---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Halima Nabbous < halimanabbous@yahoo.com>
Date: 2014-07-14 14:19 GMT+02:00
Subject: More about me.
Hello Dear
Good Day to you and how are you today, I hope you are doing great and
fine as well. I have been praying to have someone who will help and
rescue me from the situation I am facing in the refugee camp. I am
constrained to contact you because of the situation I am facing in the
refugee which is so boring and horrible. Refugee camp is like a
prison, I hope by God's grace that I will be out from the refugee camp
through your help and assistance.
My choosing you is a question I know you must ask someday and I think
it is a good question. I have prime two reason for choosing you,
firstly I contacted you through God's inspiration and I believe
knowing you will bring hope back again to my life. I contacted you
personally for help and assistance which may eventually lead us into
long term relationship or somewhere better if we work well on it.
I found out in one of the files that my father of blessed memory
deposited the sum of ($7.900.000.00) Seven Million Nine Hundred
Thousand Dollars in a Bank with my name (Miss.Halima Mohammed Nabbous)
as the next of kin as the personal and also in the will of my late
father stated that there was a trunk box that he deposited in with the
private firm as family treasure box which contact the sum of
($ US DOLLARS) One Million United state Dollar but what I
need from you now is just to stand as my investor/partner to retrieve
the money in the bank first, then when I arrive in your country we can
go together to claim the trunk box which was deposited with private
volt firm in my country.
But before I give you further detail, I will like to know more about
you such as:
Names _______________________
Address _____________________
Telephone ___________________
Country _____________________
Age _____________________
Years Of Investment Ideal _____________________
I want you to stand as my partner and trustee to retrieve my late
father's from the bank where was deposited. Then after the transfer of
the money to your account,you will arrange for my trip of joining you
over there. I intend to compensate you with 30% of the total money for
your services and will give you the privilege to invest the rest
amount to the business of your choice provided you will not take
advantage of me in the future, then after my studies and when I come
up on age, I will take back the investment.
I have already made known to the bank where my late father deposited
the money about the death of my father and they have acknowledged it
and have given me instruction to appoint for someone that will stand
for me based on the agreement they had with my late father. Meanwhile
the bank where my late father father deposited the money advise me to
get in touch with a very responsible person who will stand on my
behalf as my partner and trustee which is inline with the agreement
that my late late father had with the bank when he deposited the
money. I am presently in refugee camp and my status over here wouldn't
be permitted to handle such transaction because it is against the law
of this country for refugees to handle such situations so I will not
be given the permit to do so that is the reason I have entrusted this
offer to you.
I just have to let you know about this so that you can assist me to be
my partner and trustee on this issue. If you wish to talk with me
through phone, then you have to reach me through Rev Joachim Matthew
phone number
The Reverend is a Missionary that is in charge of voluntary and
charity work in the refugee camp. Whenever you call just tell him that
you are my friend or appointed beneficiary and you wish to speak with
me then he will send for me to come and answer your call from the
female hostel room 0004. The time to call is as from 10 AM till 5 PM
GMT Perhaps I still have a lot to discuss with you.
I kept this secret to people in the refugee camp here but the only
person that knows about it is the Reverend Pastor. I want you to keep
this issue confidential until we meet each other. As soon as I got
positive response from you, I will introduce you to the bank and will
also give you the contact details where my late father deposited the
money. I hope and expect to have positive response from you as soon as
possible. I shall appreciate an urgent message indicating your ability
and willingness to handle this relationship and transaction sincerely.
Have a nice time and do think about me.
Your Frankly
Miss Halima
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: favouremabar23@hotmail.com
Date: 2014-07-14 17:23 GMT+02:00
Subject: From Favoure
Hello dear,
How is your day. Mine was hot over here in Dakar Senegal.
My name is Mabar Favoure 24 single and never married, i am from
Liberia in West Africa and presently I am residing in the refugee camp
here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil war that was fought in
my country.
My late father Dr. Johnson Mabar. He was also the president INDUSTRIAL
COMPANY LTD director Johnson, in Monrovia and he is also the personal
advicer the former head of state before the rebels attacked our house
one early morning killing my mother and my father. It was only me that
is alive now and i managed to make my way to near by country Senegal
where i am living now as a refugee.
