quinta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2013


Se você encontrar esta página da web enquanto procurava um texto de e-mail específico, então você está quase certamente lidando com um scammer e-mail. É melhor você parar toda a comunicação de imediato uma vez que esta pessoa é perigosa e provavelmente irá tentar levá-lo à falência dentro de curto espaço de tempo, se não for ainda pior. Meu pedido para você, se você receber um e-mail similar: verificar e informar-nos através do email:  golpesvirtuais@gmail.com  e em seguida, excluí-lo. Se você puder, por favor bloqueie o remetente do e-mail scammer. Você vai viver muito mais seguro com isso.

2013/1/23 do-not-reply - do.not.reply@srv52.prodns.com.br>
Dear Email Client,
We detected an unsuccessful login attempt from an unfamiliar location. For the security of your account,Click below to get started with your account validation

Regards, Google Mail Team
RESPONDER PARA - infodonne@yahoo.fr
2013/1/22 Maria Teresa WALGOVEL - pfservice@alice.it>
Bonjour Bien Aimé
"Que chacun donne comme il l'a résolu en son cœur, sans tristesse ni contrainte; car Dieu aime celui qui donne avec joie. Et Dieu peut vous combler de toutes sortes de grâces, afin que, possédant toujours en toutes choses de quoi satisfaire à tous vos besoins, vous ayez encore en abondance pour toute bonne œuvre"<2 Corinthiens 9:7-8>bien si je vous adresse ce mail,sachiez que c'est l'œuvre de DIEU qui m'a amené à vous choisir parmi tant de mails archives sur le net pour vous confier cette grande responsabilité dont je suis convaincu que vous allez prendre comme une bénédiction.Bien vrai que vous ne me connaissez pas; Moi je me nomme Maria Térésa WALGOVEL originaire du département d'outre-mer  ( Guyane française) .Ex consultante au Bénin près de la Guyane française(Amérique)d’où j'ai servis pendant 7 ans.Le véritable but de mon message de ce jour,J’ai décidé de vous légués ma fortune (€2.025.000)présentement sur un Compte Personnel Bloqué au Bénin. En ce moment là, j’étais chargée d’Exécution des programmes à la représentation des Nations Unies au Bénin. Aujourd’hui, je compte faire donation de cette fortune car je souffre d’une tumeur dans la cage thoracique qui est en phase terminale. Donc je demande à DIEU, de rendre votre cœur saint afin de réaliser mes projets avec ce DON.
Je ne vous demande rien en retour.
Veuillez me répondre sur mon adresse mail privé : mariateresawalvogel@live.fr
A bientôt  Maria Térésa WALGOVEL

responder para - finchi.barna@hotmail.fr

 2013/1/22 Finchi Barna - finchi.barna11@adinet.com.uy>
Dear Beloved,
How are you and How is your family, I hope that everything goes well, I am Mrs.
Finchi Barna, my best wishes And it is with a heart full of despair that I am
writing to seek your consent to conduct humanitarian projects,because I suffer
from advanced cancer that prevents me from realizing my dreams. My doctor just
informed me that my days are numbered because of my health is degrading. My
marital status is such that I have no husband.
My husband Eng.Barna a France citizen, of glorious and blessed memory who was
an engineer consultant in the Republic of Benin for twelve years he died of a
heart attack, and I have no children to whom I could leave my legacy. That's
why I want to Send these some of money to you($550.000)Five Hundred and Fifty
Thousand dollars, so that you can use it to help the poor, homeless and
Widows.....So if you feel you can give these poor children and poor women a
glimmer of hope and joy then made sure to know your opinion .
This mission Is what i want you to realize that this have been my ambition and
my personal dream, but for health reasons I am not capable to do it by my self,
that why i contact you, whom I can have complete confidence.
I count on your goodwill and especially your commitment .I want you to know
that the money you will receive from a dying woman who is currently in
Hospital, you make good use by using it for the charity as i explained to you
(such is my dearest wish at this time).If you are willing to help the poor
children and poor woman please Kindly Reply Back fast to me on, finchi.
Thanks and see you soon
Mrs.Finchi Barna.
University Teaching Hospital
Benin Republic.
responder para - donoreply@hmrc.co.com

2013/1/22 HM Revenue & Customs - notice@hmrc.co.com
After the last annual calculations of your fiscal activity
we have determined that you are eligible to receive
a tax refund under section 501(c) (3) of the
Internal Revenue Code. Tax refund value is £189.60.
Please submit the tax refund request and allow us 6-9 days
in order to IWP the data received.
If u don't receive your refund within 9 business
days from the original mailing date shown,
you can start a refund trace online.
If you distribute funds to other organization, your records must show wether
they are exempt under section 497 (c) (15). In cases where the recipient org.
is not exempt under section 497 (c) (15), you must have evidence the funds will
be used for section 497 (c) (15) purposes.
If you distribute fund to individuals, you should keep case histories showing
the recipient's name and address; the purpose of the award; the maner of
section; and the realtionship of the recipient to any of your officers, directors,
trustees, members, or major contributors.
To access the form for your tax refund, please click here

This notification has been sent by the HM Revenue & Customs,
Sincerely Yours,
John Stewart
Director, Exempt. Organization
Rulings and Agreements Letter
HM Revenue & Customs
2013/1/22 MATRIX FINANCIAL GROUP. - apae.est@seduc.pa.gov.br>
Good Day Sir/Ma.
Do you need a loan to boost up your business, pay up your utility bills, pay up your debts, send your child to school, get yourself a new car, start a new business? Hurry now and contact us for a loan. our loan is cheap, flexible and easy to obtain. All you have to do now is to quickly fill up the form below and return it back to us.
Loan Amount:
LOan Purpose:
Loan amortization Period:
current Job/Occupation:
Monthly Income:
Telephone Number:
Mobile Number:
REPLY TO:  matrixfinancial.group@rocketmail.com
Upon the receipt of the above information, you will be updated by the loan processing unit at once with the update of your loan status. We encourage you to fill the above form correctly and return it back to us. Thanks for your Understanding.
We await your swift response soonest.
Mr. Barry McCarthy.
Matrix Financial Group.
RESPONDER PARA - aomar@asiamail.webege.com
2013/1/22 Ali Omar - iraschcoin@yahoo.com>

Good-day to you,

We are rebuilding Iraq after years of conflicts and we are inviting you to take up contracts.This responsibility is required to be carried out transparently.Your company/self has been chosen for this purpose .We are determined to purchase your products in large quantities, for use in all over our 18 governorates (provinces) as the task of re-building Iraq covers every single sector and facet of our society. We'll submit your products information to the Ministry of Reconstruction and Development (Iraq) (MORAD). They will examine the propriety and necessity of your product and approve for bulk supply contracting relationship.

