2013/1/30 noreply <noreply0003889o2@accounts.gmail.com>
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2013/1/30 Base De Contrôle <tinaalbi@libero.it>
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2013/1/30 comunicazione.imprese <comunicazione.imprese@acquistinretepa.it>
Su ID de correo electrónico ha sido adjudicatario de uno millones de libras esterlinas Uk BlackBerry Promo detalles
2013/1/30 Benz Promo <jhonalavao@misena.edu.co>
El servicio de correo misena es soportado tecnológicamente por © Google y
ofrecido por el Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA de manera gratuita
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responder para - claimhouse09@yahoo.cn
2013/1/29 Rothschild Foundation <info@roth.com>
Congratulations! You have been awarded USD$1,000,000.00 each amongst Five (5) recipients as charity donation from the Rothschild Foundation. Contact Payment officer: Mr Well Paulson Contact Information: claimhouse09@yahoo.cn
RESPONDER PARA - katejohnson@qq.com
2013/1/29 kate johnson <kyu@ppo.com>
Good Day to you,my name is kate johnson from England,Am writing you this letter
bass on my healthh condition with hope
of meeting a Godly needed person to handle humanitarian project in my name since
am unable to leave my sick bed.please
read my attached letter for more.
2013/1/30 Moira Casey <mcasey@shastalink.k12.ca.us>
From: Moira Casey
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 4:48 AM
To: Moira Casey
My wife Violet and I Allen Large won $11.3 million in a lottery 6-49 in July, 2010 and we have decided to donate the sum of $2,000,000.00 USD to you. Contact us via our personal email for more details ( avallenlarge@rogers.com ).
RESPONDER PARA - brigitte-prouvost@laposte.net
2013/1/30 MARIE BRIGITTE PROUVOST - contradasangregorio@alice.it>
Bien aimé de Dieu, Bonjour
Je m’appelle Marie Brigitte Prouvost à l’état civil, je suis de nationalité Française.
Bon si je vous adresse ce mail, sachiez que c'est l'œuvre de DIEU qui m'a amené à vous choisir parmi tant de mails archives sur le net pour vous confier cette grande responsabilité dont je suis convaincu que vous allez prendre comme une bénédiction et un don venu d'une femme de bonne foi. Bien vrai que je ne vous connais pas, ce que je demande à DIEU, c’est de rendre votre cœur saint afin de réaliser mes projets avec ce DON.
Je me sens si mal chaque jour car je ne sais pas si je vais survivre suite aux différentes opérations. Bien aimé, j'ai peur de mourir mais la vie ne me laisse pas le choix. Je prie l’éternel, notre Dieu de bien vouloir m'accorder une place dans les cieux. J'ai tant souffert avec ce mal bien aimé. Mon plus grand souhait que vous pouvez m'apporter est de rester en prière avec moi car je sais que vous êtes un croyant de Dieu. Je ne voulais pas quitter cette terre sans me rendre compte que mon argent a servis aux enfants démunis, pauvres, orphelins et autres, un grand soulagement bien aimé. Cette responsabilité est lourde à prendre mais je vous offre une somme de (1500.000 € ) pour que vous la gérer comme si c'était la votre dans l’intérêt de réaliser mes vœux les plus chers au monde.
Toutefois, je comprendrais votre étonnement quant à ma façon de procéder. Vous savez, il existe plusieurs organismes dans le monde que j'aurai pu contacter. Mais je ne préfère pas, j'aimerais plutôt que ça soit une personne comme tout le monde, à qui je confierai cette lourde responsabilité de créer une fondation et qui fera les bonnes œuvres comme feu l'Abbé Pierre. Dans le passé, je faisais des dons à des associations déplorablement je n'ai jamais été satisfaite de la gérance de ces dons. Il y a beaucoup de souffrance dans le monde, et il faut que nous les êtres humains qui avons la possibilité d'aider un temps soit peu les personnes qui sont dans les difficultés le fassent.Toute cette mallette contient (1500.000 € ) dans une Mallette. Si vous êtes d'accord j'attends alors votre réponse a ma lettre afin que je puisses vous mettre en contact avec ma banque.
Veuillez m’écrire a cet adresse e-mail: brigitte-prouvost@laposte.net
A bientôt Mme Marie Brigitte Prouvost
RESPONDER PARA - helen_wong01@ozledim.net
2013/1/30 Bayford and my wife Gillian <nailde@proplan.ufrpe.br>
I Got your email during my research and i hope i can trust you.
I am Bayford and my wife Gillian who have two children
and run a secondhand music shop Won Ј148 million in lottery
and we are donating the funds to Charity. View the link Below.
You are required to Contact Helen Won for the payout of 600,000 USD for charity
organisation Purpose, Please you are not expected to pay any money except the funds
clearance certificate from Bank In west Africa which will cost just 100 USD.
