go out, enjoy the outdoors such as hiking,walk in the parks,insect hunting,scuba diving and i also love music ranging from Luther Van-dross RIP,Barry white,Marvin Gaye,Dave koz and a range of others . I live in Milton,I work for  US AIR FORCE, and also a special Agent for the UN...i have been on duty tours to Pakistan,Iran,Iraq and Yemen and .I am currently handling logistics and data management and also a special agent with NATO forces. I have been to a lot of countries when i am on holiday cause i like traveling a lot. More about me ,i got divorced from my korean ex 8 months now, she was cheating , i had no option than to take it up with her.I have gotten my heart together and moved on and figured it is time to move on now and find true love again, due to my job i have not been able to have time to date and meet people, so i am trying new possibilities online and hope i can find someone to love me and be a mother to my kids Caithlyn 2 and  Thomas who is just 3.
     I am looking for true love with no boundaries,someone who will love me for me and someone who i can love and take care of,someone who will stick to the oath of for better for worse , someone who i can lean on and will lean on me too.Love is a steady process that needs time and commitment , i prefer effective communication and honesty is the best way to make a relationship work.My mother told me that women are the spice of life and that i should always make sure i treat them with respect and i always make sure i do that.I just want to fall in love again and give love out.
   Im looking to meet someone i can spend time with and see where it goes.This online stuff is a new territory to me but i am very willing to explore the chance of knowing you better through it.please send me some of your photos.I hope you can reply me and tell me your thoughts and please be honest OK?hope to hear from you soon and have a wonderful night.
Take care

lusianalestari600 - lusianalestari600@gmail.com
Salam saudara/i,

Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri, saya bernama Lusiana Lestari,seorang
warga negara indonesia yang saat ini berdomisili di London,dengan
alamat 13th Newman Street,London,United Kingdom W1T3EF.Saya tinggal di
London bersama kedua orang tua, tetapi kedua orang tua dan sebagian
keluarga saya sudah meninggal dunia 6 bulan yang lalu karena kecelakan
lalu lintas, dan hanya saya yang selamat dari kecelakaan tersebut.

Saat ini saya bermaksud ingin memohon bantuan dan petunjuk dari
saudara/saudari untuk membantu saya mengelola warisan yang saya terima
dari almarhum orang tua saya dengan jumlah 2.978.512 us dollar, saya
berniat ingin kembali ke indonesia dan menginvestasikan sebagian uang
tersebut untuk membuka usaha di indonesia tentu nya dengan bantuan

Saya mengerti mungkin tidak mudah untuk mempercayai apa yang saya
utarakan,tapi apapun yang saya utarakan disini adalah suatu
kebenaran,dan tidak ada kebohongan sedikit pun,dan saya benar-benar
ingin saudara/saudari mau membantu saya dalam hal ini. Dan jika
saudara/saudari bersedia membantu saya maka saya hanya memerlukan data
sbb :
1. Nama lengkap :
2. Alamat lengkap:
3. Pekerjaan :
4. Tempat/tgl lahir :
5. Nomor handphone :

Jika memang anda bisa membantu dan merespon email saya,saya ingin anda
mengirimkan semua data tersebut ke email saya:

Maka saya akan memproses semuanya dan saya akan tiba di indonesia
dengan membawa uang tersebut setelah anda memberikan data yang saya
perlukan. Saya kira cukup sekian email dari saya, terima kasih atas
perhatian dan waktu nya.

Hormat saya,

Lusiana Lestari
Return-Path: - cyber@host2.cyberdell.com
Panamá HSBC en línea de actualizac​ión de seguridad de alerta
HSBC Bank Panama - HSBC.Bank_Panama@hsbc.mx
Estamos en contacto con usted para recordarle que nuestro equipo de revisión de la cuenta
identificado algunos inusual la actividad en su cuenta. De acuerdo con
HSBC en línea del usuario Acuerdo y asegúrese de que su cuenta no ha
sido visitada desde fraudulenta lugares, el acceso a su cuenta tiene
sido limitada.
Ingresa a tu cuenta seguirá siendo limitada hasta que Este problema se ha resuelto.
Por favor, iniciar sesión en su cuenta clic en el siguiente enlace:
[Inicio de sesión]
Equipo de Seguridad Online
HSBC Bank Panamá.
Copyright HSBC Panamá 2012. Todos los Derechos Reservados. Privacy and Security | General Conditions | Rates | Important Noticies.
 responder para - clientele-personalloansltd@admin.in.th
How can we help you?
Clientèle Loans - No-reply@clientele.co.za>
2013/5/15 Clientèle Loans - No-reply@clientele.co.za>