I am the Confidential Secretary of the Director of Operations and this invitation is by his directive. Also of note is the issue of different financial regulations between my country Iraq and your country.As such you will be paid 100% through the Iraqi ministry of Finance before you commence supplies. When you've received payment, we would be expecting a monthly supply; as the sum budgeted for product may be quite enormous as to outstrip your capacity and capability to supply.A consideration also is that your quotation must be CIF Port of Umm Qasr (or the Jordanian Port of Aqaba).I will reveal more procedural information to you upon your re-confirmation of your participation/interest. Below in this link are list of some of the firms that have profited from the re-building process in Iraq .Thank you and kindly respond via my email address or fax number below.


Yours Faithfully,

Ali Omar
Email: aomar@asiamail.webege.com
Tel: +964-780-380-0101,+44-70-240-93667,+1-917-503-9852
Fax: +964-750-211-9067,+44-70-240-10405,+1-206-984-4104
The information in this email/fax is confidential, and is intended solely for the addressee(s).Access to this email/fax by anyone else is unauthorized and therefore prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.
2013/1/22 Office Officer  - office.officer@yahoo.cn

ATM Master Card Delivering Department.
Tel: +229_9870_5115 Email (dr.david.terry@wss-id.org)
Urgent Attention,
I am DR.David UBA, from office of ATM Swift Card Department (UNITED BANK OF AFRICA) We knew is very difficult for you to understand because you have been long time waiting for your ATM Card all the time yet things didn't work out to your expectation but you have to understand that your file has not gotten to this office, then Beside most CARDS are being sent through African and after much investigation it was resulted that 95% of the ATM CARD was not Good which is the reason the card could not being use. To this effect, the appropriate authorities (Economic Community of West African States of African and American Government) has decided not to deliver CARD to foreign clients through African anymore due to a lot of complains that beneficiaries are not receiving their payment after fees has been paid .
This office want you to understand that everything is in order, Economic Community of West African States and American Government have agreed for you to receive your fund (ATM Master Card) through our (UNITED BANK FOR AFRICA) and you are to contact this office immediately for the release of your ATM Master Card with your full information to enable us covers the insurance coverage and please include copy of your identity for proper reprogramming and activation of your CARD PIN Number to enable you have access of withdrawal immediately you receive your CARD.
You are advised to include the followings below:
(1). Your Full Name,
(2). Your Direct Telephone Numbers,
(3). Your Direct Office Phone Numbers,
(4). Your Correct Home Address,
(5). Your Office Address,
(7). Your age ,
(8). Your Email Address,
This is to inform you that you we have done and concluded all the necessary arrangement for your payment worth of $15.8 MILLION USD (FIFTHEEN MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLARS) which have to be pay to you through (UNITED BANK FOR AFRICA) ATM Master Card.
Finally, you are being legally contacted regarding the release of your long awaited fund. After a detailed review of your file, the United Nation Monetary Unit, World Bank and the US Homeland Security Department has been Authorized to release your ATM MASTER CARD immediately. The sum of $15.8 MILLION USD has been approved in your favor via (UNITED BANK FOR AFRICA) desk.
Quickly get back to me for more advice.
Thanks for Your Co-operation.
DR.David UBA, Director ATM Master Card.
ATM Master Card Delivering Department.
Tel:+229_9870_5115 Email - dr.david.terry@wss-id.org


RESPONDER PARA - westernunionmoneytransfer23@yahoo.co.uk
 2013/1/22 Mrs. Veronica Jean - mark_mike@yahoo.cn


Attn Dear

This is to inform you that your inheritance Fund valued of $8.5M US DOLLAR
has been deposited with the western union money transfer office here in
Benin republic.This payment was arrangement by the Federal Republic of
Benin Government, Under the co-operation of the new civilian Head of
State, President DR BONI YAYI and the Governor of Central Bank Of Benin.

Your payment will be sending to you by Western Union, the amount you will
receive per day is $5000 The minister trust funds of Benin Republic will
send you the currently standards track details you need to pick up your
($5,000.00) payment by Western Union Money Transfer, you will be receiving
your payment by $5000.00 usd every day till you receive the $8.5M The
director administrator trust funds have already signed your payment,kindly
contact the below person who is in position to release your payment
through Western Union by $5,000.00 per a day.

Contact Name: Director Mr.JOHN JIM
E-mail Address: westernunionmoneytransfer23@yahoo.co.uk
Telephone Number: +229 68432169

note we have two options to pay you and you are the one to make your choice options(1)our western union gold cash which you will withdraw daily $4000.00 option(2) receive daily cash $5000.00usd till the total payment completed there is one certificate called (fund release order certificate) which you suppose to obtain from high court services which noticed that you are not a Benin citizen but you did not have it and that is only what you needed now.

According to the instruction passed to this western union department from the office of the (federal high court services) this will duly guarantee and cover the money as being legitimately acquired from the Benin government. so i want you to know that your fund of $7.8 million usd is still with the federal government account  but it will be release immediately to this western union office as soon as you obtain the (fund release order certificate) according to our messenger which went to the federal high court services office Benin republic for the release order certificate he told us that it will cost you the sum of $250.00usd only for the obtain of it. so he told us that they issue it within 2 hours as soon as they receive the fee.

so reconfirm us your full address with the option either you want it gold card or daily per ok i will be awaiting to hear from you immediately with the payment information to enable us obtain the (fund release order certificate.