Your are advice to send a scan copy of your identification
Contact Helen for Further details Via Email: helen_wong01@ozledim.net
Em 30 de janeiro de 2013 09:08, PROMOÇÃO CIELO FIDELIDADE <OurocardeCielo2013@cielo.com.br> escreveu:
2013/1/30 DIRECTION HOPITAL MONTREAL <teofilo.vansiempsen@alice.it>
: (+1) 5142842211/(+4) 47042040650 (Canada)
2300, rue Tupper, Montréal (Québec)
H3H 1P3
Email: directorhopital.montreal@yahoo.ca
Accord de publication N° 012 / S-18/ 197582/01-12-2013 DU PROJET CIC & hme
Cadres et Jeunes diplômés Bienvenus
The Montreal Children's Hospital (HÔPITAL DE MONTRÉAL POUR ENFANTS) est le premier hôpital bilingue dont l'unique mandat est de soigner les enfants malades. Il est donc à la recherche de 09 personnes par pays afin de satisfaire au mieux aux nombreux besoins de sa clientèle. Elle recherche de toute urgence des personnes expérimentées capables de s'adapter à notre environnement de travail. En outre, l'HÔPITAL DE MONTRÉAL POUR ENFANTS recherche également du personnel dans les domaines du secrétariat de l'administration, Médecine, de l'informatique appliquée à la gestion, la maintenance, la comptabilité et gestion, le markéting, chauffeur, techniciens, ingénierie, la restauration, Mécanique...etc. La main d'œuvre étant rare ici au Canada, nous avions ouvert notre marché vers le reste du monde afin de permettre aux jeunes diplômés d'autres pays de pouvoir toucher à la réalité.
1-Avoir entre 21 et 65 ans au plus.
2-Être de bonne moralité.
3-Être disponible à voyager immédiatement.
4-Savoir bien parler le français si possible l'Anglais
5-Être titulaire du BEPC du BACCALAURÉAT ou autre diplôme professionnel
6-Avoir acquis d'expérience professionnelle serait un atout
Pour participer à ce recrutement, il vous suffira de contacter la Direction Général de l'HOPITAL DE MONTRÉAL POUR ENFANTS en adressant une demande d'inscription et en envoyant vos coordonnées (nom, prénoms, profession, pays, téléphone) à l'adresse e-mail suivante : directorhopital.montreal@yahoo.ca puis le joindre au téléphone : (+4) 47042040650 pour confirmation de votre inscription et pour plus d'informations sur les conditions à remplir et les pièces à fournir pour votre dossier de candidature.
Le Secrétariat Administratif
2013/1/30 Farlow, Veronica <vfarlow@pnwboces.org>
From: Farlow, Veronica
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 2:27 AM
To: Farlow, Veronica
My wife Violet and I Allen Large won $11.3 million in a lottery 6-49 in July, 2010 and we have decided to donate the sum of $2,000,000.00 USD to you. Contact us via our personal email for more details ( avallenlarge@rogers.com ).
2013/1/30 Office Manager <officemanager@zabitdev.us>
broda i found dis mailer is very good fo bulk i throw more 600 recipient
mail go na inbox 100% good u make one too http://webaccess.zabitdev.us
2013/1/28 mrsluciane <mrsluciane@myuhuru.com>
From Mrs Luciane Morgan
Dearest One,please Permit me to inform you my heart desire to introduce to you into this humanitarians work. I decided to do this after praying over the situation. am passing through You should please consider the transaction on its content and not the fact that you have not known me before. I need not dwell on how I came by your contact information because there are many such possibilities these days. I would like to introduce myself as Mrs. Luciane Morgan of Republic of Benin ,widow to Late Dr. Morgan (formal Consular of the Benin Embassy in Madrid, Spain. I have been recently diagnose of Cancer of the Pelvic. I am writing to you now from my sick bed here in the hospital.
There is $9.5M (Five Hundred Thousand united state dollars) my husband has in an account with the BANK OF AFRICAN BENIN (BOA) of which I am the next of kin. With my health condition and because my husband and I have no child, I decided to contact you so that I will pass the right of next of kin to you please i want you to staind as my trustee in this project even before i make up my mind to contact you am really fasting and prayer asked almighty god to read and direct me to a seriouse minded person who will staind as my trustee in this project well i want to donate this fund to the churchs, Charity organisation, motherless babys orphanages, widows and mostly for the building of the
church.which i will like you to do according to my direction when the fund get transfer to your account I will send to you the documents that covers the fund in the Bank which you will use to contact the bank and request for there-transferring of the fund to your own bank account.
This is on the condition that you will take only 30% of the fund for yourself, while you will use the remaining 70% to help the less privileges people in the society.