Kindly view attached flyer for more details
reply to - k.zongo@voila.fr
kabore zongo - kabore60@gmail.com
Dear Friend,
Good day to you, I know that my message will come to you as a
surprise, but never mind, I am Mr Kabore Zongo. A Manager in Bank of
Africa (BOA) in BOA Bank of Africa here in my country Burkina-Faso
west Africa, In my department here in the bank I discover an abandon
sum of $6.8Million United State Dollars, that belong to one of our
biggest customer here in this bank, who died years ago in a plane
crash with his family, I contacted you so that you will help me see
that the total sum of $6.8Million will be transfer into your account
in your country,
Upon the receipt of your reply and indication of your capability, i
will give you full details on how the business will be executed and
also note that you will have 45% of the above mentioned sum if you
agree to handle this business with me while 50% will be for me and 5%
for any expenses that may arise on the process, Because i don't want
anyone here in our bank to know my involvement until you confirm this
fund into your account and ask me to come over for the
sharing as i indicated.
Full Name.........................
Full Address ............................
Telephone .........................
Age / sex ......................
Thanks and have a nice day.
From Mr Mr Kabore Zongo
RESPONDER PARA - mrs_cindy41@wss-id.org
sem assunto
Mrs Cindy Hill <mia.simpanen@pp.inet.fi
Desativar para: inglês

Hello Friend,
I saw your email address during the course of my research today. This is a
personal email directed to you and i Hope you get this one. I am Mrs Cindy
Hill from Missouri, my husband and i won in a Power ball jackpot Lottery
inNovember 2012 and i voluntarily decided to donate the sum of 900,000.00
dollars as a part of my own donation project to improve the lot of five
lucky individuals all over the world. You was a lucky recipient and all you
have to do if you get this email is to get back to me so that i can send
your details on how to receive the money. Note that you have to contact
myprivate email for more informations (mrs_cindy41@wss-id.org).
You can verify this by visiting the web pages below.
Mrs Cindy Hill
RESPONDER PARA - delphinecapwell@yahoo.com
que le seigneur vous bénisse
Mme DELPHINE CAPWELL - uspa@cosanpa.pa.gov.br
Desativar para: francêsBien aimé en Christ, De nos jours, les prières valent du temps; beaucoup plus précieux que l’or et le diamant. Vous seriez présentement en train de surmonter de durs moments, mais sachez que le seigneur est prêt à vous bénir sur un chemin, c’est-à-dire dans des situations où lui seul peut vous aider à y garder foi.Je me présente, je m’appelle Madame DELPHINE CAPWELL; Je suis mariée, au Feu, c'est-à-dire au défunt, mon époux CARLOS Mc Callum de nationalité canadienne, de mémoire glorieuse et bénie qui était un ingénieur consultant en république du Bénin pendant neuf ans.Au bout de six ans de mariage, il mourut après une brève et simple maladie de 4 jours.Depuis sa mort, je me débattait aussi dans des maladies comme le cancer du cerveau et le diabète ce qui m'as pousser à venir me soigner ici à (LONDRES).Tout récemment, mon docteur m’as dit que je ne survivrais pas au bout des trois prochaines semaines à venir, ceci dû à mon problème de cancer qui me gênait depuis fort longtemps. Ayant connu mon état de santé actuelle, ma décision est de faire don, à un organisme de charité, tout ce que j’ai hérité de mon marie défunt. Dans la crainte de trouver des personnes de bonnes moralités qui puissent user de cet argent à de bonnes fin, je vous ai choisi par mis ceux que Dieu à voulu bénir et c’est pourquoi j’ai décidé de vous légués ma fortune de DEUX MILLION VINGT CINQ MILLE DOLLARS US (2.025.000 Us Dollars). Avec toute la modestie et la sincérité d’une donatrice.Le monde se pervers tellement sur la miséricorde de Dieu que j’ai pris cette décision parce que je n’ai pas eu d’enfant avec mon marie qui puissent hérité de cet argent, non plus je n’ai pas de famille car pour mettre fiancé avec un homme de couleur noir après la mort de mon époux CARLOS Mc Callum,ma famille m'a rejetée pour la,simple raison que ce fiançailles est contraire à la coutume de ma famille.Aussi bien je voudrais légué ma fortune à mon actuel amant, mais ce dernier est tellement mauvais de caractères qu’il court un peu partout pour avoir mon argent en ce moment alors que je suis encore vivante dans ma situation.Pour mes autres bien matériel, qui ne sont pas en argent bien sûr, j’en ai fait une bonne distribution.Je suis persuadée que après ma mort je serai avec Dieu le plus miséricordieux et bienfaiteur.Comme je suis actuellement à l’hôpital, me communiquer avec le monde extérieur m’est permit quelque rare fois par semaine ou je peut me déplacer alors j’en ai profiter pour vous envoyer ce message d'appel urgent.Aussi je ne voudrais pas que mon amant toujours à rôder autour de moi à cause de ma fortune soit mis au courant de ce message que je lance sur Internet; pour ce fait je vous invites à faire preuve de DISCRÉTION autour de vous. Aussitôt que je reçoive votre réponse, et votre disponibilité confirmer de recevoir cet argent et de l’utiliser honorablement, je vous donnerai le contact de l’institution en république du Bénin qui attends mes instructions avant de transférer ce fonds à celui que je leur indiquerai.Je voudrais que vous sachiez que ce fonds que vous recevrez comme don de la part d’une femme mourante, vous en fassiez bon usage, en l’utilisant pour bénir d’autres pauvres (telles est mon vœux le plus cher en ce moment)et ainsi vous n’aurez pas de problèmes avec les clauses que j’ai établies avec mon institution où j’ai déposé l’argent et qui se chargeras de vous transférer discrètement l’argent.
Que la Paix et la miséricorde de Dieu soient avec vous.
Veillez m »envoyer vos messages dans ma boite personnelle: delphinecapwell@yahoo.com
responder para - iffdfundsrelease@yahoo.com
Return-Path: - InternationalFundForDevelopment@iffd.org

