está diante de um scammer - golpista virtual
Scammers estão espalhados por toda a internet com diferentes objetivos
Fique atento se receber mensagens que falem de: herança, de premios de loteria, de compra de carros e imóveis, de compra de animais de estimação.
de gente que se diz morrendo querendo deixar dinheiro para caridade, de refugiados querendo que voce se torne um tutor, de namorados virtuais que querem mandar um
pacote com presentes ou dinheiro, de namorados que ficam doentes ou acontece uma tragedia e precisa de seu dinheiro, parcerias para salvar dinheiro de bancos internacionais,
de compradores de qualquer item do mercado, hospedagem em hoteis passando dinheiro a mais no cartão . Inúmeros crimes..TUDO ISSO É GOLPE
Reporte para -
Teremos o maior prazer em divulgar os emails alertando assim novas vítimas
Não esqueça - Quando receber uma mensagem semelhante a estas aqui, clique em responder a mensagem - se o endereço de email for diferente do que enviou, acrescente esse
endereço de email na mensagem para mim.
Nome usado pelo scammer Joseph T Anderson
scammers stolen pictures from Dr. Fernando Gomes Pinto - brasilian doctor
Golpistas roubaram fotos do neurocirurgião Dr Fernando Gomes Pinto
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Golpistas roubaram fotos do neurocirurgião Dr Fernando Gomes Pinto |
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Golpistas roubaram fotos do neurocirurgião Dr Fernando Gomes Pinto |
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Golpistas roubaram fotos do neurocirurgião Dr Fernando Gomes Pinto |
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Golpistas roubaram fotos do neurocirurgião Dr Fernando Gomes Pinto |
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Golpistas roubaram fotos do neurocirurgião Dr Fernando Gomes Pinto |
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Golpistas roubaram fotos do neurocirurgião Dr Fernando Gomes Pinto |
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Golpistas roubaram fotos do neurocirurgião Dr Fernando Gomes Pinto |
Nome usado John M Blust
"We sell cheap and affordable vehicles directly
from us,very clean
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available,Contacts:Prince samuel
ON 09067734977
Prince samuel
ON 09067734977"
Nome usado - Larry Walton
Fotos roubadas de STEPHEN NIESE ator e modelo
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Nome usado = Andy Williams
Fotos roubadas do veterano USA Army = Geoge Cozma
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Nome usado - Antonio Frank Rex
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Nome usado - Danny Watkinsville Nickels
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Nome usado - Godfrey Jackson
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Nome usado - Sharon Harold
Scammers stolen pictures from Colonel Irene Zoppi
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Em sáb, xx de abr de 2018 , Steve Author -> escreveu:
Olá querida
Fico feliz em ouvir de você!
Eu quero te contar mais sobre mim mesmo. Meu nome é Steve Autor, eu estava
nascido em 20 de agosto de 1979, um solteiro não casado. Meu pai tem
faleceu. Ele foi originado dos Estados Unidos da América. Eu estava
Nasceu e cresceu em NY. Eu sou o único filho e filho da minha família. Eu
moro aqui na Polônia, tem sido um país da minha escolha, de onde eu
estou me comunicando com você e trabalhando como segurança marinha e chefe
oficial na autoridade marítima dos EUA com base na atribuição de contrato aqui
Polónia e outros países.
Mamãe morava em casa na Inglaterra com uma ajudante de casa e seu motorista. Ela
adora o ambiente lá e eu volto para casa para visitá-los em
férias. Meu falecido pai era um homem gentil e maravilhoso
Além disso, sou um homem amoroso e amoroso que cuida da necessidade
dos outros. Eu
adoro viajar e fazer compras. Eu gosto de ouvir música. No
fins de semana, eu costumava sair por diversão, indo para o lado do mar tendo
mente relaxante e vendo o ar fresco agradável do mar. Amor
compras nos fins de semana também e se você tem chance, eu costumava
viajar por aí. Eu
Eu cozinho às vezes como gosto de cozinhar. Ser feliz sempre me faz sentir
jovem todos os dias. Estou tão feliz pela minha vida e agradeço a Deus por tudo,
Sua bênção para minha família. antes de fechar esta carta eu gostaria
para lhe dizer que para fazer um relacionamento durar para sempre e
ser estável nós
preciso de confiança, compreensão, devoção e motivação no coração, no
meu próprio
intenção, eu prometo ser fiel, honesto, e mais carinho para você e
seja o homem com o qual você sempre sonhou, e ore sempre para que Deus
abençoe e faça o nosso amor crescer, muito obrigado.
Espero ouvir de você em breve.
Com amor
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From: Steve Author ->
Date: dom, xx de abr de 2018
Subject: Re: Steve from tagged
más querido,
Gracias por tu hermoso mensaje, te quiero saber que el amor es siempre
para hacer nuestra vida completa de smiles y felicidad, este momento
cherish your interest and care para nuestra relación, i hope it
traerá el momento de alegría, felicidad, sonrisas y lo mejor de
nuestros momentos,
No hay que olvidar que no hay nada que hacer.
cuidando, estoy feliz y tan llena de sonrisas que me encontré con alguien
En el caso de que se trate de una persona,
en mi trabajo, debido a usted, i do not realmente know why, but i
creo que soy comienzan a caer en amor con usted, no a causa de lo mucho,
pero simplemente debido a su sinceridad y honestidad hacia nuestros
relación, Nos deseo de construir una buena relación juntos y bueno
que puede llevar a cabo en el matrimonio y hacer que nuestra vida sea feliz y
más brillante ...
