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terça-feira, 16 de abril de 2013
se você encontrar esta página da web enquanto procurava um texto de e-mail específico, então você está quase certamente lidando com um scammer e-mail. É melhor você parar toda a comunicação de imediato uma vez que esta pessoa é perigosa e provavelmente irá tentar levá-lo à falência dentro de curto espaço de tempo, se não for ainda pior. Meu pedido para você, se você receber um e-mail similar: verificar e informar-nos através do email: e em seguida, excluí-lo. Se você puder, por favor bloqueie o remetente do e-mail scammer. Você vai viver muito mais seguro com isso.
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Congratulation!! You Have Won toyota promo Lucky Draw 2013
2013/4/16 -
2013/4/12 yuan -
Dear sir/madam,
We are an import and export company of Tianjin,China. Now we have an item of importing Honey.
If you are the supplier, please tell me your product’s detail information and the competitive quotation. I hope we can have further communication.
Awaiting for your reply.
Best wishes
TianJin An He Sheng Imp & Exp Co., Ltd
General Manager: XueSen Yuan
Mob:+86 18602689156
Tel: 400889 2163—237144
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Oferta de empréstimo
Em 13 de abril de 2013 04:30, Norton Finance - escreveu:
Eu sou a Sra. Veronica Morgan, eu sou uma pessoal Norton Finanças. Oferecemos empréstimos pessoais e de negócios com base de capital entre os montantes de € 2.000,00 a € 10.000.000,00 euros europeus para indivíduos, empresas e Cooperar corpos, com taxa de juros tão baixa quanto 3%. Contacte-nos via:
Sra. Veronica Morgan
Return-Path: -
Liberty Reserve New Safety Measures
2013/4/13 ->
Please note that in all e-mails from Liberty Reserve we will:
1. Keep your account secure by following these simple rules.
2. Contact us if you are unsure about an email you received.
Dear friends,
It has been reported to us that some of you are having trouble signing in to your account.
We are aware of this situation and are now working to rectify the situation as soon as possible.
For that reason we ask you to re-verify your data
We apologize for any inconveniences you may experience as a result of this process and assure you to resolve any account related issues promptly.
To get started, please click the link below:
Click Here To Verify Your Account Identity
Please DO NOT reply to this e-mail.
For information and support please use our contact form in the help section of our web site
Thank you for choosing Liberty Reserve.
Use This Funds For Motherless Babies Pls!!!
2013/4/13 Mrs Sandra J -
I am Mrs.Sandra John, A widow,i am writing this mail from Hospital, i have been
hospitalized for over 8 months now as Cancer patient and Dictors said that i will not survive this sickness and i have short time to leave on Earth. So i will like to invest some FUNDS on Motherless Babies Foundation in your Country through your assistance.Pls reply me urgently via this my email ( for full details.Thanks.Awaiting your swift response.
Mrs Sandra.J
responder para -
From The Desk Of: Dr.Johnson Reid
2013/4/13 Bank of America <>
Bank of America
Branch Offices New York
1680 Broadway, New York,
NY 10019, USA.
Vice Chairman on Investment Banking
Director, Credit Control Dept.
Attn: The Beneficiary,
We are hereby officially notify you concerning your fund telegraphic
Transfer through our bank, Bank of America, New York, to your bank
account, which has been officially approved by the management of World
Bank Swiss (WBS) to credit the sum of US$18.5 Million into your bank
Note that I have started processing your payment and every thing
concerning the immediate remittance of your funds will be carried out
within the shortest possible time from the time we received your? Below
needed information.
Also be informed that the Governor of Bank in London (BL) will sign on
your payment advice and a copy of the advice will be sent to the World
Bank in Swiss for some record purposes. Meanwhile your information and
your full contact details were received from our research manager, Barr.
Paul Peterson on your behalf to FRB for immediate release of your fund.
