foto roubada do cantor romeno - Costinel alecsandresco
emails usados pelo scammer -
o verdadeiro dono das fotos e um cantor romeno ..
stolen pics from Costinel alecsandresco
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denuncia - mes alenn onderdonk scamerr me mandou uma solicitação e dizendo ser romenio mais morando em Dublin na Irlanda dizia estar a procura de uma mulher temente a Deus para um futuro casamento o mesmo se dizia viuvo a 5 anos e sua falecida esposa ter morrido em um acidente indo para seu trabalho. . e que era sargento de da marinha trabalhava em um navio nos falamos por 6 mês james dizia não poder falar em video porque a companhia do navio não permitia este tipo de de contato . logo james me enviou um voto de casamento se dizendo comprometido em se casar passando se mais uns dous meses. james me pede para enviar uma carta aos seus superiores para que ele podesse ter um licença para vir ao Brasil e me enviou um email dizendo ser da emergência a bordo da marinha eu não enviei esta carta porque ja estava convicta que ele era um scammer . james também pediu endereço da minha residencia para que ele enviace alguns presentes estes presentes nunca chegarão eu convicta que ele queria me dar um golpe logo o bloquiei . isto estou relatanto para que outras mulheres não venha a ser enganada por golpistas sujos lixos humanos que não tem escrúpulos . e seu perfil continua ativo espero poder ajudar e não quero que outras mulheres venha a ser enganada. ..
-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : Marina -
Envoyé le : Lu, 24 Jul 2017
Sujet : Please tell to me about you :
Hello Dear !
I am very glad to receive a letter from you. I am smiling now and I am in a good mood. How was your day ? What's new ?
I'm 41 years old. My birthday 23 March 1976. My zodiac sign is Aries. My height is 169cm. My weight is 56 kg. I never been married and I don't have own children. I work in the tourist centre as the bookkeeper.
I conduct book keeping, I distribute the salary to workers of the centre and I make the tax reporting. I’ll tell you about my parents now. My father's name Vladislav, and he is 63 years old. Mother’s name is Elena, and she is 61 years old. They live in suburb of Irkutsk. It is about 5200 km from Moscow. My mom does not work anymore. She is a housewife now. My father operates a tractor, he provides services to the local collective farm, but the tractor is his property. He always has a lot of work in winter and summer. My parents are very nice, I love them so much. They are well-known and respectful people, because we were always an example for other families.
I think my parents gave me a good education, and I'm so grateful for it. I told them that I want to find a serious man from foreign country for serious relationship. At the first time they were against it.
But my parents and I understand each other very good. They know about my friend, who married a man from Spain. By the way her name is Anna. I have told them how happy my friend is. And my parents accepted my desire. The main issue in all relationships is to be honest with each other and always trust each other.
I'm tired of living alone. Every day I go to bed alone and I feel lack of man’s worth. I’d like to ask you to send me more of your photos, photos of your house. I want to see your life in detail. I want to know your country’s culture. My last relationship was not serious. I have not seen a serious intent in men who paid attention to me and I have not felt a strong man's shoulder. It is very important to me. I want to feel that my man is always ready to take care of me. I hope you understand me. All women are the weaker sex and fragile creatures. We always need to have a reliable man near us. And if I feel myself in safety, I'll do my best to make my man the happiest person. I will always be a reliable and honest partner in life.
Please tell to me about your last relationship. What are the most important things in relationship for you ?
Have a nice day.
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aqui estão meus números: + 1-720-820-2624 O meu endereço de residência nos EUA é: novo visual No.7324 AVENIDA DE JARDIM Irvine Califórnia Estado América e No. 45 BASE MILITAR Estado da Califórnia AMÉRICA. Meu endereço aqui no Afeganistão é o CAMPO DA DIVISÃO NA MONTANHA DA OTAN, KABUL, AFEGANISTÃO. Agora, eu também quero que você me envie seu endereço e telefone antes que possamos falar sobre o que eu quero discutir com você. Aguardo sua resposta. Eu sempre amarei.
1 DE JULHO DE 2017 22
2 DE JULHO DE 2017 20:25
Meu amor mais querido, estou tão feliz de ler suas mensagens e também agradeço o Deus Todo-Poderoso que permitiu que dois de nós se encontrem. Querida, como eu disse anteriormente, minha tarefa aqui terminará por 3 semanas e eu me aposentarei dos militares depois da minha missão aqui com o governo do Afeganistão e eu enviei minha carta de aposentadoria ao Departamento de Comando Militar dos EUA. Como eu quero ficar mais perto da minha família e estou pronto para mudar para o seu país depois da minha aposentadoria para que possamos fazer o casamento e planejar outras coisas e, depois disso, devemos viver juntos como uma família. Estou planejando estabelecer meu próprio investimento em empresas privadas no seu país, que eu vou cuidar após minha aposentadoria de militares. Meu plano é estabelecer em qualquer tipo de lucrativo investimento empresarial que você conheça que nos beneficiará muito, como o Hotel e o Real Estate Business e House Property Business. Você sabe muito bem que eu sou um oficial de alto escalão no Exército. Você também sabe muito bem que, como funcionário do governo, não tenho toda a audácia de fazer o que quiser em meu nome. Esta é a razão pela qual eu estava procurando por uma mulher de outro país para se casar com que ninguém conheceria minhas transações e investimentos depois da minha aposentadoria. Honestamente, eu farei qualquer coisa apenas para assegurar-lhe primeiro que sinceramente te amo e quero me casar com você, então eu tenho algo muito importante para discutir e fazer com você, mas eu quero saber de algo. POSSO CONFIAR-LHE? O que eu quero discutir com você é a minha vida, então, se você me assegurar de sua confiança, eu lhe darei detalhes e com isso você pode ter muita certeza de querer me casar com você.
