sábado, 1 de fevereiro de 2014


 Se você receber uma mensagem de um destes emails abaixo , tenha certeza que você está diante de um golpista e criminoso virtual.
Caso voce receba emails com mensagens de amor de viuvos/divorciados carentes de sites de relacionamentos, pedido de ajuda/ parcerias para transações,de refugiados, viuvas morrendo querendo fazer doações ,premios de loterias, alguém de outro País querendo comprar imoveis, carros, notebooks etc etc , notificações bancárias, oferta de emprego em outros Países TODAS SÃO MENSAGENS DE GOLPES VIRTUAIS , por favor reencaminhe a mensagem que receberam para:  golpesvirtuais@gmail.com que teremos o maior prazer em adicionar o endereço de email do golpista em nossa listagem diária, só assim, expondo o endereço/mensagens de emails poderemos evitar novas vítimas.Depois disto delete a mensagem recebida e, se possível, bloqueie o endereço de email deste golpista. Obrigada por sua colaboração!!!

Email Id XXXX Place on Hold!
Gmail Team barbara.geering@bsse.ethz.ch

Dear gXXXX

E-mail Address(XXXXXXX is placed on hold due to

several login attempt from different device.

Follow the below URL to activate your access to

our Email Service!

  Click to Reactivate Access

Failure to follow the above instruction will

result in termination of your access to our

Mail Portal.

Mail Team
From: alice jahab
To: xxxxxx
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2014
Subject: saudação em nome de Deus

Caríssimos em Cristo

Saudações em nome majestoso de nosso Senhor e

Salvador Jesus Cristo, como você está e do

membro do seu porão da casa, espero que seja

bem com todos e cada um de vocês, para a glória

de Deus todo-poderoso. Lamento pela demora em

responder à sua mensagem, é como resultado do

ministério da Justiça e da minha situação de

saúde pobre, por favor, aceite minhas desculpas

e prooceed imediato como eu direted abaixo.

Enquanto isso, eu estou feliz de informar que

eu obter o depoimento de hoje do Ministério

Federal da Justiça Cote d'Ivoire, e ter anexado

a declaração e recibo apresentação com o

contato do banco. O comissário de juramento

aqui no Ministério Federal da Justiça enviou

uma cópia da carta de declaração para

Atlantique Banque CI por fax e também em

contato com eles por telefone e eles confirmam

que eles receberam.

Sempre oro por vocês e ter a acreditar que a

obra de Deus será realizar por você, e eu rezo

para que a graça de nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo

esteja com você, prometendo fufil meu desejo,

Porque os olhos do Senhor estão sobre os

justos, E os seus ouvidos atentos às suas

orações; Mas o rosto do Senhor é contra os que

fazem o mal "1 Pedro 3:12.

O Atlantique Banque CI foram informados para

transferir o fundo para você como o novo

beneficiário do fundo, agora você tem que

contactar o banco e instruir a transferência

desse dinheiro sem nenhum atraso. Tenho a forte

acreditar que tudo vai ser concluída sem

qualquer demora, logo que você contatá-los para

a transferência. Por favor, sempre me informar

sobre o processo porque eu vou estar indo para

o meu exame médico muito em breve.

Abaixo estão as informações da conta em caso de

qualquer questão do banco.

Meu falecido marido, Sr. Razaki Jahab
Nacionalidade kuwait
Data de depósito é 15 de fevereiro de 2001
Número de conta: AB/59610348792
Tipo de conta: Conta General Trust
Valor: EUA US $ 3,5 milhões

Aqui está o contato do banco:
Sr. Charles Kie
Remmittance Departamento Banque Atlantique CI
Tel: +22541822283
Email: Banque_Atlantique_CI@mail.com OU


Por favor, vá em frente e entre em contato com

o banco imediatamente e instruí-los para a

transferência desse dinheiro, de modo que eles

vão transferi-lo sem demora para a expansão do

Reino de nosso criador Jesus Cristo, porque ele


Eu quero que você mantenha esta missão muito

confidencial até que o banco transfere o fundo

para você, porque o parente do meu marido estão

fazendo todo o possível para impedir a obra de

Deus. Que a graça de Deus esteja com você e sua


Em um santo amor em Cristo Jesus

Sra. Alice Jahab
2 anexos
order details

para bettie

Dear  Sir,

I will like to know if your company can produce

this product in the
specification and design which our clients are

in need off.

We would also like to know how long the

production will take as there is a
need of this product fast.

Kindly view the attached and let us know if

your company can do it,  we
wait for the outcome.

