está diante de um scammer - golpista virtual
Scammers estão espalhados por toda a internet com diferentes objetivos
Fique atento se receber mensagens que falem de: herança, de premios de loteria, de compra de carros e imóveis, de compra de animais de estimação.
de gente que se diz morrendo querendo deixar dinheiro para caridade, de refugiados querendo que voce se torne um tutor, de namorados virtuais que querem mandar um
pacote com presentes ou dinheiro, de namorados que ficam doentes ou acontece uma tragedia e precisa de seu dinheiro, parcerias para salvar dinheiro de bancos internacionais,
de compradores de qualquer item do mercado, hospedagem em hoteis passando dinheiro a mais no cartão . Inúmeros crimes..TUDO ISSO É GOLPE
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Teremos o maior prazer em divulgar os emails alertando assim novas vítimas
Não esqueça - Quando receber uma mensagem semelhante a estas aqui, clique em responder a mensagem - se o endereço de email for diferente do que enviou, acrescente esse
endereço de email na mensagem para mim.
De: Davi Royce ->
Data: 6 de novembro de 2017
Assunto: Re: Boa tarde!!
Meu amor. Quero agradecer sinceramente por tudo. Obrigado por suas orações e ter me em seu coração para me ajudar nesta situação adversa atual.
Confio e acredito que você nunca me decepcionará. A empresa de entrega é uma empresa de segurança confiável aqui na Ilha. Eles entregarão meus pertences diretamente a seu endereço residencial. e eles me disseram que entrarão em contato com você quando chegarem no Brasil, presumivelmente, amanhã.
Eu nunca confiei em ninguém na minha vida para entregar essas coisas em sua mão, mas eu confio em você e eu sei que você não me machucará nesta situação. Eu escolho acreditar e espero que você nunca se tirar vantagem de mim.
Meu amor, tenha cuidado e cuide bem os meus pertences. Eu falo por razões de segurança. Enviei-lhe o meu efeito pessoal da família e também a empresa não tem conhecimento do que está dentro do pacote. então não fale sobre isso. O dinheiro que eu trazia para a Austrália para negócios também está dentro do pacote. Eu adicionei tudo e tudo está dentro do pacote, eu mando para você porque eu não quero perder para os piratas do mar. A situação aqui é crítica.
Anexei o recibo que me foi dado pela empresa. imprima e faça uma cópia. Isto é o que você usará para reivindicar o meu pacote quando chegar. Eu paguei taxas internacionais pela entrega rápida do meu pacote no endereço da sua casa.
Mas eles me disseram que você só pagará um pouco de dinheiro pelos impostos locais do Brasil em seu país. Depois de fazer esse pagamento para o departamento de impostos do aeroporto, o pacote será entregue a você em seu endereço.
Eu queria pagar, mas eles me disseram que não sabiam o valor exato, e geralmente dependem da distância, e tinham de ser pagos ao agente no Brasil, para que eles pudessem pagar as contas dos impostos governamentais e entrega de bagagem local brasileira para voce.
Para seguir meu pacote, aqui está o site:
aqui está o número de rastreamento: 6302412047
Meu amor, é só você que falei sobre o conteúdo do pacote. então só você e eu sabemos o que está dentro do pacote. Por favor, fique com você mesmo. A senha da caixa dentro da embalagem é AD122PH7.
Por favor, mantenha o segredo. Você usará este número para abrir a caixa, retire o dinheiro que gastou para o imposto local e mantenha o resto do dinheiro seguro para mim até eu chegar até você no Brasil.
Não se esqueça de imprimir o recibo, porque eles também precisam de você para provar que você é o destinatário legítimo do pacote. Reze pela minha segurança para que eu possa superar esse problema. Não dormi desde a noite passada. continuamos nossa vela agora com a escolta dos Guardas Costeiras.
Deus nos ajude. Por favor, avise-me assim que a minha encomenda for entregue a você. Eu te amo muito
Davi Royce
, diz ser general americano em missão na Syria.
Esta semana disse que precisou sair de Damasco para Daraa e que mandou uma caixa com documentos importantes para mim, mas para retirar preciso pagar 3.500,00 reais.
Telefone dele: +1 (912) 324-5538
scammer agyemang
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PEDIU US $500 dólares para cuidar da saúde do " filho dele que está num orfanato aguardando seu retorno para casa.