No hay palabras en las que yo puedo decir, en el song that I can sing, y no
que es un show, para probar el amor de ti, para el,
el amor que tengo para la definición. Cómo puedo describir el sheer
¿Te sienta con el mismo pensamiento de ti? Cómo ver correctamente su lectura
los mensajes, causa mi corazón a un ritmo rápido, mi pulso a la carrera y mi
smile to widen. ¿Cómo puede usted una persona darme tan mucha esperanza para
¿futuro habrías soñado de? Usted ha abierto mi corazón y
despertar mi alma. Usted es mi uno y sólo cierto amor. Qué es cómo I
que es el amor. Espero que esto sea
que es lo que está buscando para los años, que puede traer felicidad
y el amor de Dios en el amor de Dios.
que es lo que mas me gusta de mi.
con cada uno y tienen una agradable relación junto con el amor y
Estoy muy interesado en saber acerca de las marcas que usted
persona especial que son hoy en día, me gustaría saber más acerca de su familia,
su fondo, su vida, pasiones, su
los objetivos y los sueños, sus intereses, y cualquier otra cosa que desee decir
mí. I incluso desea aprender acerca de los secretos que tienen mucho
trabajo compartiendo con
alguien!. La verdad es que no hay nada que hacer.
hablar sobre las cosas como la fiesta, el clima,
deportes, e.t.c. I want to learn about you and what marcas up your heart
y el alma, las hermanas Quiero ir a construir con ti Quiero ir a ti
en el otro usted ha compartido en un proceso. Esta amistad
Quiero que se acumula con que se llene con la sustancia, la calidad,
"espiritualidad, amor, fidelidad y potencial." gracias and take care
pero no se que hacer.
Con amor
De : Evdokimowa Yuliya
Envoyé le : Ve, 7 Avr 2018
Sujet : This is Yuliya. I'm curious to know more about you...
How are you ?
We can start to exchange our photos, life stories, our emotions and cultures if you wish.
Please send me some of your latest photos. I'm serious in my intentions so please show me your devotion too.
I shall hope that in the future, we shall be very good friends. It' something new and unusual to me. But I shall try, write good letters to you. Pls not be too strict to my mistakes in words, the English language is not my native language.
And i hope will improve the poor level of my language during communication with you.
My name is Yuliya. As for me, I’m 31 now. My birthday on 10th of September. I was born in 1986. My weight makes 54 kgs at growth of 172 centimeters, i don't smoke. I live in provincial town Ukhta (Russia, Komi republic).
I have finished medical university. My formation will consist of 3 levels : school, college, university. I studied within 18 years. All 18 years I have studied the English language also. I worked as the
second surgeon in small clinic within 4 years. I was happy to give health of people, to help them. Many things depend on me during actions. I think in the future I will be capable the surgeon to become
independent, you think what it good dream ?
I live one, I have no children and boyfriend. Sometimes I feel like very lonely in my house. Perhaps, for this reason I have decided to get acquainted with you. To me already 31, also I take a life philosophically. I have the house, work, friends, but I cannot tell,that I'm happy. Probably you felt ? Feeling of emptiness ? I hope that you will not be laughter.
And we shall write many letters to each other. I shall be capable to write to you letter constantly if you are interested in our dialogue.
What are you looking and waiting for from women, to be your wife, partner, maybe just girlfriend or mistress of house, maybe mother of your children ? Another question I’d wish to ask, what makes you to reply to my letter, just interest or sympathy, or politeness or maybe something else ?
Is distance between us problem for you ? I hope that our communication will continue.
Please tell me also your preferences in women. I send you some photos of me and my life.
P.S. Uuuf, finally I've finished this letter, yes, it seems to be rather big and probably hard to read but I wrote it with great inspiration and tried to say as more as possible about me...)))
Wishing you very good day and hope to hear from you soon,
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De : Evdokimowa Yuliya
Envoyé le : Di, 8 Avr 2018
Sujet : Please ask me questions...
Hi. I will be presented my name is Yuliya. I have found your
email through dating agency "Scarlet Sails". Why I write to you and
at once I give this information. The answer is simple. That further
there were no questions in our communications. On it I will write to
you fairly. "I do not know, how agency have found your address". I
have given to dating agency of a few money and the information has
specified the country, age. After the done operation. Agency to me
has given your email. Here so I have found you. Now if you not
against. I will tell a little about myself. To me of 29 years I was
born in the city of Izhevsk (Russian Federation). I work as the
surgeon 2 years, in the state clinics. I love the work and I am proud,
to those that I help people. About my interests and to a way of life.
I like to go in for sports (most likely you have noticed on my
photos). After the working day, I go to be engaged in gym for
maintenance of the form. Into my trainings enters (aerobics,
gymnastics, yoga). As the saying goes, I for a healthy way of life:)
Me does not interest bad habits (alcohol, smoking and drugs). Most of
all I hate drugs. Here my first question. In what you sports most of
all take a great interest ? Or in the past, than took a great
interest ? Whether there are at you bad habits ? It would be very
interesting to me to know it about you as it is more about you. I have
not much distractions that else it is possible to tell about me. I
prefer all music irrespective of a genre be it (rock, jazz, pop and so on).
What did you wish to know about me ?
Please ask me questions (only I ask to set to me adequate questions).
Well ! On it I will finish my letter and I hope to receive from you the answer.
Your new friend
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From: cetinkaya kozanoglu -
Date: sex, 6 de abr de 2018
Subject: Re: Proposta
Caro amigo, esta é a primeira carta que lhe enviei, se você estiver interessado, me avise
Esta carta pode surpreendê-lo porque não nos encontramos nem pessoalmente nem por correspondência, mas acredito que basta apenas um dia para conhecer ou conhecer alguém, seja fisicamente ou por correspondência. Eu consegui seu contato através da minha pesquisa pessoal
Eu sou o diretor de operações estrangeiras do Bank of Turkey. Meu nome é Mis, cetinkaya kozanoglu. Eu tenho uma oferta sensível e privada do alto executivo para buscar sua parceria em redesenhar alguns fundos de investimento offshore no valor de 11,5 milhões de dólares americanos (Onze Milhões e Quinhentos Mil Dólares dos Estados Unidos), mas não posso restringir a maioria dos detalhes por enquanto. Esta é uma transação legítima.
