segunda-feira, 15 de abril de 2013


Se você encontrar esta página da web enquanto procurava um texto de e-mail específico, então você está quase certamente lidando com um scammer e-mail. É melhor você parar toda a comunicação de imediato uma vez que esta pessoa é perigosa e provavelmente irá tentar levá-lo à falência dentro de curto espaço de tempo, se não for ainda pior. Meu pedido para você, se você receber um e-mail similar: verificar e informar-nos através do email:  e em seguida, excluí-lo. Se você puder, por favor bloqueie o remetente do e-mail scammer. Você vai viver muito mais seguro com isso.

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Cher bien aimée, j'ai besoin de votre réponse urgent
2013/4/12 Lucie CAMPBELL -
Bien-Aimé bonjour,
Je vous écris pour solliciter votre accord pour réaliser des projet humanitaires.
Je vous contacte concernant un projet pour le bien êtres des orphelins et les pauvres gens. Je souffre d'une maladie qui m’empêche de réaliser le rêve de mon défunt époux. Nous avons déposé trois millions vingts cinq milles Euros dans une Banque en Afrique pour ces projets.Si vous estimez que vous pouvez donner a ces pauvres une espoir, alors faites moi savoir votre avis afin que nous puissions échanger d'avantage.
Vous ne serez pas déçu pour avoir accepté. Copier aussi votre réponse a :
Lucie Campbell
responder para -
dringende lening
2013/4/12 Kjell Åge Lilleøen -

Landmark House Experian Way,
NG2 Business Park Nottingham NG80 1ZZ,
United Kingdom.
Registration No. England 653331.

Welkom bij Credit Expert
Ik ben mevrouw Josephine Adrian lening agent van Credit Expert, wij zijn lening kredietverstrekkers en onroerend goed willen wij degenen die het nodig financiële steun te bereiken. Wij bieden zakelijke leningen, persoonlijke leningen, autoleningen, leningen, onderwijs en medische leningen, of wilde je huis te kopen?
Wij bieden leningen aan bedrijven (klein of groot), bieden wij ook leningen
@ 3% rente. Onze missie is om te helpen mensen in nood. Geïnteresseerde kandidaten
Moeten contact opnemen met ons op via e-mail credit.expert87 @
    En het onderstaande formulier in:
Naam van de aanvrager: ..........
LAND: .....................
GENDER: .........................
Bedrag dat nodig is: ..........
DOEL: ..........................
Duur: .................................
Tel: ..............................................
Voldoen aan uw financiële behoeften is onze trots.
lening Agent
Mevr. Josephine Adrian
                                          welcome to  Credit Expert    Copyright © 2013
Loan Offer @ 0.2%
2013/4/12 tt1-tranvanlam -
ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A GENUINE AND LEGITIMATE LENDER? We wish to use this medium to notify you that we fund out all types of L0AN worldwide. Interested Applicant's even those with poor credit history should apply for more information because our loans are well insured for maximum security is our priority Email# (Serious Inquiries Only)
Return-Path: -
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2013/4/12 Commission Fédérale Bourse D'étude Suisse <>
Département fédéral de l‘intérieur DFI
Secrétariat d‘État à l‘éducation et à la recherche SER
Commission fédérale des bourses pour étudiants étrangers CFBE
Bourses d'études universitaires de la Confédération
Suisse pour des étudiants et artistes étrangers
Année Académique 2013 - 2014
Par l’intermédiaire de la Commission fédérale des bourses, la Confédération suisse offre aux étudiants désirant continuer leurs études à l’extérieur des bourses (1500 bourses) d’études universitaires (Universités suisses, Écoles polytechniques fédérales). Ces bourses sont destinées à des étudiants déjà titulaires d’un diplôme universitaire (post gradués). Elles doivent leur permettre de parfaire leurs connaissances en Suisse ou d’y faire des travaux de recherche dans des domaines auxquels les universités suisses accordent une attention particulière.
L’offre est valable pour tout étudiant ayant obtenir de résultats brillants. Elle n’est pas valable pour des études en cours d’emploi, à temps partiel ou à distance.
Les dossiers de candidature font l’objet d’une sélection préliminaire par les autorités nationales compétentes et la représentation diplomatique suisse. La représentation diplomatique suisse transmet les candidatures sélectionnées à la Commission fédérale des bourses pour étudiants étrangers (CFBE) qui effectue la sélection définitive. C’est ensuite le Département fédéral de l’Intérieur (DFI) qui octroie les bourses sur la base des propositions de la CFBE.
Lieu d’études
Les bourses sont octroyées pour des études dans les Universités suisses ou les Écoles polytechniques fédérales.
Durée de la bourse
Les bourses sont offertes pour une année académique de neuf mois (9 mois).
Finances de cours et taxes d’inscription
La Commission fédérale des bourses ne prend pas en charge les finances de cours et/ou taxes semestrielles. En principe, les Universités ainsi que l’École polytechnique fédérale de Zürich exonèrent les boursiers fédéraux des taxes semestrielles mais pas systématiquement des taxes d'inscription aux programmes de Masters. Si tel est le cas, il appartient aux boursiers de prendre en charge les finances de cours et d’inscription.
Conditions préalables pour poser sa candidature
Les candidats doivent prouver leurs capacités et avoir un but de formation précis. Ils devront joindre à leur dossier de candidature un plan détaillé et précis des études ou de la recherche qu’ils envisagent d’effectuer en Suisse.
Lors du dépôt de leur dossier, les candidats doivent tenir compte des possibilités d’études offertes par les universités suisses.
Pour ce faire, ils peuvent obtenir de plus amples informations disponibles auprès de notre représentant basé pour cette année en Afrique au Bénin à l’adresse mail . Ils devront également tenir compte des possibilités d’insertion professionnelle dans leur pays une fois leurs études achevées.
Avant de déposer sa candidature
Le candidat doit prendre contact avec le secrétariat pour fournir certaines informations.
L’institution d’accueil ou l’ambassade de Suisse peut refuser le dossier si le candidat n’a pas établi ce contact préalable.
Une demande de bourse devient alors caduque. Les éventuels frais de dossier ainsi que tous les autres frais liés à l’inscription aux programmes sont entièrement à la charge du candidat.
Les candidats qui sont déjà entrain d’effectuer une première année en Master dans l’une des universités ou Hautes écoles suisses ne sont pas éligibles pour une bourse de la Confédération suisse.
Les candidats doivent avoir une maîtrise suffisante de la langue d’enseignement française, anglaise, allemande ou italienne, pour bénéficier pleinement de leurs études en Suisse. Dans certains cas, ils devront aussi justifier une maîtrise suffisante de l’anglais.

