está diante de um scammer - golpista virtual
Scammers estão espalhados por toda a internet com diferentes objetivos
Fique atento se receber mensagens que falem de: herança, de premios de loteria, de compra de carros e imóveis, de compra de animais de estimação.
de gente que se diz morrendo querendo deixar dinheiro para caridade, de refugiados querendo que voce se torne um tutor, de namorados virtuais que querem mandar um
pacote com presentes ou dinheiro, de namorados que ficam doentes ou acontece uma tragedia e precisa de seu dinheiro, parcerias para salvar dinheiro de bancos internacionais,
de compradores de qualquer item do mercado, hospedagem em hoteis passando dinheiro a mais no cartão . Inúmeros crimes..TUDO ISSO É GOLPE
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Não esqueça - Quando receber uma mensagem semelhante a estas aqui, clique em responder a mensagem - se o endereço de email for diferente do que enviou, acrescente esse
endereço de email na mensagem para mim.
email do golpista -
O que ele escreveu:
Ola, como voce esta e como foi sua noite? Primeiro, gostaria de agradecer o seu contato, Eu realmente gostaria de lhe dizer tudo sobre, Primeiro meu nome é Engr Otega Clooney, Eu completei 52 anos de idade 26 de outubro este ano, 1,82 cm de altura .. Eu sou um canadense de origem ... Meus pais são canadenses .. Eu Nasceu no Canadá em uma pequena cidade de Quebec. Mas nós nos mudamos para os EUA, depois da morte do meu pai, mas atualmente eu moro em Toronto ... Eu sou um homem simpático e carinhoso que procuram amor novamente .. Eu estava casado uma vez .. Mas a morte a levou para longe de mim .. Tenho tantas saudades dela. Eu sou o único filho do meu pai .. Eu perdi meu pai quando eu ainda era um menino .. Minha mãe morreu 9 anos de volta. Eu registrei este site porque eu consegui conhecê-lo através de um colega de trabalho que se casou no mesmo site, então eu desejo conhecer você mais para que possamos saber o que Deus tem para nós, esperando ouvir de voce. muito obrigado mais uma vez para seu contato, vamos falamos mais....
email do golpista -
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email do golpista -
Your package has gotten to your country but its being hold by the authorities of your country demanding for you to pay the tax the sum of 3,50 dollars to get the IRS clear approval certificate
David Damy
foto scammer david damy
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-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : agatha marine -
Envoyé le : Me, 20 Déc 2017
Sujet : Dear friend, I need your help to secure the transfer of my money :
Dear Friend,
Thank you for your kind email that shows me your willingness to assist me. I appreciate your caring and commitment to help me and asking me to send to you all the documents concerning the money. As i told you earlier, I am an orphan my parents are dead living me and my brother. Please can you come down here so that when you come both of us will travel together to your country because we are on hiding here because of our late fathers uncle who is doing every thing possible to kill me and my brother because of my late father's properties so help me of this problem i want to come over to your country to continue my education, this is very important to me now and i want you to take it serious because this money in question is the only thing i inherited from my late father. It is night here now i will find time tomorrow to scan my pictures and forward to you and will like also to see your pictures too.
First of all, It is certain that we have not seen each other before which I know that you will be thinking how possible it will be for a stranger like me, having a trust in contacting you in a transaction of such magnitude involving this much money and gold, but I want to clarify you now that, contacting you for this transaction is not by my power, rather a divine direction from God who knows the heart of every human beings on the earth.
Before I make the step to contact you, I prayed and fasted to seek the face of our Almighty God for him to give me his directives and open a clear revelation to me concerning the type of human being you are. Thank God he opened my eyes to know your honesty and faithfulness to your fellow human beings. God has directed an orphan like me to your hand with her inheritance funds which you know that is not small money, the only hope of my future and I know that you will not betray my trust in you.
As it stands now, I and my brother do not have any knowledge of money or gold transfer transaction because I have never involved in such business before, except this opportunity from my late father. Now, our living God has confirmed you as the right person to handle this transaction for us and look for the best line of investment field to introduce this money so that it will help us in future. Being the person that is going to handle investment of this money while I and my brother will continue our educations in your country.