Se concordarmos com os termos, você receberá 40% dos fundos totais. Se estiver interessado, por favor, escreva novamente para outras diretrizes.
Se você estiver interessado e disposto a prestar sua ajuda, responda de volta para mim,
Estou ansioso para sua resposta urgente.
Mis, cetinkaya kozanoglu
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De: Judge Thompson -
Data: 6 de abril de 2018
Como vai você? Espero que tudo esteja indo bem e livre de estresse para você? Obrigado por me fornecer seu e-mail id, pelo menos você me criou a chance de contar e saber mais sobre você ... Eu só quero que você saiba que haverá um pouco mais de privacidade em nossa comunicação, pois não posso contatá-lo através de o site de namoro porque eu não visito lá sempre. Eu sei que você também deve estar se perguntando por que eu entrei em contato com você, eu gosto de tudo sobre você em seu perfil e sua foto. Esta é a razão pela qual eu quero encontrar e saber mais sobre você - o que você gosta, quais são seus sonhos e tudo de bom e ruim em você? Em uma breve introdução sobre mim, Meu nome verdadeiro é (((Juiz Thompson))), nascido em 04 de janeiro de 1962 em Oslo, Noruega. Eu sou originalmente de Oslo, meus pais se mudaram para o País de Gales na Inglaterra quando eu tinha 17 anos de idade. Estudei Engenharia Mecânica na Universidade de Cambridge ... Depois de me formar, trabalhei com ford por algum tempo antes de fazer um extenso curso de engenharia de petróleo em Harvard, depois do qual comecei meu próprio negócio. Sou consultor de profissão, sou especialista em exploração e fornecimento de petróleo e gás. Também estou envolvido no gerenciamento de derramamento de óleo. Meu pai morreu em um acidente de carro enquanto estava de férias com minha mãe no Havaí em 2001, mas como Deus pode tê-lo, Deus poupou a vida da minha mãe para mim. Na verdade, eu era casado com a melhor e mais adorável mulher da Terra, mas os problemas deste mundo não nos permitiam ser. nos casamos e por mais de 10 anos ela não podia conceber e depois de muitas orações e visitas a hospitais e pela graça de Deus, ela aceitou, mas infelizmente para mim, no dia de seu parto, eu a perdi e o bebê .
Eu moro sozinho, minha mãe mora em outra cidade de Liverpool e moro em Manchester, onde trabalho. Eu sou (188cm) alto, olhos castanhos, cabelos grisalhos e peso 80kg. A única coisa que me manteve indo é Deus, ele é minha espinha dorsal. Desde que minha esposa e filho morreram, senti como se o mundo tivesse desmoronado, por muito tempo depois da morte, eu mantive minha vida muito pequena - trabalho, casa, muito pouco socializar e definitivamente não namorar, simplesmente não estava pronto. Levei muito tempo para passar por aqueles dias sombrios ... Após a morte de minha esposa e filho, eu nunca pensei que poderia superar algo assim em vez disso, eu tenho que passar por isso e sentir a dor para que eu possa eventualmente curar meu espírito Mas depois de um tempo eu percebi que se eu tentasse manter minha vida pequena e segura para não me machucar, eu também estava me impedindo de sentir qualquer alegria de novo - porque alegria e dor são os dois lados do mesma moeda. Então, gradualmente, eu me permiti emergir de volta ao mundo real, e aqui estou minha primeira tentativa de namoro online! Espero encontrar uma mulher decente que esteja procurando um relacionamento sério, eu gosto de fazer algo claro quando começamos nossa comunicação. Minha intenção deve ser conhecida cedo o suficiente para que você possa saber por que eu entrei em contato com você. A única razão pela qual estou aqui escrevendo para você e pronto para dedicar tempo para fazer toda a comunicação necessária é porque eu gosto do seu perfil e desejo me aproximar de você e ver se há química para unir o coração porque nada funciona até que alguém trabalhe isto. Eu estou aqui para procurar a verdadeira mulher que pode trazer o melhor em mim, Uma mulher que irá compartilhar a base sólida de um relacionamento comigo, que é confiança, amor, relacionamento, companheirismo, compromisso, compreensão, amizade, quem tem o espírito de dar. Uma que vamos compartilhar nossas tristezas juntas e uma que nós estaremos lá para o outro em termos de bem e mal. Eu também sei que os dois problemas que vamos enfrentar são a "LINGUAGEM E A DISTÂNCIA". Eu quero que você saiba que a distância não tem nada a ver com amor. Se você encontrar alguém que toque seu coração e defina o amor de uma maneira perfeita, você poderá viajar milhares de milhas para vir e tê-la. o amor não tem nada a ver com idade, distância, personalidade e com o que você é, mas com quem você é. Eu realmente não sei o que você está procurando, mas caso você esteja em um relacionamento que vai levar ao casamento e durar para sempre, talvez devêssemos nos dar a chance na nossa vida para ver se somos compatíveis, mas por favor, seja informado que eu não teria muito tempo para encontrar e conversar com você on-line todo o tempo porque estou sempre ocupado, mas vou dedicar um pouco o meu tempo para saber mais sobre você. Eu vou te contar mais sobre mim assim que você me contar um pouco sobre você. Finalmente, vou esperar por sua resposta e por favor não se apresse, apenas tome seu tempo e me escreva quando tiver a chance de fazê-lo, Meu coração está livre e aberto, também ficarei feliz se eu encontrar o mesmo coração e será mútuo. Espero ler de você em breve.