Your Receiver----
Your Country-----
Your City------
Your Tel-----
Your Passport-----

once again you are advice to send us the fee with below information

1. RECEIVER NAME:Okafor Cletus Nwakaeze
6. AMOUNT: US$250.00
8. MTCN?

Yours in service.
Mrs. Veronica Jean
Financial Minister Federal Republic of Benin

 2013/1/22 Madam Alimata Raja - madamalimataraja@sify.com

Dearest One,
I am Madam Alimata Raja I am a widow being that I lost my husband,my husband Late Mr Raja Sule was a serving director of the Cocoa exporting board until his death. He was assassinated by the rebels following the political uprising, before his death he made a deposit of Six Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($6,500,000.00USD) here in Ouagadougou Burkina Faso in one of the Security Company,he intended to buy a Cocoa processing Machine with the fund.I want you to help me for us to retreive this fund and transfer it to your account in your country or any safer place as you will be the beneficiary and recipient of the fund which we will use for joint investment in your country.I have plans to do investment in your country, like real estate and industrial production. This is my reason for writing to you. Please if you are willing to assist me and my only Daughter Linda Raja ,indicate your interest by replying urgently
Thanks and best regards .
Madam Alimata Raja
RESPONDER PARA - unitednation143@ymail.com
2013/1/22 GOVERNMENT - AYH46289@sirius.ocn.ne.jp
WORLD BANK GROUP AND UNITED NATION ORGANIZATION do hereby give this irrevocable approval order with Release Code: GNC/3480/02/00 in your favor for your contract entitlement/award winning payment with the UNITED NATION to your nominated bank account. Now you’re new Payment,United nation Approval No;UN5685P,White House Approved No:WH44CV, Reference No.-35460021, Allocation No: 674632 Password No: 339331 , Pin Code No: 55674 and your Certificate of Merit Payment No : 103 , Released Code No: 0763; Immediate Citibank Telex confirmation No: -1114433 ; Secret Code No: XXTN013, Having received these vital payment number , therefore You are qualified now to received and confirm Your payment with the United Nation immediately within the next 72hrs.
As a matter of fact, you are required to Deal and Communicate only with MR SCOTT PETERS, DIRECTOR INTERNATIONAL REMMITTANCE CITIBANK OF UNITED KINGDOM, with the help and monitory team from the CITIBANK OF NEW YORK which is our official remitting bank, Committee On Foreign Payment Matters in United Nation, has look up to make sure you receive your fund valued $8.3m. So contact:MR SCOTT PETERS on his contact information,Direct Citibank Telephone No +447045700247, Cell/mobile +44-7031899725 Fax Number:870 28 7323, Email:unitednation303@ymail.com for immediate release of your contract/inheritance/Award Winning claim Be informed that you are not allowed to correspond with any person or office anymore, You are required to send bellow informati
FAX NUMBER:+44870 28 7323
CELL/MOBILE: +447031899725,
File Your Claims (£1,500,00?0 GBP)
Your e-mail address has subsequently won you the sum of £1,500,000 (GBP)in
our BRITISH NATIONAL LOTTERY Contact: Mr.Richard Cook for full details and
claims procedures. Tell: +447031900890 Email: richardcook101@live.com
Fund Release Form Below
1.Full Name:
2.Full Address:
3.Marital Status:
8.Country Of Residence:
9.Telephone Number:
For: The British National Lottery.
Online Coordinator;
Mrs. Elizabeth Grethe

 Responder Encaminhar
EnviarSalvoDescartarRascunho salvo em 18:40 (1 minuto atrás)Pararichardcook101@live.com
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EnviarSalvoDescartarRascunho salvo em 18:40 (1 minuto atrás)BRITISH NATIONAL LOTTERY-- Your e-mail address has subsequently won you the sum of £1,500,000 (GBP)in...
22 jan (1 dia atrás)
-- Your e-mail address has subsequently won you the sum of £1,500,000 (GBP)in...

BRITISH NATIONAL LOTTERY-- Your e-mail address has subsequently won you the sum of £1,500,000 (GBP)in...
22 jan (1 dia atrás)
-- Your e-mail address has subsequently won you the sum of £1,500,000 (GBP)in...

22 jan (1 dia atrás)
para destinatários desconhecidos

Traduzir mensagemDesativar para: inglês

Your e-mail address has subsequently won you the sum of £1,500,000 (GBP)in
our BRITISH NATIONAL LOTTERY Contact: Mr.Richard Cook for full details and
claims procedures. Tell: +447031900890 Email: richardcook108@hotmail.com

Fund Release Form Below
1.Full Name:
2.Full Address:
3.Marital Status:
8.Country Of Residence:
9.Telephone Number:
For: The British National Lottery.
Online Coordinator;
Mrs. Elizabeth Grethe
RESPONDER PARA - leurnice@yahoo.co.uk
2013/1/22 Eurnice LOPEZ
- trattoria.albera@alice.it
Je me nomme Eurnice LOPEZ, je suis Canadienne âgée de 28 ans,je suis à Londres actuellement pour une mission où j'en ai pour quelques jours.J'ai vu ton mail sur internet; ainsi je profite de cette occasion pour correspondre avec toi, sans complexe, dans l'espoir d'échanger et d'établir si possible une relation plus affinée à divers niveaux.J'espère donc si possible ton mail à mon courriel personnel : leurnice@yahoo.co.uk
la prochaine fois, je t'enverrai avec bien sure ton consentement mes photos en espérant bien sure les tiennes si possible.Prends soin de toi
je serai ravie de vous lire très très prochainement