Querida, leia a mensagem muito bem para que você entenda tudo muito bem, ok. Querida, por favor, tudo o que preciso de você é confiança, amor e honestidade, por favor. Minha oração é que o senhor todo-poderoso nos dará uma longa vida para desfrutar todos os dias juntos como marido e esposa, tudo
3 DE JULHO DE 2017 -
Meu amor, muito obrigado por suas mensagens agradáveis. Eu não sei o que dizer, mas uma coisa que eu tenho muita certeza é que eu tenho uma esposa perfeita, um Deus enviou esposa, mulher profética e visionária, uma mulher que corresponde ao meu status. Eu confiei em você e eu acredito em você, então, devo lhe contar tudo agora. Então, em relação ao que eu quero dizer, na verdade, eu tenho cerca de US $ 1,2 milhão de dólares aqui em uma empresa de segurança. Este dinheiro me foi concedido como compensação por parte das Nações Unidas aqui no Afeganistão como um capitão do Exército porque eu conduzi uma operação para erradicar os traficantes de drogas ilegais e terroristas que patrocinaram a Al-Qaeda e Jama'at al-Tawhid wa-al Jihad Group aqui No Afeganistão e durante esta operação conseguimos enviar o Grupo para fora da cidade e, também, muito dinheiro foi recuperado da tarefa. Assim, as Nações Unidas (ONU) chamaram meu grupo e mostram apreciação pelo nosso trabalho bem feito por nos dar algum dinheiro para ser compartilhado dentro de nós mesmos, que minha própria parcela é de US $ 1,2 milhão de dólares. Então, agora que você está muito perto de mim e concordamos em nos casar, quero transferir esse dinheiro pelo serviço de correio de imunidade diplomática para que você possa manter o dinheiro para mim até eu voltar para o meu país no próximo mês E venha conhecê-lo em seu país porque agora tenho menos de um mês para ficar aqui. Eu não quero enviar esse dinheiro para o meu país, na América, porque não quero que o governo americano saiba que eu tenho essa enorme quantidade de dinheiro, porque se eles fizerem, eles devem me questionar e me pedir para pagar impostos de 40% O dinheiro e não quer que isso aconteça. Então eu só quero que você atue como meu parente próximo para recebê-lo lá, porque se eu não conseguir mover esse dinheiro antes de sair desse país, eu o perderá. Devemos usar o dinheiro para estabelecer qualquer tipo de investimento comercial lucrativo lá, o que nos beneficiará muito, como Hotel e Real Estate Business e House Property Business. Eu irei encontrá-lo lá assim que você receber o dinheiro que eu devo solicitar para minha aposentadoria e venho em breve para você. Garanto-vos que esta transação é livre de riscos e seu sucesso é 100% garantido. Por causa da guerra aqui, você não pode mover uma quantia tão grande de dinheiro pelo banco, então eu só posso sair da entrega da imunidade diplomática. Para mover o dinheiro, tudo o que você precisa fazer agora é me enviar 1. Seu nome completo 2. Seu endereço atual 3. Seu número de celular 4. Endereço de e-mail; e 5. Seu cartão de identificação com foto Para que eu possa terminar o arranjo aqui e mover o dinheiro para você em você. Querido, por favor, este assunto é confidencial, então, VOCE DEVE MANTÊ-LO SECRETO E NINGUÉM DEVE OUVAR-LO, É SOMENTE VOCÊ E EU, OK. Aguardo sua resposta e seus dados. Eu te amo para sempre minha querida esposa e Deus te abençoe sempre meu querido.
Querida, por favor e por favor, tudo o que preciso de você é confiança, amor e honesto, por favor, vamos gostar juntos assim muito cedo, ok. Eu te amo muito. Querida, envie tudo agora para que eu possa encaminhar tudo para a empresa de entrega para os arranjos necessários, ok.
3 DE JULHO DE 2017 1
m 19 de jul de 2017, às 10:25, Steven A Cray
meu. Amor, você disse que logo vou sair daqui e, claro, você conhece a situação atual,
não posso sair daqui sem o recebimento do fundo, como o fundo será transferido sem o documento de casamento e então,
como posso sair daqui, você já pense sobre isso?
Em 18 de jul de 2017, às 02:49, Steven A Cray
O advogado respondeu meu e-mail já, e ele está pedindo nossos dados, eu os enviarei para ele agora, e ele disse que custará 3750 $
para o processamento do documento de casamento, meu amor, devemos fazer isso e agora.
De: godwin Godstime -
Data: 17 de julho de 2017 1
Assunto: Re: 1o Depósito para a Conta (Fundo Steven A.Cray)
Olá, senhora bom dia, trazemos a bênção de um novo dia, queremos informá-lo de que os detalhes de sua conta serão encaminhados para você assim que o fundo for transferido com sucesso para a conta, mas, em primeiro lugar, precisamos verificar todos os detalhes Antes que o fundo seja transferido para a conta, precisamos que você envie seu certificado de casamento entre você e Steven A Cray com uma visão mais clara da parte de trás e da frente do certificado, se isso for feito, o fundo será transferido em menos de 2 horas.