Aqui está os dados dele:
Instagran: alex.shawn99
Endereço para envio do dinheiro: MONEYGRAM
NOME: Gertrude Vudoh, PAÍS: Accra Gana, ENDEREÇO: 19 Beach Road Nungua, MOBILE: +233241155230.
Segue as fotos que o golpista esta usando
----Mensagem original-----
De: Zuka Kamara []
Enviada em: terça-feira, 7 de novembro de 2017
Assunto: Olá estou fazendo inquérito
Oi tudo bem,
Eu sou Zuka Kamara da República da Gâmbia, Eu estava navegando na internet sobre seu país quando encontrei seu e-mail e decidi escrever-lhe para que nos conhecemos porque tenho algo que eu gostaria de discutir com você em relação ao meu projeto agrícola Portanto, se você não se importa, responda para que eu possa te contar mais sobre mim e também o que eu quero lhe dizer.
aguardando sua resposta.
Zuka Kamara
De: Nikolas Stanislas <>
Enviado: segunda-feira, xx de novembro de 2017
Assunto: Urgent!!
Olá meu anjo, como você está hoje? Eu espero que você está indo bem, eu estou muito triste neste momento, eu estou atualmente no hospital escrevendo para você agora, eu fui atacado no meu caminho para o porto para pagar o shippment dos meus bens fora do país.
Foi-nos dada a batida de nossas vidas e Beatrice foi ferido em seu ombro esquerdo depois, os assaltantes armados levaram todo o dinheiro e objetos de valor que estava comigo e estavam tentando me dar-lhes mais dinheiro que eu não tinha e eles a feriram como resultado , Eu realmente preciso de você neste momento meu amor, por favor, volte para mim assim que você receber o meu e-mail Ok,
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De : Suha Arafat -
Envoyé le : Lu, XX Nov 2017
Sujet : If you really want to work with me, send me all your informations...
I am a well respected woman, I am not here for joke.
If you really want to work with me, send me all your informations.
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It's Done
Mr. Hayatullah Baheer
Dear Friend,
I hope you are fine over there in your country. I know that this
message will come as a surprise to you but let me start by introducing
myself; I am Mr. Hayatullah Baheer , Manager of Bank of Africa BOA
Burkina Faso. I am writing you this letter to fulfill the promise I
have with Almighty, now listen to me let me explain to you, in my
department in the bank I discovered the sum of ($13,300, 000. Thirteen
Million Three hundred thousand United State Dollars) and when I was
searching for a foreigner partner who will assist me to claims the
fund, first I send you an E-mail concerning this transaction but I
waited to hear from you about the transaction business in which I
proposed to you but did not hear anything from you again maybe you are
too busy or you did not received my messaged.
So I have to search for another person who will assist me luckily for
me I founded a partner from South Korea and both of us did the
business now when this transaction was going on I have agreement with
Almighty, I promised Almighty if the transaction move successfully
that I will give out 10 percent of the total fund out to the
motherless babies and the widowers and luckily for us the business
move successfully without any problem so as a good Christian I did not
forget my promised to Almighty, I decided to give out the 10 percent
to you and to the needy ones ,Therefore i deposited the total sum of
$1,330.000.00 ( One Million Three Hundred And Thirty Thousand United
State Dollars), that's the ten [10] percent of the total money i
received with the new partner, The money is for you in the Coris Bank
International under my secretary care Mrs. Latifa Koumbousi email ( ) therefore contact Mrs. Latifa
Koumbousi immediately via her email address so that she will direct
you how to receive the funds.
If you want you can receive it by western union or you can receive it
into your bank account in your country or in any bank of your choice,
so feel free to contact my secretary Mrs. Latifa Koumbousi, for i
have gave her instruction to send the funds to you as soon as you
contact her, please give some part of this funds to the motherless
babies and widowers in your country.
Best Regards,
Mr. Hayatullah Baheer .
NB: NOTE, I will not be checking my email because i am too busy here
now in south Korea, I have instructed my secretary to direct you how
to receive the funds, so feel free to get in touch with Mrs. Latifa
Koumbousi for she will send the amount to you without any delay..