Thanks for your fast responds to the mail as

time is of great important

Warm Regards,
Mr. Maruti Shinde
International Marketing & Export Executive
World Chem Industries

Isabelle Chevalier

info.service.laureats2014@gmail.com por 




Rester en contact

A votre aimable attention,

Nous sommes heureux de vous informer du

résultat des programmes internationaux de

gagnants de loterie tenus la semaine dernière à

notre siège sis à LONDRES.
Votre adresse Email attachée au billet numéro

AB164C qui en conséquence gagne dans la 1ère

catégorie avec quatre autres personnes, vous

avez été donc approuvés pour percevoir la somme

forfaitaire hors taxe de 250.000 Euros (Deux

Cent Cinquante Mille euros)..



En raison du mélange vers le haut de quelques

nombres et noms, nous demandons de gardez

l'information confidentielle de votre gain

jusqu'à la fin de vos réclamations et que les

fonds vous soit remis. Cela fait partie de

notre protocole de sécurité pour éviter double

réclamation et abus sans garantie de ce

programme par quelques participants.

Tous les participants ont été tirés par un

logiciel de pointe de vote d'ordinateur tiré

parmi plus de 20.000.000 compagnies et de

30.000.000 adresses d'e-mail d'individu de

partout dans le monde.

Ce programme promotionnel de l'Internet a lieu

chaque trois an.
Cette loterie a été favorisée et commandité par

Monsieur BILL GATES, président du plus grand

logiciel du monde (Microsoft), nous espérons

qu'avec une partie votre de gain vous

participerez à la promotion de l'Internet chez

vous car cela fait partie également de la

promotion de Monsieur BILL GATES.

Suite à plusieurs obstacles pour certains

gagnants de rentrer en possession de leur gain,

directement avec le siège à new York, nous

avons cotiges à déléguer quelque agence partout

dans le monde depuis deux années. Cette fois ci

en Afrique de l'ouest plus précisément en Cote

d'Ivoire. (Abidjan)..

Notre STANDARD CHARTERED BANK représentative à

Abidjan débitera immédiatement le processus

pour débloquer vos fonds dès que vous entrerez

en contact avec elle.
Pour les réclamations de votre gain, entré en

contact par courrier avec SVP Notre

représentant officiel de justice.
Maître: ABONDIO FRANCOIS de l'agence de

confiance globale, chargé de la légalisation

des dossiers des lauréats qui ne peuvent se

rendre ici à Abidjan
Contact Direct l’avocat :

Adresse postale: 10 BP 1456 ABJ 10 Residence

ATTA Avenue Chardy 7ème Etage Porte 58
Email : maitre.francois.abondio@gmail.com
TELEPHONE MOBILE :00225 44 08 71 37

Défendre vos intérêts au point de vu juridique

auprès de Maître: ABONDIO FRANCOIS afin

d'éviter certaines erreurs.
Nous vous rappelons de citer à Maître ABONDIO

FRANCOIS par courrier électronique ou par

téléphone les informations Comportant :

1) Votre Nom et Prénoms
2) Adresse Complète
3) Pays de résidence
4) Profession
5) N° De Téléphone
6) N° réf, N°de lot et N°de gain
Ainsi Qu'une Copie De Votre Carte Nationale

D'identité Ou Passeport.

Après Quoi Il Vous Sera Expliqué dans les

moindres détails Comment Entrer En Possession

De Votre Gain.
Se rappeler que le lot doit être réclamé avant

plus de deux semaines, après quoi tous les

fonds non revendiqués seront reversés à

certains Organismes Internationaux de Santé et

de Médecine.
En outre, s’il devrait y avoir n'importe quel

changement d'adresse informez notre agent

aussitôt que possible.
Vous trouvez en dessous les references de votre

References NUMBER : B8Y458AYEP
Numero de LOT : 200985968
Numero de Gain : AB164C
Recevez les félicitations une fois de plus de

nos membres de personnel et nous vous

remercions de faire partie de notre programme


Directrice Des OpErations.