I like to know more about you. Your likes and dislikes, your hobbies
and what you are doing presently. I'll tell you more about myself in
my next mail. Attached here is my picture and I would see her,
hoping to hear from you.
your Favoure
Tenho mantido conversa com um homem pela internete, acho que pode ser um scarmmes. Pois le sobre esse tipo de golpe. O email dele e collinsjoe121@live.com pela conversa dele bate com a dos scammes, ele tem uma filha de 5 anos e viuvo e tem uma galeria de arte em , United kingdom Londres. Já procurei foto dele e nao achei. Segue em anexo as foto que ele me enviou
oi como você, permita-me me apresentar, meu nome é Bettina, eu sou banqueiro sênior e você? desculpe incomodá-lo, só que eu gosto de você, você seria meu amigo? eu tenho algum problema confidencial para discutir com você, me responda em meu email Kahles19@hotmail. com porque temos assunto importante Amor disco de Bettina me responda ON Kahles19@hotmail. com
hi how are you, permit me to introduce myself, my name is Bettina, i am Senior Banker and you ? sorry to disturb you, Just that I like you, would you be my friend ? i have some confidential issue to discuss with you, reply me on my Emila Kahles19@hotmail. com because we have important matter to discus Love from Bettina REPLY ME ON Kahles19@hotmail. com
lindkum said on 7:34 PM
hello my name is linda, i saw your profile and become interested to know you more, please i will like you to send me a mail to my email (Lindakume@hotmail.com).please i have something serious to discuse with you.
textme1 said on 26/06/14 3:50 PM
Hi my dear thanks for you responds to my mail.You can add me to m_soul14@yahoo.com.Please send me some pics and you can add me to m_soul14@yahoo messenger so that we have an instant chat and get to know allot about each other and take very good care of your self.My yahoo im is m_soul14@yahoo.com.Your Loving Mercilin..
babylov00 said on 26/06/14 8:47 PM
Hello, I am miss Betty by name i saw your profile here and decided to contact you for pure and good friendship, distance, language nor color cannot be a barrier between us and i am interested to meet each other in reality, if you don´t mind contact me with my private email ( bettybe93@yahoo.com ) so i can tell you more about me with more of my photos, i don´t usually come online here so lets communicate through email thanks Betty. Reply to my alternative email address bettybe93@yahoo.com
stellalove007 said on 11/05/14 8:06 AM
My name is Ms Stella Joubert It pleases me to write you for friendship through this site though we have not met or seen each other before. I´m interested in your profile and you are the kind of person i can share my private issue with. Please contact me Let us talk privately at my e-mail ID: (stella.joubert90@gmail.com). I will send my pictures to you as soon as i receive your reply in my private e-mail box. Yours, Stella. (stella.joubert90@gmail.com).
Tudo indica que estou passando por uma situação descrita por você em seu blog. Ele entrou em contato comigo através do site xxxxxx e começamos a conversar por skype (sem cam) e por email. Ele diz ser capitão do exército americano, na Bulgária). Depois de algum tempo, como não gosto de nada virtual, propus um encontro. Ele disse que já tinha tirado as férias regulares e iria ver como seria o caminho para retirar novas férias. depois de uns dias ele disse que seria necessário abrir um processo, onde eu teria que me registrar no exército americano requisitando as férias dele. Eu preenchi um formulário apenas com meu endereço, nome, grau de parentesco com o oficial e algumas informações do próprio oficial (no caso o capitão Thompson Clark, email tclark147@yahoo.com). No entanto, eu tive que pagar uma taxa para isso. E eu paguei, depois disso foram requisitadas novas taxas. E eu paguei. Tudo parecia muito lógico e não tenho vergonha de dizer, pois aquilo para mim fazia todo sentido. E obviamente, em se confirmando o golpe, eu terei que encarar, como já estou encarando. Claro que estou triste e decepcionada, mas só de saber que existem pessoas como vocês, já fico mais tranquila, pois achei que teria que sofrer sozinha.