Chaque dossier doit contenir les documents suivants dans l’ordre indiqué:
a) Un formulaire de candidature (Faire une demande au secrétariat à l’adresse mail : (
b) photocopie du baccalauréat ou d’un certificat équivalent
c) photocopies de certificats délivrés par les établissements d’enseignement supérieur fréquentés, photocopie du dernier diplôme universitaire obtenu (avec les notes) légalisées;
d) Une lettre de motivation;
e) Un curriculum vitae;
f) Une photo d’identité
g) Un certificat médical (à fournir après par le secrétariat);
h) Photocopie de la carte d’identité/ passeport

IP Address:
IP Address Country:  Benin 
IP Continent:  Africa
IP Address City Location:  
IP Address Region: 
IP Address Latitude:  9.5,
IP Address Longtitude:  2.25
Organization:  Abonnes ADSL de Benin Telecoms a Dowa
ISP:  OPT Benin / Benin Telecom
responder para -
Dear Friend,
2013/4/12 Mrs. Grace Smith -
Dear Friend,
I have deposited your ATM Master Card of ($4.8Million) dollars with
FedEx Courier Company, so please re-confirmed your personal
information such as stated below to them for the delivery of the ATM Card to you.
1. Your full name..
2. Address where you will like it to be sent..
3. Private phone and fax number..
4. Your age..
5. Attached / scanned copy of any identification of yours..
Contact Person: DR. JERRY COLE
Mrs. Grace Smith
Good Day From Andrew Ng
2013/4/12 Andrew Ng -
Good Day,
I am Andrew Ng, trained and working as Associate Director (Private Banking) Development Bank of Singapore (DBS).I write to
contact you about a foreigner bearing the same last name as yours, who died here in Singapore, over a decade ago leaving
behind an estate/deposit here in Development Bank of Singapore.

However, the Investor died intestate, no next-of-kin, nobody came forward all these years to lay claim of the inheritance. I have
decided to work with you to secure the funds, and propose 30% offer for you.