Em 14 de jul de 2017, às 17:49, godwin Godstime
Olá, senhora, bom dia e feliz sexta-feira, recebemos o pagamento e o pagamento será retirado amanhã, porque estamos muito ocupados hoje. Senhora, a conta estará aberta na segunda-feira, que é dia útil e assim que a conta está pronta, nós Irá notificá-lo, e os detalhes da conta serão entregues assim que o fundo for transferido para a conta com um cartão Master que será DHL para você em outro para que você desembolsar o fundo. Senhora, esperamos que você entenda. Obrigado por sua transação está processando.
Em 2 de jul de 2017, às 02:18, godwin Godstime
Senhora, nós trazemos a saudação da manhã do banco e do pessoal e esperamos que você esteja tendo um excelente dia, Senhora, eu quero informá-lo de que você enviará os 500 $ para esses novos detalhes através da Western Union
Nome do receptor: Aida Barrera Polo
País do Receptor: U.S.A
Cidade receptora .... Cidade do Panamá
Obrigado, Deus abençoe.
Em 10
de jul de 2017, às 00:49, Steven A
celular Nelson
Nelson tem uma falha na
tela e, por isso, ele
não poderá
deslizar para atender uma
chamada. Mas
está o número de
celular +2349077640880
E ligue para
ele quando, se amanhã, eu
ainda está escuro na Nigéria.
-----E-mail d'origine-----
Envoyé le : Di, 23 Jul
Sujet : About of the change of Ownership Affidavit, contact :
Attention my dear Friend,
I received your email and the content was well noted. Now listen, you are not going to send the $360 to me, you are to send it to the attorney who will obtain the change of Ownership Affidavit on your behalf. This attorney name is Barrister. Macaulay Kunena, he is the attorney to late Mr. Bassen. Below is the attorney's contact...
Macaulay Kunena
Phone: +17189628113
You are urgently required to contact him now and request the receiver's details to send the money to him for urgent work to procure the change of Ownership Affidavit on your behalf and let him know that you are the next of kin to late Mr. Bassen. And please send him this Deposit Slip of the said fund attached herewith and the last statement of account. And also, view my ID card and Passport attached. If you have any other question, please feel free to ask and I will gladly answer you. Please keep me posted with your discussion with the attorney.
Mr. Dinesh Sharma
Citi Bank of Dubai (DIFC)
email usados por golpistas :
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Penso que seja mais um golpista com o nome de JERRY CHARLES de que País?Não sei.Quero denunciar.
Também enviou duas fotos uma com a filha Joyce e outra sozinho.Posso enviar se isso ajudar.
aqui estão meus números: + 1-720-820-2624 O meu endereço de residência nos EUA é: novo visual No.7324 AVENIDA DE JARDIM Irvine Califórnia Estado América e No. 45 BASE MILITAR Estado da Califórnia AMÉRICA. Meu endereço aqui no Afeganistão é o CAMPO DA DIVISÃO NA MONTANHA DA OTAN, KABUL, AFEGANISTÃO. Agora, eu também quero que você me envie seu endereço e telefone antes que possamos falar sobre o que eu quero discutir com você. Aguardo sua resposta. Eu sempre amarei.
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1 DE JULHO DE 2017 22
2 DE JULHO DE 2017 20:25
Meu amor mais querido, estou tão feliz de ler suas mensagens e também agradeço o Deus Todo-Poderoso que permitiu que dois de nós se encontrem. Querida, como eu disse anteriormente, minha tarefa aqui terminará por 3 semanas e eu me aposentarei dos militares depois da minha missão aqui com o governo do Afeganistão e eu enviei minha carta de aposentadoria ao Departamento de Comando Militar dos EUA. Como eu quero ficar mais perto da minha família e estou pronto para mudar para o seu país depois da minha aposentadoria para que possamos fazer o casamento e planejar outras coisas e, depois disso, devemos viver juntos como uma família. Estou planejando estabelecer meu próprio investimento em empresas privadas no seu país, que eu vou cuidar após minha aposentadoria de militares. Meu plano é estabelecer em qualquer tipo de lucrativo investimento empresarial que você conheça que nos beneficiará muito, como o Hotel e o Real Estate Business e House Property Business. Você sabe muito bem que eu sou um oficial de alto escalão no Exército. Você também sabe muito bem que, como funcionário do governo, não tenho toda a audácia de fazer o que quiser em meu nome. Esta é a razão pela qual eu estava procurando por uma mulher de outro país para se casar com que ninguém conheceria minhas transações e investimentos depois da minha aposentadoria. Honestamente, eu farei qualquer coisa apenas para assegurar-lhe primeiro que sinceramente te amo e quero me casar com você, então eu tenho algo muito importante para discutir e fazer com você, mas eu quero saber de algo. POSSO CONFIAR-LHE? O que eu quero discutir com você é a minha vida, então, se você me assegurar de sua confiança, eu lhe darei detalhes e com isso você pode ter muita certeza de querer me casar com você.