However, referring to the mail I sent to you, I want you to understand that this money and gold is where the hope of taking care of my future and education lies on. Presently, I cannot send to you all the documents concerning this money and gold without knowing who you are very well. What matters so much for me in this transaction is trust and honesty, because this money will be transferred to your account and entrusted in your hands before I will come over to meet you for the investment of the
money and the continuation of my education. Based on this fact and the huge sum of money that is involved in this transaction,
$5.5 millions USD and 200 kg of gold,
it will be better for us to know each other very well first as to build trust before I will send the documents which you have requested and also introduce you to the private finance company where the money and gold are deposited. My main reason of contacting you is to request for you to assistance me and my brother to secure the transfer of this money which we inherited from our late father to your account and as well help me in the management and investment of the funds.
I appreciate your openness and out rightness in showing me your sincerity to help me, but the most important thing for me to have more information about you. I will require you to forward to me your direct contact address, telephone, your profession and area of business specialization, Identity Card or International Passport copy for me to confirm your identity. This is for me to know you more in order to develop more trust and confidence in you. Please don’ be offended if I am asking this information from you, you can understand that the nature of this transaction requires lots of carefulness from my side because of this huge amount of money so that I will not fall into a wrong person. I must confirm your Identity first before we will proceed further. This transaction is 100% risk free and there is no any legal implication of me claiming my inheritance which our late father left for us.
I will be looking forward hearing from you with the information that I requested from you so that we will proceed further, I pray this will be the beginning of a long lasting business relationship between us.
Best regards,
Miss Marine A. Johnson
Dixon Brown David
email do golpista -
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-----E-mail d'origine-----
Envoyé le : Me, 20 Déc 2017
Sujet : Get back to us with your details to get your ATM card from,
This is the bank who loaded your fund into BTCI ATM Visa card BTCI
BANK TOGO, Banque Togolaise pour le Commerce et l'Industrie :
This is the real person's email of the funds which are from :,
Get back to us with our complete requirements to enable us delivery
your BTCI ATM Visa card directly to your door step in your country
within next 24 hours.
Dr. Dudu Paul.,
Envoyé le : Me, 20 Déc 2017
Sujet : Get back to us with your details to get your ATM card from
This is the bank who loaded your fund into BTCI ATM Visa card BTCI
BANK TOGO, Banque Togolaise pour le Commerce et l'Industrie :
This is the real person's email of the funds which are from :
Get back to us with our complete requirements to enable us delivery
your BTCI ATM Visa card directly to your door step in your country
within next 24 hours.
Dr. Dudu Paul.
---------- Mensagem encaminhada ----------
De: laura jones ->
Data: 15 de dezembro de 2017
Assunto: Obrigado pela sua resposta
Olá querido,
Obrigado pela sua amável resposta e estou muito feliz depois de ler o seu correio. É um prazer conhecê-lo, espero que tudo esteja bem com você e como você está gostando do seu dia? Como você já conheceu do site, meu nome é Laura Jones, no entanto, eu realmente quero estabelecer um verdadeiro relacionamento com você e até mesmo ter uma parceria comercial também.
Eu sou oficial militar americano atualmente na Líbia, e eu gostaria de obter
Você conhece, porque sou uma pessoa amorosa, sincera e atenciosa com um bom senso de humor, gosto de conhecer e compartilhar opiniões com as pessoas e também saber o modo de vida, também gosto de observar as ondas do mar e a beleza das montanhas e tudo o que a natureza tem para oferecer.
Meu querido, eu quero que você conheça os problemas que estamos enfrentando aqui na Líbia, pois estamos sendo atacados todos os dias por insurgentes e explosões de carro bomba, mas durante a nossa missão de resgate nos encontramos com um cofre que contém grande quantidade de dinheiro que pertence ao partidários do governo sobre a Líbia, que acredito que era o dinheiro destinado à importação de armas e munições, e foi acordado pelo presente da tropa dos oficiais do Exército para compartilhar o dinheiro entre nós e o que fizemos.
Minha participação é de US $ 4.560.000 (quatro milhões e quinhentos e sessenta mil dólares dos estados unidos) Estou buscando sua garantia e assistência para garantir a minha parte do dinheiro fora deste país (Líbia) por manter em meu nome.
Se você pode ser confiável, eu realmente quero que você me assegure que, se esse dinheiro chegar a você em seu país que você não vai me decepcionar, até quando eu venha para o seu país para colecionar o dinheiro de você. Eu também gostaria que você soubesse que eu fiz um acordo sólido com uma empresa confiável de entrega de segurança e prometeu cooperar para entregar os fundos através do seu método diplomático para qualquer um dos meus destinos escolhidos.