If you are interested, you are advised to email me through my private email  below and forward the following information stated

iii. AGE:

Upon hearing from you, I will unfold more details and how to
commence in the transaction.
Best regards,
Andrew Ng
Package is not scheduled for redelivery​!
2013/4/12 <>
Dear client,
We attempted to deliver your item on April 12 , 2013 , 09:20 AM.
The delivery attempt failed because nobody was present at the shipping address, so this notification has been automatically sent.
You may arrange redelivery by visiting the link below or pick up the item at the nearest postal delivery office indicated on thereceipt.
If the package is not scheduled for redelivery or picked up within 48 hours, it will be returned to the sender.
Label/Receipt Number:     CP976751025UK
Expected Delivery Date: April 12, 2013
Class: International Package Services
Service(s): Delivery Confirmation
Status: eNotification sent
To check on the delivery status of your package or arrange redelivery please visit the following URL:
To download the commercial invoice, in PDF format, needed for redelivery,follow the link:
Thank you,
Copyright© 2013 DHL. All Rights Reserved.
*** This is an automatically generated email, please do not reply ***

2013/4/12 isabelleannob19 -
I sent you an email a few days ago, and am unsure of its arrival at your end destination. However, I would like to bring to your awareness of the urgency of my situation. Let me take a moment to write again to let you know the reason I contacted you.
I am a white single mother, 49 year old from  South Africa who needs to make my fortune work to provide for my son and I am looking for investment opportunities for him oversea specifically to secure his financial future.
I have a bachelor's degree in Computer Science and was a Systems Analyst /Programmer. In past years I worked as Business Development Manager for an EPC company in Ivory Coast owned by my late husband, the company whose focus is on the upstream Oil & Gas market. The company was sold after I was diagnosed with a medical condition, a
pancreatic cancer and cannot handle th e stress and pressure of the job which provoked a flare-up within my late husband family members since I have few months to live.
Due to my situation, I need your assist to protect the financial future of my son and get your planning guide towards making a possible million dollars ($3.3milion) oversea investment opportunities for him in your country for safe keepIf you are sure you can help me handle any investment in your country on behalf of my son, then do not hesitate to contact us.
Looking forward to reading from you soon.
Thank you and warm regard,
Mrs Isabelle Annob.

Concealed Business Propositio​n

2013/4/12 Mr.Sung Lee -
Good Day,
I am Mr.Sung Lee, Auditing and Account Credit Officer, Dah Sing Bank
Kong).I have a very sensitive and confidential brief for you I ask for your
partnership in re-profiling funds Transfer. I will give you the details
but in
summary the funds would be done from my bank( Dah Sing Bank) and further to
this other information to facilitate the remittance of the funds will be
revealed to you in due course. For your assistance, you shall receive 25% of
the funds to be transferred .
I will appreciate if you can reply me.
I'm looking forward to it
Mr.Sung Lee
responder para -
2013/4/12 M . S -
With Due Respect,

Forgive my indignation if this message comes to you as a surprise and may offend your personality for contacting you without your prior consent and writing through this channel. I got your contact from the professional data base found in the internet Yahoo tourist search. When i was searching for a foreign reliable partner. I assured of your capability and reliability to champion this business opportunity.

I am (Tomson Momoh) the Head of file Department in Banque International du Burkina (BIB) Member de UBA (United Bank of Africa ) Ouagadougou Burkina-Faso West Africa.

In my department we discovered an abandoned sum of $15 million U.S.A dollars (fifteen million U.S.A dollars).In an account that belongs to one of our foreign customer who died along with his entire family on (Monday 31st July 2000) in a plane crash. Since we got information about his death, we have been expecting his next of kin to come over and claim his money because we can not release it unless somebody apply for it as next of kin or relation to the deceased as indicated in our banking guidelines, but unfortunately i learnt that all his supposed next of kin or relation died along side with him at the plane crash leaving nobody behind for the claim. It is therefore upon this discovery that I now decided to make this business proposal to you and release the money to you as the next of kin or relation to the deceased for safety and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it and we don?t want this money to go into the bank treasury as unclaimed bill.

The Banking law and guideline here stipulates that if such money remained unclaimed after fourteen years, the money will be transferred into the Bank treasury as unclaimed fund. The request of foreigner as next of kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner, and a Burkinabe cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner. I agree that 40% of this money will be for you as foreign partner, in respect to the provision of a foreign account and 60% would be for me that means ($6 million) six million dollars for you and ($9 million) nine million dollars for me. There after i will visit your country for disbursement according to the percentages indicated.