Querida, leia a mensagem muito bem para que você entenda tudo muito bem, ok. Querida, por favor, tudo o que preciso de você é confiança, amor e honestidade, por favor. Minha oração é que o senhor todo-poderoso nos dará uma longa vida para desfrutar todos os dias juntos como marido e esposa, tudo
3 DE JULHO DE 2017
Meu amor, muito obrigado por suas mensagens agradáveis. Eu não sei o que dizer, mas uma coisa que eu tenho muita certeza é que eu tenho uma esposa perfeita, um Deus enviou esposa, mulher profética e visionária, uma mulher que corresponde ao meu status. Eu confiei em você e eu acredito em você, então, devo lhe contar tudo agora. Então, em relação ao que eu quero dizer, na verdade, eu tenho cerca de US $ 1,2 milhão de dólares aqui em uma empresa de segurança. Este dinheiro me foi concedido como compensação por parte das Nações Unidas aqui no Afeganistão como um capitão do Exército porque eu conduzi uma operação para erradicar os traficantes de drogas ilegais e terroristas que patrocinaram a Al-Qaeda e Jama'at al-Tawhid wa-al Jihad Group aqui No Afeganistão e durante esta operação conseguimos enviar o Grupo para fora da cidade e, também, muito dinheiro foi recuperado da tarefa. Assim, as Nações Unidas (ONU) chamaram meu grupo e mostram apreciação pelo nosso trabalho bem feito por nos dar algum dinheiro para ser compartilhado dentro de nós mesmos, que minha própria parcela é de US $ 1,2 milhão de dólares. Então, agora que você está muito perto de mim e concordamos em nos casar, quero transferir esse dinheiro pelo serviço de correio de imunidade diplomática para que você possa manter o dinheiro para mim até eu voltar para o meu país no próximo mês E venha conhecê-lo em seu país porque agora tenho menos de um mês para ficar aqui. Eu não quero enviar esse dinheiro para o meu país, na América, porque não quero que o governo americano saiba que eu tenho essa enorme quantidade de dinheiro, porque se eles fizerem, eles devem me questionar e me pedir para pagar impostos de 40% O dinheiro e não quer que isso aconteça. Então eu só quero que você atue como meu parente próximo para recebê-lo lá, porque se eu não conseguir mover esse dinheiro antes de sair desse país, eu o perderá. Devemos usar o dinheiro para estabelecer qualquer tipo de investimento comercial lucrativo lá, o que nos beneficiará muito, como Hotel e Real Estate Business e House Property Business. Eu irei encontrá-lo lá assim que você receber o dinheiro que eu devo solicitar para minha aposentadoria e venho em breve para você. Garanto-vos que esta transação é livre de riscos e seu sucesso é 100% garantido. Por causa da guerra aqui, você não pode mover uma quantia tão grande de dinheiro pelo banco, então eu só posso sair da entrega da imunidade diplomática. Para mover o dinheiro, tudo o que você precisa fazer agora é me enviar 1. Seu nome completo 2. Seu endereço atual 3. Seu número de celular 4. Endereço de e-mail; e 5. Seu cartão de identificação com foto Para que eu possa terminar o arranjo aqui e mover o dinheiro para você em você. Querido, por favor, este assunto é confidencial, então, VOCE DEVE MANTÊ-LO SECRETO E NINGUÉM DEVE OUVAR-LO, É SOMENTE VOCÊ E EU, OK. Aguardo sua resposta e seus dados. Eu te amo para sempre minha querida esposa e Deus te abençoe sempre meu querido.
Querida, por favor e por favor, tudo o que preciso de você é confiança, amor e honesto, por favor, vamos gostar juntos assim muito cedo, ok. Eu te amo muito. Querida, envie tudo agora para que eu possa encaminhar tudo para a empresa de entrega para os arranjos necessários, ok.
3 DE JULHO DE 2017 1
Linda Nishall - www." (Há 1 hora)
Send Money World Wide
From The Western Union®Cashier Transfer
Office Address No 85655 paperbark, carer ranee
Careefou, turbocharge, park, road Cotonou Benin
Attention Dear Beneficiary Receiver,
I knew that this message will going to surprised you as you never receive before because we have already sent you $5,000.00 USD through Western union MTCN745-0862-639 as we have been mandated by United Nations and ECOWAS which are supporting individual due to the worldwide economy meltdown, to transfer to you the full compensation sum payment of $2.5 Million US Dollars via western union by this government authorization.
In this regards, We decided to email the relevant details for you to be able to pick up this $5,000.00 USD to enable us send another $5,000.00 USD by tomorrow as you know we will be sending you only $5,000.00 USD per day until your total amount of your money worth of Two Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars is completely transferred to your receiver,
I want you to contact Western Union Director Mr Payet John Via This E-mail Also send him your full information with the following below
(1)Your Full Name=============
(2)Mobile Phone Number======
(3)Current Home Address========
(6)ID Card======================
Your funds amount deposited in western union is Two Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars, Remember to indicate the registration code of EB8053 to send to him,
Let me know once you starting receiving your money from western union director Payet John,
Remain Bless
Yours Sincerely
Mrs Linda Nishall
General Secretary Office
Assia Karim -
14:58 (Há 4 horas)
Hello Dear Beloved,
I am mrs Assia Karim.
Please my dear, do not feel embarrassed by my mail to you. I am the wife of Late Sir Gerald White karim, a prominent business man and pro-human right activist here in Republic of Burkina Faso before his untimely death in 2010.
during my late husband's lifetime,he deposited the sum of USD$5,000. 000.00 (Five Million United State Dollars) in one of the leading banks here and informed me concerning it. We intended to use this fund for charity and investment purposes for the up keeping/ future of our daughter, kaddy karim, who is currently 16 years of age.
I returned back home with my daughter kaddy from France because of my situation and to secure his future before is too late.I am contacting you because I want you to help me in securing and investing this money for the future and education of kaddy karim (my daughter ) since I am incapable of doing so due to my deteriorating/ bad health situation occasioned by cancer which had lead to my doctors informing me i have a short time to live.