Atenciosamente, Juiz Thompson.
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----E-mail d'origine-----
De : Lisa
A :
Envoyé le : Sa, 7 Avr 2018
Objet : Je suis une belle fille libre...
J'espere que j'ai ecrit a la bonne personne.
Je suis une belle fille libre. Je cherche un homme pour flirter, sexe, sexe en ligne.
Je n'ecrirai pas beaucoup, peut-etre que cela ne vous interesse pas. Mais si vous cherchez la meme chose, alors laisse moi savoir. Comme je ne suis pas sure de votre interet, je vous ai ecrit depuis une adresse email temporaire unique.
Mais j'ai cree mon profil personnel sur Internet. C'est gratuit. La on peut parler en prive. Je l'ai attache a la lettre. Mon surnom est "lisalovs".
Sur ma page, vous trouverez mes photos, videos, Skype, vibeer et numero de telephone.
Appelez-moi ou ecrivez a la vibeer comme vous voudrezt.
De : Mrs.Nicole Pauline
Envoyé le : Sa, 7 Avr 2018
Sujet : From Mrs. Nicole Pauline, please contact my doctor and my bank :,
My Dear Beloved,
I received your message, please i don’t know if i will be able to reply your email again, i am writing this mail to you now with the last straight i have, i am in Hospital Center University Yalgado Ouédraogo Burkina Faso, please contact the bank as i directed you now that I alive, feel free and contact the bank, and the risk is totally free. No risk in transferring the money into your bank account. I repeated, feel free and contact the bank now that I am alive...
I have instructed the bank director that any body who can provide my passport and the certificate of deposit of fund to them will be the rightful beneficiary to my fund, as I said feel free and contact the
bank now. Always be in good contact with Dr. Mrs. Joy Ndanm Uji, here is her contact phone and email :
please I would like to see your face with my eyes, send your national identity card or your passport to me urgently. Once again, below is the bank contact information, contact the bank by putting claim as the beneficiary to my fund/money with them.
Mrs. Nicole Pauline
44 7537181926 --------62 815-8683-2324.......
O mesmo se passa por Philiphs Davis .....ta no execercito(EUA)....num missao no Afeganistão....viuvo ...tem uma filha ....e quer meu dados para enviar uma quantia grande de dinheiro para o Brasil ...500 mil dolares
Endereço resposta:
De: Cristian Evans -
Enviado: sábado, 7 de abril de 2018
Receiving this message might sound as a surprise to you, please do accept
it as a blessing from God made possible through a woman with a good and
sincere heart towards the poor orphans. Through these projects millions
will be positively touched as with God nothing is impossible. I have this
strong desire to help the poor orphans suffering each day, but this dream
cannot be realised as a result of my health, which does not improve, hence
I do not know whether I will survive having undergone different surgical
operations, which has kept me hospitalized. Right now, life gives me no
choice, but to answer the call (death); my prayers each day is to have a
place in Heaven. I have suffered a lot as a result of this incurable
sickness (terminal cancer)! Above all, I do not have a child as a result
of my sterility.
The only help I need from you at this point is to be in constant prayers
with me as I believe you have an open heart towards the poor orphans and
do believe in GOD. I would be so much happy to see that my funds (Ten
million EUROS) are properly used to help the less privileged etc before
leaving this world as this will be a great relieve for me and my soul.
This is a huge responsibility, but I pray that God gives you the strength
to handle it. You will also be highly recompensated.
Once I get your reply, I will put you in contact with the institution in
charge of the transaction in order to start all necessary procedures so as
to enable you to have possession of my funds as soon as possible before my
next surgical operations.
I looking forward to reading from you.
Mrs. Cristian Evans
De: briele gray -
Enviado: quinta-feira, 5 de abril de 2018
Assunto: My Dear Send your below information to me urgently
My dearest one,
Good day to you and how was your day please follow my email you will understand it, i hope you are healthy and fine?
I want to say a big thanks to you for making out time to write to me again, the content of your letter are well understood, i do not want you to see this deal as some thing that will bring problem to you, but i want you to trust and believe me when i say that there is nothing to worry about in this deal, honestly i have made every necessary arrangement with my lawyer and the UBA bank to transfer the fund to you peace full through ATM VISA CARD of $660.000,00 USD ,to Avoid stop order or paying transfer tax.
Am a Military Lady that does things in accordance to the directives of my spirit, i chose you to be my Business partner and also help me in receiving this Fund, my spirit has been bearing me witness that you are the rightful person for me and i know you will not disappoint me, i chose to use you as Business partner in this deal because am not permitted to send package down or Fund to any of my friends nor relatives since am still in the military camp outside USA, if i eventually send out any thing to any country it will be suspicious and i will be query for the action, so i chose you because i know you are the ideal person for this deal.
Please put away fear or doubt and make up your mind to help me in this matter, i promise you you will not regret been part of this matter, i do not know what else i can say to convince you and make you to believe me,but i pray that God will give you the grace to make up your mind.One more time i want to let you know that there is no complication on this matter, if you follow
my instruction every thing will go smooth and well in the process of receiving the ATM VISA CARD of $660.000.00 USD , Please try and keep this matter secret between you and i,to avoid making room for enemy because if you and i should agree on one thing with our heart with seriousness then we must surely achieve success at the end.
Please i want to remind you once again that every arrangement towards this project is intact between both of us, Send your below information to me urgently,
Your full names ...........
Your age ...........
address ..............
Post code:.................
City ......................
Country ...................
Telephone number .........
Profession ................
Tell me about your family and their Business.....