Greetings to you and family,
Mr, Neil Trotter ->
I am Mr, Neil Trotter the current winner of £ 107 million Pounds on the concluded Euro million Jackpot Draw for 2014 program, i told you about it last year.
See link for proof:
After receiving my cheque on 15th of March 2014, i was so excite and decided to donate ($3.5 million ) to each 50 Lucky people i firstly get their email in google search. I and my family set up organization called "CASH 4 YOU" to support alleviate poverty and care for the less privileged around the world, i have decided to donate to just 50 people around the globe. The Diplomatic Agent In charge of your Delivery is Michael Beasley and he is Currently at Newark Liberty International Airport New Jersey United State Of America. He is there now With Your consignment Worth $3.5 million Dollars. Please feel free to contact delivery agent via his E-mail at ( with your full information and secure your funds. kindly make sure you send your Your Full Name: Home Address: Private Phone number to the delivery agent Michael.
I and my lawyer are now in India for business Investment, please send me an email for notification as soon as you receive your consignment with agent Michael, so i can call him and congratulate for job well done. Sorry for not informing you about his coming, i was very horrible busy with my lawyer over new investment project in India. God Bless YOU.
Oneil Trotter
Martin Keen
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am contacting you for the claim of my late client fund that was deposited with the bank Lome, who was involved in a ghastly motor accident along Nouvissi express Road. I decided to contact you as a matter of urgency regarding this issue. I want you to assist me in repatriation fund worth $ 4.5 million usd, (Four Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) respond to my confidential email ( for full details.
Yours faithfully,
Barrister Martin Keen
Dear Beneficiary: You are welcome to United Bank for Africa
UUA Bank IN Fairhope PLC
Dear Beneficiary: You are welcome to United Bank for Africa
This to Notify you that Series of meetings have been held over the past 6 months with the Secretary General of the United Nations Organization, which ended 2 days ago. It is obvious that you have not received your fund which is now in the amount of $11,000,000.00 USD (Eleven Million United States Dollars) as a compensation award to you, due to past corrupt Governmental Officials who almost held your fund to themselves for their selfish reasons and some individuals who have taken advantage of your fund all in an attempt to swindle your fund which has led to unnecessary delay in the receipt and so many losses from your end.
The National Central Bureau of Interpol enhanced by the United Nations and Federal Bureau of Investigation have successfully passed a mandate to the current Chairman Director Federal Reserve Bank New York USA Mrs. Janet Yellen, to boost the exercise of clearing all foreign deberal owed to you and other individuals and organizations who have been found not to have received their Compensation Awards.
Now, how would you like to receive your payment? Because we have two method of payment which is by Check or by ATM card?
ATM Card: We will be issuing you a custom pin based ATM MASTER CARDwhich you will use to withdraw up to $10,000 USD (Ten Thousand Dollars) per day from any ATM machine that has the Master Card Logo on it and the card have to be renewed in 3 years time which is 2018. Also with the ATM MASTER CARDyou will be able to transfer your funds to your local bank account. Even if you do not have a bank account, the ATM MASTER CARDcomes with a handbook or manual to enlighten you about how to use it.
Check: A cashier check will be issued in your name and you will deposit it in your bank for it to be cleared within two working days.Your payment would be sent to you via any of your preferred option above and would be mailed to you via UPS. You will only need to pay $60 USD.
Take note that you will have to stop communication with every other person if you have been in contact with any. Also remember that all you will ever have to spend is $60 USD only. nothing more! Nothing less! And we Guarantee the receipt of your Fund to be successfully Delivered to you within the next 48hrs after confirmation receipt fee of (UPS).
Note: Everything has been taken care of, including taxes, custom paper and clearance duty. So, all you will ever need to pay is $60.Dollars only. Apply Your Claims Promptly: For immediate release of your Fund valued at $11,000,000.00 USD (Eleven Million United States Dollars)
Your Full Name:_________________________ __________________
Your House Address:______________________ _________________
Home/Cell/Phone Number:_______________________ ____________
Choose ONE Preferable Payment Method (ATM MASTER CARD OR Cashier Check):_______________________ _
Your package will be sent to you within 2 working days upon confirmation receipt of UPS fee of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars. We are so sure of everything and we are giving you a 60% Money back Guarantee if you do not receive payment/package within the next 8hrs after you have made the payment for shipping.