I do not intend to leave this fund as my daughter is too young to handle it as desired by my late husband, also, my late husband`s relatives are not worthy to be trusted with this fund due to their wickedness towards my daughter and I since my condition deepened.
I have discussed this issue with my daughter and have resolved to make available to you 15% of the total money for your efforts and labor. I shall be expecting your reply- mail so that I will give you the contact of this bank and all the relevant documents and information to enable the concerned bank release this fund to you without difficulty.
I am waiting for your urgent respond to my private E-mail ID.
Thank you for your time.
Mrs.Assia Karim.
--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mrs Anissa Mustapha -
Date: 2017-07-24
Subject: Re: Fw
My name is Mrs Anissa Mustapha and I am a staff of Gulf Bank Algeria, here in Algeria attached to Private Banking Services, I am contacting you concerning a customer and an investment placed under our banks management; as a matter of fact it was roughly 5 years ago. I would respectfully request that you keep the contents of this mail private and also to kindly respect the integrity of the information you come by as a result of this email. I contacted you independently and no one is informed of this communication; I would like to intimate you with certain facts that I believe would be of interest to you and benefit the both of us.
At the very beginning of 2010, the subject matter came to our bank to engage in business discussions with our Private Banking Services Department. He informed us that he had a financial portfolio of $20 Million United States Dollars, which he wished to have us turn over (invest) on his behalf. I was the officer assigned to his case; I made numerous suggestions in line with my duties as the de-facto chief operations officer of the Private Banking Services Department, especially given the volume of funds he wished to put into our bank.
We met on numerous occasions prior to any investments being placed, and however I encouraged him to consider various growth funds with prime ratings. The favoured route in my advice to customers is to start by assessing data on 600 traditional stocks, bond managers and 200 managers of alternative investments. Based on my advice, we spun the money around various opportunities and made attractive margins for our first months of operation, the accrued profit with interest included, stood at this point at over US$27, 712,068.00, this margin was not the full potential of the fund but he desired low risk guaranteed returns on investments and in trading market the lower the risk the lesser the profit.
Towards the end of 2011, he asked that the money be liquidated because he needed to make an urgent investment requiring cash payments in Europe. He directed that I liquidate the funds and have it transfer to a firm in Europe. I informed him that our bank would have to make special arrangements to have this done and in order not to circumvent due process, the bank would have to make an 8.9% deduction from the funds to cater for banking and statutory charges. He complained about the charges but later came around when I explained to him the complexities of the task he was asking of us. Cash movement across borders has become especially strict since the incidents of 9/11 but nevertheless I contacted the firm in Europe and had the funds transfer to mainland Europe, I undertook all the processes and made sure I followed his precise instructions. He told me he wanted the money there in anticipation of his arrival from Norway later that week. This was the last communication we had.
After about a week I got a call from the security firm informing us of the inactivity of that particular portfolio. This was an astounding position as far as I was concerned, given the fact that I managed the private banking sector, I was the only one who knew about the deposit, and I could not understand why he had not come forward to claim his deposit. I made futile efforts to locate him; I immediately passed the task of locating him to the internal investigations department of our bank. Four months later, information trickle in from British homeland security, that he was apparently dead, a person who suited his description was declared dead of a heart attack in Norway; we were soon able to gather more information and the cause of death was confirmed. With this information at hand I inform the security firm to return the transfer back to our bank in Algeria.
Then my bank immediately launched an investigation into possible surviving next of kin to alert about the situation and also to come forward to claim his estate. If you are familiar with private banking affairs, those who patronize our services usually prefer anonymity, but also some levels of detachment from conventional processes. In his bio-data form, he listed no next of kin. In the field of private banking, opening an account with us means no one will know of its existence, accounts are rarely held under a name; depositors use numbers and codes to make the accounts anonymous. This bank also gives the choice to depositors of having their mail sent to them or held at the bank itself, ensuring that there are no traces of the account and as I said, rarely do they nominate next of kin. Private banking clients apart from not nominating next of kin also usually in most cases leave wills in our care, in this case; he died Intestate.
In line with our internal processes for account holders who have passed away, we instituted our own investigations in good faith to determine who should have right to claim the estate, this investigation for several months were futile. We have scanned every continent and used our private investigation affiliate companies to get to the root of the problem. It is this investigation that resulted in my decision to obtain your contact details and contact you, being as a foreigner, as a potential benefactor of the estate even if you are in no way affiliated with this individual (the deceased).
My official capacity dictates that I am the only party to supervise the investigation and the only party to receive the results of the investigation. What this means, with you being a foreigner, I have considered the fact that our dear late fellow died with no identifiable family member. This leaves me as the only person with the full picture of what the prevailing situation is in relation to the deposit and the late beneficiary of the deposit. According to normal practice, after all investigation has been done and there is no one to come forward and make claimed, the portfolio will be left dormant and as a result of the protracted inactivity of the portfolio, and by the end of the current financial year a broadcast request is been made for statements of claims to our bank by the Chinese government, and failing to receive viable claims we will most probably revert the deposit back to the Algeria government. This will result in the money entering the Algeria government treasury. This will not happen if I have my way.
What I wish to relate to you might be a smack of unethical practice but I want you to understand something; it is only an outsider to the banking world who finds the internal politics of the banking world aberrational. The world of private banking especially is fraught with huge rewards for those who occupy certain offices and oversee certain portfolios; you should have begun by now to put together the general direction of what I propose. On this moment there is US$27, 712,068.00 deposited, I alone have the deposit details and my bank will release the deposit to no one unless I instruct them to do so. I alone know of the existence of this deposit for as far as the finance firm is concerned, the transaction with our deceased customer concluded when the funds was return back to sender (my bank), all outstanding interactions in relation to the file are just customer services and due process. This bank has spent great amounts of money trying to track the family of the deceased; they have investigated for months and have found no family but however the investigation has officially come to an end in 2012 and since then the portfolio have remain dormant and it is now on the edge of been turned to the Algeria government.