Once am through here with my official assignment i will come over to meet you one on one in your country and after that we shall decide on how to carry on with Investment Project, but for now please i will appreciate us to be more focus on this issue of you receiving the ATM VISA CARD OF $660.000.00 USD and safe keeping it on my behalf till i come over then i will withdraw all the money and handle the depositing of the money in the bank by for I deposit the money i will give you your 40% and you will help me to Invest the Fund in your country,
I await your immediate response
Yours Dr.Brielle Grayson
UBA Bank
Site web:
From: Daghigh HOOMAN ->
Sent: sábado, 7 de abril de 2018
Subject: Re: Chegou proposta para o seu
Bom dia, xxxx
Obrigado para qualquer estes detalhes e para a vossa confiança ao meu respeito.
Comprometo-me definitivamente para a compra de este automóvel. Vou tornar-se ao meu banco à o mais rapidamente possível para a ordem da transferência sobre a vossa conta o mais depressa possível. Logo que todo for feito com o meu banco, teremos uma confirmação do meu banco. Quereria ter a vossa garantia e certeza que o automóvel será reservar para mim após ter recebido o dinheiro sobre a vossa conta.
Espero que compreende a minha apreensão, tendo em conta a distância mim faço-vos confiança e tranquilizar-me do bom desenrolar desta venda. Deve ter uma confiança mútua para o sucesso desta venda. Desejaria que desativa a venda do sítio e fazer-me chegar cerca de fotografias recentes do automóvel estacionado uma vez a transferência efectuada sobre a vossa conta para tranquilizar-me desta venda.
Quereria ter uma certeza e colocado a minha confiança nvocês. Sou um homem responsável e honesto, e quereria fazer esta venda com vocês porque faço-vos confiança. Quereria uma confiança mútua nesta venda. Em anexo uma cópia da minha identidade.
Feitos mim saber das vossas notícias se receber a confirmação do meu banco. Obrigado para a vossa compreensão e para a vossa confiança. Sou em espera da vossa resposta.
scammer dagui foto
De : Mrs. Biyu Fung Chi
Envoyé le : Lu, 9 Avr 2018
Sujet : Contact them for the remaining documents :,,
My dear
How are you today and your family ? I thank you for all your efforts to
see that this proposal to help the charity and the poor will be
successfully, and your promised to try all your possible best to see
that nothing will stop this good proposal, God will bless you, I also
receive email from the bank, regards the required documents before the
transfer :,
I am very happy that everything is working successfully that soon the
fund will be transfer in your account in your country, regards to
those documents the bank required from us before the transfer, as I
already informed you in my previous mail that I have some of my late
Husband's documents the Last statement of account of my late husband
and his death certificate which I will attached to you.
Please you have to keep it confidential for a security reason. I have
the step (2) of the document the bank request the death certificate of
my late husband, and the step (3)the statement of account of my late
husband, which I will attached to you.
And the only two documents we need now is the power of attorney which
is the step (1) The power of attorney is the documents that will
enable you to claim the fund and changing of the ownership of the fund
in your name, and the power of attorney must be endorse by a
Burkina-be resident lawyer as the bank instructed, (4) Affidavit of
support and must be also endorsed by a Burkinabe resident lawyer, and
now I have got the contact of the lawyer that will assist us to issue
those documents through the help of the bank manager, please I will
advice you to contact the lawyer immediately, so that he will help us
to secure those required documents from the bank before the transfer.
This is the contact of the lawyer Barrister Edmond Coast
I have already informed the lawyer about you as my foreign partner
that want to assist me to secure my late husband fund for a good
purpose, I believe he will help us to secure those two remaining
documents, which is the only thing that bank need from us before the
I am waiting for your urgent respond and a good news that you have
contact the lawyer so that he will help us to issue those required
documents, you don't need to delay I want everything to happen fast.
Your faithful Sister
Mrs Biyu
Attention beneficiary
Mrs.Kate John ->
Attention beneficiary,
We are hereby officially notifying you about the present arrangement
to pay you your overdue compensation fund, contract and inheritance
fund through (ATM card) this arrangement was initiated/constituted by
the World Bank due to fraudulent activities going on around the world.
The World Bank introduced this payment arrangement as to enable all
beneficiaries to receive their funds without any interference, this
ATM cards are powered by gold card worldwide.
Please note that what we will be sending to you is master card which
is accepted at over 900,000 ATM centers in over 210 countries
worldwide, master card will be loaded with a total sum of
$5.000,000.00. Five Million USD, which is the total amount due
to you for payment now and after this one is cleared another
will be paid in until your total funds and completely paid out.
In line with the withdrawal procedure of this ATM master card, you are
only allowed a daily withdrawal of not more than $8.000.00usd until
all the funds are exhausted. The card will be delivered to you and the
delivery shall be done by Dhl Courier Express .
In view of this you are advised to contact the director (UBA bank, ATM
center) Mr. Richard Solomon, with your following information to enable him
process your card and also to register your ATM card with the
delivering courier to effect the shipment of your parcel today.
Contact Person: Mr. Richard Solomon,
Director Foreign Remittance Dept,
United bank for Africa
Benin Republic
Reconfirm the following information to him for security reason.
1) Your full name:_____________
2) Your receiving address:_____
3) Your telephone number:______
4) Your profession:____________
5) Your Country:_______________
6) Your state:_________________
Best regards,
Mrs.Kate John.
Secretary UBA Benin Republic.
Dear Friend,
I am M s Safi Kabore work with the department of Audit and accounting manager here in the Bank of Africa,
There is this fund that was keep in my custody years ago and if any one provide the rightful information of this said fund that the bank has no option to transfer the fund to you as the next of kin.
I need your help applying for transfer (US$4.5M DOLLARS) to your bank account. I have every inquiry details to make the bank believed you and release the fund in within 5 banking working days with your full co-operation with me for success.