Directrice Exécutif

Ms. Isabelle Chevalier
  Directrice des Opérations
  Service Infos Laureats
Unuted kong
(Téléphone mobile)
(Téléphone (domicile))
(Asst. Téléphone)

Cliquez ici pour mettre à jour vos données

Cliquez ici pour vérifier vos informations

Directrice Des OpErations.
RESPONDER PARA- david.loanfinancialcomany13@gmail.com

Get Your Money Now
Mr.David Jerry smithkn@plu.edu

Do you need money to start a business or invest this new year,if Yes
contact me today
Phone Number:*
Dear Friend,
James Madan jamesmadann2@aol.fr por  mx.aol.com

Dear Friend,

Compliment of the day to you, I sent you a mail a couple of days ago about a transaction and haven’t heard from you since then. The message was to solicit your partnership to transfer the sum of ($10.5 million US dollars). I shall send you more information and procedures when I receive a positive response.I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
James madan
Good day,
Beth A. Nissen banissen@havenhospice.org

 I am asking for your partnership in re-profiling funds $18,6M dollars reply for more details. Regards,Mr Tan Kong E-mail:TanYokeKong09@qq.com

Royal Bank of Scotland plc sosmamma@ptvonline.it
18:26 (57 minutos atrás)
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Just a quick reminder that a payment is due on your RBS Credit Card within 1 day. You can make your payment by logging in to RBS Credit Card Online Services and then selecting Payments & Transfers.


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The Royal Bank of Scotland plc, Registered in Scotland No 90312.
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Wrong Invoice - Please confirm
Cherakapu Santhosh Kumar santoo.cher@gmail.com

Please find attached invoice (INV270494) and confirm its validity along with your bank details and mode of payment, so that payment can be remitted to you in earliest.
Treat as urgent.
Warmest Regards,
Ladislav International1286 Laurel Park TrailMt. Pleasant, SC 29466www.ladislavbartek.com843.608.3486
Urgent reply nedded,direct to my E-mail id: shellplc08@gmail.com
SHELL OIL COMPANY PLC microsft7@microsoftawardq.onmicrosoft.com
Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to inform you that your E-mail id Has been Selected in SHELL OIL Company International E-MAIL ID Promotion, held in the United Kingdom on 2nd Jan 2014 to Get (Five Hundred Thousand Great British Pounds Sterling (£500,000.00 GBP), 3set of Black berry phone, 2 lap top and 3 SHELL OIL company T. shirt, The Lotto Prize was conducted through a balloting system of Email addresses that are active online.

Among the billions that subscribe to different email networks, you have been selected as one of the winners to benefit from this promotion. Payment of prize and claim winners shall be paid in accordance with his/her Settlement Centre. This Award must be claimed no later than 21 working days from date of Draw Notification. Any prize not claimed within this period will be forfeited. Send us your full details as stated below, via Email:  shellplc08@gmail.com

Home Address.......

Congratulations!! Once again.
Yours in service,
Dr. Mark Philip
Award payment officer
Email:  mk.philip09@gmail.com
Tell:  +448719743776
Donation of Mrs. Ruth Hamson
9.3214@zipmail.com.br 9.3214@zipmail.com.br

Donation of Mrs. Ruth Hamson
Bishop [38 rue des martyrs cocody
Abidjan, Ivory Coast.

Please reply me with the my mail address /   r.hamson@yahoo.com

Dearest God

I am from  Kuwait. I am married to Mr. Richead Hamson, who worked with Kuwait embassy in Ivory Coast for nine years before he died in 2004. We were married for eleven years without a child. He died after a brief illness that lasted for only four days.

Before his death, both born again Christian. Since his death I decided not to remarry or get a child outside my matrimonial home which the Bible is against. When my husband was alive he deposited the sum of  ($ 2.5 million) in the bank here in Abidjan suspense account.

Currently, the fund is still in the bank. Recently, my doctor told me that I have serious sickness which is cancer problem. What disturbs me most is my stroke sickness. Knowing my condition I decided to donate this fund to church or those who utilize this money the way I would recommend here. I want a church that will use this fund for orphanages, widows, to promote the word of God and the effort that the house of God is maintained.

The Bible is for us to understand that blessed is the hand that gives. I took this decision because I do not have any child that will inherit this money and my husband relatives are not Christians and I do not want my husband's efforts to be used by unbelievers. I do not want a situation where this money will be used in an ungodly manner. That's why I'm taking this decision. I'm not afraid of death, so I know where I'm going. I know that I'm going to be in the bosom of man. Exodus 14 vs 14 says that the lord will fight my case and I hold my peace.

I do not need a telephone communication in this regard because of my health hence the presence of my husband's relatives around me always and I do not want them to know about this development. In God all things are possible. As soon as I get an answer I will give you contact of the bank here in Abidjan. I want you and the church to always pray for me because the lord is my shepherd. My happiness is that I lived a life worthy Christian. Whoever wants to serve the lord must serve him in spirit and in truth. Always praying for their whole lives.

Reply me for more information's, in your reply will give me room in sourcing another church or person for the same purpose. Let me assure you that they will act accordingly as specified. Hope to get an answer.

Send me the following information, as per below.