Secondly, you should know that Argument or delay can not do any thing or solve this problem if you can not find solution to solve this matter by trying your possible best for the final conclusion of this Transaction and send only $60 Right Away it means that i have no Other Option than to make down my Report.
However, note that below is the Approved Payment information which you are advice to use and send the fee Western Union / Walmart to Walmart Office and get back to us with the MTCN immediately. bear in mind that all you will ever have to spend to received this fund is $60 Dollars Nothing more Nothing less.
AMOUNT; $60,Dollar
Be advised that this is the only delay we have now and you must do what you can to comply with the fee so that we can get this done Tomorrow, so do get back to us when you have send the fee as well, Your package will be sent to you upon confirmation receipt of the fee.
We are so sure of everything and we are giving you a 60% Money back Guarantee if you do not receive payment/package within the next 48hrs after you have made the payment for Shipping. kindly get back to us as well with the MTCN and also be advice to reconfirm your full Delivery Address to avoid any Wrong Delivery of package. Attachment to this urgent and Important Message is ID CARD MRS. JANET L. YELLEN and i Mrs. Jasmine Pierre, as well.
MY Phone line ( 660_ 717- 1452) CALL OR TEXT
Thanks and God Bless You
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Jasmine Pierre
UPS Delivery Company Service
International Operations Division.
responder para -
FedEx Courier Service
Attention: Beneficiary,
You have a Package from FedEx containing; (iPhone 7, Apple MackBook Pro and a Check woth $6.480,000.00USD) for delivery to your house address, you are to get back to us as soon as possible for more information and how to claim.
Yours Faithfully,
Mrs.Rose Michael
responder para -
Internal Audit, Monitoring, Consulting And Investigation Division.
First and foremost, let me introduce myself. I am MRS. HEIDI LIOCE MENDOZA from Philippines. I am born on 3rd of November, 1962 in Tayabas, Quezon, Philippines. I was nominated on the 6th of October, 2015 by DR. BAN-KI MOON (FORMER UN SECRETARY-GENERAL) and resumed on 11th of November, 2015 to head this office which I replaced MS. CARMAN LAPOINTE of Canada. To know more about me, please visit this websites: and
I personally decided to write you after waiting for your contact with this office, on resumption of our new SECRETARY GENERAL (MR. ANTONIO GUTERRES), FORMER PRIME MINISTER OF PORTUGAL. We released circular to all concerned clients of the claims of their funds, which most clients are happy now, celebrating there victory and success as they have received their funds without any mix-up or delay. On the other hand, most clients are still afraid, which I felt that this might be your reason of not contacting this office due to you ugly past experience, so after viewing your file and data, I decided fo contact you to give you this great news as success is already on your door.
Most importantly, my reason of contacting you now is that we discovered that you have of recent been dealing with another set of fraudsters, according to our investigation, we learn that you have lost some amount of money to some AFRICAN'S in pursue of your funds, so for this, I decided to immediately contact you to help you claim your funds with the most easiest means and to help you stop all this tribulations you are facing.
Your funds has been designated to be paid in TWO MOST RELIABLE VARIOUS MEANS:-
(1) ATM CARD: Your funds has been loaded in a ATM CARD, which as soon as we receive your response and your readiness, we will attach to you your ATM CARD for your perusal, which the paying bank is ABN AMRO BANK, ARMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, except you are not interest in receiving your funds via ATM CARD, and want to receive it via DIPLOMATIC MEANS, then I will use my position to include your name. To enable us dispatch your ATM CARD to your doorstep, it will cost you only SEVEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY DOLLARS (US$720) which included the INSURANCE FEES, STAMP DUTY AND DHL FEES. The ATM CARD must be insured with a reputable International Insurance company because of it's worth and importance.
(2) DIPLOMATIC MEANS: This is whereby you funds will be packaged as a DIPLOMATIC ITEMS to EUROPE as some of our officials (DIPLOMATS) will be traveling in few weeks to CANADA, PHILIPPINES, HOLLAND and GERMANY for disbursement of funds, therefore, if you are willing to claim your funds through this way, that means you shall be meeting FACE TO FACE with our DIPLOMATS upon there arrival in any country of your choice for face to face claims of your funds. You are only expected to travel with the HANDLING CHARGES which should be between THREE THOUSAND - FOUR THOUSAND EUROS depending on the weight of the package. THOUGH, NOTE THAT THIS HANDLING CHARGES MUST BE PAID BY HAND AND NOT THROUGH ANY TRANSFER MEANS. YOU ARE TO MEET WITH THE DIPLOMATS AND GIVE HIM THE HANDLING CHARGES BY HAND AND IMMEDIATELY HAVE YOUR FUNDS ON THE SPOT.