Please i need the following information from you so i can give you the full details.
1)Private telephone number...
4)Occupation ...
5)Full name ...
Do reply me urgent with this email address below( for quick respond.
Ms Safi Kabore
Il giorno 28 mar 2018, alle ore 16:52, Bank of America - ha scritto:
Bank of America
115 W 42nd St, New York, NY 10036, USA
From Desktop of Mr. Jeff Anderson
Our Ref: BOF-0XX2/987/20
It is my modest obligation to write you this letter as regards the Authorization of your owed payment through our most respected financial institution (Bank of America). I am Mr. Jeff Anderson, TRANSFER INSPECTION OFFICER, foreign operations Department Bank of America, the British Government in Conjunction with us government, World Bank, united Nations Organization on foreign Payment matters has empowered my bank after much consultation and consideration to handle all foreign payments and release them to their appropriate beneficiaries with the help of a Representative from Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
As the newly Appointed/Accredited International Paying Bank, We have been instructed by the world governing body together with the committee on international debt reconciliation department to release your overdue funds with immediate effect; with this exclusive vide transaction no.: wha/eur/202,password: 339331, pin code: 78569, having received these vital payment numbers, you are instantly qualified to receive and confirm your payment with us within the next 96hrs.
Be informed that we have verified your payment file as directed to us and your name is next on the list of our outstanding fund beneficiaries to receive their payment. Be advised that because of too many funds beneficiaries, you are entitled to receive the sum of $14.5M,(Fourteen Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars only), as to enable us pay other eligible beneficiaries.
To facilitate with the process of this transaction, please kindly re-confirm the following information below:
1) Your Full Name:
2) Your Full Address:
3) Your Contact Telephone and Fax No:
4) Your Profession, Age and Marital Status:
5) Any Valid Form of Your Identification/Driver's License:
6) Bank Name:
7) Bank Address:
8) Account Name:
9) Account Number:
10) Swift Code:
11) Routing Number:
As soon as we receive the above mentioned information, your payment will be processed and released to you without any further delay. This notification email should be your confidential property to avoid impersonators claiming your fund. You are required to provide the above information for your transfer to take place through Bank to Bank Transfer directly from Bank of America
We Look Forward To Serving You Better.
Mr. Jeff Anderson,
Bank of America
I am your delivery agent i just arrived at Missouri International Airport)USA, with your consignment box worth $8.5 U S D
frank william -
I am your delivery agent i just arrived at Missouri International Airport)USA, with your consignment box worth $8.5 U S D,my name is frank william
, so that i will deliver your consignment box to you as soon as possible,confirm the following information to avoid wrong delivery,text or call +1(505)588-4852
1- Your Full Name
2- Your Delivery Address
3- Your Contact Telephone Number
4- Your Occupation
5- Your Identification (Passport number or ID Card number)
Diplomat frank william
frank william (
Gloire au Créateur
Lea Louise BAILLON
Tout en vous remerciant de l'attention que vous accordez à mon vœu le
plus chers, j'aimerais que vous sachiez que c’est avec un réel plaisir
je vous envoie ce courrier. Mon souhait a toujours été de rencontrer
une personne de DIEU, afin que cette dernière mène des actions
sociales à travers une fondation. Toutefois, je comprendrais votre
étonnement quant à ma façon de procéder. Je me nomme Léa Louise BAILLON
de nationalité Française mais actuellement en sous observation médicale
dans un hôpital sise à Birmingham en Angleterre.
J'ai dû vous contacter parce que je souhaite prendre par vous pour
faire Don d'une somme de ( 3.025.000 $ ) dans le seul but de porter
aide à des personnes en besoin. Ma vie professionnelle a été un
Véritable tourisme d'autant plus que j'ai toujours vécu loin de mon
pays. D'abord au Koweït, où j'ai travaillé dans le secteur pétrolier.
Ensuite j'ai été en République du Bénin (année 2006) où je voulais
mettre en place plusieurs entreprises quand cette maladie m’a touché.
C'est dans ce pays que j'ai connu le vrai bonheur, celui du mariage
avec un Canadien qui travaillait aussi dans ce pays. Malheureusement
nous n'avons pas eu la chance d'avoir d'enfant. Après six (06) années
de vie commune, mon époux a perdu la vie suite a une longue maladie.
Ainsi je suis restée à nouveau seule jusqu'à ce que ce cancer vienne
limiter ma vie. Cela fera bientôt quatre ans que je me bats contre
cette maladie et la médecine ne peut plus rien suite aux résultats des
examens médicaux dont mes jours sont comptés selon l'investigation de
mon Docteur. J'avais bloqué ce montant si important dans l'une des
BANQUES de ce pays pour un projet de construction. Je serai grée à vous
confier cet argent pour que mon projet de donation aboutisse. Je vous
pris d'accepter cela, car c'est un don venant d'une femme mourante et
cela sans rien demander en retour.
Veillez me répondre sur mon adresse e-mail que je consulte le plus
Que la Paix et la miséricorde de Dieu soient avec vous.
Notification of Your Loaded ATM VISA Card Is Ready
Notification of Your Loaded ATM VISA Card Is Ready
We hereby officially notifying you about the present arrangement to pay you,
your over due Winning Prize/inheritance fund which you could not complete the
process of the released of your transfer pin code through the Digitized Payment System.and you have spend a lot of money and a lot time sending money to different
people just to
make sure you receive your fund and after set and done your received nothing. We
have decided to pay your funds through (ATM VISA Card) This arrangement was initiated/ constituted by the World Bank,United Nation and Paris Club, due to fraudulent
activities going on within the world.