This fund was part of the lodged Late President Saddam Hussein of Iraq
discovery fund with World Bank of Switzerland, which the Swiss Bank has
decided to distribute it generously to help few lucky individuals and the
American Government is in agreement with the Swiss Bank to distribute the
fund to 700 hundred thousand people in America, Europe & Asia in other to
help improve their businesses.
Therefore, reconfirm the aforesaid information accurately, because this
office cannot afford to be held liable for any wrong transfer of funds or
liable of any fund credited into an unknown account.
These are the information we needed to be reconfirmed by you.
1.Your Full Bank Account Details
2.Your Direct Cell or office phone to reach you
3.Your address of locations
4.Your full name
Finally, you are required to reconfirm directly to me the above
information to enable me use it to process your bill of payment.
Your quick response shall be mostly appreciated; all your response should
be directed through our alternative email address for the immediate
attention of the credit control department.
Yours Faithfully,
Dr.Johnson Reid.
Vice Chairman, Director, Credit /Telex Department.
responder para -
2013/4/13 Mr. Leung Wing Lok -
Dear Friend,
I am (Mr. Leung Wing Lok) from Hong Kong,I Hoped that you will not expose or
betray this trust and confident that I am about to transact with you for the
mutual benefit of our both families. I need your urgent assistance in
transferring the sum of $19,500,000.00USD away from my Bank to a private Bank I
will advise you to open. Please I would like you to keep this proposal as a top
secret or delete it from your mail box, if you are not interested. Also note
that you will have 30% of the above mentioned sum, if you agree to transact the
business with me while 70% will be for me. I will give you full information
details as regards this transaction as soon as you notify me of your interest.
Please Email me on my private email:
Mr. Leung Wing Lok
This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
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Earn Cash Money Just to Upload Videos to YouTube
2013/4/13 YOUTUBE CASH -
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Welcome to TubeLaunch, the only place online where you can earn cold hard cash simply by uploading videos!
TubeLaunch is turning the internet world upside-down and for the first time ever, anybody with a computer can legitimately earn an income from home without having to meet any requirements.
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Your Electronic Transfer Is Completed
2013/4/13 Kristen -
We approved your account for an exclusive
Internet Marketing Money snagging offer
Grab it here
Talk Soon,
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products recommended via emails.
You can unsubscribe below if you wish.
While the products services I recommend are
specifically designed to help you grow certain
aspects of your business. You should do your
own due-diligence to see if the product is a
good fit for you. Results will vary.
Darkenwald Media LLC, 5 Boxwood Ct, Valhalla, NY, 10595, Valhalla, New York 10595, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.
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Concealed Transaction
2013/4/13 Sung LEE -
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Mr.Sung Lee, Auditing and Account Credit Officer, Dah Sing Bank Ltd,(Hong Kong). I ask for your partnership in re-profiling funds Transfer.
Further to this,details would be made known if interested but in summary the funds would be transferred from my bank and further to this other informations to facilitate the remittance of the funds will be revealed to you in due course. For your assistance, you shall receive 25% of the funds to be transferred .
I will appreciate if you can reply me on my email-
I'm looking forward to it
Sung Lee
responder para -
Bonjour Je suis Mme DIONNE Debo de nationalité française résidente au Bénin en Afrique de l’ouest. J’ai pu obtenir votre adresse mail grâce au Robot électronique sécurisé de mon Ordinateur PC.TW.8AR. J’envisage réaliser un projet qui me tient à cœur mais compte tenu de ma santé actuelle je ne pourrai le mettre en place que par le biais d’une personne de bonne foi. J’aimerai vous faire grâce d’une importante somme d’un million vingt-cinq mille (1 025 000) euros afin que vous puissiez vous en servir pour venir en aide aux pauvres et enfants démunies de votre localité. Qu’il vous rassure que vous n’avez pas été choisi au hasard pour cette offrande, car l’intuition divine en qui j’ai toute ma foi vous a choisi parmi tant d’autre personne. Je suis actuellement malade d’un cancer du cerveau et mon docteur traitant m’a révéler que je ne vivrai plus assez longtemps, raison pour laquelle je veux vous confier ce projet qui me tient à cœur. J’a
2013/4/13 Dionne Debo -
lening bieden
2013/4/13 Asbjørn Reitan -
3 Princess Way, Redhill, Surrey RH1 1SR
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Onze service heeft een rente van 3%.