Your full name ..........
Address ...........
Age ...............
The occupation ........
Photo ...............

Please reply me with the my mail address /  r.hamson@yahoo.com

Still blessed in you.
Yours in Christ,
Sister Ruth Hamson.
GREETINGS From Syria , 31-01-2014

My name is Abdul Nasser Sokariah and I am writing you from Syria, I choose to contact you directly as I need a reliable person to trust who can help me handle my huge deposit  with a vault company in EUROPE, and based on my present situation in Syria, I need you urgently to take possession of everything and further modalities/directives will follow.Please reply to my private
Email: abdulnasser333@gmail.com

I wait for your response.

Yours truly,
Abdul Nasser Sokariah

Rachid Kabir rachid_kabir1@aol.fr por  mx.aol.com

Dear Friend,

I apologized for barging into your privacy through email contact, it is because it serves as the only medium and more convenient way to get to you faster,; however, it’s just my urgent need for foreign partner that made me to contact you for this transaction. I am a banker by profession from Burkina Faso in West Africa and currently holding the post of Director Auditing and Accounting unit of the bank.

I have the opportunity of transferring the left over funds ($7,200,000) of one of my bank clients who died along with his entire family on 31 July 2000 in a plane crash. You can confirm the geniuses of the deceased death by clicking on this web site http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/859479.stm

Hence, I am inviting you for a business deal where this money can be shared between us in the ratio of 60/40. Send your private phone number to call you, if you agree to my business proposal. Further details of the transfer will be forwarded to you as soon as I receive your return mail. Have a great day.

Your urgent response to this offer will guide me immensely in our decision making.
Contact me for more information, E-Mail: k.rachid135@laposte.net
  Your Faithfully
Mr Rachid Kabir
Ahmed Shaibu shaibua6@hotmail.fr

Dear Friend,

I am Mr. Ahmed Shaibu, an auditor with The Islamic Development Bank(IDB). There was an
account opened in this bank in 1998 and since2002 nobody has operated on this account
again. After going throughsome old files in the records, I discovered that if I do not
remit this money out urgently, this funds will go down the drains, into the hands of
either the board of directors of this bank or the funds may eventually be discovered by
the government as a dormant fund in the forth coming audit by the Nations auditors.

They will confiscate or send it into the government's treasury account. The question now
is who is the government and where is thetreasury? These are human beings like you and I.

The owner of this account is Mr. Hatem Kamil Abdul Fattah an Iraqi national and a miner
at Kruger Gold Co, a geologist by profession and he died in 2003 . No other person knows
about this account or any thing concerning it, the account has no other beneficiary and
my investigation proved to me as well that his company does not know anything about this

The amount involved is Ten Million Five hundred thousand United States Dollars
($10.500.000)  I am only contacting you, as a foreigner because this money cannot be
approved to a local bank account here, but can only be approved to any foreign account
and foreign beneficiary because the money is in US dollars and the real owner of the
account is Mr Hatem Kamil Abdul Fatah, himself a foreigner too.

I only got your contact address from my secretary who operates computer; with belief in
God that you will never let me down in this business so that I will inform you the next
step to take immediately.

I need your full co-operation to make this work fine because the management is ready to
approve this payment to any foreigner, who has correct information of this account,
which I will give to you later, if you will be able to handle such amount in strict
confidence and   trust according to my instructions and advice for our mutual benefit
because this opportunity will never come again in our life.

Your earliest response to this letter will be appreciated. Reply to:shaibua6@voila.fr

Demande de Collaboration
YAO BROU DANIEL bonheurs993@inmano.com

Je viens par ce mail vous formuler une demande de collaboration.
J’ai en ma possession des documents confidentiels (Titres de propriété
– certificats de dépôt) de mon défunt père prouvant qu'il a fait
consigner dans une société de valeurs immobilières des biens et vu mon
age et les clauses du contrat je ne peux procéder à la revendication de
ces biens.
je souhaiterais donc trouver un partenaire pour récupérer et bénéficier
de ces biens.
Veuillez me faire un retour de mail afin que je puisse vous donner plus
de détails.
Dans l’attente de vous lire, recevez mes cordiales salutations.