My proposal; I am prepared to place you in a position whereby an instruction is given to officially release the deposit to you as the closest surviving associate, and all etiquette shall be done in accordance with the rule of banking law, I certainly can guarantee you that, by the common law, the power of bequeathing is coeval with the first rudiments of the law, and this power has been extended to all. There is no ruling which prevents an inheritance from being so exhausted by legacies as to render it unworthy of the heir's acceptance; basically all persons of sound mind are competent to bequeath and devise real and personal estate, excepting infants, with all this I would say we have the clear advantage to carry out a smooth and perfect operation whereby the paper work shall be coordinated in such a way that your status as a sole beneficiary is confirmed. Upon receipt of the deposit, I am prepared to share the money with you in half and no more; that is: I will simply nominate you as the next of kin and have them release the deposit to you; afterwards we share the proceeds in two equal parts.
I would have gone ahead to ask the funds be released to me, but that would have drawn a straight line to me and my involvement in claiming the deposit, but on the other hand, you as a foreigner would easily pass as the beneficiary with the rights to claim, I assure you that I could have the deposit released to you in a few days. I will simply inform our bank of the final closing of the file relating to the customer, and instruct them to release the deposit to you; with these two things: all is done.
We can fine-tune this based on our interactions, I am aware of the consequences of this proposal and I ask that if you find no interest in this project that you should discard this mail. I ask also, that you do not be vindictive or destructive, if my offer is of no appeal to you, delete this message and forget I ever contacted you; please do not destroy my career because you do not approve of my proposal. You may not know this but people like me who have made tidy sums out of comparable situations run a whole private banking sector, I am not a criminal and what I do, I do not find against good conscience, this may be hard for you to understand, but the dynamics of my industry dictates that I make this move. Such opportunities only come ones' way once in a lifetime.
I cannot let this chance pass me by and I hope you understand, because for once I found myself in total control and face to face with my destiny. These chances won't pass me by, I ask that you do not destroy my chance, if you will not work with me, please let me know, and hence move on with my life, but do not destroy me; I am a woman with family and this is an occasion to provide them with new opportunities. There is a reward for this project and it is a task well worth undertaking, I have evaluated the risks and the only risk I have here is from you refusing to work with me and alerting my bank; I am the only one who knows of this situation, good fortune will bless you and plant you into the center of relevance in my life, let share the blessing.
If you find yourself interested to work with me, please do respond to my email positively, then I will initiate this process towards a quick conclusion. It is necessary to inform you that under no condition should you contact me via official channels; I will simply deny knowing you and about this project. I repeat, I do not want you contacting me through our official lines neither do I want you contacting me through my official email account. Contact me only through this email address; I do not want any direct link between you and me. My official lines are not secure lines as they are periodically monitored to assess our level of customer care in line with our Total Quality Management policy, do observe this instruction religiously. Please note that I am a woman; happily married with three children.
I send you this mail not without a measure of fear as to what the consequences might be, but I know within me that nothing ventured is nothing gained and that success and riches never come easy or on a platter of gold, this is the one truth I have learned from my private banking clients; do not betray my confidence. If we can be of one accord I shall have the pleasure of meeting you, after this task has been completed.
I await your response with interest, to enable us proceed with the project.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Anissa Mustapha
Diouf Mouka -
YOUR AGE........
Good Day,
Maxwell Agusdin -
11:27 (Há 7 horas)
Dear Friend,
Greetings to you and to your family today. Please, It's of my pleasure as a banker
to transfer an abandoned sum of USD16.5Million to your BANK account. 40/percent will
be your share while 60% for me. No risk involved. Please reply urgently to enable me
furnish you with the full details.
Please, forward the following informations for more details and easy communication.
(1) Your Full Name:...................
(2) Your Private Phone No:............
(3) Your Receiving Country:...........
Only reply through this my private Email address to enable me give you the full
details about the transaction.
Thanks and God bless you.
Mr.Maxwell Augustin.
Mr.Joe Kasim -
(Há 8 horas)
IAMGOLD Company, by IAMGOLD Company, by companies and government of different parts of the countries. Mr.Joe H. Kasim is my real name and I have got my contact with you. I am a good Muslim and I strongly believe and trust you that you will not betray nor denied me whenever this fund is finally transferred into your destination bank account.
It is with trust and sincerity that I approach you for assistance to transfer this fund into your foreign account. Through the use of a bank account in the United States of America, I have the right to withdraw from my account. I will then provide you with further information and modalities that will help you understand the transaction for instructions to our success.
This fund could still be transferred to it for safe keeping afterward. I will pay a visit to your country for the sharing of the fund, and our onward investment in your country. You should contact me with Email address as follow Email: and upon your response, I am waiting to hear from you soonest in success.
Thanks and best regards. (US $ 18, 000.000.00)
Mr.Joe Kasim
(Há 8 horas)
San Francisco International Airport
Terminal Access Road, San Francisco,
California, CA, 94128, USA. Airport Code: SFO
CELL: +1(619)824-5204
I have very vital information to give to you, but first I must have your trust before I review it to you because it may cost me my job,so I need somebody that I can trust for me to be able to review the secret to you.