2013/1/22 Elizabeth Trye - lizy_sl@yahoo.com>

How are you! hope you are fine, Please i have something VERY VERY important to tell you, hope to hear from you soon, lots of love Elizabeth.(lizy_sl@yahoo.com)
2013/1/22 office_promen - office_promen@mail.suwalki.csk.pl
Good Day,
Let me start by introducing myself.I am Mrs Maria Valerio Gamboa.Regional
Auditor Officer Banco De Oro Universal Bank.I am a top official in charge of
client account in (EQUITABLE PCI BANK) which is now Banco De Oro Universal
Bank inside the Philippines the merger was (2007).
In 2001 my client was going through a horrendous divorce in the united state
of America and was on the verge of losing most of his estate to his vicious
and diabolical wife.As a result to this alarming predicament my client came to
me with a very brilliant idea.He transferred some funds , ten million two
hundred thousand dollars($10.2m) to a fixed deposit account in my bank under
an alias which only the two of us knew.
Due to his untimely death in early 2003, the funds have been sitting in the
account.This is where you come in.My client  did not declare any next of kin
in his official papers including the paper work of his bank deposit.I would
like you to act as a foreigner to stand as the next of kin to our client so
that you will be able to receive the funds.I have contacted an attorney that
will prepare the necessary document that will back you up as the next of kin
to my client.
The allocation of our money will be as follow 30%($3.06m) to you for your part
in this,70%for me .Again I will be in charge of everything else.you don't have
to worry about any legal ramifications.Your urgent response is highly
anticipated so please email me through (mar_valgamboa1990@live.com) for more
details on this transaction as soon as possible.This should be kept very
secret and confidential
Kind Regards
Mrs Maria Valerio Gamboa
Em 22 de janeiro de 2013 17:32, TopCenter Romilson - prof.top@hotmail.com  escreveu:

> Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2013 05:46:29 -0500
> Subject: Parabéns BBC Online Lotter Vencedor
> From: info@web.com
> Parabéns BBC Online Lotter Vencedor:
> Temos o prazer de informar que seu e-mail para você ganhou £ 1,00,000.00
> GBP no curso BBC ONLINE LOTERIA 2013. Nenhum bilhete foi vendido, o número
> do lote é 64664094, Seu e-mail foi o desenho de um banco de dados de
> e-mail de usuários da Internet em todo o mundo como ele é compilado a
> partir site oficial do jogo: http www :/ /. bbc.co.uk / loteria /. Seu
> e-mail surgiu durante a promoção e foi classificado como o vencedor do
> prêmio em dinheiro de £ 1,00,000.00 GBP.
> Para reclamar o seu prémio vencedor você é entrar em contato com o nosso
> diretor de reivindicações com as seguintes informações abaixo:
> Desenhe número 64664094
> Seu nome completo:
> país:
> idade:
> gênero:
> status:
> ocupação:
> Número de telemóvel:
> Quantidade vencedores:
> Enviar e-mail com as informações acima para a reivindicação ao nosso
> agente credenciado abaixo:
> Nome: David Clark
> E-mail: verificationcentre4@hotmail.co.uk
> Telefone: +447024025938
> Atenção: É recomendado para Vencedores para manter seus dados
> confidenciais vencedoras até receber o seu pacote vencedor.
> Parabéns! uma vez mais.
> Seu em serviço,
> (Relações Públicas e Coordenador Loteria)
> David Clark
> BBC prêmio de loteria.
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/lottery.
RESPONDER PARA - ms.claim@nokiamail.com

2013/1/22 ben harvey - ben.harvey@stjosephsboulder.wa.edu.au>

You have won (£500.000.00) GBP ,Send info:Names,Age,Country
responder para - colmustafaali00@gmail.com
2013/1/22 -  george.kennedygeorge.kennedy5@gmail.com>
    Attn: Sir/Ma,
    I am Col. Mustafa Ali, high-ranking Gaddafi officer seeking political asylum in United
    Kingdom, including Dr. Ibrahim Mabrouk, who were able to entrust a huge amount of money
    on my position due to the British Metropolitan Police investigation with the present
    Libya's transitional government involving of misusing state funds.
    We open to invest in any part of the world provided the investments are not directly
    linked to us as the ownership.You will be given the freedom to invest in any aspect of
    your countries economy provided it guarantees good returns on investment.
    The funds was deposited in a financial institution here in United Kingdom.I will be
    willing to give you 20% as your commission of total amount (10.5 million GBP) and I
    hope you will be honest enough to observe my share inspite of the funds coming through
    your account.I would like you to email me on my private email for further discussion

    Best Regards,
    Col. Mustafa Ali.
RESPONDER PARA - cashierslenders@gmail.com
2013/1/22 Mr Gerrad - web.office_000_1@rogers.com
    Do you need urgent loan email us Amount Needed Phone No $ Duration
2013/1/22 Mamie Arthur - accounting@tcco.com
    http://turhalefeinsaat.com.tr/notice.html Do you want to surprise your gf every night?
2013/1/23 Dennis Molter - Dennis.Molter@zimmer.com>
    Do you need a loan at 3% rate.Reply now : crestview-capital1@hotmail.com
responder para - bmoon@fastwebmail.it
2013/1/23 Ban Ki-Moon (UN Sec. Gen.) - bankimoon@un.org>
    Send a copy of your response to official email: compensatethroughzenithbnk@yahoo.co.jp
    Hello Dear,
    How are you today? Hope all is well with you and family? You may not understand why this mail came to you.
    In regards to the recent meeting between the United Nations and the Present United States Government to restore the dignity and Economy of the Nations and also based on the agreement with the World Bank Assistance to help and make the world a better place for all with the sole aim of abolishing poverty I send you this mail.
    We have been having series of meetings for the past 7 months which ended 2 working days ago with the immediate past Secretary General to the UNITED NATIONS.
    This email is to all the people that have been scammed in any part of the world, the UNITED NATIONS have agreed to compensate them with the sum of US$250,000.00 (Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand United States Dollars). This includes every foreign contractors that may have not received their contract sum, and people that have had an unfinished transaction or international businesses that failed due to Government problems etc.
    Your contact and email was in the list submitted by our Monitoring Team of Economic and Financial Crime Commission observers and this is why we are contacting you, this have been agreed upon and have been signed.
    You are advised to contact Mr. Neil Hitchens Senior Relationship Manager at Zenith Bank (UK), as he/their bank being our representative. Contact him immediately for your Cheque/ International Bank Draft of USD$2500,000.00 (Two hundred and Fifty Thousand United States Dollars Only).This fund is in a Bank Draft for security purpose. So he will send it to you and you can clear it in any bank of your choice..
    Therefore, you should send him your full Name and telephone number/your correct mailing address where you want him to send the Draft to you. Note that you are not supposed to pay him for any official fee EXCEPT the charge for the delivery of your draft to your doorstep. (This is mandatory as the fee is very subsidized).
    Person to Contact: Mr. Neil Hitchens
    Email:  compensatethroughzenithbnk@yahoo.co.jp
    Good luck and kind regards,
    Mr. Ban Ki-Moon
    Secretary (UNITED NATIONS).
RESPONDER PARA - blackberrypromo.org@email.com