This is in fulfillment of the last request of my late husband: that a substantial part of the fund be used to carter for the less privilege people, If this condition is acceptable to you, you should contact me immediately through my e-mail: (mrsluciane63@yahoo.com) and through the hospital telephone number +22996713201, Hospital Address: CENTRAL HOSPITAL BENIN, 124 bp, Midombo Cotonou - Benin Republic, Contact person Doctor Marc Nicholas. Please call the Doctor and ask him of Mrs.Luciane Morgan, let the doctor to know that you want to speak with me on phone.
Indicate to me your full names with your contact address so that i will have the trust to pass the right of next of kin to you. So as soon as i receive your full names with your full contact address i will proceed to send to you all the documents covering the fund, which you will send to the bank for the release of the fund to you.
I cannot predict what will be my fate by the time the fund will be transferred into your account, but you should please ensure that the fund is used as i have described above.
I look forward to your immediate response,
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Luciane Morgan
Thanks and Remain blessed
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2013 ....
From: fatima_lorna@voila.fr
Subject: Hello My Dearest,
Hello My Dearest,
My name is Miss. Fatima Lorna Loboso , 23 years old originated from Nairobi-Kenya, East Africa, Female, tall, slim, fair and a very good
looking girl that loves traveling and dancing, a student, that loves to be loved, I want you to also understand that your Age,
distance,Religions does not matter to me, kindly permit me to contact you through this medium, I am compelled to contact you via this medium
for obvious reasons which you will understand when we discuss details of my proposition.
My mother was the former Assistant Minister of Home Affairs and the Kenya road Minister Mrs.Lorna Loboso had been on board the Cessna
210,which was headed to Kericho and crashed in a remote area called Kajong'a, in western Kenya. After the burial of my father,my step-mother has threatened to kill me because of the money my Mother deposited in one of the banks in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso in my name as the next of kin before his dead which amount is($10.7USD) Million United State Dollars. I travelled down to Burkina Faso to withdraw the money so that I can start a better life and take care of myself.
On my arrival, the Branch manager of the Bank whom I met in person told me that My mother's instruction to the bank was the money will be release to me only when I am married or I should present a trustee who will help me and invest the money overseas. I have chosen to contact you after my prayers and I believe that you will not betray the trust I have on you. But rather take me as your own daughter or your Sister.Though you may wonder why I am so soon revealing myself to you without knowing you, well, I will say that my mind convinced me that you are the true person to help me stand as my trustee since Ihave not married.
Moreso, I will like to disclose much to you if you can help me to relocate in your country because my Step-Mother has threatened to assassinate me. Also be informed that I have confirmed from the bank in Burkina Faso that the money is still unclaimed. You will also help me to a place were the money will be establish a more profitable business venture in your Country. Moreover, you will also help me by recommending a nice University in your country so that I will complete my studies.
It is my intention to compensate you with 30% of the total money for your services and the balance shall be my capital in your
establishment. As soon as I receive your interest in helping me, I will put things into action immediately. In the light of the above, I shall appreciate an urgent message indicating your ability and willingness to handle this transaction sincerely. Please do keep this only to your self. I beg you not to disclose itto anybody until the money transferred into your bank account and then I will come over to your country.
I am waiting to hear from you soonest,
Yours Sincerely,
Miss. Fatima Lorna Loboso
RESPONDER PARA - sirjamesmatt777@msn.com
2013/1/30 Western Union Department, Financial Bank UK <bizimevler2@happy.com.tr>
2013/1/28 Capt. Ronald Dickson Clarke <veteran.capt.ronalddickson@gmail.com>
2013/1/28 Mr. Chen Li Tan <webxxxx44441111005@att.net>
Hello: Please Read My Attached Email
responder para - makasin79stella@nokiamail.com
2013/1/28 Miss Stella Makasin <makasin@hotmail.fr>
Greetings !
Please, may you receive this letter with peace of mind and with due respect as it may be
very strange to you since we have not communicated or know each other before.I am looking
for your cooperation in building a Tourist Hotel or Real Estate or to invest into any other
business you can advise me in Your country. I am sorry if this is not in line with your
business. I need your assistance to help me set up, develop the project with $5 Milion
American dollars, which I inherited from my late father. On the resumption of the project,
you will be made a Director for the role and the assistance you rendered.
You will also be entitled to a percentage agreed upon between me and you before the
commencement of the project. Your immediate reply will be highly appreciated and I shall
give you more information on this project. I will be very happy to receive your acceptance
reply to help me to accomplish this plan to come to your country with my junior brother to
further our educations while you will be managing the investments on our behalf. Please
kindly help us for the sake of God and humanity. We are anxiously
waiting for your acceptance reply to help us out.
Remain blessed!
Miss Stella Makas
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