Eva Monica
responder para -
2013/4/13 kselcuk -
Your Email have been awarded £1,532,720 GBP in our BBC ONLINE
Award,provide your. Full Name: Full Address:Age:Sex Status Occupation:Phone
My Dear Belove
2013/4/13 Mrs. Anita Roberts -
I am Mrs. Anita Roberts, suffering from cancerous ailment. I was married
to Sir Johnson Roberts an English shipping tycoon notable for his great
charitable activities before his death in March 24th, 2010.When my late
husband was alive he deposited the sum of One Ponint Three Million Pounds
(1.3,000,000.00 GBP) which were derived from his vast estates and
investment in capital market with his bank here in London and named me as
the beneficiary of this trust fund. (All records are kept with my family
lawyer). Presently, this money is still with the Bank.
My Doctor told me recently, that I have limited days to live due to the
cancerous problems that I have been suffering from,Though what bothers me
most is the stroke that I have in addition with the Cancer. With this hard
reality that has befallen me, I have decided to donate this fund to YOU and
i want you to use this gift which comes from my Late husbands effort to
establish a charity home for the upkeep of widows, widowers, orphans,
destitute, the down-trodden, physically challenged children, barren-women
and persons who prove to be genuinely handicapped financially. I took this
decision because I do not have any child that will inherit this money and
my husband relatives are bourgeois and very wealthy persons and I do not
want my husband hard earned money to be misused or invested into ill
perceived ventures, which is the reason i took this bold decision.
responder para -
2013/4/12 Grettings from Ms. Wooten <>
Grettings from Ms. Wooten
I am contacting you through email not only because of its reliability for rapid exchange (quick delivery and reply) of messages but also because it has been proven to be very secure more than postal and fax messages. Moreover I chose using the email for reason of assured privacy and its suitability for recall of content.So coming via the internet medium,I hope that the content of this mail is not misinterpreted to be from one among those
of the invasion of your privacy.However, I will remain wary and cautious while sending this message to you until I an convinced you quite understand its importance and get this treated with urgent attention and confidentiality it deserves. I am holding back specifics for security reasons until you revert with a confirmation of a visit to or a view of the news websites below which are meant to give historical background and insight about the subject matter. (PRESSTV) (BBC) (CBS NEWS) (VOA NEWS)
Although the funds in question have been of public knowledge long before now but what remains secret to public is the identity of those officers that were involved in counting and protection of the recovered funds by US army. It will interest you to know that I am one of the US army officers who were entrusted with the responsibility of counting and moving the seized funds reported in the news stories. I was one of the five officers questioned by military
authorities as also reported in the above news story. All I can say for now is that I was a Major in the U.S. Army until the recent dis-engagement from Iraq as a result of the end of the war. The American/Iraq war has officially ended but I will only give further details about our intended partnership when you assure me never to go public with message content.I will like to share more information about my personal involvement that led to my keeping aside a big stash of cash.
The cash is waiting to be moved out of Europe to a trusted fellow for safe-keeping and investment purpose(s) or rather invested in Europe depending on how and what we agree. If you are such a fellow who can keep a secret and be sincere I will let you know how to receive 3 boxes containing huge sum of cash (over $10,000,000.00) to be invested for our mutual benefits. I will rather duel more on the issue of trust, honesty,reliability and your capability to handle it at your end without compromising on confidentiality it deserve . Simply put,the essence of this message is strictly for our mutual benefit and nothing more.