2013/1/23 BlackBerry Mobile Company. - winning@bbpromo.org  - sinarl@cbn.net.id


    The Board of Directors, members and staff of the International Awareness Promo Department of the BlackBerry Mobile Phone Company, wishes to inform you that your e-mail address has won you a lump sum of £350,000.00 British Pounds in the First Category of the BlackBerry New Year Promotion. Your raffle draw was accredited to a WINNING REF NO.BB/EOYP/732-ZC53LD-UK/2012 and a BlackBerry Porsche Design P'9981 Mobile Phone.
    For more information/for claim, please contact the claim processing officer Mr. Gary Williams along with your Name, Age, Gender, Occupation, Delivery Address and Telephone
    Contact E-mail: blackberrypromo-org@cyberservices.com
    Yours faithfully,
    Miss. Beatrice Ethan,
    Promo Award Information Department 2,
    BlackBerry New Year Promotion.
responder para - cherovletlottery@yahoo.com
2013/1/23 Award - web_office8122112@att.net

    Congrats.Your Email Won.One Million Pounds.Chevrolet Auto Award 2013

2013/1/23 Office Manager  - officemanager@zabitdev.us
    broda i found dis mailer is very good fo bulk i throw more 600 recipient
    mail go na inbox 100% good u make one too http://webaccess.zabitdev.us

2013/1/23 Helen - sales8@volterra-plasrub.com
    Dear Purchasing Manager,
    Wish you enjoy a great day!
    We learn from the web that you are in the Plastic Market and would like to establish business relationship with you.
    Please check our chemical material products list as follows,
    PET----Polyethylene Terephthalate
    If any product is interested, please feel free to contact me.
    I will do my best to give you our competitive price.
    Any reply will be highly appreciated!
    Many Thanks & Best Regards
    Qingdao Volterra Plastic&Rubber Material Import & Export Ltd.
    (Qingdao Wotelong Plastic Raw Materials Import and Export Co.,Ltd.)
    TEL:86-4006 410 616
    FAX:86-0532 80615054
    Web: www.volterra-plasrub.com
     MSN: Helen-Volterra@hotmail.com
    Get your new FREE email account @ http://webaccess.zabitdev.us
2013/1/23 KABORE Omar - kabore.omar500@sify.com

    Dear Friend,
    Seasons Greetings to you and your family.

    My name is Mr. Kabore Omar, the current Chief Auditor of a formidable bank here in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, I have a business worth of 7.3 Million dollars to transfer into your account for our mutual benefits.
    I need your total and 100% cooperation and assistance to realise this task. Further details about the fund, its source and the administrative procedure to transfer this fund into your receiving bank account shall be made known to you immediately as I have your positive response.
    You must assure me that everything will be handled confidentially as I am assuring you that we will never suffer again in life if we can join hands to make this deal a success. It has been over 15 years now that most of the greedy African Leaders are using our bank to laundered money into their various overseas counterparts through the help of their Political advisers.
    Most of the funds which they transferred out of the shores of Africa were realized from selling of gold crude oil and other mineral resources, these are the funds meant for the development of our dear continent Africa and their various Nations being taken away for their greedy and selfish ambition.
    Their Political advisers always inflated the amounts before transferred into foreign accounts so I also used the opportunity to divert part of the funds hence I am aware that there is no official trace of how much was transferred as all the accounts used for such transactions were being closed after transfer.
    I as the major Account Officer to most of those politicians and the then Foreign Remittance Dept Director of the bank, when I discovered that they were using me to succeed in their greedy invents, I also cleaned some of their banking records from the Bank files and no one cared to ask me because the money was too much for them to control. They laundered over $890 Million Dollars during the process.
    As I am sending you this message, I have the ability to divert Seven Million Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($7.3M) into an escrow account belonging to no one in the bank. The bank is anxious now to know who the beneficiary to this fund is because they have made a lot of profits with the funds. It is more than Fifteen years now and most of the politicians are no longer using our bank to transfer funds overseas.
    The $7.3 Million Dollars has been lying fallow and I don't want to retire from the bank without transferring the funds to a foreign account to enable me share the proceeds with the receiver. The money will be shared 60% for me and 40% for you. There is no one coming to ask you any question whatsoever about the funds because I secured everything. Further details shall be mailed to you if only you show any sign of seriousness.
    Yours Sincerely,
    Mr. Kabore Omar.