Iffd Developmen​t Grant 2013
International Fund For - Development@iffd.org
IFFD is an International Financial Institution and a Specialized Agency of the United Nations whose mission is to enable poor rural people to overcome poverty. IFFD's headquarters is in London, United Kingdom, and its staff work with poor rural people, their governments, communities and organizations in more than 80 countries to develop and finance programmes and projects aimed at increasing rural productivity and incomes. The Programme Management Department (PMD) is responsible for the overall lending programme of the Fund, and is composed of five regional divisions and a Policy and Technical Advisory Services Division.
Within the Latin America, Caribbean Division and Asia Continent the Senior Rural Development Specialist works with staff to increase the comparative advantage of IFFD in the region by: Providing timely and authoritative analytical and advisory capacity to staff in appropriate forms to enhance the quality, relevance and effectiveness of LAC's work and instruments (Country Strategic Opportunities Programmes [COSOPs], projects, grants, policy dialogue, knowledge management, South-South Cooperation, portfolio review and M&E). Developing and implementing strategies, systems and approaches to better integrate the different types of operations, allowing IFFD to enhance its value-addition capacity, its scale of operations, and its impact on poverty reduction in the region. Therefore, the IFFD is welcoming grantee applications from around the globe to funding individuals, organizations, industries and institutional bodies and other related sections to reduce the poverty menace globally for which each application is allowed to  receive funds not more than One Million United State Dollar (1,000,000.00USD).
So all interested organisations as mentioned above should kindly assist us by filling out the below form.
Individual /organization full name...........................................................
2. Address.....................City......................State.....................Country.......................
3. Marital status if individual...............
4. Occupation.................................
5. Age........................................
6. Contact phone number.......................
7. Email Address..............................
Note: Your swift reply will enable us to proceed further with you (SEND YOUR DETAILS TO (iffdfundsprogramme@europemail.com ,iffdfundsrelease@yahoo.com)
Dr Andrew Saint
Event Manager
Tel: 00448719748727
 1 new message
WellsFargo - no-reply@3kcy.com
 Your online access has been temporarily suspended
We recently detected failed attempts to provide the correct answers to your security questions. As a result, we temporarily suspended online access to your account.
For immediate access to your account, click : Sign On to Wells Fargo Online and proceed with the verification process.
Security questions are one of the ways Wells Fargo confirms your identity. For your protection, Wells Fargo safeguards your account whenever there is a possibility that someone other than you is attempting to sign on.
Wells Fargo Online Customer Service
> To:
> Date: Fri, 10 May 2013 14:58:14 +0530
> From: harrypowell.lt@wss-id.org
> Dear Friend,
> I am writing you this email from Kabul, Afghanistan as the last batch of
> our men just left Iraq. My name is Harry Powell. I got your email
> through an online search directory. We want you to assist us that is why
> am contacting you, i have some items I will need to ship to you. The
> Fund was discovered in the hood of Iraqi Dead dictator when we were
> first deployed in Iraq.
> Although our men returned money to the US army which was subsequently
> returned to the Iraqi treasury, but we weren't stupid to give in all the
> money. We thank you guys for your prayers But the one question is, I
> hope Can you be trusted?. Please signify your interest by replying to my
> private EMAIL- AT harrypowell.2lt@wss-id.org
Return-Path: - bounce1@tityos.net

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