I do assure you that we both stand to gain enormously from an uncommon transaction of this nature. I will be vivid and explicit with details in my next message to allow you get more facts, but before I do so I will appreciate your giving me the needed info by doing the followings :
1. Confirm if any / all 4 international news links above have been visited/viewed successfully.
2. Confirm your understanding of my intention for you to receive and invest the funds properly.
3. Promise to let our partnership remain a secret between us.
4. Provide me with your complete names,complete physical address,phone number(s),mobile number,
your age and profession/occupation.
Please note that time is very of essence since there is a limit to how long to wait.All requested 1-4 above needs to be complied with to help me take
immediate and final decisions .While waiting to get your response I plead once again that you share this proposal on mutual collaboration with no one.
Please send your response to my PRIVATE email address as follows
Maj. Peggie Wooten
responder para -
Facebook Warning
2013/4/13 Mike -
Have you seen THIS...??
Check It Out Here
It's on HUNDREDS of people's
Facebook Walls...
Watch it before it's taken down
Click Here Now
Mike and Kristen
responder para -
Hello dearest one
2013/4/13 Susan Wong -
Hello dearest one,
Quite frankly, I know it may have sounded pretty strange for you on why I contact you as you are a complete stranger to me and I must tell you this, I contacted you for the simple reason that we do not know each other.
It would be very difficult for me to contact anybody here who knows me for this purpose as I may stand the risk and chance of being cheated because the person would have known my weaknesses as I may even lose my life that is why I decided to contact a complete stranger.My name is Mrs Sunsan Wong the only child of my parent.During the post electoral civil and political crisis in our country cote d"ivoire my parents were killed by heartless military that supported the incumbent president,lurant gbagbo that lose election and refuses to step down.
Fortunately for me, I was in the school in Ghana when this tragedy took place in my family. But I thank the almighty God because I never knew that I could survive the shock of losing almost my family.Right now I am still here in the country but very “unsafe”for me.I'm living in a great fear and bondage.I intend leaving this country as soon as possible but only one thing has kept me back.My late father has deposited the sum of $7.6Million USD. (SEVEN MILLION SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLARS).with one of the BANK here in my country.
The primary reason of contacting you is that my late father had a written agreement with the BANK that before I will come for the claim, I must be above 29years of age or I must present a business partner or business guarantor to make sure the money will be invested in a very lucrative and safe way. As I am writing to you, I am just 18yrs of age and life here is so difficult to cope with. There is no possibility for me to wait until I clock 29years before I go forth for the claim, if I should wait for that it means the money will be lost as my life is not guaranteed here in my country.
From the light of the above, my instinct tells me that I should trust you to act as my business partner so that the funds will be released to you on request and I could move over to your country and both of us have the funds invested in a good lucrative business area of your choice However you will help by recommending a nice University in your country so that I can complete my studies.
I wait to read from you if you accept my request as I promise to give you more detailed information.Awaiting for a positive response.
Mrs Sunsan Wong
Urgently Important
2013/4/13 Dr.Liu Tang -
I am Dr Liu Tang director of operations of the State Bank Of India.Business transaction for you reply for more details.Phone Number: +918826639568, Email:
2013/4/14 JOHAN ABDULLAH -
Good Day Friend,
I am JOHAN ABDULLAH, chief accountant . A deceased client of our bank, a national of your country,whom you share the same last name
with.My late Client has adeposit of ($18.5MILLION) Eighteen Million And Five Hundred Thousand Dollar lodged in the bank here in Malaysia .
A wealthy business man who died as the result of a heart-related conditionon march 12th 2005.his heart condition was due to the death of all the
members of his family in the tsunami disaster|.: FOR MORE INFOMATION VISIT THE WEB SITE :
Contact me for more information.
Yours sincerely.
Account Manager
responder para -
2013/4/5 United Nations -
My name is Mr. Johnson Paul,from the United Nations.It is a distinct pleasure to write you again. As you are well aware many foreigners have invested thousands of United States Dollas into United Kingdom transactions in Hopeless Dreams to have none of them become a reality.Your file is one of the approved legitimate beneficiaries to receive part-payment of $10.5Million USD.