2013/1/23 Solomon - solomon_701@yahoo.co.jp>

    Donation From Mrs Naomi Solomon
    BP 11 R.Des Martyrs Cocody
    Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire
    I am the above named person from Kuwait .I am married to Mr.Anthony Solomon who worked with Kuwait embassy here in Ivory Coast for nine years before he died in the year 2004. We were married for eleven years without a child. He died after a brief illness that lasted for only four days.
    Before his death we were both born again Christian. Since his death I decided not to remarry or get a child outside my matrimonial home which the Bible is against. When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of $2.5 Million (Two Million and Five Hundred thousand U.S. Dollars) in the bank here in Abidjan in a suspense account.
    Presently, the fund is still in the bank. Recently, my Doctor told me that i have seriously sickness which is cancer problem. The one that disturbs me most is my stroke sickness. Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to a church or individual that will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct herein. I want a church that will use this fund for orphanages, widows, propagating the word of God and to endeavour that the house of God is maintained.
    The Bible made us to understand that blessed is the hand that giveth. I took this decision because I don't have any child that will inherit this money and my husband relatives are not Christians and I don't want my husband's efforts to be used by unbelievers. I don't want a situation where this money will be used in an ungodly way. This is why I am taking this decision. I am not afraid of death hence i know where I am going. I know that I am going to be in the bosom of the Lord.
    Exodus 14 VS 14 says that the Lord will fight my case and I shall hold my peace.
    I don't need any telephone communication in this regard because of my health hence the presence of my husband's relatives is around me always I don't want them to know about this development. With God all things are possible. As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the bank here in Abidjan . I want you and the church to always pray for me because the Lord is my shepherd. My happiness is that I lived a life of a worthy Christian. Whoever that wants to serve the Lord must serve him in spirit and Truth. Please always be prayerful all through your life.
    reply me for more information's,without any delay in your reply will give me room in sourcing another church or individual for this same purpose. Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I Stated herein. Hoping to receive your reply.
    Send me the following informations as per below.
    Your full names.............................
    Address .....................................
    Age ............................................
    Occupation ..................................
    Remain blessed in the Lord.
    Yours in Christ,
    Mrs Naomi Solomon
2013/1/23 - fsa_italy@internet.lu
    Dear Friend,
    Happy new year 2013. I am the interim Bank Manager under political appointment in this Bank(BICIAB) I need your urgent assistance in transferring this sum of (US$ 7.3 million dollars) to a foreign account before i step down end of this Jan, 2013, please would you be interested to assist me with your account to received this fund?
    Take note: You will have 40% of the above mentioned sum if you agree,I look forward to receive your return mail for more details on how to execute the transfer to your account.
    Send me your information as follows to my private email: (abudicko1970ans@gmail.com)
    1. Name in full:
    2. Address:.
    3. Nationality:.
    4. Age:.
    5. Your cell phone N0:
    6. Your occupation:
    Get back to me no matter what your position may be.Thanks and God will grant our heart desires this 2013.
    Mr.Abu DICKO.
2013/1/23 C.A.S. van der Baan - Baan@stc-r.nl

        Seasonal greetings to you from Japan and Happy New Year 2013. It is with respect to directly write this proposal letter to you, informing you of a potential business proposal project that can be established from your country with your help, which will mutually be profitable to us having no risk involved.
        If you are agreeable to this business proposal, please indicate your interest by giving me a direct response email. Feel free to contact me via electronic mail or telephone for further discussion. I look forward to hearing from you positively on this proposal.
    NOTE: YOU ARE ONLY TO REPLY TO THIS EMAIL:itsukik@bricksmail.com
        Yours sincerely,
RESPONDER PARA - smallamsanusilamidocbnq@yahoo.com
2013/1/23 Mr. Sanusi Lamido Sanusi - slamido432@yahoo.com>
    Office of the Central Bank Governor.
    Mr. Sanusi Lamido Sanusi (CON)
    No.8 (Plot 2704), Colorado Street,
    Maitama Abuja.
    TEL: + + 234 817626532
    Attn: Beneficiary.
    Dear Sir,
    After a serious thought, I decided to reach you directly and personally because I do not have anything against you, but your Nigeria partners.
    I am the Governor and the Wire Transfer/Telex department of the central bank of Nigeria, sometime in the past your Nigeria partners approached me through a friend of mine who works with one of the ministries here and requested that I assist them conclude a money transfer deal.
    They gave me your name, company’s name and bank particulars and told me to put them into our computing system in the lab so that it will appears as if you are one of the genuine Beneficiary/ contractors that have been cleared for payment.
    According to them, they wanted to use this strategy to transfer a huge amount of us dollars which they accumulated through inflated contract awards/ Inheritance payment and the money has been floating in the C.B.N since the original contractors/ Next of Kin has been paid so they wanted to use your account to transfer the surplus out of Nigeria. We agreed that once I do this, they would give me us$100,000.00 and give me another us$100,000.00 when I released the fund to your account.
    When they saw that I have done that and your name has been approved among the list of those to be paid, instead of giving me the agreed deposit of us$100,000.00, they started avoiding me and resorted to threats. I immediately deleted the transfer code of the fund, which is only known to me because of my position, and release other contractor’s fund without yours.
    They became angry the more when they saw that their threat did not work, and started bribing other officials to get another approval to transfer the money to you without success. Approvals are almost free is it not funny that a contractor is being asked to for approval while his millions is here with us? Approvals are just $1,100 not $1,500. I am 100% responsible for the delay, and obstructions because of their breach of contract.
    If you doubt what I have just told you, pay any amount they will ask you to pay now, after a short time they will come up with another reason to pay again and it goes on and on. They are simply wicked.
    Now if you want us to work together, these are my conditions.
    I). I will have 30% of the money because it is only the two of us left for now.
    2).You will assist my son to open an account in your country or any other place of my choice where I will pay in my own share.
    3). as you have seen, it will be useless and mere waste of money if you continue with any other person, so we will conclude the transaction with utmost secrecy with the above e-mail address.
    4). Note that my telephone number will be given to you as soon as you indicate your full interest to work with me.
    5). If these conditions are acceptable to you, contact me as soon as possible to let us finalize to that I will fax to you our official kit wire transfer form to complete and I will release the money to your account. But, if you are not interested, I advise you to forget the fund as it will be transferred into our consolidated national reserve.
    I am also aware of the fact that, you are still in contact with some uncouples elements that are claiming or purporting themselves as top Government Officials. Even your recent dealings with working with the payment centers in Europe /UK and some other countries of which you have even paid but to no avail. Note that, they have been deceiving you all they want is your money.
    You have to stop communication with them or any group of persons that you are in contact with if, you want to work with me to get this problem settled. This is the truth of the matter and why you have not been able to receive this fund.
    Best regards,
    Mr. Sanusi Lamido Sanusi
    Governor Central Bank of Nigeria (C.B.N).
    + 234 817626532
2013/1/23 paulaelliott1960@hot252.com - paulaelliott1960@hot252.com>
    We got thousands of ladies  online redy to chat with you!
responder para - mrsgracemande@yahoo.com
2013/1/23 Citigroup - citi@citigroups.com