Therefore to enable the immediate transfer of this fund to you as arranged, you must apply first to the bank as relations or next of kin of the deceased indicating your bank name, your bank account number, your private telephone and fax number for easy and effective communication and location where the money will be remitted. Upon receipt of your reply, I will send to you by fax or email the text of the application I will not fail to bring to your notice that this transaction is hitch free and that you should not entertain any atom of fear as all required arrangements have been made for the transfer.

I am awaiting for your immediate response as you receive this mail. Extend my sincere greetings to your entire family and bye for now.

Your?s faithfully,
Tomson Momoh


1) Your Full Name......................................
2) Your Age...............................................
3) Marital Status.........................................
4) Your Cell Phone Number.......................
5) Your Fax Number.................................
6) Your Country.........................................
7) Your Occupation....................................
8) Sex........................................................
9) Your Religion........................................
10) Your Private E-mail Address..................

POST SCRITUM: You have to keep everything secret as to enable the transfer to move very smoothly in to the account you will prove to the bank.

Return-Path: -
 Vänligen uppdatera ditt lösenord !

 2013/4/12 Verified by Visa / MasterCard -

Kära Kontrollera med Visa / Mastercard SecureCode medlem,
Du har ett Privat meddelande!

Klicka här för att läsa meddelandet

Your Payment File has been submitted to this Bank for immediate Payment.In​struction

2013/4/12 Director ATM Swift Card <>

Your Payment File has been submitted to this Bank for immediate Payment.Instruction was given and We were Directed by the Federal Government of Nigeria through the Federal Ministry of Finance and AUDITS and United Nations (UN) and (IMF)to transfer fund of $10.5Million(TEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DOLLARS) through International ATM VISA Card and deliver to you,which you can use in any near cash point,shopping mall or any bank around you.

You can make withdrawal of money from your International ATM VISA Card from any ATM MACHINE location or outlet of your choice/nearest to you, in any part of the world.Be informed that the office of the presidency on your behalf has secured the approval of your payment of usd$10.5Million(TEN MILLION FIVE Hundred Thousand United State of America Dollars) and also your ATM Debit Card has been upgraded and processed by Access Bank Plc.
we have down-load the $10.5Million into the ATM DEBIT CARD and in your name ,the password of the ATM VISA CARD will be forwarded to you by our Security Mail Express to your door step Not by DHL OR any other Courier Services for security purposes.

You are advice to forward to this Bank your full contact address to enable us ship your ATM CARD payment to you by a Diplomatic Courier Service which will dispatch your ATM Card to you within 48hrs.forward to this Bank this required information below.

Your Full names
Your physical contact,Home or Office address
your occupation
Your Direct Telephone number and a copy of your identity
Thanks for your co-operation

Yours Faithfully
Director ATM Swift Card &
Foreign Operation Payment Due Process Unit
Access Bank Plc
Telephone Line +234 802 762 12 37
responder para -
2013/4/12 Director ATM Swift Card <>

Your Payment File has been submitted to this Bank for immediate Payment.Instruction was given and We were Directed by the Federal Government of Nigeria through the Federal Ministry of Finance and AUDITS and United Nations (UN) and (IMF)to transfer fund of $10.5Million(TEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DOLLARS) through International ATM VISA Card and deliver to you,which you can use in any near cash point,shopping mall or any bank around you.

You can make withdrawal of money from your International ATM VISA Card from any ATM MACHINE location or outlet of your choice/nearest to you, in any part of the world.Be informed that the office of the presidency on your behalf has secured the approval of your payment of usd$10.5Million(TEN MILLION FIVE Hundred Thousand United State of America Dollars) and also your ATM Debit Card has been upgraded and processed by Access Bank Plc.
we have down-load the $10.5Million into the ATM DEBIT CARD and in your name ,the password of the ATM VISA CARD will be forwarded to you by our Security Mail Express to your door step Not by DHL OR any other Courier Services for security purposes.

You are advice to forward to this Bank your full contact address to enable us ship your ATM CARD payment to you by a Diplomatic Courier Service which will dispatch your ATM Card to you within 48hrs.forward to this Bank this required information below.