With all transparency, sincerity and honesty, exactly as I told you above, this is how things MUST go, so all we required from you is to let me know which you most preferred to receive your funds and VICTORY is yours. Though, as you must know, you are suppose to first update your file with some amount because it has been dormant, but I will help you with that, so indicate to me which best means you prefer to claim your funds and be very ready to follow as instructed. On responding to us, you are advised to re-confirm the below information to enable us confirm your genuineness and expedite action immediately, upon receiving your urgent response, with your full correct details, I will then attach your ABN AMRO ATM CARD for your perusal and giving you further directives on how to send the DISPATCH FEES to the office in charge so that the DISPATCH can take place immediately and receiving your ATM CARD within 48 hours. Please re-confirm the below details:-
Upon receipt of your mail and the above information, we will give you further directives.
Waiting for your urgent response and conclusion.
Yours faithfully,
Western Union Payment Office
What a choking news from MRS.MARIE NKOMA Good day I received a massage early
this morning from MRS.MARIE NKOMA, she Wrote to inform us that you died on
heart attack at about 9:15 PM today and that before you gave up your spirit you
instructed her to contact me as your next of kin, she has been on my neck to
forward to him the necessary information so that she can send the required fee
of $178 dollar to my office to enable us transfer the said fund to him address
As the general manager ,
And the custodians of your fund this office has decided to write to you
regarding to this issue failing to hear from you in next 48 hours I shall
assume that her informations concerning your death is true and I will not
hesitate to forward to her the following information to send the required fee
of $178 dollar for immediate release of the said fund to her I have to call you
but due to we lost some of your information for little problem of network that
we have this week, we are sorry for that Okay, and that is why I did not call
you on phone, so I feel his massage about you is true.
Here is the detail information’s of the man that claimed to be your next of kin
Email address…… (
Full Name.......... Mrs Marie Nkoma
Home address.....383 east i st, Casa de Vilarrasa I, apt 11
City/State/Zip Code.....Benicia, CA 94510
Occupation.........Retired Educator
Country....................... USA
If you are still alive and you are very sure you didn’t send this man you
should go ahead
And send the required fee for us to transfer your money to your address
COUNTRY......Benin Republic
OFFICE ADDRESS........Siege Social Avenue Jean Paul Ii 08 BP 087
Cotonou-Republic of Benin
Thanks and God Bless,
Best regard
Call me with this phone number===== +229(996154)89
Mrs. Stella Williams <"WWW.">
20:04 (Há 21 horas)
Por que esta mensagem está no Spam? Ela é semelhante a mensagens que foram detectadas pelos filtros de spam. Saiba mais
Greetings my good friend.
Are you alive or dead? We received several emails from one Mr. Frank Harold who narrated to us about the auto car accident you had 2 weeks ago. Mr. Frank made us to understand that you are in hospital for treatment but there is no hope of your recovery. He stated that he is your business associates and your next of kin whom you
have chosen and permitted to inherit all your properties. He is contacting this office base on your contract
/Inheritance payment fund valid $10,500,000.00 (Ten million, five hundred thousand dollars only) which is about
to be pay to you. He requested that the payment should now be transfer into his own personal account as he
stated below.
Account Name Mr. Frank Harold
Citibank Banamex USA
2029 Century Park East Los Angeles, CA 90067
Phone: 1-800-222-7534
Routing Number: 122233645
Account Number: 5944130210
We request your confirmation before we can process this transfer to Mr. Frank Bank Account. This is to avoid
releasing your money to wrong person because Mr. Frank is too eager and ready to follow every instruction to
have this money into his account. If you did not have auto accident and you did not permit Mr. Frank to claim
your money, kindly reply this message with your full contact information so we can process the release of the
$10.5 million dollars to you.Thanks
Mrs. Stella Williams
Phone: +1 209-248-2016
Director Payment Department
City National Bank
United State of America.
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