Right now,as directed by our secretary general Mr.Ban Ki-Moon,We have agreed with the United States Government that $100,000.00USD (One Hundred Thousand Dollas) would be paid to you through the Western Union Money Transfer Via special arrangement as first installment.This is to enable you have enough funds to pay for the Tax Clearance and bank charges before you will receive the balance of $10.4M USD (Ten Million Four Hundred Thousand Dollas Only).Please take note that you will pay $390.00 USD only being Notarization fee and this is the only financial obligation that you will undertake to receive the $100,000.00 USD (One Hundred Thousand Dollas Only)through the Western Union Money Transfer.please understand that if you are not readly to make the sum $390.00 Dollas to receive your first Installmental Payment of $100,000.00 USD please do not response to this email.
Based on the above subject matter,I would like you to urgently respond to this message with your full information so that I can process the Western Union Money Transfer on your behalf within the next 24 hours and release your fund.
1. Full name....
2. Country...........
3. Contact Address.......
4. Telephone Number......
5. Marital Status.........
6. Occupation.....
7. Age...
Sincerely yours,
Mr. Johnson Paul
E-mail ID:
Product Inquiry
2013/4/13 William Burton -
Having gone through your listed products, we offer great interest to
do a purchase agreement with your company. Please get back to us with
the following information.
1,Minimum Order
2,Payment Terms
3,Product Specification
4,Delivery Time
5,Country Of Origin
6,Sample Availability
7,Is Your Price Negotiable?
We would appreciate a quick reply.
Best Wishes,
William Burton
BOSCH ElcTech Group CO.Ltd.
A7/8 7641 BE,Wierden Brown PL.
responder para -
Attention:Dear Account Holder
2013/4/13 -
My Dearest Beloved,
My name is Christy Walton, a widow and business woman, an American Citizen. I have recently been diagnosed with esophageal cancer and a rare Heart Disease for 22 years, which has defiled all medical treatment. Expert diagnosis has shown that I have few months to live. I am worth $ 26.5 billion Dollars which I inherited from my late husband John T. Walton and which rates me as the second richest woman in the world.
The intention of this email is to employ the expertise of a Charity minded individual, who can identify a viable and guarantee reasonable distribution of my wealth to the needy. I cannot rely on family and closest relatives any more, as they did not show responsible behavior when I entrusted part of my wealth to them to distribute to charity organizations but instead used the money for their personal needs.
To prevent any more mishaps, my attorney will act as a check, monitoring every aspect of the Charity. My Will is with my Lawyer which my Family is fully aware about, But there is 5% of my Bank Worth which is £90,000,000.00 (Ninety Million British Pounds),about $137,052,000.00(One Hundred And Thirty Seven Million United States Dollars) which nobody is aware of except my attorney.
Please reply me back with your below details to enable us proceed further and please keep this confidential.
MOBILE NUMBER..............
MARITAL STATUS.............
God Bless You.
Mrs. Christy Walton
Em 13 de abril de 2013 14:20, INFO <> escreveu:
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Take advantage of our soft loan to upgrade you business
2013/4/14 LLOYDS TSB BANK PLC <>
47 Market Street Bradford
West Yorkshire BD1 1LW
Attention: Future Client,
This is to notify the general public that Lloyds TSB Bank Loan Service has opened an opportunity
to every one in need of any financial help. We give out loan to individuals, firms and companies
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Borrowers Information Needed Fill and Return.
Full Name:................................
Contact Address:.......................
Amount Needed as Loan:............
Loan Duration:...........................
Have you applied for a loan before?..........
In acknowledgment to this mail, we can start with the process of your loan. Contact us for more
information Via
Best Regard,
Jamshed Turaev
Immediately contact Mr. Adrian and Gillian Bayford for details
2013/4/13 Ellis, Antonine M -
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