Mas, voltando esta estória envolveu várias pessoas o capitão Thompson Clark, outro agente do exército James Linde, um general Constantin Popov, (cujo email é army.dept@specialmilitaryunit.com) e as agentes que recebiam o dinheiro nos Estados Unidos:
- Donna Green
City : Eufuala
State : Alabama
Zip code: 36027
Country : USA
- Diane Nickum
City: Whitehall
Zip Code: 18052
State: Pennsylvania
Country: USA
- Debra Smith
City : Farina
State: Illinois
Zip Code: 62838
- Annete Landreth
City: Saint Peter
State: illinois
Zip Code: 62880
- Christinne Ann Yesko
City : Warren
State : Pennsylvania
Zip Code : 16365
Country : USA
No anexo envio um dos primeiros emails dele e uma foto dele.
Good day how are you doing today?sorry for writing you this late after you've
given me your email on PP...here is little about me and I will love to read from
you too.
I'm a captain in the Army force 49 years old with a kid,I will like you to please
tell me more about yourself and what you like doing ? I am romantic,patient,
generous, kind, and loving kind of person.
I am always upbeat, have a positive attitude about most things and I like
to have fun. I enjoy music, theater, movies and art. I love to travel, and to go
sightseeing. I love museums, romantic dinners and sunsets..also I am a fun
loving person who loves to laugh and make others laugh. ......I am 6 ft tall and
dark brown hair, i have not gone through any dates since my wife passed..
I love playing basketball and Gardening, writing and watch sporting games
and a whole lot other things to keep my mind at easy from the pain i had since
i had after i lost my wife. I am looking and seeking for Someone special to
capture my heart and knows how to handle it with care distance does not matter
to me ,one who i will cherish and be willing to share life's greatest joys and
sorrows.someone who is getting tired of the bar scene, someone who is looking
for something that can turn into a long term relationship and if possible marriage
that will last forever.Someone who will enjoy just spending time together no
matter what we're doing,I like to travel and i think i have been a good traveler
and better one , so please do get back to me about what you love to do. what
you do for a living,your likes and dislikes, I'll be looking forward to read from
you soon but until then let's keep the flame burning,do you always get on the
messenger so that we can chat on there?Can you send me more pictures of
EMAIL DO GOLPISTA - ee7071@live.com
Subject: RE: Estou realmente em apuros
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014
Minha querida XXXXXX
Estou realmente em apuros, eu ainda estou no porto de mar para chegar veículos off-carregado, sem saber que o montante que eu suponho que pagar tem aumento, o que eu deveria pagar para o carregamento fora de veículos do navio é de € 81 000 (EURO) agora eles insistem que eu devo pagar € 89 000 (EURO), que eu paguei € 81 000 (EURO) como parte de pagamento, eu ainda preciso pagar o saldo de 9 000 € (EURO) 'por favor meu amor, eu preciso de você para me ajudar com isso € 9000 (EURO) mel eu preciso para obter os carros off-load do navio 'Eu prometo dar a você de volta depois que eu terminar o meu negócio. Por favor, você é minha única esperança
Seu marido Emil
Uma garota por nome Reema kaymba, entrou em contato comigo, dizendo que e uma refugiada que queria minha ajuda. O email dela e esse (reema_swity@hotmail.com) queria saber quem estar por traz deste email, desde ja agradeco a ajuda, ai vai as fotos que ela me enviou.
Seu e-mail é robin_sm45@yahoo.com, Robinson Smith.
O telefone que ele passou é telemóvel +2347039132866.
Segue o teor do último e-mail:
Bom dia minha amada esposa,
Como foi sua noite? eu espero que você está fazendo muito bem a minha rainha do meu coração, o meu amado eu sinto tanto sua falta e eu preciso de você minha esposa. minha amada esposa que você não tem que ser susto bem, estamos bem aqui só que eu preciso de sua ajuda. você sabe que está supor para estar no meu próprio quarto de hotel para que possamos relaxar bem e se sentir confortável, mas estamos com alguém no seu quarto de hotel e nós precisamos estar no nosso próprio hotel, mas eu não tenho dinheiro suficiente à mão para pagar o alojamento, por isso a minha esposa que eu quero que você me emprestar uma certa quantidade de dinheiro para que eu possa pagar o alojamento como $ 2000 dólares de minha esposa por favor, eu prometo pagar de volta com juros, por favor ajude-me a minha mulher, eu te amo com todo o meu coração, beijo e abraço.
De mim e nossa filha
seu Amado
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: rose dickson
Date: 2014-07-15 10:32 GMT+02:00
Dearest love,
How are you today and how was your night and your health over there?