I am Inspector Mikel Eric, Interim Head of Inspection Luggage/Baggage here at San Francisco International Airport USA, During my recent withheld package routine check at the Airport Storage Vault, I discovered an abandoned shipment from a Diplomat from Africa and when scanned it revealed an undisclosed sum of money in a Metal Trunk Box weighing approximately 110kg.
The consignment was abandoned because the Contents of the consignment was not properly declared by the consignee as $B!H(BMONEY$B!I(B rather it was declared as personal effect to avoid interrogation and also the inability of the diplomat to pay for the United States Non Inspection Charges which is $3,700USD. On my assumption the consignment is stillleft in our Storage Vault here at the San Francisco International Airport till date,the details of the consignment was only your phone number and the official documents from the United Nations office in Geneva are tagged on the Trunk box.
However, to enable me confirm if you are the actual recipient of this consignment, as the Interim Head of Luggage/Baggage Unit, I will advise you provide your current Phone Number and Full Address, to enable me cross check if it corresponds with the address on the official documents tagged.
Note that this consignment is supposed to have been returned to the United States Treasury Department OR to its country of origin as unclaimed delivery,I will not be able to receive your details on my official email account. So in order words to enable me cross check your details, I will advise you send the required details to my private email address for quick processing and response. Once I confirm you as the actual recipient of the trunk box, I can get everything concluded within 48hours upon your acceptance and proceed to your address for delivery.
Lastly, be informed that the reason I have taken it upon myself to contact you personally about this abandoned consignment is because I want us to transact this business and share the money 70% for you and 30% for me since the consignment have not yet been return to the United States Treasury Department after being abandoned by the diplomat so immediately the confirmation is made, I will go ahead and pay for the United States Non Inspection Fee of $3,700 dollars and arrange for the box to be delivered to your doorstep Or I can bring it by myself to avoid any more trouble but you have to assure me of my 30% share.
I wait to hear from you urgently if you are still alive and I will appreciate if we can keep this deal confidential.
Please get back to me via my private Email:{ } for further directives:
You can call me on my telephone number and drop a message.
Thank you.
Mr.Mikel Eric
phone no:+1(619)824-5204
Inspection Officer.
Western Union Money Transfer
Mr.robert Peter
I have sent you several notices concerning the claim of your benefit
that was paid to you as compensation from Benin Republic following my
petition against the Government as a human right activist to compensate
you with the sum of $500,000.00USD But I have not heard from you ever
since and I hope you will reply this last notice. You were meant to be
receiving $10,000.00usd daily until it completes the correct amount of
$500,000.00USD For better understanding of what I mean,
browser Then enter the following details on the displayed box fields and
click CHECK STATUS to track your money online with,
(1) Sender's Name:-------------- Peter Iwunor
MTCN : --------------(2923870680)
Text Question:--------------- In God
Answer: --------------- We Trust
Amount: --------------- USD $5000
(2) Sender's Name:-------------- Peter Iwunor
MTCN : -------------- (9012759321)
Text Question:--------------- In God
Answer: --------------- We Trust
Amount: --------------- USD $5000
The status now shows Available for pick up by receiver because this
amount has been on the system so long for security reasons, since I did
not get any reply message from you after sending you several notices
with the transaction details to enable you pick up your MTCN, Now you
are strongly advised for the last time to go on to make payment of $95
usd for the activation charges via western union money transfer
immediately with the details of the western union agent in Benin.
And send the payment details via email as it clearly appear on the
western union slip because it is impossible and illegal to em-bed the
activation charges from the total funds transferred because of the
lawful restriction that has been placed on your funds that restricts
anyone from tempering with your funds. This amount will be made
available again within 20 minutes at your resident local western union
office after you have settled the activation fee and I will avail you
with the full details of the first 2 M.T.C.N CONTROL NUMBERS of
$10,000,00usd.IMPORTANT NOTICE: If your payment for the activation fee
is not received after Four(4) days this time around, you risk forfeiting
your benefit permanently.
Para -
Western Union Money Transfer
Mr.robert Peter
I have sent you several notices concerning the claim of your benefit
that was paid to you as compensation from Benin Republic following my
petition against the Government as a human right activist to compensate
you with the sum of $500,000.00USD But I have not heard from you ever
since and I hope you will reply this last notice. You were meant to be
receiving $10,000.00usd daily until it completes the correct amount of
$500,000.00USD For better understanding of what I mean,
browser Then enter the following details on the displayed box fields and
click CHECK STATUS to track your money online with,
(1) Sender's Name:-------------- Peter Iwunor
MTCN : --------------(2923870680)
Text Question:--------------- In God
Answer: --------------- We Trust
Amount: --------------- USD $5000
(2) Sender's Name:-------------- Peter Iwunor
MTCN : -------------- (9012759321)
Text Question:--------------- In God
Answer: --------------- We Trust
Amount: --------------- USD $5000
The status now shows Available for pick up by receiver because this
amount has been on the system so long for security reasons, since I did
not get any reply message from you after sending you several notices
with the transaction details to enable you pick up your MTCN, Now you
are strongly advised for the last time to go on to make payment of $95
usd for the activation charges via western union money transfer
immediately with the details of the western union agent in Benin.