Esta entrega será lida legalmente pela empresa de segurança e não haverá qualquer tipo de risco envolvendo durante o processo e o dinheiro será embalado com segurança em uma caixa de caixa de caminhão militar. Além disso, eu decidi compensar você com 20% do dinheiro total, uma vez que você recebeu o dinheiro, enquanto o saldo restante deve ser para meus fundos de investimento em seu país.
Enquanto isso; Eu não sei quanto tempo vamos ficar aqui e meu destino desde que eu sobrevivi a dois atentados com bomba aqui, o que me levou a procurar uma pessoa confiável e digna de confiança para me ajudar a receber e investir o Fundo, porque eu irei chegar no seu país de origem para investir e começar uma nova vida, não mais como soldado.
Por favor, não discuta este assunto com terceiros e, se você não estiver interessado em fazer este negócio, por favor, exclua esta carta da sua caixa de e-mail para evitar qualquer vazamento dessas informações e será perigoso para mim com base na minha posição aqui.
Espero que a minha explicação seja muito clara, mas, no caso de qualquer dúvida, sinta-se a vontade para perguntar via e-mail apenas porque não somos autorizados a usar o celular, só fazemos uso de mensagens de rádio.
Aguardo sua resposta imediata.
Da Sra. Sra. Laura Jones.
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Enviado: 20 de março de 2017
Para: x
Good Day xxxx,
I am Morgan Security Company a private loan lender/investor Attach with Standard Chartered Bank Indonesia, who give out loan in a interest rate of 20%. We give out all kind of loan like Educational loan, Business loan, home loan, Agricultural loan, Personal loan, Auto loan and other good reasons, I also give out loans from the rang of 1,000 Euros - 150,000,000.00 Euros at a 20% interest rate. Duration of 1- 20 years depending on the amount you need as loan.
Your Friend Mr. Michael Patric have told me about you,now if you want me to transfer 1,000 euros to you ,first you have to go and pay your processing fee of 200 euros, to this information:
LAST NAME: Shabrina .
Send the money through Western Union Money Transfer.
Immediately you pay your processing fees of 200 euros to us we are going to transfer the 1000 euros to you in next 3 working hours we received your money,and we do advice you to send a scan xerox copy any of your national Identification Card for documentation.
We promise to give our customers the best services.
Should you have any question(s) please contact the Operational/transfer officer
through this Tel...+62-877-8646-4408.
Your's Faithfully,
Morgan Security Company.
Jalan Jend Sudirman Kav 22-23, 12920,
Jakarta Selatan,Indonesia.
Envoyé le : Me, 20 Déc 2017
Sujet : Send them $120 for fees to and get your fund from
You are going to communicate with the Minster of Benin and send us$120 fees for them to get us your Ownership certificate, remember if you send them the required fees today and they get us the certificate you will receive your consignment from your partner at the same day.
City: Cotonou
AMOUNT:................... $120
Jams Mc Keating
Greetings dear friend
Mrs Aij Heidi <>
Greetings dear friend
I am happy to know you, but God knows you better and he knows why he has directed me to you at this point, so do not be afraid. I prayed and got you email id from your country's ministries of commerce and foreign trade departments. I am writing this mail to you with heavy sorrow in my heart, this massage mighty come to you as surprise but i chose to reach you through internet because it still remains the fastest medium of communication through this medium internet has been greatly abused. Please give me this little chance to explain myself to you, I would have like to meet you face to face before departing from this mother earth but due to the illness continue to deprive the chance but even if I die on the process of this operation I will still praise my God ALMIGHTY.
My name is Mrs. Aij Heidi i am a dying woman and i decided to donate what I have to you for charity work/assistance to less privileged people in the society. I am 62 years old and I was diagnosed of cancer for about 4 years ago, immediately after the death of my husband, who has left me everything he worked for and because my doctor told me that i would not last for the period of one year due to cancer problem. Because of my health, I have some funds I inherited from my late husband, the sum of (17.6Million Dollars) and I needed a very honest and God fearing who can withdraw this money then use the funds for Charity works. I found your email address from the internet after honest prayers to the LORD to bring me a helper and i decided to contact you if you may be willing and interested to handle these trust funds in good faith before anything happens to me. I want a good person who will use the money to work for Gods charity homes and I have chosen you after going through your profile. I want this money to be share to the next privileged since I do not have a child to inherit the money and my late husband relatives all are non believers and I don't want my husband’s hand earn money to be used in an ungodly ways. Hence the reason for taking this bold decision because I do not have any child who will inherit this money after I die. I am desperately in keen need of assistance and I have summoned up courage to contact you for this task, you must not fail me and the millions of the poor people in our today world. This is no stolen money and there are no dangers involved, is 100% risk free with full legal proof.