Winning Code (AQ11WWRZZA1)!!!
@British Online Co-Ordinators yplinwon@singnet.com.sg

This is to inform you that you have been selected for a cash prize of 1,200,000 (British Pounds)  held on the 29th of January 2013 in London(United Kingdom).The selection process was carried out through random selection in Our computerized email selection system (ESS) London UK. For claims,

Fill the below:

1.Full Name
2.Full Address
3.Marital Status
8.Country Of Residence
9.Telephone Number

Agent Name: Mr. Christopher Williams
Tel: +44 7031-9193-67
Email (british.online@yahoo.ie)

mridula.mrsgogna@yahoo.in por  clear.net.nz

I'm still waiting your reply to my proposal.
RESPONDER PARA - su_001morgan@yahoo.co.jp

From Mrs Susan Morgan
Susan Morgan sus_morgan1@yahoo.co.jp

From Mrs Susan Morgan

BP [38 Rue Des Martyrs Cocody
Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire


I am the above named person from Kuwait. I am married to Mr. Abram Morgan, who worked with Kuwait embassy in Ivory Coast for nine years before he died in the year 2004. We were married for eleven years without a child. He died after a brief illness that lasted for only four days.

Before his death we were both born again Christian. since his death I decided not to remarry or get a child outside my matrimonial home which the Bible is against. When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of $2. 5 Million (Two Million and Five Hundred thousand U.S. Dollars) in the bank here in Abidjan in a suspense account.

Presently, the fund is still in the bank. Recently, my Doctor told me that i have seriously sickness which is cancer problem. The one that disturbs me most is my stroke sickness. Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to a church or individual that will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct herein. I want a Person, church or organization that will use this fund for orphanages, widows, propagating the word of God and to endeavor that the house of God is maintained.

The Bible made us to understand that blessed is the hand that giveth. I took this decision because Exodus 14 VS 14 says that the Lord will fight my case and I shall hold my peace.

I don’t need any telephone communication in this regard because of my health hence the presence of my husband’s relatives is around me always I don't want them to know about this development. With God all things are possible. As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the bank here in Abidjan. I want you and the church to always pray for me because the Lord is my shepherd. My happiness is that I lived a life of a worthy Christian. Whoever that wants to serve the Lord must serve him in spirit and Truth. Please always be prayerful all through your life.

Contact me through my e-mail address for more information, any delay in your reply will give me room in sourcing another church or individual for this same purpose. Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I Stated herein.

Hoping to receive your reply.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

Yours in Christ,
Mrs Susan Morgan.

RESPONDER PARA - lilianayew333@gmail.com

Good day:
lilianayew lilianayew11@gmail.com por  un9.huxley.com.ar

Good day:
I am LILIAN from Lagos,Nigeria. My parents and my only brother where killed. Since then I have been with my uncles but they have made thing to be more difficult for me because of their eyes on my late fathers properties.
Before the death of my father, he has $5.5 m USD in a fixed deposit domiciliary account with a bank in Lagos,Nigeria, which I am the next of kin.I humbly need your assistance in transferring this fund for investment and i will give you 20% for you effort .
On hearing from you i will give you more details.
lilianayew333 at g m a i l.c o m


----- Original Message ----- From:
To: "You"
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2014 8:31 AM
Subject: [Spam] Eu precisam de sua atenção imediata à minha proposta.

Eu precisam de sua atenção imediata à minha proposta.

Sou Diretor Executivo, do industrial e
Commercial Bank of China (ICBC). Eu tenho um negócio mútuo
proposta, que diz respeito à transferência de uma grande soma de
dinheiro para uma conta no estrangeiro, com a sua ajuda como um estrangeiro
parceiro, como o destinatário dos fundos. tudo sobre
essa operação, será feito legalmente sem problemas com
qualquer autoridade financeira. Por favor, procurar observar maior
critério em todas as questões relacionadas a este assunto. Se você é
interessado, por favor, responder de volta através do meu endereço de e-mail privado
escrito abaixo, e eu vou dar-lhe mais informações sobre
eu eo projeto assim que eu receber a sua resposta positiva.

E-mail privado:   wyongli@programmer.in.th

Amigável saudação
Diretor Executivo.
ICBC China

(sem assunto)
Brogan, Kristin kbrogan@butler.edu

Do you need money to start a business or invest this new year,if Yes contact me at this email: williamsmithloancompany10@gmail.com

Um comentário:

  1. Só não fui vítima destes golpes, porque estou sempre muito alerta. Mas, recebi mensagens de duas pessoas ao mesmo tempo e tenho as fotos. Agora, pergunto: Se as fotos, não são dos verdadeiros golpistas porque posta-las? Não é crime exibir a foto de uma pessoa, dizendo-se culpada, sendo a mesma vítima desses golpistas? Essa pessoa, não pode responsabilizar a pessoa que postou, sabendo-se inocente? Aguardo resposta.


COMENTÁRIOS MODERADOS. Após a postagem, aguarde a aprovação. Não será garantia de ser aceito.