And send the payment details via email as it clearly appear on the
western union slip because it is impossible and illegal to em-bed the
activation charges from the total funds transferred because of the
lawful restriction that has been placed on your funds that restricts
anyone from tempering with your funds. This amount will be made
available again within 20 minutes at your resident local western union
office after you have settled the activation fee and I will avail you
with the full details of the first 2 M.T.C.N CONTROL NUMBERS of
$10,000,00usd.IMPORTANT NOTICE: If your payment for the activation fee
is not received after Four(4) days this time around, you risk forfeiting
your benefit permanently.
Para -
08:12 (Há 11 horas)
para mim
Por que esta mensagem está no Spam? Ela é semelhante a mensagens que foram detectadas pelos filtros de spam. Saiba mais
To Your Attention;
On behalf of the board and management of International Monetary
Fund (IMF). London UK, I Christine Lagarde, the Operations
Manager wishes to inform you that your boxes tagged diplomatic
luggage 122 with Ref: No 1226/X42/206 which was deposited in our
vault for safe keeping is due for Immediate collection. Be
informed that we have concluded all arrangements to deliver your
consignment at your door-step through diplomatic means. In line
with the binding diplomatic consignment delivery policies, kindly
furnish us with the following as set forth.
A copy of your international passport or any other means of
identification as the true consignee .The address where the above
cargo/funds should be delivered to and your phone number.List the
nearest international airport to your address location.
Meanwhile, we urge you to treat the above requirement with utmost
urgency to enable us dispense our duties and obligation
accordingly thereby allowing us to serve you in a timely fashion.
Upon satisfactory receipt of all the above mentioned, you Will be
further acquainted with the detailed delivery itinerary including
information of the diplomat who will accompany your boxes.
We pledge our best service at all times.
Yours Faithfully
Christine Lagarde
Director IMF
raternelles Salutations
Desativar para: francês
Mon nom est MELANIE CARRIER-VERNAND de nationalité Française, j’aimerai s'il vous plait demander votre accord pour vous confiez une mission humanitaire et sociale. C’est en faisant une petite recherche sur le moteur de recherche Google que je suis tombé sur votre adresse émail.
Best regards............
Mrs.Xiu.p.liu -
(Há 12 horas)
I am Mrs.Luo Zhu,i work with the Citic Banks of China,i wish to place your name as the Beneficiar to fifteen million three hundred thousand dollars only due to the death of the depositor who died years ago along with her family.However,i assure you that this transaction will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law both in your countre and here in China once the money is transferred to your account.The money I am referring to is right here in this bank floating in suspense account,therefore i solicit for your cooperation to be in collaboration with me to have this done,it will be transferred into an account you will provide any where in the world.I will need you to provide the following information urgently to enable the attorney start the processing of the all the relevant legal documents for the money remittance.all i want you to do for me now is to give me your Name:Address:Tel:Age:Sex: Occupation :so that i can give you more details, Waiting for your reply soon.Mrs.Luo Zhu
NB:Please note that there is no need of your responding back if you are not intended to participate in this venture; just ignore the message.
RESPONDER PARA - Mrs.Xiu.p.liu -
Madame Christine Lagarde ->
(Há 12 horas)
Attention: Beneficiary,
This is to bring to your notice that the International Monetary fund (IMF) in conjunction with Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has been delegated by the United Nation and the United Bank for Africa (UBA) has been ordered by the Nigerian Government to transfer a compensation fund to 48 scam victims the Total Sum of US$35, 000,000.00 USD (Thirty Five Million Five United State Dollars) each, You are listed and approved for this payment as one of the scammed victims to be compensated with the scam victim code: 06654
On this faithful recommendations, know that during the last UN meetings held at Abuja the Capital of Nigeria, it was alarmed so much by the world in the meetings on the lose of funds by various individuals to the Nigerian scams artists operating in syndicates all over the world today In other to compensate victims, the UN Bodies in conjunction with the Nigerian Government is now paying 48 victims of this operators US$35 Million each in accordance with the UN recommendations Due to the corrupt and inefficient Banking Systems in Nigeria, the payments are to be supervised by the International Monetary fund Officials and the United Nation as the corresponding office while the UBA is the paying bank.
According to the number of applicants at hand, 21 Beneficiaries has receive there fund, half of the victims are from the United States, we still have more 27 left to be paid the compensations. Through our findings from western Union and Money Grams that you are one of the scam victims and your information’s was forwarded to this office to enable us contact you for the claim of your fund. Furthermore we are trying all our best to get the Syndicates who claimed to have your fund transfer to you arrested for jeopardizing the Name of this country Nigeria and Africans. You are hereby warned not to communicate or duplicate this message to those Scammers for any reason what so ever as the US secret service is already on trace of the criminals So keep it secret till they are all apprehended as Other victims who have not been contacted can submit their application as well for security and possible consideration.
The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) (Motto: No Body is Above the Law) have combined effort with the United Nation Anti-crime commission to alleviate and redeem the image and past wounds of foreigners and firms who were defrauded, scammed and abandoned by this syndicates to slight down our dignities to international communities, many banks have been in bankruptcy today, Universal firms, Companies and individuals due to the activity of these hoodlums However, investigation have shown that these people have dropped over 500,000 victims after collecting their money falsely, many committed suicide and others living by the grace of God.
With the sanity presently at hand, we have over 500 convicts at hand,300 in kirikri prisons while many are still awaiting trail as we are still fetch for others who feel they are wise and hope that you will be our friend by giving us more information as per clue in apprehending those scammers.
Base on this you are advice to get back to this IMF office for more directives on how you can receive your compensation fund of US$35 Million transferred to you by the paying bank.
Waiting to hear from you as soon as you receive this email.
Madame Christine Lagarde
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