The World Bank, United Nations and Paris Club introduced this payment arrangement as
to enable our Contract ,Winning Prize,inheritance beneficiary to receive their
fund without any interference. the ATM VISA Card was contracted and powered by GOLD
CARD WORLD WIDE.The ATM VISA CARD is credited with the sum of$5,500.000.00 USD(Five Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars), it is already loaded in the Master Card which
you can use to access your fund in any ATM Stand/location worldwide and remember that
the maximum withdrawal daily limit is Ten Thousand United States Dollars(US $10,000.00) we have concluded delivery arrangement with the below courier services companies and their delivery time
is stated below.
Note that you will be liable to pay the delivery fee of your ATM VISA Card with any
of the abovecourier company of your choice before the delivery will take place to
your destination address.
Kindly provide me with the below details in your response to this email and let me
know which courier company you would want us to use for the shipment of your ATM
VISA Card to you.
1. Valid Delivery Address:
2. Full Names:
3. Phone Number:
4. Occupation:
5. Age:
6. Sex:
Director Foreign Remittance Department
United Bank for Africa (UBA) Bank Benin Plc
We have finally arranged to deliver your Consignment Box worth $3.5M, USD
through the DHL courier . We were able to accomplish this through the help
of IMF director Mrs maria Joseph and every necessary arrangement been made
successfully with the National dhl Agent. Contact person: Mr. Mark
Anthony Tel : +234-9071766876 E-mail: ( )
Contact the DHL with your delivery information, the only fee you will pay
to the Dhl is $350usd only for the delivery of your Box to your home
your name:..........
phone number:.......
nearest airport ....
Occupation. .......
Sincerely Mrs Diana Water
Private account section
From Mr Mr.Apeh James
I have a very urgent & confidential business proposition for you & for
our er-all mutual interest.
On June 6 2007, the owner "GOIL LIMITED"made a numbered time(fixed)
deposit for Thirty six calendar months,valued at
USD$3,200,000.00(Three million two
hundred thousand dollars) in my branch.Upon maturity, I sent a routine
notification to his forwarded address but got no reply. After a month
we sent a
reminder,& finally we discovered from "GOIL LIMITED" contract employee
that He passed on as a result of heart attack.On further
investigation, I found out
that he did not leave a WILL & all attempts to trace his next of kin
were fruitless.
I therefore made further investigation discovered that he did not
declare any next of kin in all his official documents, including his
bank deposit
paperwork.This sum USD$3,200,000.00 is still floating in the bank and
the interest is being rolled over with the principal sum at the end of
each year.No one
will come forward to claim it. According to Laws, At the expiration of
10 years, the money will revert to the ownership of the Bank if nobody
applies to
claim the funds. Consequently,my proposal is that I will like you as a
foreigner to stand in as the beneficiary next of kin.
This is simple (1)I will like you to provide me immediately with your
full names/ address with your direct telephone number.The money will
be paid into your
account for us to share in the ratio of 50% for me and 50% for you,
and with my position as the account manager guarantees the successful
execution of this
transaction.we will do the paperwork for this transaction if
demanded.Upon your response, I shall then provide you with more
details and relevant documents
that will help you understand.PLEASE OBSERVE UTMOST CONFIDENTIALITY,
and be rest assured that this would be most profitable for both of us
because i shall
require your assistance to invest my share in your country.
Awaiting your urgent reply and please save me the anxiety of endless
waiting.God bless you,
Mr.James Apeh
Private account section
Citi Bank Group NA
On behalf of the entire staffs of FACEBOOK company, We were pleased to announce the result of the DRAWS of our FACEBOOK EMAIL LOTTERY APRIL/ MAY 2018. You came out as the 1st position of over 1,000,000.00 Individuals, 85,00.00 companies, as the Zonal coordinator of this lottery i am wishing you a special CONGRATULATIONS IN ADVANCE. On behalf of FACEBOOK company.
Be advised to invest part of this money in a business, and also spend wisely, because this is a once in a life time opportunity. As soon as we read from you, we shall immediately reply you, with advise on how to proceed further in claiming your prize money.
Ticket Number: (7836980545189), Ref No: (255126278102/2526) And Serial Number: (68625751907)
This notification is to inform you that you are a lucky winner of the sum of $950,000.00 (Nine Hundred And Fifty Thousand United States Dollars) from the last drawn. Your email with Ticket Number (7836980545189), Ref No (255126278102/2526) and Serial Number (68625751907) Was announced after the online draw, just conducted from a random selection of emails by an Advanced automated random computer search from FACEBOOK, this day 07th /04 / 2018.
As one of the 10 lucky winners, You are required to process your claim through me, as the Lottery Coordinator, this is part of our security protocols, to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuses of this program by participants. All participants, Whom were selected through a computer ballot system through their email addresses from all over the world, thanks to software company cooperation who provided security by blocking spam and double entry.
Kindly send all required information's to ( To avoid unnecessary delays and complications please remember to quote your TICKET, REFERENCE & SERIAL NUMBERS, in all correspondences, as i await your response with the below required information's :
FULL NAME :.....
ID CARD Drivers License :.....
SEX :.....
Furthermore, if there is any change in email address please notify us immediately for record and security purposes.
This is one of our innovations to encourage Facebook users, Our own way of saying a BIG THANK YOU, And to all our users for making Facebook their number one Social Networking to hook up with families, Friends, And new people all over the World.
Best Regards,
Facebook Management.
(Promo @ 2018).
I know this mail will come to you as a surprise since we haven't known or come across each other before considering the fact that I sourced your email contact through the Internet in search of trusted person who can assist me.