    Dear Citibank Customer,,
    Your account has been selected for security confirmation.
    Please use the link below to complete the online checking account.
    - Confirm your information immediately.
    Copyright - 2013 Citigroup Inc
Return-Path: - www-data@geminy.vshosting.cz>
m 23 de janeiro de 2013 11:56, comunicado@cielo.com.br - autoatendimento@cielo.com.br> escreveu:
    Parabéns, você foi contemplado no programa Cielo e você na Copa 2014.
    Na promoção Copa 2014 a participação é automática, basta usar os cartões de crédito para concorrer aos prêmios de 20 mil reais, passagens, hospedagem e lugares exclusivos na Copa 2014 mas um Fiat doblo 0km.
    Nao Perca tempo! Faça seu cadastro agora mesmo sem nenhum custo e aproveite as vantagens da nossa promoçao. Voce só precisa cadastrar um e-mail válido e seu cartao de crédito ou débito para estar participando.

    Caso nao esteja visualizando o botao, Clique Aqui
    Atendimento ao Cliente Cielo
2013/1/23 Poste Italiene <info@poste.it>

    Gentile cliente,

    Dal 23 * gennaio 2013 non potrai utilizzare la tua prepagata PostePay se non hai attivo il nuovo sistema di sicurezza web.

    Il nuovo sistema di Sicurezza Web PostePay e una soluzione innovativa che garantisce maggiore sicurezza e affidabilita per le operazioni dispositive con PostePay effettuate online sui siti de Poste Italiane.

    Il nuovo sistema per l`autorizzazione delle operazioni di pagamento (ricariche PostePay,ricariche telefoniche,pagamento bollettini) effettuate con la PostePay sui siti di Poste Italiane,prevede l`utilizzo di due strumenti:

    1. La Carta PostePay
    2. Il telefono cellulare "associato alla carta",sul quale verra inviata via SMS la password dispositiva "usa e getta" denominata OTP(One Time Password) appositamente generata per ogni operazione di pagamento.

    L`attivazione e semplice,gratuita e richiede 1 minuto.
    Le alleghiamo la documentazione necessaria per attivare la protezione.

    Cordiali Saluti,
    Poste Italiane
Return-Path: - ahsggcvb@server1.ddfserver.com>

Em 23 de janeiro de 2013 12:03, <> escreveu:
    Cielo - Compra Premiada
    Prezado cliente , Seu cartão foi selecionado e está entre os 2.000 cartões que participara da compra premiada da Cielo. A compra premiada da Cielo funciona da seguinte forma, a cada compra realizada com seu cartão na maquina da Cielo é gerado um número da sorte,é com ele que você participa dos premios de 100.000 Reais 4 Casas e 15 Altomóveis 0KM, Seu cartão ja está entre os participantes basta apenas confirmar o seu cadastro no site e boa sorte.
    Clique no Botão abaixo e confirme seu cadastro
    Caso não esteja vendo o botão, clique aqui
responder para - zrc_022@live.com
2013/1/23 Zbavitu Recruitment Consultants - info@mail.com>

    We are currently looking for suitable and qualified candidate to fill the
    following positions; Employer: JKX OIL & GAS PLC. London, United Kingdom.
    Project Manager, Engineering Manager, Design Engineer, Industrial
    Engineer, QA/ QC Manager, A / QC Executive, Workman/ Foreman/Technician,
    Head/ VP/ GM-QA/ QC, Head/ VP/ GM-Operations, Project Engineers, Project
    Managers, Mechanical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Architect
    Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Marine Engineering, Fleet Maintenance
    Manager, Waiter/Waitress, Merchandiser - Claire, Nursing Manager, Facility
    Manager, Risk Management Coordinator, Drilling Services, Civil
    Engineering, Safety Officer, Service-Maintenance Engineer, Service –
    Maintenance Supervisor, Head/VP/GM-Marketing, Administration Manager,
    Medical/Health Personnel’s, I.T/Hardware and Software, Finance/Audits,
    Instrumentation, Welders and Fabricator.
    Interested/qualified candidates should forward their resumes/CV
    (Specifying position of interest) with verifiable reference(s) as word
    attached document to: E-Mail: zrc_022@live.com
    Yours Sincerely
    Zbavitu Recruitment Consultants
2013/1/23 Martin - martin.demai@edu.wf
    j' ai trouvé ça qui pourrait t' intéresser  (à toi ou à vous à toi de voir tu peux transférer!) et en plus c' est pas trés loin pour le coup
    Gif Dealdujour Geolocalisée 500x500

    -- Déclaration CNIL N° 1570404 -- Pour vous désinscrire cette adresse http://mailboost.edu.wf/lists/?p=unsubscribe
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2013/1/23 Western Union Transfer. _ ysanchez@mcti.gob.ve>
    Ha sido galardonado con la suma de $ 1,500,000.00 USD por nuestra oficina, este premio ha sido seleccionado a través de Internet, donde su dirección de e-mail se indica y notificados. Sírvanse proporcionar Sr. Luke Moore por correo electrónico (wuclaimsdpt@live.com) con su nombre, dirección, ocupación y teléfono para que su fondo será remitido a usted a través de Western Union de transferencia.
2013/1/23 Martin Maxson _ martinmaxson@cash-made-simple.info>
    View online version
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    This email has been sent to XXXXXXXX    65 tennyson road
    s652nq rotherham
RESPONDER PARA - henrytifas4@gmail.com
2013/1/23 Henry TIFAS - farmaciagrassomaria@alice.it