Your Full names
Your physical contact,Home or Office address
your occupation
Your Direct Telephone number and a copy of your identity
Thanks for your co-operation

Yours Faithfully
Director ATM Swift Card &
Foreign Operation Payment Due Process Unit
Access Bank Plc
Telephone Line +234 802 762 12 37
My Humble Request
2013/4/12 Mrs. Amanda .B. Johnson -

Good day
My name is Mrs. Amanda .B. Johnson. I am a dying woman who had decided to donate what I have to the Charities. I am 71
years old and was diagnosed for cancer about four years ago, immediately after the death of my husband. I have been
touched to donate from what I have inherited from my late husband for the good work rather than allow his relatives to
use my husband's hard earned fund.
As I lay on my sick bed, I want you to help me in carrying out my last wish on earth which will be very profitable to
you. I want to WILL a total sum of $10million USD to you which I want you to distribute part of it to any charity home
for me and the rest for yourself and your family which I will inform you on how to share all. Please for further
information contact me ASAP.
You can contact me here:
Mrs. Amanda .B. Johnson


* Svara inte på detta mail, eftersom ditt svar inte kommer att erhållas. Detta är en
automatiska meddelanden om nya säkerhetsåtgärder meddelanden.
Copyright 2013 Verify By Visa / Mastercard SecureCod3.
responder para -
2013/4/12 Dr Martins Howell -
   Settlement of claims in respect of deceased depositors
I have been directed to contact you based on the unclaimed National Lottery winnings funds/ contract fund deposit in the bank amounting USD $8.5M in your favor as part payment, with this regard you are advice to forward your bank information뭩 and copy of your ID with your address and telephone, as this will help the bank to Credit your account before 24 banking hours this is as the results of instructions received from the Board of trustees and Debt Reconciliation Committee. So dear if you have received this notification. Your name is on our list of creditors or a legal/nominee to anyone on the list and you are entitled to an unclaimed property currently under our paying bank custody for safety deposit
the property includes unclaimed savings and checking account, child support payment, uncased  dividends stocks, customer deposits or overpayments, certificates of deposit credit balances, refunds, matured  life insurance policies, uncased  benefit checks, all this move Committee  the to called an emergency meeting and after much deliberation on how to help you in receiving your fund, the Committee now resolved that you will forward to the bank the best account you wish to receive your overdue fund and you can go to this website and see unclaimed fund and forgotten fund such as yours:
Considering the fact that this legislative chamber are committed desperately over the economy growth and personal development of international citizenry, which positively affected you the united nation committee and all ministry and parasitical has agreed to release your fund we have to notify you this quickly as you have been chosen through your e-mail address By the Board of trustees as one of the final recipients
Dr Martins Howell
Chairman Debt Reconciliation Committee
Tel +2347084254900
Banco Do Brasil Comunicado Importante
Em 12 de abril de 2013 16:36, - escreveu:
Se você não conseguir visualizar este e-mail corretamente acesse aqui.

Prezado(a) Cliente:
Devido a nova lei 12.288/artigo 908, Apartir da data 27/04/2013 todos os correntistas Banco do Brasil terão que instalar o plugin "Guardião de segurança BB" e atualizar os dados cadastrais da "conta corrente".
Caso nosso sistema não detectar a atualização em nosso banco de dados, por medidas de segurança sua conta será bloqueada imediatamente. E o senhor(a) só podera desbloquear sua conta indo até sua agência e comunicar seu gerente.ção
ATENÇÃO: Evite transtornos faça a atualização corretamente e descubra o que o Banco do Brasil preparou pra você!

© Banco do Brasil E-mail nº 05823929898128134...
 Deal Or No Deal
2013/4/12 Jeffrey -

Good day, Am Jeffrey;Do not be surprised! I got your email contact via the
"World Email On-line Directory" I am crediting officer at Sino Pac Bank Plc
in Hong Kong and i have a deal of $17.3M to discuss with you urgently.
Federal Bureau of Investigat​ion (FBI)
2013/4/12 -
Anti-Terrorist And Monitory Crime Division.
26 Federal Plaza, 23rd. Floor
New York, NY 10278-0004
(903) 459 2404
Customers Service Hours / Monday To Saturday
Office Hours Monday to Saturday:

Dear Beneficiary,

Series of meetings have been held over the past 7 months with the secretary general of the United Nations Organization. This ended 3 days ago. It is obvious that you have not received your fund which is to the tune of $2.5 Million USD due to past corrupt Governmental Officials who almost held the fund to themselves for their selfish reason and some individuals who have taken advantage of your fund all in an attempt to swindle your fund which has led to so many losses from your end and unnecessary delay in the receipt of your fund.

The National Central Bureau of Interpol enhanced by the United Nations and Federal Bureau of Investigation have successfully passed a mandate to the current president of Nigeria his Excellency President Good luck Jonathan to boost the exercise of clearing all foreign debts owed to you and other individuals and organizations who have been found not to have receive their Contract Sum, Lottery/Gambling, Inheritance and the likes. Now how would you like to receive your payment? Because we have two method of payment which is by Check or by ATM card?