I am Miss Maria Warlord Ibrahim Coulibaly 24 years old female from the Republic of Ivory Coast,West Africa ,am the Daughter of Late Chief Sgt.Warlord Ibrahim Coulibaly (a.k.a General IB ). My late father was a well known Ivory Coast military leader . He died on Thursday 28 April 2011 following a fight with the Republican Forces of Ivory Coast(FRCI). I am constrained to contact you because of the maltreatment which I am receiving from my step mother.
She planned to take away all my late father's treasury and properties from me since the unexpected death of my beloved Father. Meanwhile I wanted to travel to Europe, but she hide away my international passport and other valuable documents. Luckily she did not discover where I kept my father's File which contained important documents. Now I am presently staying in the Mission in Burkina Faso.
I am seeking for long term relationship and investment assistance. My father of blessed memory deposited the sum of US$ 27.5 Million in one bank in Burkina Faso with my name as the next of kin. I had contacted the Bank to clear the deposit but the Branch Manager told me that being a refugee, my status according to the local law does not authorize me to carry out the operation. However, he advised me to provide a trustee who will stand on my behalf. I had wanted to inform my stepmother about this deposit but I am afraid that she will not offer me anything after the release of the money.
Therefore, I decide to seek for your help in transferring the money into your bank account while I will relocate to your country and settle down with you. As you indicated your interest to help me I will give you the account number and the contact of the bank where my late beloved father deposited the money with my name as the next of kin. It is my intention to compensate you with 40% of the total money for your assistance and the balance shall be my investment in any profitable venture which you will recommend to me as have no any idea about foreign investment. Please all communications should be through this email address for confidential purposes.(
Thanking you a lot in anticipation of your quick response. I will give you details in my next mail after receiving your acceptance mail to help me ,
Yours sincerely
Miss Maria Warlord Ibrahim Coulibaly
Elodine Coulibaly ->
I know this mail will come to you as a surprise since we haven't known or come across each other before considering the fact that I sourced your email contact through the Internet in search of trusted person who can assist me.
I am Miss Elodine Warlord Ibrahim Coulibaly 24 years old female from the Republic of Ivory Coast,West Africa ,am the Daughter of Late Chief Sgt.Warlord Ibrahim Coulibaly (a.k.a General IB ). My late father was a well known Ivory Coast militia leader . He died on Thursday 28 April 2011 following a fight with the Republican Forces of Ivory Coast(FRCI). I am constrained to contact you because of the maltreatment which I am receiving from my step mother.
She planned to take away all my late father's treasury and properties from me since the unexpected death of my beloved Father. Meanwhile I wanted to travel to Europe, but she hide away my international passport and other valuable documents. Luckily she did not discover where I kept my father's File which contained important documents. Now I am presently staying in the Mission in Burkina Faso.
I am seeking for long term relationship and investment assistance. My father of blessed memory deposited the sum of US$ 27.5 Million in one bank in Burkina Faso with my name as the next of kin. I had contacted the Bank to clear the deposit but the Branch Manager told me that being a refugee, my status according to the local law does not authorize me to carry out the operation. However, he advised me to provide a trustee who will stand on my behalf. I had wanted to inform my stepmother about this deposit but I am afraid that she will not offer me anything after the release of the money.
Therefore, I decide to seek for your help in transferring the money into your bank account while I will relocate to your country and settle down with you. As you indicated your interest to help me I will give you the account number and the contact of the bank where my late beloved father deposited the money with my name as the next of kin. It is my intention to compensate you with 40% of the total money for your assistance and the balance shall be my investment in any profitable venture which you will recommend to me as have no any idea about foreign investment. Please all communications should be through this email address for confidential purposes.(
Thanking you a lot in anticipation of your quick response. I will give you details in my next mail after receiving your acceptance mail to help me ,
Yours sincerely
Miss Elodine Warlord Ibrahim Coulibaly
Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS)
Ms. Elaine C. Duke.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Headquarters: 245 Murray Lane, Southwest,
Washington, DC 20528 USA.
Attn: Beneficiary.
According to the ethics of an office, introduction is always very important on a first contact like this. I am Ms. Elaine C. Duke, Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS). This Official Memorandum is to inform you that we discovered that some officials whom work under the United States government have attempted to divert your Funds (US$10,500,000:00) through a back-door channel. We actually discovered this today, through our Secret Agents under the Disciplinary Unit of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) after we apprehended (Mr. Ali Aeraby) a terrorist and money laundering suspect.
The mentioned suspect was apprehended at the (John F. Kennedy International Airport) early this morning, as he attempted to carry the enormous cash value of US$10,500,000:00 outside the shores of USA. In respect to the money laundering decree of United States, such amount of money cannot be moved in cash outside United States because such attempt is a criminal offense and is punishable under the money laundering act of 1982 of United States of America. This decree is a globalize law applicable in most developed countries in order to check-mate terrorism and money laundering.
From our gathered information here in this Unit, we discovered that the said Funds in question actually belongs to you, but it had been purposely delayed because the officials in charge of your Payment are into some sort of irregularities which is totally against the ethics of any Payment institution. Presently, this said Funds valued US$10,500,000:00 is under the custody of the Paying Bank (Citibank New York) and I can assure you that your Funds will be released to you without a hitch provided that you are sincere to us in this matter. Also, we require your positive co-operation at every level because we are closely monitoring this very transaction in order to avert the bad eggs in our society of today.
Today dated 26th October 2018, we have instructed the Executive management of (Citibank New York) to Release the said Funds to you as the certified Beneficiary in question, because we have valuable information's/records to authenticity that the said Funds truly belongs to you. Be that as it may, you are required to provide us with below listed information's (for official verification).
1. First Name, Middle Name and Last Name.
2. Age.
3. Occupation.
4. Marital Status.
5. Direct Telephone/Fax Number.
6. Residential address.
We await your immediate compliance to this official obligation, so that you can be paid by (Citibank New York).
Officially Sealed.
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