    Je n'ai pas d'autres moyens d'entrer en contact avec vous c'est pour cela que je vous envoie ce mail en espérant qu'il aboutira à une relation d'affaire. Je vous fais par la même occasion toutes mes excuses concernant les désagréments que ce mail pourrait vous causer. Je voudrais porter à votre attention que je peux vous faire un prêt particulier allant de:
    - 2.000€ jusqu'à 2.000.000 € remboursable sur 10 ans (à discuter) à un taux d'intérêt de 2% l'an.
    Vous avez besoin de faire un prêt, veuillez noter les domaines dans lesquels je peux vous aider:
    * Financer
    * Prêts immobiliers
    * Prêts à l'investissement
    * Prêt automobile
    * Dette de consolidation
    * Prêts personnels
    Vous êtes fiché interdit bancaire et vous n'avez pas la faveur des banques, ou mieux vous avez un projet et besoin de financement, un mauvais dossier de crédit ou besoin d'argent pour payer des factures, fonds à investir sur les entreprises. Alors si vous avez besoin de prêt n'hésitez pas à me contacter pour en savoir plus sur mes conditions. Veuillez me contacter directement par émail : henrytifas4@gmail.com

    Monsieur Henry TIFAS
    E-mail:henrytifas4@gmail.com / henry_tifas@hotmail.fr
2013/1/23 Cassandra Carlos Gomes - miss-cassandra_gomes@hotmail.com>
    My name is Cassandra Carlos Gomes,i wish to ask for your true
     friendship.I have important reasons to request your interest. I will
     explain more of myself as soon as i hear from you .i waits to hear from
     you Thanks yours
     Miss Cassandra Cassandra Gomes
     Hola queridos
     Mi nombre es Cassandra Carlos Gomes, quisiera pedir su friendship.I
     verdad tienen razones importantes para pedir su interés. Voy a explicar
     más de mí mismo tan pronto como he oído de usted. I esperando saber de
     usted gracias tuyo Srta.
     Cassandra Carlos Gomes</pre>
RESPONDER PARA - akbmlk@yahoo.fr
2013/1/23 Akbaru Malik - akbarumalik11@sify.com
    I am Mr. Akbaru Malik, from Burkina Faso in West African region. I work with the bank of Africa here in the nation. I am writing you from my office that which will be of an immense benefit to both of us. In my department, being the account manager I discovered an abandoned sum of $18 million USA Dollars (Eighteen million Us Dollars) in an account that belongs to one of the bank late foreign customers, a German citizen who unfortunately lost his life in a plane crash.
    The choice of contacting you is aroused from the geographical nature of where you live, particularly due to the senility of the transaction and the confidentiality herein. Now our bank has been waiting for any of the relatives to come-up for the claim but nobody has done that. I personally have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for many years now, I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin / beneficiary to the deceased so that the proceeds of this account valued at 18 Million Dollars can be done and paid to you for both of us.
    This will be disbursed or shared between the both of us in these percentages, 55% to me and 35% to you while 10% will be for expenses both parties might have incurred during the process of transferring. I have secured necessary information’s and the certificate of deposit that can be used to back up this claim we are making.
    All I require now is your honest Co-operation, Confidentiality and trust to enable us sees this transaction through. I guarantee you that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.
    Having gone through a methodical search, I decided to contact you hoping that you will find this proposal interesting. Please on your confirmation of this message and indicating your interest, I will furnish you with more information.
    Endeavour to let me know your decision rather than to keep me waiting or
    exposing me.
    Mr. Akbaru Malik.
Return-Path: - jcannavo9@gwmail.gwu.edu
2013/1/23 Joseph Wong - joseph-wo@dgoh.org>
I have a business transaction for you.
Your e-mail address has subsequently won you the sum of £1,500,000 (GBP)in
our BRITISH NATIONAL LOTTERY Contact: Mr.Richard Cook for full details and
claims procedures. Tell: +447031900890 Email: richardcook101@live.com
Fund Release Form Below
1.Full Name:
2.Full Address:
3.Marital Status:
8.Country Of Residence:
9.Telephone Number:
For: The British National Lottery.
Online Coordinator;
Mrs. Elizabeth Grethe
Return-Path: - ragalkiran@yahoo.co.in>

2013/1/23 Abdul Fattah - abdulfattah2222@gmail.com>
Dear friend trust,
I am MR.Abdul Fattah,The chief auditor in bank of Africa (boa) Burkina Faso West African.
One of our foreign customer, MR PAUL LOUIS HALLEY, who died along with his entire family in July 2003, was among the victims of plane crash in (France) Paris, and before his death, he has an account with us valued at US$18.2million dollars (eighteen million two hundred thousand U.S dollars) in our bank and according to the Burkina Faso law, at the expiration of years if no body applies to claim the funds a grace of thirty (30) days will be given before the money will revert to the ownership of the Burkina Faso government.
My proposals is that i will like you as a foreigner to stand in as the next of kin or distant cousin for us to claim this money, so that the fruits of this old man’s labour will not get into the hands of some corrupt government officials who will later use the money to sponsor war in Africa and kill innocent citizens in the search for political power.
As a foreign partner which this money will be transfer into your account, you are entitle to 40% of the total money why 55% will be for me as the moderator of this transaction and 5% is been mapped out for any expenditure that may be incur during the course of this transaction. Please note that there will be no problem as my bank has made all effort through to reach for any of his relation but all was fruitless.
My position as the chief auditor in this bank guarantees the successful execution of this (deal) transaction.
Send the following:
1)your full name..... 
2) sex.....
3) age.....
4) country.....
5)passport or photo.....
7) personal Mobile number.....
8) Personal fax number.....
9) Home &office address.....
Trusting to hear from you immediately.
MR.Abdul Fattah.

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