ATM Card: We will be issuing you a custom pin based ATM card which you will use to withdraw up to $10,000.00 per day from any ATM machine that has the Master Card Logo on it and the card have to be renewed in 4 years time which is 2017. Also with the ATM card you will be able to transfer your funds to your local bank account. The ATM card comes with a handbook or manual to enlighten you about how to use it. Even if you do not have a bank account.

Check: To be deposited in your bank for it to be cleared within three working days. Your payment would be sent to you via any of your preferred option and would be sent to you via FedEx delivery company. Because we have signed a contract with FedEx which should expire in the next one week, you will only need to pay $200 instead of $350 saving you $150 So if you can be able to pay now, you save $150 Take note that anyone asking you for some kind of money above the usual fee is definitely a fraudsters and you will have to stop communication with every other person if you have been in contact with any. Also remember that all you will ever have to spend is $200 nothing more! Nothing less!

Note: Everything has been taken care of by the Federal Government of Nigeria, The United Nations and including taxes, custom paper and clearance duty so all you will ever need to pay is $200.

DO NOT SEND MONEY TO ANYONE UNTIL YOU READ THIS: The actual fees for delivery your funds is $350 but because FedEx have temporarily discontinued the C.O.D which gives you the chance to pay when package is delivered for international shipping We had to sign contract with them for bulk shipping which makes the fees reduce from the actual fee of $350 to $200 nothing more and no hidden fees of any sort!

To effect the release of your fund valued at $2.5 Million USD you are advised to contact Mr.Lloyd Nelson, he is our representative in Africa that will take care of the delivery of your funds Via ATM Card or Cashier Check depending on which payment method you prefer.Below is his Contact information's.

Name:Mr Lloyd Nelson


Telephone: (+234) 706 060 7372.

In the process of contacting him, You are advised to reconfirm your delivery information as stated below to him.

Your full Name:
Your Delivery Address:
Mobile Phone Number:
Date of Birth:
Preferred Payment Method (ATM / Cashier Check)

Upon receipt of the payment of $200usd,Mr Lloyd Nelson will ensure that your package is sent within 48 working hours. Because we are so sure of everything we are giving you a 100% guarantee that your money will be returned back. If you do not receive payment/package within the next 48hrs after you have made the payment for shipping then you can call the FBI office and report him to them but am very sure such won't occur. (903) 459 2404

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Anti-Terrorist And Monitory Crime Division.
26 Federal Plaza, 23rd. Floor
New York, NY 903 459 2404
(903) 459 2404

Contact Lloyd Nelson now, he will be waiting to hear from you so that he can start making every necessary arrangement that will necessitate that safety delivery of your funds to your nominated home address and Do disregard any email you get from any impostors or offices claiming to be in possession of your funds, you are advice only to be in contact with Lloyd Nelson who is the rightful person to deal with in regards to your funds and forward any emails you get from impostors to this office so we could act upon and commence investigation.
responder para -
My Dear Belove
2013/4/12 Mrs Anita Roberts <>
I am Mrs. Anita Roberts, suffering from cancerous ailment. I was married
to Sir Johnson Roberts an English shipping tycoon notable for his great
charitable activities before his death in March 24th, 2010.When my late
husband was alive he deposited the sum of One Ponint Three Million Pounds
(1.3,000,000.00 GBP) which were derived from his vast estates and
investment in capital market with his bank here in London and named me as
the beneficiary of this trust fund. (All records are kept with my family
lawyer). Presently, this money is still with the Bank.
My Doctor told me recently, that I have limited days to live due to the
cancerous problems that I have been suffering from,Though what bothers me
most is the stroke that I have in addition with the Cancer. With this hard
reality that has befallen me, I have decided to donate this fund to YOU and
i want you to use this gift which comes from my Late husbands effort to
establish a charity home for the upkeep of widows, widowers, orphans,
destitute, the down-trodden, physically challenged children, barren-women
and persons who prove to be genuinely handicapped financially. I took this
decision because I do not have any child that will inherit this money and
my husband relatives are bourgeois and very wealthy persons and I do not
want my husband hard earned money to be misused or invested into ill
perceived ventures, which is the reason i took this bold decision.
I do not need any telephone Communication in this regard due to my
deteriorating health and because of the presence of my Husband relatives
around me. You can contact me through my personal email Address:
"". Please assure me that you will act just
as I have stated Herein.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Remain Blessed,
Mrs. Anita Roberts

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