I hope fine and Mine is a bit tough over here in Dakar Senegal
In this camp we are only allowed to go out from the camp only on
Mondays and Fridays of the weeks.Its just like one staying in the
prison and i hope by God's grace i will come out here soon. I don't
have any relatives now whom I can go to all my relatives ran away in
the middle of the war the only person i have now is Rev. Peter Mialo
who is the Rev Father of the (Christ The Saviour Mission) here in the
camp he has been very nice to me since I came here but I am not living
with him rather I am leaving in the women hostel because the camp have
two hostels one for men the other for women.The pastors e-mail address
+ 221-768484617
if you call and tell him that you want to speak with me he will send
for me in the hostel. As a refugee here I don't have any right or
privileged to any thing be it money or whatever because it is against
the law of this country.I want to go back to my studies because I only
attended my first year before the tragic incident that lead to my
being in this situation now took place.
Please listen to this (please it's a secret, even the Reverend don't
know about it), I have my late father's Deposit Certificate and death
certificate here with me which i will send to you later, because when
he was alive he deposited some amount of money in a leading bank in
Senegal here which he used my name as the next of kin, the amount in
question is $3.5 (Three Million Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars). So
I will like you to help me transfer this money to your account and
from it you can send some money for me to get my traveling documents
and air ticket to come over to meet with you.I kept this secret to
people in the camp here(even the Reverend don't know about it),because
i am afraid of loosing this money if they gets to know about it.
So, in the light of above I will like you to keep it to yourself and
don't tell it to anyone for I am afraid of loosing my life and the
money if people gets to know about it. Remember i am giving you all
this information due to the trust I deposed on you. I like honest and
understanding people, truthful and a man of vision, truth and
hardworking. My favorite language is English but our language is
French but I speak English very fluently.
Meanwhile I will like you to call me like I said I have a lot to tell you.
Have a nice day and think about me.
Awaiting to hear from you soonest.
Yours lovely baby
Olá bom dia.
Gostaria de estar divulgando emails e fotos de pessoas que tentaram me induzir a cair no golpe virtual o qual só fui descubrir por mera curiosidade de uma amiga.
Fiquei assustada, pois a principio achei que fosse somente um homem cafageste querendo tirar proveito de uma situação.
email: marcnutty121@ gmail.com
Dando sopa assim,, hahahah como acreditar..pede camera e não diz que não tem ,,kkkkkk http://www.tagged.com/profile.html?uid=6011262056
sou Bernard de alemania divorciado sem filhos gosto de sua perfil quero conhocer voce estou na brasil em rio de janeiro em hotel Rio Othon Palace Avenida Atlântica, 3264, Copacabana por ferias procuro a relacao seria por vida trabalho como homeme de negocios si queres add mim na skype ;Bernard.leblanc21 sera um prazer conhocer voce de verdad Obrigado
sou Bernard de alemania divorciado sem filhos gosto de sua perfil quero conhocer voce estou na brasil em rio de janeiro em hotel Rio Othon Palace Avenida Atlântica, 3264, Copacabana por ferias procuro a relacao seria por vida trabalho como homeme de negocios si queres add mim na skype ;Bernard.leblanc21 sera um prazer conhocer voce de verdad Obrigado
- _________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________ - _____________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ - EMAIL DO GOLPISTA - yardleyalton1@outlook.com
- EMAIL DO GOLPISTA - eric_d19@hotmail.com
- email do golpista - mrbensonrobert@yahoo.com
- EMAIL DO GOLPISTA - martinmay65@yahoo.com
- ____________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________ - EMAIL DO GOLPISTA - Johnedward398@yahoo.com
- EMAIL DO GOLPISTA - Morgan_fudge@yahoo.com
- email do golpista - mibman4297@yahoo.com
- EMAIL DO GOLPISTA - michaelwood102@yahoo.com
- _______________________________________________________________________
- EMAIL DO GOLPISTA - Frankilliamamos@yahoo.com
- email: patrickdennis626 @yahoo.com
- já tem publicado, mas me enviou mensagem ontem
- EMAIL DO GOLPISTA - adswright@yahoo.co.uk ou adswright49@hotmail.com.
- ________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________ - EMAIL DO GOLPISTA - a s_jason44@yahoo.com
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