This money is still with them and the management just wrote me as the true owner to come forward to receive the money for keeping it so long or rather issue a letter of authorization to somebody to receive it on my behalf since I cannot come over because of my illness or they get it confiscated. Presently, I'm with my laptop in a hospital here in where I have been undergoing treatment for cancer of the lungs. It is my last wish to see that this money is invested to any organization of your choice and distributed each year among the charity organization, the poor and the motherless babies’ home. I want you as God fearing person, to also use this money to fund orphanages and widows; I took this decision, before I rest in peace because my time will soon be up. As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of them. I am absolutely assuring you that no trouble is involved in this money because this is my late husband money. I want you to take 40 percent of the total money for your personal use while 60% of the money will go to charity. I will appreciate your utmost confidentiality and trust in this matter to accomplish my heart desire, as I don't want anything that will jeopardize my last wish. Please kindly respond for further details. Reply to my private e-mail:
Thanks and God bless you,
Mrs. Aij Heidi
Je serai ravis de faire ta connaissance...
Estelle Gurria <>
Je m'appelle Estelle Gurria et je travail comme chargée de mission
dans l'organisation OCDE de canada. L'OCDE qui veut dire (Organisation
de Coopération et de Développement Économiques) est une organisation
qui travail dans le sens du développement afin d'aider ceux qui ont des
projets de développement à les réaliser. J'ai voulu correspondre avec
toi afin d'établir si possible une relation plus affinée à divers
niveaux parce qu'une personne de plus comme ami est une bonne chose
dans la vie d'un être humain et on dit souvent que " l'amitié a
toujours un plus quelque part. Alors je serai ravis de te relire sur
mon adresse émail personnel afin de donner vie à cette nouvelle amitié
qui va naître entre nous.
Mon émail personnel :
Merci de me répondre...
Responder para -
Dear Email Owner/Fund Beneficiary,
We have actually been authorized by the newly appointed United Nation secretary general, and the governing body of the UNITED NATIONS Monetary Unit, to investigate the unnecessary delay on your payment, recommended and approved in your favor. During the course of our investigation, we discovered with dismay that your payment has been unnecessarily Delayed by corrupt officials of the Bank who are Trying to divert your funds into their private accounts.
To forestall this, security for your funds was organized in the form of your personal Identification number (PIN) ATM CARD and this will enable only you to have direct Control over your funds in the ATM CARD. We will monitor this payment ourselves to avoid the hopeless situation created by the Officials of the Bank.
An irrevocable payment guarantee has been issued by the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on your Payment. However, we are happy to inform you that based on our recommendation/Instructions; your complete Inheritance funds have been credited in your favor through ATM VISA CARD.
You are therefore advice to contact:
Mr Gary Walker
Director ATM Payment Department
Can you handle this project?
contract project <>
May Almighty God Bless You!!!
I have a Mutual/Beneficial Business Project that would be beneficial to you. I only have two questions to ask of you, if you are interested.
1. Can you handle this project?
2. Can I give you this trust?
Please note that the deal requires high level of maturity, honesty and secrecy. This will involve moving some money from my office, on trust to your hands or bank account. Also note that i will do everything to make sure that the money is moved as a purely legitimate fund, so you will not be exposed to any risk.
I request for your full co-operation. I will give you details and procedure when I receive your reply. To commence this transaction, I require you to immediately indicate your interest by a return reply. I will be waiting for your response in a timely manner.
Best Regard,
Mr. Edwin Paulson
ResponderPara - contract project -
Contact him now and tell him to advise you on how to receive your ATM CARD. As soon as you establish a contact with him, an ATM Card will be sent to you immediately which you can use to withdraw your funds in any Bank ATM Machine in your Country, but the maximum is $6000 per day.
contact him with your data as stated below:
1. Your Full Name.........................
2. Address Where You Want the Courier Company to Send Your ATM Card
3. Your Age...................................
4. Occupation.................................
5. cell/Telephone Numbers...............
6. Country......................................
NOTE: You are advised to furnish Mr Gary Walker, with your correct and valid details. Also be informed that your ATM CARD is valued $6.5 Million USD. Note that the only money you will send to him is $298.98 only for Processing and shipment of your ATM CARD . No more fees will be charged after this payment.
Best regard
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